Masters Running


Wednesday 12/5/18 (Read 41 times)


    Coastwalker hit the road at J o'clock and logged 7.895 RW miles.


    I bet you
    can't post as fast as BTY swims.

    Truer words have not been spoken..typed.


    Tetsujin209 gives us a great deal to mull over. He has a fantastic cycle adventure 5.06 app miles. I was at the pharmacy debating on switching my multivitamin over to those marketed at adults of a certain age. I the current multi next to the product I was considering so I could do a compare and contrast. Then I got the pharmacist involved. The line targeted for old folks has smaller print. I'm sure that's no accident.


    RunnerKSA has her morning run looking up. 3%. She gets in 3.6, before work, 1.5 during a break before heading down to a government office.


    Dave59 moves back into running (Yay!!!) and the new age. He cooked up a homemade 5K with a side of 64GB. For desert, he'll irritate his daughter.


    Jlynne was the woman of the hour on the elliptical, knocked out weights and worked the core.


    HollyS has 5 on the mill with a sore foot. (Boo).


    Buehrle makes a grand return!!!! I'm sorry to hear you've been ill. She's lost weight this time of year!


    Tramps stomps out 17+ on the cycle. If you don't already, start out riding into the wind as often as possible. You don't want to work up a seat this time of year then have the wind cool you off.


    TammyinGP plans a cool nooner. She successfully pumps out 5.


    Tom White pumps out 40 on the ARC. That equipment looks like it could be fun.



    Huh? You mean the private sector in Ohio doesn't get all state and federal holidays off?   In Japan, the U.S. employer gave both U.S. and Japan holidays off  = 25 automatic paid holidays s yesr





    That’s it!  I’m moving back to Japan!



    There has to be some benefits to living over there. I've lost count of the documentaries I've seen where people are out having a nice - pleasant day. Then some 60' lizard, bug, worm, bird or three headed lizard/bird starts wrecking everything. I can't imagine what property insurance rates are in Japan. It's not unusual for me to go in on holidays to get somethings done without interruption.


    Deez4boyz gets in a pre-work 10K. DH's hours are unhealthy. My heart goes out to him.


    Joe618 prepares for auditors. (bleah). It makes my brain numb thinking of it. His feets be growing. I'm up to a 13 in Hokas.


    Rochrunner gets on his training wheels for 8ish miles then steps up to another 3 while walking. I've not looked at any Rhodale Press magazines even before the digital age because the articles are recycled fluff.


    Wildchild's run nearly swept her off her feet as she's getting close to the more miles than degrees club. She works out 7 in 140F.




    Hi Runners,


    Jay, I do want to respond to your question about what to do after retirement.  I've been pondering the question for about 26 years.




    Everyday is Saturday. Question answered.


    BTY has a crazy ambitious pool workout planned. He dries the gills for 1.75 on his feet miles.


    Runr_nut is going to the dogs and gets out 4.5 miles.


    Falconfixer fires up 4.6 at lunchtime.


    Surly Bill has 7.75  miles.


    Evanflein has a long travel day so she can beat the hell out herself with friends.


    I got 4 miles on the treadmill and got my butt handed to me at work. It happens.


      Great recap as always, Steve, and good work yesterday, Masters.  We, collectively, accomplish a lot.  There are those who could learn from us!


      Very cold outside so 3.3 miles on the treadmill downstairs.  Rushing to get ready for the day now.  Basketball game tonight.


      Got down to the gym for some short running on the TM (1.5) and some PT exercises.  4.8 for the day.    I've eaten about a pound of fudge today from a neighboring department.  Ugh.

      Out there running since dinosaurs roamed the earth



        Mornin' everyone.


        Thanks again for the recap/start, Steve. Have fun at the b-ball game tonight, KSA.


        I also have to share the bed, especially in the winter, with the cat who wants some of my body heat. She leaves DW alone - that's what I get for being the one who feeds the cat. Like Evanflein, I get contorted into strange and unusual positions by said cat who couldn't care less.


        There are those who could learn from us!

        I'm sure that's true. But what scares me is what they might learn!


