Masters Running


Friday The 13th! We're Doomed! (Read 38 times)


    Hey all. Two weeks of work travel and just catching up a little.


    Dang Mike. That's a frightening Friday 13 story about your dad. I'm sure the keys will be there when you return.


    Good luck Jay.


    I hate when that happens to me Holly. Usually I just end up doing work and chores.


    Trails. Who said trail running? I'm in.


    Got some new kicks yesterday. Brooks Ghost. Ran 4 at lunch and oh my they are so nice. I want to go out for another one today.


    Have a great day all.


    "He conquers who endures" - Persius
    "Every workout should have a purpose. Every purpose should link back to achieving a training objective." - Spaniel

    Marathon Maniac #957

        Are you liking the new job?




      So far, so good.  There's a little bit of micromanaging by the office manager about little office details, but it doesn't bother me.  Everyone continues to be very nice, and nice to work with.  And I love having my own office again (instead of a cubicle).  Interestingly, I was hired at the same time as another paralegal, and she has not been in this week.  I heard that her DD was in the hospital, but now I'm told she has quit.  No one knows why, apparently, although she had groused to me a little about the micromanaging stuff (small things, like, write the word Ohio instead of using OH - like I said, it doesn't bother me).  So now there are 3 of us (paralegals), supporting 5 attorneys.  One of the paralegals stopped by my office to say, "Please be here Monday.  Please be here Monday."     And two of the attorneys stopped me to ask what they can do to make me happier about my job.  

      Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

        That sounds good, Holly, and your attitude is great!  Just roll with it.


        Good luck to our racers!

        Out there running since dinosaurs roamed the earth



          Friday the 13th! Now, it reminds me of being admitted last spring when I had a bad Crohns flare. It was 5/13/2022... and I was stuck there for 4 nights. I was in bad shape. I think that MikeE's story is worse though!


          Lets see, at home we do 68-70 during the day (heat) and 66 at night; AC is 78 during the day and 72 at night. We do use our gas logs fireplace almost nightly when its cool so we're not very efficient, there. Its so nice though, and I like having the fire (without the mess of a fire).


          We have days of rain it seems. Some yesterday, more today, and expected to continue through Monday. I got out for 3 miles this morning (it wasn't raining at the time).


          Busy at work with stuff, so gotta get back to it. I did manage to file our taxes this week... so ahead of Monday!



            Also a one-day-late Happy Birthday, Erika! I guess it takes a trip to Hawaii to get you to check in here on the daily. 




            Seriously carpy weather here for the weekend and beyond so it will be indoors or nothing for a few days. Really looking awful for the Detroit Marathon runners on Sunday! I hope it's better wherever you all are. 


            Hey! I've been checking in a little more frequently lately! Just hard to do so when there's no running to report, no improvement in my condition, and I'm 4 hours behind most of you on this board. And yes, thank you, the weather here is spectacular, if not a wee bit humid.


            Tet, I'm sure you and DH have good company out there with the "keeping" (not going with the H word) of miscellaneous items. Difference is, you found what you needed and used it! My guy goes out and buys more without even looking.


            Sounds like the job will be a good fit, Holly, and ^5 for getting DH to listen and pay attention. Hope it continues in a positive direction.


            Lamerunner, yes Hawaii is quite the haul for those on the East side of the country. That's why Holly prefers Jamaica or even Mexico. Hawaiian Islands are usually full of Alaskans in the winter and Alaska Airlines has lots of flights and connections to the Islands. We prefer Hawaii to Mexico, partly for cultural/financial reasons (using $$, sanitation, language, etc) but also accommodations since MIL lets us use her condo whenever we want. I encourage you to check it out, especially if you avoid the most populated areas (I won't miss Honolulu if I never go back). Henry and Marj are planning a Kauai trip at some time, but we'll miss them when we go next month (yes, we're going to Kauai in mid-November).


            Ok, off to check out some beaches...

            Mike E

            MM #5615

              Oh my gosh Mike. I had no idea about your dad. I'm hoping they caught whoever did it and threw them in jail?


              Nope... they never did.



              Mike - given what you have shared about your dad, I'm not feeling that sympathetic.


              My brother and I were texting about it, this morning, and I told him that I felt guilty thinking it, but sometimes, I wonder if we would have been off if he hadn't made it.  His reply was, "Don't feel guilty.  I think we definitely would have been better off."  It's kind of sad... but it's his own fault.


              Okay--gotta get to practice.


              Oh... speaking of practice...  it's been raining all day and Debbie asked me what we do for practice when it's raining.  I said, "We get wet."  How long has this woman known me and her son?



                it's been raining all day and Debbie asked me what we do for practice when it's raining.  I said, "We get wet."  


                Perfect answer, Mike!


                I hope Leslie and Tamster have a fun race tomorrow, and a nice eclipse viewing without the eclipse traffic!  The race video looked great, but I didn't know it was an out-and-back race - I don't much like all that two-way traffic on single track trail.


