Masters Running


Sunday Daily 1.12.14 (Read 37 times)


    Evan.....Speedstars, size 10 or 10.5, and the last pair on earth???!!!  Those are MY favourite running shoes!  Just in case anything happens to you.....can I have them?

    Feel the love.


    Mostly lurking or drive-by posts this week, which may be indicative of how things will be for awhile as I adjust to my new work situation. I try to read regularly, though.


    I missed the arrival of NHLA, though. Hi and welcome! Nice pics yesterday.


    Watched the Pats solid win yesterday so I was a little sluggish this morning at 6 but managed 13.5 at a decent clip. It was nice to finally see some sunshine after a gray nasty weather week. Temps were already in the upper 30s at 7 a.m. but there was still plenty of black ice everywhere.


    Busy week and plenty of running-unfriendly weather meant I didn’t make it to my goal of 40 this week. The nice thing about Mondays is you get to reset the counter and try again.

    Be safe. Be kind.


      Hey Tramps and all those to follow.


      Still wondering what happened to the Colts but you can't make mistakes at this stage and expect to win. Ah well.


      Nice pics NHLA and welcome.


      Got some recovery miles this morning and now off to ref class and later to the Home and Garden show. Busy day ahead.



      "He conquers who endures" - Persius
      "Every workout should have a purpose. Every purpose should link back to achieving a training objective." - Spaniel


        Mornin' Tramps, C-R, and everyone else!


        I try to buy my shoes at the local running store because I believe it is important to support our local retailers. However, when I go online for running/racewalking shoes, I go to Running Warehouse.


        I also want to say "hi" to NHLA, and welcome!


        Nice run this morning, Tramps. You got sun?? Nice.


        Have fun at the H&G show, C-R.


        10.25 racewalking miles early this morning (pre-sun rise). It was in the lower 40s and breezy, so I just had a nylon vest over my shirt this morning. The roads were wet from yesterday's melting snows, but that was OK. Then I hit some skim ice over the last mile+, and that wasn't OK. I had to slow down a lot to make sure I didn't do a butt-plant. I still don't know where that ice came from. Tomorrow is DW's birthday, so we'll be starting the celebration today with dinner at one of our favorite restaurants in Kittery Point, ME.


        Have a greta Sunday!



        Without ice cream there would be darkness and chaos.

          Running partner was sick this instead of running long, ran a 7 mile progression...


          Now to shower ...

          Looking for a place to Happen, making stops along the way - The Hip

            You wouldn't know it is after 8am out there.....still so dark, windy and rainy.  Maybe TM?

            About running shoes....I noticed in the last Runner's World an ad for buying shoes from Amazon - with free returns.  I am sure this is an attempt to get business back from, who have always had a free return policy.

            "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."


              Good morning guys and all to follow. Oops! Enke slipped in while I was writing. How's your dating life these days?  Happy birthday to your DW Jay. Hope you buy her that new car she's been wanting


              Also wanted to welcome NHLA. Can you tell us more about yourself if we're not being too nosy?


              Hey Steve - congrats on all of the new grandbabies coming!  You've been missed - please start posting more regularly.


              I had a personal training session last Friday that really kicked my butt. Tobadas including planks, push-ups, sit-ups, mountain climbers, lunges and other assorted tortures. It's been two days and everything still hurts. Two slow miles on the treadmill this morning, 3 on the bike and 30 minutes of core and foam roller trying to get the "kinks" out.


              Some great football last night, though New Orleans and Indy had chances. Not a big fan of the 49er's coach so I'm hoping that Carolina gives them a good fight.


              We had some freezing rain here last Friday and our driveway (which is on an incline) is still like an ice rink. Coming home from the Y this morning, DH could not even get our car back in the garage. We had to park it out on the street and carefully walk to the house. I see bags of salt and an ice pick in my future. Tomorrow is DS#1 and DIL's birthdays. They were born on the same day, two years apart. DS has absolutely NO excuse for forgetting her birthday   I'm cooking birthday dinner for everyone tonight.  Grilled shish kabobs, salad and chocolate cake, as requested.


                I buy most of my shoes at the NB outlet and at the local running store. I'd rather try them on before I make a purchase.

                Sun was out and no trace of ice- low 40's. Did 5 miles along the Charles and met Marj a couple of times along the route. She was running a longer one. I mostly ran with a tailwind and took the T home. Many runners in T shirts and shorts.

                King of PhotoShop

                  My first decent run since this cold is over.  Did a slow 8 at the lake, and that was enough.  Making lamb vindaloo for dinner.   Off to shower and make myself look presentable.  Spareribs

                    Hurray for feeling better and good runs. (So shall we take bets on how long the Ribs shower will need to be for "presentable looking" Ha!  Wink


                    Ran 17.6 miles this a.m. with some of my teammates. 8:20 overall pace with some speedy miles here and there in the middle. I had to grab my glasses to be sure I read the temperature gauge correctly this morning--40 degrees---windy, but without the re-freeze last night, the route was relatively ice-free. We were all complaining about tight hips and stabilizer muscles from the icier runs of the week. It was nice to get a break. It's still winter though, so I am not exhaling.


                    Happy Birthday to all the celebrants at JLynne's! I'll be heading out in my car to join them for dinner tonight---who needs a ride? I'll pick you up along the way. Kidding I am of course, but sounds great and good fun.


