Masters Running


Saturday's Daily, 6.17.17 (Read 29 times)


    Mornin' everyone.


    Friday’s workouts:
    RunnerKSA (2.1 miles)
    Jlynne (5 morning miles, + 20 min of core work)
    Marj (7 awesome miles - bottleable)
    Henrun (4.3 miles on new paths along the Charles River)
    Spacityrunner (2.5 miles in 89° that felt like 99° - didn’t die)
    Twocat (1 hr. on the elliptical - no rain)
    Dave (4.45 humid morning miles)
    Tet (5 morning miles in regular weather)
    Catwhoorg (6 sweaty, slow, humid & horrid miles)

    Mike (4 evening miles to get used to running multiple days)

    Mariposai (9 post-work miles up Salmon Creek and back)

    That’s an amazing tale about your banning, KSA. Sometimes our group is also between insane and childish, but in much more positive and fun ways! And we don’t have a queen of our forum, although we do have a gaggle of goddesses, including you, who impress the heck out of we mere mortals of the other gender).

    Jlynne, I believe the bill for my PT session was somewhere around $225-250. But with Medicare and my supplemental coverage, with a deductible I have not yet met this year, my out-of-pocket was about $37. I’m feeling soooo much better today than I have for the past 2-3 weeks, although I probably need another session or two. I’ve never been to watch a golf tournament live, in any weather. And the only time I ever tune into one on TV is when I’m ready for a nap. Sorry.

    Have a beautiful trip to the burghs, Marj & Henrun!

    As you can see, Catwhoorg, we take our rules very seriously around here. OK, maybe not.

    Good job on packing up the recycling, Evanflein. Is that ancient iMac a collectible?

    I’m glad your head banging got the code working, Twocat.

    I hope you had a good (early) dinner with all the inlaws, Dave.

    Tet, we embrace your idiosyncratic aversions and observations.


    Good reason to mow the lawn, Mike.


    Posting from under a grape arbor with a glass of merlot sounds ideal, Mariposai. I'm glad your teammates gave you a good surprise at the end of a hard week - they clearly value you and your contributions.

    We’re leaving early this morning to visit our friend in Long Island, NY. We’ll be heading back Monday morning, getting an early start ‘cause I have a 4:00 meeting back here. It was raining pretty good when I woke up this morning, and I don't have a TM, so no workout for me today, except for some stretching and rolling. So it goes.


    Have a greta Saturday!



    Without ice cream there would be darkness and chaos.

      coastwalker good call on not breaking rule #1.


      Really humid here today. Can it get over 100%? Managed to get in 8 miles total. On a more interesting note, I would highly recommend renting the documentary, "The Barkley Marathons: The Race That Eats Its Young." Very well done. Need more than my word on it? Last night:


      Twocat: I heard this documentary about the Barkley Marathons is really good. I want to rent it to watch tonight.

      DW: Okay, but I have no interest in it. I am going to do laundry.

      Twocat: It is just a buck to rent and you get a week to watch it in. I am going to at least start it.


      At this point I rent and start the movie, DW goes off to sort and drop some laundry into the machine. About 10 minutes later DW comes down to hang out with me for a few minutes while the movie is on. An hour plus later . . .


      DW: The guy that started it is some character. I cannot believe people run it. You better not even think of trying to get in!

      Twocat: Glad you liked the movie. I have no intention of signing up for that race.

      Live like you are dying not like you are afraid to die.

      Drunken Irish Soda Bread and Irish Brown Bread this way -->

        I didn't "declare" this race because I wasn't sure what I was going to do with it.  Ran the RC Cola Moon Pie 10 mile race in Bell Buckle, TN this morning.  It was WAY too soon after my marathon last Saturday.  I thought I would be OK with a run/walk.  Well, not so much.  It's a hilly, tough course and it is really hot.  Did I mention lots of walking? (along with everyone else near me)    I expected to place in my age group despite my slow pace, but I was 4th.  Where did all these old ladies come from?  I had a 1:48, which was pretty good considering how awful it felt.  It's a fun event with a Moon Pie festival and vendors etc afterwards.  Had to get up really early to get there (about an hour drive) and I'm tired from work, my business trip to DC and not sleeping well.    My daughter, kmays, had a PR for 10 miles even on this hot day and hard course.  She ran 1:30:52.  I think the baton has been passed.   My husband rode his bike 51 miles from home down to Bell Buckle and rode home with me in the truck.

