Masters Running


Wed Aug 19 Runs and Workouts (Read 469 times)

    dawndaughter1 was supposed to go into the hospital last night but got bumped because they were busy.  Plan was to start the induction process then.  Found out she was bumped after PDR bought the plane ticket.

    We're hoping/expecting her to go in this morning, pushing the process out 12 hours.  So PDR is on her way to Boston, as we speak.

    Once DD1 arrives at the hospital, there is 12 hours of some medicine to soften things up, then they give the pitocin, which causes contractions.  DD1 may be in for a long night tonight.

    PDR planned to wake up at 3am for the 6:30 flight but couldn't sleep after 2:30.  She'll sleep on the plane, no doubt.

    Me?  I'm stuck here because of the customer meetings which go on all week.  

    9.1 miles, 1:20:52, 8:52/mi, AHR 149 (76% MHR)

    Thanks to all for all your kind comments and for thinking of us during this exciting time.

    Lou, (aka Mr. predawnrunner), MD, USA | Lou's Brews |

      Good luck to DD1 Lou!  There is Nothing as amazing and indescribable as the brith of a child.  Nothing.


      I really needed a run to feel "easy" today.  So I ran my usual 3.5 mile recovery run as slow as I could manage.  And I managed to keep it feeling easy, even with 81° at 6:00 AM.



      "Some are the strong, silent type. You can't put your finger on exactly what it is they bring to the table until you run without them and then you realize that their steadiness fills a hole that leaks energy in their absence." - Kristin Armstrong


        Once DD1 arrives at the hospital, there is 12 hours of some medicine to soften things up, then they give the pitocin, which causes contractions.  DD1 may be in for a long night tonight.


        Yep - that'd be the case, I think. I had DS#2 by being induced. Got to the hospital at 6:00 AM, he wasn't born until 8:00 PM. That was the day from hell - and I remember it vividly from 1987! I hope things go better for DD1, Lou. Good luck, Grandpa - I'm sure you've already purchased your cigars to hand out!  Great run this morning, BTW.

        No relief from the heat, Bill? Wow - 81° at 6:00 AM. I'll never complain again! Well - at least not until ....

        6 miles this morning at a zippy 9:14 pace in great temps - 53°, no wind. It's so quiet at 4:30, and you think you're out there all alone in the dark, but I passed 2 walkers and 4 runners. Nice to know I'm not the only crazy person around here.

        Well, well, well - #4 will be in purple this season. I knew it! How unfair that he just gets to meander into the Vikings locker room after not participating in summer drills or training camp and take over as starting QB. That Packer-Viking game in November will be REAL INTERESTING.

          Morning, gang!


          (((((((Lou and PDR"S DD1)))))))) - praying that everything goes smoothly.


          (((((nonoruns)))))) - milestones can be tough. 


          Mariposai - wow what a nice 20 miler - dodging rattlesnakes to boot!


          Non-running day for me.  I only got 5 hours sleep because of having to get up early to take care of the Rotty.  She is a sweetheart, but I can hardly wait until her owner returns on Friday so I can get back into my regular sleep schedule. 


          Hopefully I can get to the gym after my noon meeting today, but I'm not counting on anything at this point. 


          Good runs all!

          Sue Running is a mental sport...and we're all insane! Anonymous


          Marathon Iowa 2014

            Very exciting Lou.  PDR will not sleep on the plane, though.


            Just signed up the whole PBJ family (including me) to work the junkfood station at the Hartford marathon.  Five hours of handing out twinkies at mile 22.  What sort of a costume should I wear under the volunteer t-shirt?


            Just some fizzy lifting, stepperfication, and spin cycle for me this morning. 


            Found out the guy I'm running the New Hampshire marathon with wants to go sub 3:30 - but he just did 7 miles at 6:55 pace yesterday!  He can go so much faster than his goal.  (I should be able to coax him).

            Mr. Chip & Mizz Rizzo

              Poor dawndaughter1 having to be induced.   I hope it all goes quickly and we hear about a baby by the end of the day!!


              Nice easy run Bill.    Like Jlynne, I will try not to whine about the few days of humidity we get in the North country.


              Nice 6 miles without Humidity JLynne!!   I agree about Favre -just retire already and be done with it!!


              The surprise party was a huge hit last night and he was definitely surprised!


              We have some left over cake too, if anyone wants any -


              I do believe we'll be married for a few more years .....  Smile    I couldn't get to sleep last night as I was still all wound up from the events of the evening - so no running this morning.     I plan on a run this evening if the rain holds off.


              Happy Hump Day!


              "My sunshine doesn't come from the skies,
              It comes from the love in my dog's eyes."




                Great  Cake Hopeful !


