Masters Running


Tuesday 9/25/18 Round Two (Read 42 times)


    Mariposai having fun smoking with the Cool Cats.


    Jlynne making progress with 5.62.


    PBJ spinning with hopes of a target pace at at race.


    Joe#1 Rocks his new nationality with a touch of irony.


    Anneb trying not to trip over some nut in the dark with a cool 3.8.


    Wildchild find friends so she could run with the Devil.


    TowWhite crossing a 40 min Arc into a 20 min ride.


    Dave59 pigging out with the family. I'd love to hear the stories and family folk lore.


    Tramps trying to ensure cover through another drenching. I'm sorry to hear about your aunt.


    Runner KSA knocking out 5.1 om the dreadmill.


    Deez4Boys mixing up so heavy work outs. Then claiming she's taking it easy.


    Quickadder with a history lesson.


    Mrrun powering up with 4 in the morning adding a little fellowship cross training.


    Evanflein dreaming of wine just after lunch.


    Tetsujin209 doing some true blue recycling to and from the office a couple of times. I've never once won an award for forgetting keys.


    Falconfixer's enjoying a crowning achievement because he didn't brace himself for 4.2.


    Twocat working on three laps adding a little editorial self abuse. Twocat, most people who have been published realize that editors are idiots.


    DW and I made it back from the sleepy little village of Munising MI.  Saturday and Sunday we both knocked out 6 miles hikes. A new PR for DW.  The route to Mosquito Falls in the most difficult two miles I can recall putting in.



    It was well worth the adventure.






      Deez4Boys mixing up so heavy work outs. Then claiming she's taking it easy.



      HAHAHA!!!  Today was a triple threat, killer workout -- 30 min spin, 30 min core class, 55 min Body Pump!!!


      I have a 90 min combo massage/myofascial release treatment scheduled later this morning - I think the therapist is going to have a lot to work on!!  Also have an appointment to beautify my hair this afternoon and a LIFT concert at church tonight!!  Full day, but also built in time to be with my MIL who has been living with us since mid-August.


      Looks like tough footing on the trail Steve - beautiful!!


      Have a Terrific Tuesday my friends!!



      Trails are hard!

        Steve--that may be stretching things to call that a trail.   Well done round up, too.


        3.1 lake loop miles yet again.  What I would call IRC at 48°, with no breeze.  Garmin battery died part way through, which bugs me, even though I still haven't quite figured out why it upload to Connect.  Based on a little research, it appears that the latest software update has something to do with it.  I'm wondering if Garmin just wants to annoy the latest 305 owners into getting something newer.

        Need a fast half for late fall.  Then I need to actually train for it.


          Um, no- beautiful, but NOT a trail!  Love the picture.


          3.1 this morning and I fear it might be the last run for awhile.  Doc appt today for the foot thing and I suspect a stress fracture on the top of my foot.  (my law degree makes me very qualified to make a medical diagnosis, of course).  Stay tuned. 

          Out there running since dinosaurs roamed the earth



          Marathon Iowa 2014

            Deez - that's a serious triple play.  Makes my spinerrooni/fizzy lifting/TM combination look pretty weak!


            Joe and Falcon - thanks for the Chickamauga tips.  Long-suffering Mrs. PBJ is a civil war battlefield fanatic, so this marathon is the perfect combination for us.


            Today - 8 easy on the TM planned, as it's raining cats and dogs here.


              2.2 easy jog until a little old lady walked past me in the last 1/4 mile, so I started running and got home just as the rain started- perfect timing and I didn’t break any rules๐Ÿ˜‡.


                3.05 this morning. Still recovering from my short 3-day trip. I ran Saturday, but it felt like that was weeks ago when I started this morning.




                  4.9 boring neighborhood miles before work for me… this is becoming a trend ๐Ÿ™„


                  But, extra points for going out in the rain (although in fairness it was so light I didn’t know it was raining ahead of time AND it was a warm 68). Changed the batteries in the headlamp so I could see til it got light.


                  Beautiful pic, Steve!


                    ...20-min x bike


                    ................meeting with a Running Buddy for lunch,

                    hopefully hitting the Y afterwards


                    could be a Run Til You Puke Moment

                    ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....


                      tuesday morning is now tai chi for me. still undecided but since it includes a mile walk to get there it's a good way to start the morning.  rained during class, but had stopped on way home


                      today is DS bday, so we're celebrating with GD2 who I'll pick up from school and get either cake or cupcakes - her choice. his wife is still in hong kong as her dad was in the hospital but appears to be improving.


                      trail - a trail by any other name...


                      enjoy your tuesday!


                        Steve - brilliant round-up as usual. The photo does look like the trails I usually run.


                        7.3 road miles with DD early this morning. 73 dewpoint and finished just before the rain started. Normally I get to run a real easy pace when I run with DD, but this morning she decided to ride her bike (she has completed 2 mini-triathlons the past 2 weekends) so I was close to GMP and she rode a real easy pace.

                        Started running at age 60.

                        AG 60-64 PR - 5K 25:45, 10K 53:28, HM 1:57:39, Marathon 4:32:09

                        AG 65-69 PR - 5K 26:11, HM 2:02:39, Marathon 5:04:47


                        Upcoming race: Contraband 5 miler 5/4/24 




                          Joe and Falcon - thanks for the Chickamauga tips.  Long-suffering Mrs. PBJ is a civil war battlefield fanatic, so this marathon is the perfect combination for us.



                          You are welcome.   She'll enjoy the time there.   As I recall, they allowed traffic on the battlefield roads during the race, so she could still get around if she wishes while you run.


                          KSA...hope it's not a stress fracture.   Ugh.


                          Took two days off from running after the marathon on Sunday.   Back out tomorrow.   Adapted final training plan between now and Monumental Marathon in Indy on November 2.   Gotta get in the miles to hold up the pace late.


                          Rock your Tuesday, folks.


                          I have nothing particularly clever or profound to add as a tag to each message...I just like to run.   

                            Enduring the not-running!

                            I decided to take a few days off to "fix" my hip pain, and after 4 days off it doesn't hurt much at all to do normal everyday stuff. I was a little disappointed when after 3 days it still ached or sent pains when I moved in a certain way, and was tempted to go running because it didn't seem to matter; but I didn't. I think I'll go a whole week () rather than throw away the 4 days I've already logged toward recovery. I don't want to start all over again.


                            carry on, runners!

                            60-64 age group  -  University of Oregon alumni  -  Irreverent and Annoying

                              XRay didn't show a stress fracture but I need to get an MRI.  I'm in a boot.  It's a nice boot, but there goes my race this weekend.  Fortunately, I had socks and running shoes at the office so I could put the running shoe on my right foot to elevate me up more than my nice flats did and have somewhat even height to match the boot.  Not happy.....

                              Out there running since dinosaurs roamed the earth



                                unfortunately, a stress fx won't show up on an xray until it's been there several weeks is my understanding, but will show on an MRI. when I had my leg issues earlier this past spring, even the xray was negative, my sports doc diagnosing protocol still leaned heavy in favor of a stress fx, so I erred on the side of caution and treated it as one.


                                had a nice weekend away in the Sonoma area (actually much closer to Petaluma). did a little shopping, some relaxing, concert. but no running. It was too much driving though for too short of a trip. we decided we wouldn't do that again.


                                Ran 6.5 miles last night after work. Today and through the rest of the week we are back up to 90's. I'm so done with those temps.

