Masters Running


Tuesday, March 15th daily (Read 604 times)

Mr. Chip & Mizz Rizzo

    Good Morning and Happy Tuesday!


    Welcome to the group Mike E!  


    {{{Tim}}} I hope things aren't that serious and that you'll hang around here still!    We all bought non-refundable tickets to the Timbo - Slo smackdown!  Wink


    Out for 4 miles with Brinkley and then switched and took B'Nellie out for 2,  total 6 miles @ 9:55 avg. pace.    Even though the afternoons are suppose to get warmer, the morning is still quite cold at 28°.




    "My sunshine doesn't come from the skies,
    It comes from the love in my dog's eyes."



      Good morning Mary and all to follow. Nice run with the doggies this morning, Mary. Any pregnancy news to report?


      Steve - sounds like things are a little tough at your place of employment these days. Hang in there. I also forgot to comment on the great Grandpa/Noah pictures from last weekend. The one of you and the young man in the superman outfit was the best.


      Good luck OM.I hope your procedure goes well. Keep running in the meantime - it's great for your mental health.  My niece was just diagnosed with stage 2 breast cancer and she's now suffering the effects of the chemo/radiation. I feel so bad for her.


      Perch - you're going to kill that race. Stop worring about the hills. You have trained hard and you're running so strong right now. Piece of cake!


      Enke - sorry for all the rain. I heard on the news yesterday that we've had snow on the ground for 97 days in a row here. And - though we lost a lot of it, it doesn't look like it's going away any time soon.


      No baby news. Tomorrow will be the day if my DIL doesn't go into labor today. My buddy Will and I will be hanging out. Not sure how he's going to react to this new arrival. Smile


      6 miles on the eliptical this morning with some machines and free weights for upper body. Got a PT appt this morning and I'm hoping for clearance to run a little. Wish me luck!


      Here's a different quote for your day: "Everybody wants to be somebody. The thing you have to do is give them confidence they can. You have to give a kid a dream."  - George Foreman

        I was pretty determined to get a run in this morning as I haven't run a step in two weeks.  So I'm laying in bed and I glance over at the clock and it says 5:26 AM.  Okay, time to get up.  I put on my running stuff and head for the door thinking to myself "Damn, I'm tired.  Still must not be used to DST".  As I reach the door i glance at the clock on the wall and it says 3:14 AM.




        I don't know if I was dreaming the time or if I just read it wrong initially.  But back to bed I went.  So later on, when it was REALLY 5:26 AM, I got out there and ran 3 miles easy.  9:19 pace.  Beautiful cool morning.  58° and 76%.



        "Some are the strong, silent type. You can't put your finger on exactly what it is they bring to the table until you run without them and then you realize that their steadiness fills a hole that leaks energy in their absence." - Kristin Armstrong

        Mr. Chip & Mizz Rizzo

          Good Luck JLynne!!   I have my fingers and toes crossed.  Smile     Do we know if the baby is a girl or boy?    No pregnancy news yet, I'll find out on the 26th.  I like your quote today.


          I'm surprised you were able to go back to sleep Byll!    Good job getting out there for 3 after all of that.  


          "My sunshine doesn't come from the skies,
          It comes from the love in my dog's eyes."


            Wow, busy day yesterday here.  I don’t have time to respond to all but I did read through.


            Welcome Mike.  You’ve got some great experience…and speed!  I’ll certainly be looking to learn from you.

            Tet—glad to hear of at least some good news.  The growing nuclear crisis really is scary, though.

            Mari—Nice photo of the eagles!

            Tim—sorry to hear of another bad patch.  Hope you regroup ASAP; Slo’s not gonna wait for you, you know. Wink (Gotta keep your sense of humor.) 

            OM—good catch and now you know to be vigilant.

            Perch—I took a peek at the site.  You’ve got to think of these as gentle rollers that provide you with some nice variation for the muscles.  Lock in to that pace and enjoy the ride.  “It’s all mental,” as you always say.  Besides, you did all those hilly training runs; you're ready!


            Looks like we’re in for a serious warm-up during the next couple of weeks…just in time for my race. Roll eyes  I’ve decided to try running mid-day to at least get some minimal acclimation.  5.1 easy miles yesterday and I plan on 8 with tempo miles later today.  Taper fun!

            Be safe. Be kind.


              Good morning. More hugs to Tim and others who may need them...


