Masters Running


January Boomer Miles (Read 674 times)


    Never mind....I tried to delete but can only modify....carry on...
      Thanks for doing this, wildchild. Congrats to those who had PR months and those with real high mileage. I had 125 miles for Jan. TomS

        101.3 - Dead miles, not my temp. Just got over 100 miles, Big grin by running at lunch today. Got to up the effort to catch up to big brother Tom! Dave

        Marathon Maniac #957

          Thanks, Wildchild! 228.8 miles for me this month, which I just realized is the highest mileage month I've ever had.

          Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."


            And here I was worried that I was going to have to bore my family and coworkers with my outstanding (hah!) exploits ... 153.7 January miles for me - a monthly PR by about fifteen miles. February's average per day will probably be lower since I've got some business travel coming up the end of the month, but I'll see what I can do. Trying to get to where I'm doing 35-40 regularly so I can get my half-marathon time down below two hours (and thereby gain my spouse's approval to run my second full marathon).

            i'm lovin' it... MM#1949

              Thanks Wildchild! Awesome! January 2008: 240.3 miles 5K PR 22:40

              Perch's Profile "I don't know if running adds years to your life, but it definitely adds life to your years." - Jim Fixx "The secret is to make in your mind possible what was not possible before. The secret is to make easy what was difficult, instead to make difficult what really is easy." - Coach Renato Canova



                And here I was worried that I was going to have to bore my family and coworkers with my outstanding (hah!) exploits ...
                Glad to help. I know what you mean - my family and coworkers don't get it either. I just ran at lunchtime, and got a new monthly PR of 111.3 miles. It's been a cold month, but less snow than usual for January, allowing more time for running since I was doing less shoveling and plowing.

                I hammered down the trail, passing rocks and trees like they were standing still.


                  Geez you guys - I was really feeling proud of my 137 miles until I saw what some of you logged. Holy sh--!! I feel like I'm in the company of greatness. Truly - in all seriousness - I am humbled by many of your running stats. You guys are awesome, and while I may not run as far or as much, I'd like to thank you for including me in your circle. Keep up the good work!
                    Thanks for doing this Wildchild, 104.1 for me this month. A new PR for January thats for sure and maybe ever. I lost my log with the CR transfer Angry

                    Chumbawamba: I get knocked down But I get up again You're never going to keep me down

                      This is great, wildchild! I thought being injured this week would mean no chance at a PR mileage month, but I was wrong!! Smile 156.9 miles, a monthly mileage PR. (If I hadn't been injured, it would have been 170!!)

                      "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."


                        For January: Marj:95.3 Henrun:118.1


                          Thanks Wildchild!! My monthly total for the month of enero is 112.6 Miles Chris
                            Wildchild Beautiful photo Cool Mr White & Holly congrats on your monthly records 133.2 January miles for myself and DW & I signed up for Flying Pig Half today Big grin

                            Courage ! Do one brave thing today...then run like hell.


                              Something tells me I'm even more of a statistical outlier among this group than I was over on CR B&B. Embarrassed
                                wildthang, thanks so much for keeping the monthly going. 103 miles for me in January.
                                Quit being so damn serious! When we change the way we look at things, the things we look at change. "Ya just gotta let it go." OM