                    Good day all

                      Happy Birthday to all the celebrants at JLynne's! I'll be heading out in my car to join them for dinner tonight---who needs a ride? I'll pick you up along the way. Kidding I am of course, but sounds great and good fun.




                      I need a ride CNY!!!  Let's go on a road trip!!


                      I finally went to New England Running Company yesterday and bought a new pair of Saucony 6 with the gift certificate I won in a raffle in September!!  I was happy they had my size so I didnt have to spend extra on the guide 7 -- will keep this pair in the box a while longer tho then start breaking them in for Boston.  Funny thing - it's my 4th pair of this model but will be the first time in the same color as I ran in Boston last year - good karma!!


                      11.5 miles with my MVS friends at the hosted run this morning - great, hilly course!!  I have a new appreciation lately for rolling hills and am enjoying the challenge!!   5.2 easy miles yesterday - trying to run 4x/week and struggling to get my total up to and over 30 but it will happen!


                        ....Still wondering what happened to the Colts but you can't make mistakes at this stage and expect to win. Ah well.



               try being a Brown's Fan for a while.......



                        really wish

                        my OldCoach

                        would switch teams



                        currently restly the L-foot StoneBruise so I can focus on the R-leg hip


                        eyebrows, however, are feeling Great....


                        ........................good running guys

                        ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....

                        Marathon Maniac #957



                          eyebrows, however, are feeling Great....



                          Well THAT's a relief....  Hope the other parts come around soon as well.


                          Some nice running going out there today.


                          Re: shoes, I admit I usually go to Google Shopping, sort by price, and buy the first Saucony Ride I can find in my size - regardless of color.  Twice a year, our local running store has a big sale, and I go to that and stock up if I can find my size.  I did buy the Echelon this year instead of the Ride at their sale and seem none the worse for wear from it, so I may continue with that style.


                          32 degree this morning, which felt warm in spite of the wind.  I ran 16 miles outside, with a couple of speedier miles (8:38, 8:42) in the middle just to see if I can still do it, but then I turned back into the wind and settled for slow.

                          Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."


                            Welcome NHLA, those are very nice pictures. I just told my DH that I want to do a marathon in NC after seeing your pics.

                            Erika, very nice progression miles yesterday. I am with you about the home-caring. Now that my son Daniel is back to college I plan to do some serious cleaning this afternoon (Daniel attracts many visitors daily to our house).

                            Holly, thanks for your sweet comment.  You are an inspiration too, dear sistahhh.

                            Tramps, new work situation? Care to share?

                            SeveP, it is so good to see you here.

                            C-R, home garden show already? wow.

                            Coastwalker, nice 10.2 miles today. Those black ice spots can be dangerous. A butterfly hug to your DW on her birthday.

                            Enkie, did you embrace the TM today? It was dark until late  here as well.

                            Jllyne, how do you like your personal trainer? The list of exercises looks very good.I enjoy my planks and I just managed to do 3x10 real push-ups this week, I was mighty happy with my progress.

                            Spareribs, lamb vindaloo, save a bowl for me!

                            Tetsujin, aka taper boy, look at you another marathon conquered while in Japan. Cool new avatar!

                            I am wondering if Twocat woke up on the right side of the bed .


                            16 miles today on very, very tired legs and low energy (I did a tempo  run yesterday afternoon and I did not have breakfast before I left). Two chatting miles, but then I was left to conquer the miles on my own. I witness a very cool sunrise!


                            Everybody loves Spareribs as long as it comes with a little sauce!!

                            "Champions are everywhereall you need is to train them properly..." ~Arthur Lydiard



                     try being a Brown's Fan for a while.......



                              We tried importing that Richardson guy from there and you see how that worked out. Enjoy that 1st round draft pick. Sometimes it's tough to be a fan but sticking in there during lean times makes the good times that much more fun.


                              Umm Nice Ribs.

                              "He conquers who endures" - Persius
                              "Every workout should have a purpose. Every purpose should link back to achieving a training objective." - Spaniel


                              MM#209 / JapanJoyful#803

                                Not that it reminds me of anyone (or anyone:s RP in case it was a ruse), next to the otherwise cute *stupid skii club* Japlish t-shirts on university ski club members in pre-season training around the 5K perimeter of the Imperial Palace when I was over here before in the eighties, the *Let:s vomit* one on a gal in yesterday`s 15th Annual Award`s Marathon sponsored by the Japan 100-Marathon Joyful Running Club honoring members who achieved from their 100th to 1,000th lifetime marathons in 2013 fit me to a T too as it was another dose of reality about the aging proccess in that it took 7hr/48min to cover 42.195KM in the wooden geta I was planning on wearing for the 7-hour cutoff in the February Tokyo Marathon if flying back over here again then works out. I guess I`ll hope for better luck wearing my favorite lightweight waraji straw sandals in one next weekend before having to fly back across the Pacific Ocean to reality right afterwards. Otherwise, anyone want a Tokyo Marathon entry?. oh well.


                                ps - avatar with Mt. Fuji backdrop way down the beach is from last wekend`s Enoshima Marathon. Everyone else ran on the bike path above the beach but I couldn:t resist 16km of sandy barefoot running.  No wonder I love running so much

                                "Enjoy yourself. Your younger days never come again." 100yo T. Igarashi to me in geta at top of Mt. Fuji (8/2/87)