              Cool morning here; back in the low 20s for my run, but supposed to be mild by the end of the week. I ran 8 pretty easy. Maybe a swim later if work allows; pretty busy this week.


              Tramps, when is your marathon? Are you running the National Marathon? Back in the old days there was a D.C. marathon which I ran a couple of times; it ran all over the city but was discontinued... good luck with taper.

                ...mornin' guys//..........nice work-outs


                ...........22min poolrun


                another one tomorrow


                that's why

                 they call me ''Mr Excitement''





                .......................good running to ya

                ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....

                Mike E

                MM #5615

                  Good morning to all of you morning runners!  I admire all of you who get up early to run.  I really do not like to run in the morning.  I only do it when I know it's the only time of the day to get my run in.


                    Flying in here to say hi and welcome to MikeE. It is good to have new blood around here. 

                    Go Perchcreek goo!!!! No fears for them hills...OK!

                    Butterfly hugs to Timbo.


                    4 rushed miles this morning before I have to go to work, then meetings in the late afternoon and evening.

                    "Champions are everywhereall you need is to train them properly..." ~Arthur Lydiard

                      Welcome Mike!


                      Good luck to all JLynne, exciting times.

                      Looks like we'll have a warm-up here for a couple days and then cool again for the weekend. Bit by bit the snow is disappearing....


                      12.1 miles this morning at 7:30 a.m.--8:10 pace overall with 45 minutes @6:57-7:00 pace, felt good once I got rolling. Off to the airport soon for some work travel.


                      Brackets are ready C-R!




                      MTA:  Hugs to you SteveP. I also forgot to mention how much I loved your race report. Noah is very lucky.

                        Mike E - I just read your profile.  16 grandkids??  Dang!  If you need "Grandpa" assistance, talk to SteveP.  He's a super hero Grandpa.


                        SteveP - I feel for you with your job.  Just keep your head down and remember that at the end of the day, you get to go home to your lovely bride and mini super hero grandson.


                        Byll - Big grin  Thanks for the laugh!


                        Lack of sleep + achy hips and low back + buckets of rain coming down at 4:30 all combined to keep me inside this a.m.  Plus, I'm just plain ole pooped.  I've been putting in 2+ hrs at home in the evenings trying to get a big transcription job done before I leave this weekend.  For once, the audio is really good.  There are just a lot of interviews to sort through and figure out which ones are duplicates.  Been typing a lot of "uh", "you know," "you know what I mean," and "like." Roll eyes


                        Happy Toosday to ya'll ~

                        Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                        Trail Runner Nation

                        Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                        Bare Performance


                        Mr. Chip & Mizz Rizzo

                          SteveP - I feel for you with your job.  Just keep your head down and remember that at the end of the day, you get to go home to your lovely bride and mini super hero grandson.




                          Oh, don't forget Avenger Doggie too ..... he gets mad when not mentioned!!  Wink


                          "My sunshine doesn't come from the skies,
                          It comes from the love in my dog's eyes."




                            Good morning to all of you morning runners!  I admire all of you who get up early to run.  I really do not like to run in the morning.  I only do it when I know it's the only time of the day to get my run in.


                            That certainly wasn't me this morning. I took yesterday off (no run). Lost the battle to a stoopid cold. Last night I medicated very well and got one of the best sleeps I had in a long time. I stayed in bed until I positively HAD to get up.


                            The Dovenator

                              Good morning, it's raining buckets here but I can tell spring is just around the corner. Migratory birds have returned and the frogs are deafening in the evening. Yep, Tet, PacRim this weekend. I love that race. 1st year I planned on running 50 miles so when I hit that milestone I called it a day. Last year I wanted to run 3 miles past midnight (kind of a strange goal, I know) so I bagged 70 miles before I quit. This year I want to complete the full 24-hours and let the miles be what they may. I'm all giddy with anticipation!

                              "it's just like having fun, but different"

                              Mike E

                              MM #5615

                                Wow--you know, guys--I have run 36 marathons--including a 100k ultra--and many more races of all distances.  I have to admit, I have always been very impressed with myself.  But I've been reading through some of your profiles over the last day or so, and all I can say!  Leslie--I just read your blog about the Golden Lake!  I have run races in rain.  I have run races in below zero temps.  But I have never run a race in those conditions that you described.  And for 50K?!  Wow.  Yeah...I think I'm going to like this group.  Oh--Dove--good luck this weekend!