        Out there running since dinosaurs roamed the earth


        Mike E

        MM #5615

          Hello everybody!


          I can guarantee you that Debbie would not even consider sitting down and watching one single second of any show that has anything to do with running.  I had to Google Barkley Marathons and for one brief moment considered signing up...and then I remembered the VT50...not a chance.


          I love the Hanson Marathon Method marathon plan.  But, I have to admit that there are many days, during the program, that I dread running.  It's tough.  So, now that I am "just running" to get back into things, I can't wait for every single run.  I just go out and run whatever pace feels good.  Today I went out for 8 miles.  It was a beautiful morning.  I was loving being out there.  I wasn't paying a whole of attention to my watch but I knew I was going around a 7:30 pace.  In the 5th mile, I started struggling just a little bit.  I looked at my watch and saw that I was going at 7:35, which was just fine with fact, I was kind of surprised it wasn't more like 7:45.  But, since I was feeling tired, I decided to work on my form.  I didn't care about effort or time, I was concentrating on my form and controlling my breathing.  The next time I looked at my watch I was going at a 7:27 pace...without increasing my effort at all.  I ended up completing my 8 miles in 1:00:01 and felt very good at the end.  So, anyway--that was my run, this morning.


          Okay--Debbie will be ticked if I don't get something done today.  See ya.  Wait--I fertilized the yard before I went running.  Somehow, I don't think that will be enough.

            Hey Hey Hey - I'm back again!! Read thru the last few days and boy do I miss this group when I'm not posting regularly!!

            So I was cleared to resume running and "see how it goes" -- basically ortho thinks the stress reaction in hip is probably healed but the small labrum tear could still be causing the occasional ache. Plan is to restart the running (which I already had a tiny bit) and if it feels ok, keep increasing, but if the pain gets worse to call and reevaluate.!!


            Today made it a triple threat day!! Ran with some friends doing a 5min run/1 min walk pattern and did 4.2 miles.

            Swam in the lake for 1977 yards. Came home recovered a bit and had some protein.

            Bike - 20.3 miles .......feels so good to be back outside!!  I've been keeping up with indoor workouts but everything is better outside (even if I'm slower outside)


            Last weekend in Maine I did get out for a couple of days doing a 5 min walk/2-3 minute run patter for a few miles, but was afraid to push it much more until I was officially given the ok. I've read thru some of the dailies and am very glad to be back!!!


            Make it a great day my friends!!



              Happy Saturday everyone! It sounds like y'all are busy with running, some travel and maybe a "honeydo" chore from the list! I overslept this morning and didn't get out until almost 6. It was already 78° and really humid, no breeze and not a cloud in the sky. I got a mile into it and didn't have one dry inch on my body. So I turned around and ran the mile home, then hopped on my bike to cool off and did 8 miles. I've turned into an old wimp!


              Congrats on 4th place in tough conditions RunnerKSA, and that's great for your DD.


              Have fun Jay and safe travels.


              Why am I thinking that Twocat is going to sign up for the Barkley marathon???


              Hey Mike - nice pace this morning!  And see my comment above about the "honeydo" list


              Welcome back Deez! Hope the re-entry to running is smooth and painless.


              I went to farmer's market this morning and got the first locally picked strawberries of the season. Also some fresh peas and asparagus. I'm thinking vanilla ice cream with some sliced strawberries for dessert tonight after grilled salmon and asparagus. Yum!


              We have tickets for the Billy Joel concert at Lambeau Field tonight. The forecast looks a little "iffy" so I'm hoping the rain will hold off until after midnight. I'd hate to see the Piano Man get drenched!


              Have a great Saturday everyone.

              Marathon Maniac #957

                We don't need no stinkin' rules. Except when Twocat starts yelling about that running in the rain thing, and Ribs used to fine people for tying their jackets around their waists. And something about sending tomwhite fudge, but it's all pretty confusing.  I've never been good with rules.



                Now WAIT JUST A MINUTE HERE!  If you will recall, I am the Moderator of this forum!  I even have a gavel!  And WE DO HAVE RULES HERE!  Like for instance, hmmmmm, well, there's the one about...hmmm....well I am SURE there must be a rule or two somewhere!  When I think of one, I will let you know.


                Oh wait, I just remembered one...SMILING IS PERMITTED.


                And here's another - YOU DON'T NEED TO RUN TO POST.


                One more - HUGS ARE GOOD.


                That will be all.

                Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

                Marathon Maniac #957

                  Hey Hey Hey - I'm back again!!




                  RunnerKSA - nice 10 miler in the heat.  I have no energy in my legs for at least 3 weeks after a marathon, so I am amazed you did as well as you did.  As for that group, I am just shaking my head.  It sounds like my friend Renee's Wine Club - a bunch of snarky women with ridiculous rules and expectations.


                  16 miles for me today in 70-78 degrees and 84-70%.  The blazing sun got to me and I did the last 1.1 miles on my TM in the shade of my garage with the fan blowing on me.


                  We went to the Whole Foods wine tasting last night with my DS's GF's parents.  (Would it be too soon to call them OGPs2B - Other Grandparents To Be)?   

                  Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."


                    ...I had a 1:48, which was pretty good considering how awful it felt.  It's a fun event...


                    Ok only in this group would you see "how awful it felt" followed immediately by "it's a fun event"! Good job on a tough course and so soon after a tough marathon!


                    Yes, Jay, I would think Ms. Holly qualifies as the Queen of the forum as she is the moderator. As I recall, it was because no one else wanted to do it. Smile Have a good trip to Long Island. That's where Hally/Barb is, you know. Just sayin'...


                    Mike ran a PBJ Special!


                    Following up on Mike's post, I have been thinking of taking a year off from local racing. Maybe next year. I'd still do a couple, but not this chase of doing the entire series and worrying about winning my age group, etc, etc. There are a couple of races I just don't enjoy and only do them because they're part of the series. So, the mile track race would go, the half marathon on that dreadfully boring course in North Pole would go, that stupid cross country 5k that's always short and muddy would go. *sigh* The Midnight Sun Run 10k is tonight, and while I like this race I am again stressing out about doing well. The worry that I've lost my edge, have no speed, won't win my age group (why does that bother me so much?) is over taking the fun of the run. I'd like to not have any mileage goals, run when I feel like it and do races only that I really want to do. It's just running, right? So why do I have butterflies hours ahead of the start for this race? Who cares if I don't do well? Ok, I care, but I don't know why.


                    Nancy, I hear the state of Washington is struggling with budget issues too, as in not having one. We are about at a budget impasse, and our last week was filled with drafting notification letters and FAQs on furloughs for our employees next month. Not fun at all.


                    Welcome back, Deez. And yes, years ago when I was in PT for my back/sciatica, my PT said if I felt up to it at week's end I could try some test runs to see how it went. I said OK! knowing full well that I'd been running the past week already. Runners. We're all the same.

                      Wow, Holly.  That's a long way for those temperatures.    JLynne- enjoy Billy Joel.  I hear he still does great concerts.

                      Out there running since dinosaurs roamed the earth



                        6.2 miles around the neighborhood ...and nice little hot and hilly sunset run.  Slower than I like (1:23) but I got er done.  We had our first extreme heat advisory for the season today.  84 feels like 90 didn't seem so bad when they were predicting feels like 100...its all in how you look at it.  

                        Trails Rock!

                        MM#209 / JapanJoyful#803

                          excellent rules holly.

                          also some of the optionals:

                          1.  shoes

                          2.  training

                          3.  admitting or not running in the rain.

                          I'd like to not have any mileage goals, run when I feel like it and do races only that I really want to do. It's just running, right? So why do I have butterflies hours ahead of the start for this race? Who cares if I don't do well? Ok, I care, but I don't know why.

                          erika - if butterflies are the early rumblings or adrenalin getting pumped up to run faster, then, based on forty years of eschewing training and using races as the incentive for off-season ski fitness,  just running when you feel like it without any training goals for mileage, etc.'ll eliminate all concerns, stress, etc. at the start for doing well or not.  Unfortunately, the butterflies are probably just as bad wondering if you can even run 26.2 miles in a latest marathon and more or not, or survive an open water swim when the good swimmers are more than twice as fast and you haven't done any swimming since the last time. Nevertheless, it makes just finishing to be a cause for joy and even more so when sometimes doing well.  Good luck.


                          However, characterizing the Barkley 60 and 100 milers as "marathons,"

                          is like calling a marathon a walk to the fridge.  Good thing I don't live

                          in Tennessee though or I'd still be trying. <<<(taps/taps/taps/taps/. . .. )>>>

                          "Enjoy yourself. Your younger days never come again." 100yo T. Igarashi to me in geta at top of Mt. Fuji (8/2/87)