Masters Running


Wednesday, 10.12.16 (Read 34 times)


    Mornin' everyone.


    Enjoy your rest day, LaT. You've earned it.


    Ouch, RCG! I hope nothing serious came with that snap sound.


    Nice 10K, Aamos. Funny/sad cartoon.


    I'm glad you are making the best of your time in VA, Evanflein, and got in a good run on the Greenway.


    Hi Deeze. I'm glad you had a good 'last hurrah' (for the season) in Maine, and that your running is coming along.


    Good 14 miler in the chill, Twocat. It was a few degrees warmer this morning.


    Seems that you were easy to spot at the Tufts 10K, Hally - not easy to do in that 'small' race. I'm glad you had a good extended meet-up weekend.


    For dinner last night, DW made scallops with browned butter and capers - a recipe we found in the NY Times, and it was really good. I made some brown rice, onions and cut-up asparagus with a little cilantro aioli mixed in, and that was tasty too. One night last week, we had roasted potatoes with garlic and cinnamon, and that turned out to be a good and interesting melange of flavors as well.


    6.4 RW miles in 43F temps at J o'clock this morning. I've been doing a lot of lacrosse ball rolling, and it is easing that knot that bit me after my race on Sunday. I had to back way off on one short but steep uphill, but otherwise I managed a reasonable pace, but not without feeling knot remnants every step of the way. Today was a lot better than yesterday, so I'm not worried about this knotty issue.


    Have a greta Wednesday!



    Without ice cream there would be darkness and chaos.


      I ran 3.03 this morning at the park. It was slightly further (one corner not cut) and slightly faster (10 seconds) than the race I did on the 1st, but the most important thing is that I don't feel anywhere as wiped out as I did after the race.  Baby steps towards fitness.  I haven't been running a whole lot but I have still been getting to ARC trainer at the gym.  

      It was in the low 40's so I decided to take a pair of gloves with me. I have a plastic bin in the closet with winter stuff: hats, gloves, scarves, etc. At the end of last winter I made sure it was all washed and placed in there.  But when I went to get some gloves this morning I found it all covered in an inch of gray cat fur.  One of cats knocked the lid out of the way and has apparently been nesting in there for a while.  I am going to have to throw it all in the wash again.


      I wish one of you people here who like to cook would come move in the empty condo next to us and make us dinner a few times a week.  I am burned out on cooking after doing most of it when the kids were growing up.  When we moved here last year and CIndy retired she started cooking, but then she started back doing contract work at her old job and is doing a lot of stuff at the church so there is no cooking any more.  I came home from a 12 hour day at the office yesterday and she asked if I wanted to go out to eat.   Um, not really.  So I cooked a frozen dinner and she had cereal.  Typical evening at the homestead.



      Sayhey! MM#130

        Good morning!


        Enjoyed clouds and cool temps this am, with a bit of misting at the 3 mile mark.  Just 5 for me.


        O Dave, p'haps we should stop talking about food?  That will be impossible, however, so just know we considered it for an instant.  I actually like cereal for supper some nights.


        Jay's recipes do make me hungry.....and I just finished my big bowl of breakfast mush not too long ago......(mush used lovingly-oatmeal, chia or flax seeds, a bit of quinoa, almonds, whatever else is around.....)


        And this seemed like a good idea, Erika, except you just had all this in Hartford, yes?


        Image result for happy birthday beautiful beast


        grins all,

        A  (for a piece or two of my mind)

        Marathon Maniac #957

          Howdy folks!


          I am buried at work right now, so I am reading but no time to comment.


          No run for me today - I actually am taking a few days off and plan to run again tomorrow.  I was extremely happy to feel undertrained but no longer injured at Portland, but want to keep it that way.  I am so far behind my 2016 goals, a day or two more without running won't make a difference.


          Here's a picture shamelessly borrowed to show my lovely Walmart Poncho.  You know, it doesn't look like much, but it kept me way warmer than I would have been without it.


          Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

          MM#209 / JapanJoyful#803

            we call it a seattle bikini.


            = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

            Pretty much recovered enough from Sunday’s sixth Portland Marathon
            to take advantage of beautiful, sunny fall day for a morning ‘mute
            before the three inches of rain, windstorms, power outages, etc.
            predicted for the next couple of days.

            At least we’re used to it here.
            Hope posie made it to her Monday and Tuesday meetings and
            Leslie and Shorty are enjoyin’ in Glacier Park.   Be careful
            now that we know charging bears don’t get slowed down
            by bear spray anymore like we used to think it would.
            ps - is Starr still in Portland hopin’ to be no. 10,101?


            pps dave - just schedule an RA reunion to realize that running

            isn't the only reason we go running. <<<(food/food/food)>>>

            "Enjoy yourself. Your younger days never come again." 100yo T. Igarashi to me in geta at top of Mt. Fuji (8/2/87)


               I actually like cereal for supper some nights.





              Me too. Cheerios with blueberries and a sliced balala (my grandkids' name for bananas). I don't get away with this real often, because my DH says this isn't "real food"


              Speaking of which, I would LOVE to be invited to Jay's house for dinner some night! Just sayin'....