                Jylnne.....I'm very torn about Favre.......I don't know why I should be so concerned about his legacy when he's not. I think there something to be said about players like Walter Patton and Reggie White. Once Reggie became a Packer, he became a Packer for life.......Just like Patton could never see himself playing for anybody else but the Bears. I guess I thought Favre was that guy too. Of all the friggin teams to sign with though....sigh


                I did see a funny shirt today already.......It read...."What the Favre ? "  hehe


                13.11 miles. 1:43:19  7:53 pace.  Temps were cool, relative humidity was low (normal actually) I just had to run. That pace felt friggin awesome......I didn't have to think about running, my stride didn't feel hampered, my breathing wasn't labored. I could just let go.


                Great runs wished for all y'all

                  Great cake, Mary. I'd say that you have a chance for a few more years!


                  Best wishes to WRFB, PDR, and DD1, soon to become a foursome. Once it's over, all this buildup will be forgotten in the joy of the moment.


                  The weather report for Saturday's Crim races is looking unusually good, so today I went out for my final tuneup run. It took me two days rest to recover from Sunday's debacle, so this is my only outing this week. Ran 6.1 at a sub-9:30 pace. I haven't decided on my target for Saturday. I had half a mind to go for a PR, especially with the outlook for decent temperatures, but will have to see how I feel that morning.


                  Good running, everyone!

                  Doug, runnin' cycling in Rochester, MI

                  "Think blue, count two, and look for a red shoe"

                  Renee the dog


                    (((((nonoruns)))))) - milestones can be tough. 



                    Thanks to everyone!  It's not a tough milestone for me though.  Just more a call to get back on-track.  I'm not sad -- he lived his life full-out and other than not getting the link about physical activity and health being important all the way to the end, he did about as good as anyone I've ever met.   He left me with enough memories to last me the rest of my lifetime, and that's pretty cool.


                    So, the plan was to get up and go early today (around 5 a.m.) and do a few intervals on the boardwalk.  Well, we had a huge thunder/lightning storm sit on top of us from 3 - 5:15 a.m.  Avenue next to us quite I just stayed in bed and napped and eventually Renee and the kids joined Bayside and me for an extended family cuddle.


                    Long story short -- a few intervals look like they'll be on teh TM later.  Eh, I got away with no TM last week, so I'm not complaining!


                    Make it a good one today, OK??!!!

                    GOALS 2012: UNDECIDED

                    GOALS 2011: LIVE!!!

                    i'm lovin' it... MM#1949

                      Awesome Mary! Good plan, good party!


                      DD1 took 30 hrs to come out. She was born April 2nd. I guess she didn't want to be an April Fool Smile

                      DD2 only took abot 30 minutes!


                      Good luck GrandBeer


                      2 mile dog jog


                      BTW... I got a job offer with Michelin in Greenville SC!  (7 month search has ended)

                      Perch's Profile "I don't know if running adds years to your life, but it definitely adds life to your years." - Jim Fixx "The secret is to make in your mind possible what was not possible before. The secret is to make easy what was difficult, instead to make difficult what really is easy." - Coach Renato Canova

                      Marathon Maniac #957

                        WRFB – here’s hoping for an easy (if possible) and healthy delivery.


                        {{{Mariposai}}} and {{{Breger}}}...just because....


                        PBJ – kudos to you for volunteering.  It sounds like fun, too.


                        Mary – very kewl!  Lovely cake, too.


                        Perch - great news!  I had wondered how that was going, but didn't want to pry.


                        I ran by the middle school track this morning to see if the construction is complete and I was disappointed to see what I had feared the reconstruction would bring: big new gates shut and padlocked.  I e-mailed the athletic director about it, but I suspect that there will be no more public access allowed. 


                        I did, however, notice a part of the fence that I might be able to climb.....Do you think they’d arrest me for trespassing if I snuck in to run intervals?


                        5 recovery miles for me today in 76°.

                        Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."


                          C'mon Grandbabybeerlet!!


                          Runners run


                            BTW... I got a job offer with Michelin in Greenville SC!  (7 month search has ended)



                            That is great news.....congratulations and best wishes.

                              Great news Steve!  Ya know, I really could use a new set of tires on DW's car ....



                              "Some are the strong, silent type. You can't put your finger on exactly what it is they bring to the table until you run without them and then you realize that their steadiness fills a hole that leaks energy in their absence." - Kristin Armstrong


                                Is there where I sign up for the Baby Watch pool?  Best of luck.


                                Great looking cake, Mary!  Glad it all went well.  Are you sure you couldn't sleep because of all the sugar from the cake? 


                                Perch--congrats on the job but I hope you won't let gainful employment interfere with your running. 


                                Slow, sluggish, sleepy 10 @ 9:09.  I'm probably still worn out from yesterday's CNY encounter.

                                Be safe. Be kind.