        I was on sproinkless legs for my workout yesterday, so I tried to make up for it today with some mile fartleks. It was my first fartlek workout in quite a while, and I wasn't impressed. But it did help me warm up 'cause I was a little under-dressed for the 20° temps. 6.7 RW miles at 4:05am. The sliver 'o moon that was there yesterday has slithered away, leaving Venus on her own in the eastern sky.


        Have a greta Wednesday.



        Without ice cream there would be darkness and chaos.


          Good morning folks. Thanks for the enjoyable recap Steve. What is your butt doing in your hands after all you do for that place? I hope you're still looking...


          Have fun at the Bball game tonight KSA.


          Your temps are the same as here Jay. 4:05? Really? I thought I was up early at 5:30.


          Have fun in The Big Apple Erika!


          Tet. I'm not sure about the coaching situation, and it's too bad Mr. Holmgren has been downgraded to doing commercials. He was a good guy. My DH does tours at Lambeau Field and the employee Christmas party is tomorrow night. This includes the players and coaches. I'm wondering how the McCarthy firing is going to affect the spirit of the event.


          4.95 miles in 21° with a good wind out of the SW. Finished with 20 minutes of good stretching and some core stuff. Off to play Wilma Wonka for the day.


          RIP #41


          Trails are hard!

            Good morning, all.  No running recently, but 1/2 hour of walking Maggie at 6am in 21° before departing for work.  It's been 18 years since we've had a puppy and much of the remembrances of energy, nipping, and chewing have been lost in the fog.  DW gets the majority of it (short interruption while all the ladies say "So, what else is new?") while I'm at work, but I try to tire her out when I get home.


            And relative to a portion of yesterday's discussions, we gave up right off the bat and she's sleeping on our bed right from the start.  My major complaint is not so much space as she anchors down the covers and end up trying to yank them back to keep my butt covered.  But she pretty much sleeps through.

            Need a fast half for late fall.  Then I need to actually train for it.


            Marathon Maniac #957

              Kevin - lucky you!  One problem with tiny dog puppies is that they have tiny bladders.  I am not even attempting to housetrain Rudy yet.  (He is 9.5 weeks and a little less than 4 lbs.) We let him roam free on the kitchen tile when we are home and he literally pees every 10 minutes.  He stays in a newspaper-lined pen when we are gone.


              3 miles on the TM this morning, plus PT stretches and exercises.  I could have run more but let the time get away from me puttering around at other things before work.  Probably will x-train with weights or swimming tomorrow, and may try a longish run on Friday (10 miles).

              Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."


                Jlynne--ouch. Yeah, I can't imagine there's much to celebrate at Lambeau this year.


                Sometimes we miss our dogs...but not enough to start over with new ones. It's nice to be able to travel without needing to make arrangements, etc.


                I did a 6.3 mile brisk-walk. I'm not sure what to call these. Not a run, not race-walking, not a regular walk pace but I don't think it qualifies as power-walking either. "Brisk-walk" for now.

                Just a few flakes of snow this morning, our first of the season. You had to look hard to see them, though.

                Be safe. Be kind.


                Trails are hard!



                  Sometimes we miss our dogs...but not enough to start over with new ones. It's nice to be able to travel without needing to make arrangements, etc.



                  Yeah, we spent the last five years saying that, and it's nice to walk across the yard without looking for landmines, etc. But after losing our last cat in March, the house just felt empty.  And then we lost our minds.

                  Need a fast half for late fall.  Then I need to actually train for it.



                    Jlynne--ouch. Yeah, I can't imagine there's much to celebrate at Lambeau this year.


                    Sometimes we miss our dogs...but not enough to start over with new ones. It's nice to be able to travel without needing to make arrangements, etc.



                    I always liked Mike Holmgren.   He's probably aged out but a really good coach, IMHO.    Maybe hire Urban Meyer since he's taking early retirement??


                    We had one wonderful dog, Sammy, a Corgi, for about 15 years.   And, when he died, we decided to be a "One Dog Family", remembering Sammy well.   And being quite happy to travel when we wanted.


                    The "Seattle Softies" would not be a great name for a hard-hitting NHL team.   But the Totems??