              Only Holly can make wearing a plastic Walmart poncho look fashionable!


              When you do get the courage to go back to your doctor RCG, please let us know what the damages are. I feel so bad for you.


              No gloves until the temps drop down into the 30's Dave. Maybe you should make the cats do all of that laundry.


              Speaking of pets, DS#1 and DIL got a Beagle puppy. His name is Myles, and he's the cutest thing ever! I think if Tag the Avenger Dog lived closer, he'd be the perfect mentor for Myles. My grandsons never put him down.


              Sliced my hand trying to cut a squash for dinner on Sunday night. Only 4 stitches, just to hold the cut together and keep it from breaking open all of the time, especially since I work in an elementary school kitchen. See what happens when you try to cook?


              4 miles this morning in 59°  Totally unexpected, but much appreciated at this time of the year.


              Happy Wednesday!

                Yes, Tet, I am still in OR but don't have a bike with me. We just got to Manzanita a few minutes ago.  I plan to run every day here even if I have to wear a rain poncho. I am having a lovely time here. It was great to meet everyone in Portland. Posting from this phone is not fun. Will write more when I can.

                “Courage is not defined by those who fought and did not fall, but by those who fought, fell, and rose again.” — Adrienne Rich

                  There is Holly, rocking the poncho!

                  I wish I could have had something for my shoes/feet, to keep the pound of water out of them!

                  And I wasn't crazy, hundreds (maybe thousands) of people ran an extra 1/2 mile, myself included.  I don't care, as I was no where near a PB anyway, but would only have been close to tying my PW.  Not sure how long the train stop held me up either....  That is one reason Portland might not be the race to get a PB.




                  It was indeed a nice, cool and sunny day.  I went out for 4 miles, but I was feeling pretty good so made that into 5 miles  Everything feels great, except a little bit of tightness in one calf.  Looking forward to doing more races.  I think Mariposai signed up for the Woodland marathon in S. Washington?  Blooms to Brews?  It looks nice and I think I will target that as my next half mary.

                  "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."

                    Holly S. very nice poncho. If you have to run a marathon in the rain you may as well try to avoid hypothermia. Every report about that day sounds like the weather was about as miserable as it could be.


                    No run for me today. Just some time on the elliptical. Tomorrow I will go on an easy run, take Friday off and try to do well in Saturday's HM.

                    Live like you are dying not like you are afraid to die.

                    Drunken Irish Soda Bread and Irish Brown Bread this way -->

                    Marathon Maniac #957

                      we call it a seattle bikini.



                      Enke - I must have missed that turn as well, because at some point I realized that my Garmin was at least a half mile off, beeping way too early.  While I am accustomed to getting results of maybe .3 or .4 mile off in a marathon, this time my Garmin read 27.01 miles at the finish.  So, maybe I would have finished 5 minutes faster - no big deal in this race, where I was more undertrained than I have ever been on a marathon.  Still, I did better than I expected:


                      OA 3504/4533

                      Gender 1608/2310

                      AG 97/163



                      Not bad for not running for most of the summer - really, I expected much worse, and the best part, finishing without hamstring pain.  So, while I am terribly out of shape, I no longer feel injured.  Time to get back to normal running!

                      Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

                      Mike E

                      MM #5615

                        Oh, great!  Since Holly ran an ultra on Sunday, the rest of us "only ran a marathon."

                          It sounds like waves A and B were unaffected.  I think everyone past that went the extra distance.  I will look at my Garmin map soon and compare to the website's course.  I know the extra .47 was between zero and 2 miles.  I really don't know how a solid block of people could be diverted the wrong way.  The organizers are saying only a few hundred were affected, but the runners are saying just about everyone was.


                          After I had a hot shower, and bundled up, and had a nap under a pile of blankets to warm my core temperature up, I then got up and was looking out the windows of MBE's sister's condo, and I could see clear across the Willamette river at runners still running down that road, and also see them running across the Broad St. bridge.  I felt SO SORRY for you all...hours later still running in that incessant rain!

                          "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."

                            Easy 2 mile run, but then that doubled when i ran into an old friend and we chatted long enough to catch up. Tomorrow is speed work.


                            Holly - that is quite the lovely poncho!



                            Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog it's too dark to read.

                            Groucho Marx

                              Funny, I just compared my Garmin map with the Portland course map, and you can clearly see where we all ran another 5 blocks north during the first mile before making the right turn at basically a dead end.

                              "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."

                              MM#209 / JapanJoyful#803

                                yes, it was too long, entirely too long but, otherwise, just right.



                                Actually, as witnessed by the post-race photos with the other four remaining RA survi,. . . I mean finishers Starr, MikeE, Mariposai and Holly on the porch of the Holly-House, we were lucky that it wasn't very windy and, when it was, not so cold as to chill to the bone as sometimes happens in fall and winter running around here in the PNW.  Just more proof that having a great time has nothing to do with having a good time.

                                "Enjoy yourself. Your younger days never come again." 100yo T. Igarashi to me in geta at top of Mt. Fuji (8/2/87)