                I'm also doing a trail race tomorrow, one of the monthly Colorado Masters Running Association races.  It's 8.9 miles, with 6 creek crossings - 3 outbound and 3 inbound.  Kevin - aka Old Coyote - will you be there too?


                Holly, I'm glad you're liking your new job so far!  And glad to hear Jim is on his best behavior - hope he keeps it up.


                Happy belated birthday, Erika!  Enjoy Hawaii!


                I met 5 friends for an 8 mile trail run this morning down near Golden.  First run in tights and long sleeves for the season, but at least it was sunny and pretty.  High 30s to mid 40s.

                I hammered down the trail, passing rocks and trees like they were standing still.


                  First game of the season for my Caps tonight so I'm enjoying our last day of being undefeated.

                  Tramps, I think you've addressed these problems about figuring out how to watch your home teams. My DS lives and dies with the Red Wings, so for last night's opener what do they do? Only available on ESPN+! Disney is really getting greedy lately. Anyway, he watches so little TV that we've been trying to figure out what streaming service to get if he "cuts the cable". We've found that Fubo is the only one that carries our usual local sports channels, which have been on Bally Sports TV for a few years. But now these various streaming services tying up rights to some of the leagues or specific games will make it impossible to watch all the games.


                  We prefer Hawaii to Mexico, partly for cultural/financial reasons (using $$, sanitation, language, etc) but also accommodations since MIL lets us use her condo whenever we want.

                  Also no drug cartels, kidnappings, etc. A personal preference but we have no plans to ever set foot in that country.

                  Doug, runnin' cycling in Rochester, MI

                  "Think blue, count two, and look for a red shoe"


                    Erika, enjoy your Hawaiian trip. Our plans have been modified. We’re going to the Big Island only in January with a 3 day stopover in Seattle on the way there and 2 days in LA on the way back. That should make the flying more doable. We’re also returning to Sarasota, Fla. for the last week of February and the first week of March. So, there will, unfortunately, bes couple of weeks at home during the cold season (but, who knows with global warming).



                      Also no drug cartels, kidnappings, etc. A personal preference but we have no plans to ever set foot in that country.


                      Well, exactly. We went to Puerto Vallarta many years ago and that was enough for us. Ditto China. No desire whatsoever to go there and support that economy and government.


                      Henry, dang it! Oh well. The big Island is nice, but like Oahu, no real desire to go back. Too much rain in Hilo, too much volcanic rock most everywhere else. Good thing Hawaii has a bunch of options and each Island really does have it's own feel.


                        Carolyn, I decided to actually look at the race map today and looks like there are a few stretches here and there where there's two way traffic, but also areas where you are doing long loops around areas, so no oncoming foot traffic.  From what I've heard from others that have run this, they do not recall the two way traffic to be a problem, so I'm guessing the trail in a lot of spots has enough width to accomodate two runners?  Either that, or they just don't recall it being an issue. the thing I do like about an out and back is looking for runners I know, cheering them on, etc. This race brings out SO many of the local trail runners in the this. It should be fun. 
                        leaving soon.

                        I think I have everything.

                        but probably not.



                          Erika, the reason we picked Hilo is because we have family there, my grandson, a new great granddaughter and Marj’s cousin (who she never met in person) and my daughter will be visiting at the same time.


                            Good luck tomorrow, Tammy (and Leslie, too, of course).


                            Twocat, I I hope one of your those marathon challenge tickets is a lucky one! I would be curious to know which challenge worked for me, but they didn't say in their congratulations email and I don't want to ask--I am afraid they would realize it was a mistake. And I didn't realize you were doing another marathon so soon--hope you have fun.


                            There is a lot to comment on again here, but as usual I am a little short on time. I did no exercise and it was kind of nice. Now I am going to eat some carbs Smile

                              Hawaii is wonderful, of course, but from the eastern part of the country it is horrific travel and a time zone issue (at least for me).  We've been three times, but much prefer the USVI with the clear, calm water and the easier (still a long day) travel.  From Texas we used to go to Mexico, too (Cancun, Mayan Riviera part) but I find Mexico to be very sketchy at this point.

                              Out there running since dinosaurs roamed the earth


                                Tramps, I think you've addressed these problems about figuring out how to watch your home teams. My DS lives and dies with the Red Wings, so for last night's opener what do they do? Only available on ESPN+! Disney is really getting greedy lately.

                                Yeah, same here. Tonight's game is ESPN+, which I'll access via Hulu which I get a free subscription to because I subscribe to Spotify. Simple right?

                                If you're hunting for a service, it's pricey but check out YouTubeTV or Hulu; the limitless DVR is nice. Interestingly, the Caps owner bought the (now defunct) NBCSports regional channel and is making Caps games available direct-to-fans via an affordable app/channel without need for other cable or streaming service. It'll be interesting to see if that works and is copied elsewhere.

                                Be safe. Be kind.