                    Took the day off from running today...have an upper ITB sorness that rest helps a bit.   It was better on the 5 miler yesterday so giving it a day off.  Turned out to be a good decision...we had a light snowfall overnight but the temps were right at the freezing mark and the streets were very, very icy this morning.   Many accidents in the city for the morning drive and many many cars in ditches.   I saw three cars spin out just as I drove to work.   Good morning to not be running on said streets with said drivers.


                    Steve, your recap always makes me smile...thank you for investing that time for us each day!!!!


                    Enjoy your Wednesdays!




                    I have nothing particularly clever or profound to add as a tag to each message...I just like to run.   


                      We've had dogs, and always between 2 and 4 of them, for the last 18 yrs. When we plan trips, which really isn't even all that often, it would certainly be nice to not have to make arrangements for them, but on the other hand, I can't imagine our household without dogs, but on the other hand, it would sure be nice to not deal with vacuuming/sweeping dog hair every day, but on the other hand, who would force me to get out and run on days when I don't really feel like, but on the other hand, we'd probably save quite a bit of $ between dog food and vet visits, but on the other hand . . . ok, you get my quandry. 

                      Will get out for a run after work. Either the HS track or the TM. Probably my last run before I can don my shorts, tshirts and have to put on sunscreen.  Meeting tomorrow after work, finishing up packing Friday evening and then leave Saturday morning to go get David   Can't believe my little boy, young man, will be 19 next week!


                      oh, and what was this thing I saw in yesterday's daily about SS benefits and being born before 1954? my husband is drawing SS benefits but born in 1954. Is he eligible for something else we aren't aware of??


                        ...30s and Snow//////////


                        that is just so Wrong

                        on so many different levels




                        ...40-min PoolRun/shoes.......

                        ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....

                          Great recap, Steve! 


                          I'm still here, but obviously not running and seem to have lost my mojo for anything else right now.  Work is very stressful and I'm trying to workout the logistics of getting the surgery, the post-surgery restrictions, how they will affect being able to work, blah, blah, blah, waa, waa, waa . . .


                          I talked to the surgery scheduler yesterday and (1) she couldn't answer any questions for me and (2) said they don't give specific dates for surgery but call people generally before 1:00 p.m. the day prior and tell people they will need to be in surgery the next day.  . . . WHAT???  I asked, "So you can't give me a date for this?" "No.  We call people when we know an operating room will be available."  what???  I told her I'm coming from 6 hrs away, have to let work know, etc. - nothing.  Either I'm not understanding, she was telling me the wrong information, or they have a really stupid set up.  Could be all three.  So now I've left my 3rd message in 2 weeks with the medical assistant for information.  *sigh* The doc may have been great, but the follow up ain't gettin' too many gold stars at this point.


                          I'm looking forward to a hopefully less stressful new year.  I haven't had even a decently less stressful year since my dad got sick and died the summer of 2015.  I'm not sure how much more of this I can take . . .


                          However, the following quote was in a book I'm reading by Cory Reese - "Into the Furnace" - about his Badwater run:


                          "I hope there are days when you fall in love with being alive." - Unknown



                          For all its stresses, I have a darn good life and am in love with being alive.

                          Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                          Trail Runner Nation

                          Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                          Bare Performance



                            ...30s and Snow//////////


                            that is just so Wrong

                            on so many different levels




                            ...40-min PoolRun/shoes.......




                            Kind of an off day for me. I'll try to keep 10,000 steps a day streak alive by going for a couple walks.  I found accidentally that I can get my step count up by using my left hand to hold my Pure Flow Cordless Massager when I work on my calf.  (My Garmin is on my left arm and is apparently fooled by the vibrations.)  But I don't want to cheat to reach my goal.




                            Trails are hard!

                              Nice collection, Dave. Even if they are all wrong.

                              Need a fast half for late fall.  Then I need to actually train for it.


                              Marathon Maniac #957


                                oh, and what was this thing I saw in yesterday's daily about SS benefits and being born before 1954? my husband is drawing SS benefits but born in 1954. Is he eligible for something else we aren't aware of??


                                I think it was something about being able to draw benefits and still be employed fulltime?

                                Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."
