Masters Running


The Friday Daily, 2.21.14 (Read 37 times)


    Mornin' everyone!


    What a treat yesterday to hear from Aamos, Starr and Divechief, in addition to most of the more regular faces/voices!


    How's the foot today, NHLA?


    Kewl new running tops, CNY! Which one is the winner? I'm glad you took advantage of being in SoCal to get in some nice runs.


    I hope you (and we) don't get flooded, Holly.


    Glad you made it out yesterday, Marj - you're a better woman than I (or something like that...).


    No avalanche here yesterday, Tet. Just a lot of fat flakes falling fast.


    Aamos; No rules, no standards (we have standards??), no politeness needed, and terse works. Just glad to hear from you under any circumstances, at any time. And what Tet said...


    No need to feel sorry for me, Ribs. Even though our weather sometimes prevents me from doing what I want to do (like getting out for workouts), I love it here. To me, four well-defined, distinctive seasons are a treat to experience every year.


    Sorry about the poor night's sleep, Leslie. I hope last night was better. That's a lot of driving to bookend tomorrow's trail run: Drive safely, race well!


    Wildchild, I'm glad your foot is better. Decades ago, I had severe foot pain in a marathon that turned out to have been caused by too-tight laces. I'm glad you're taking a smart approach to the FA50 tomorrow - but I hope all is well.


    Welcome back, Starr, and congrats on your first run in a while. Sounds like it was a good time.


    I'm glad you survived (I think) Door #12, Enke...


    I'm glad you got outside for a nice 8er, Tselbes.


    Have a safe trip home, Dave. I'm sure you're looking forward for the snow waiting for you there!


    Pay up, C-R! Nice bookend runs.


    Nice that the dogs exhibited some unrestrained joy, Tammy. You too?


    That was a killer day you had yesterday, Mariposai! Glad you got your workout in early.


    I was dressed and out the door in some light rain at 4:15 this morning. And I was back inside, doing some core work by 4:30. We got some sleet or ice pellets or something early in the morning that made it impossible to get any decent footing out there. I'd have been sliding all over, and likely cramping up my hammies just trying to get decent foot plants. It would have been a sloppy, ugly, unproductive workout, which is why doing some core work inside became so appealing!


    Have a greta Friday!



    Without ice cream there would be darkness and chaos.


      7.6 miles  59 min  Lake and back. Foot still hurts.  I have had three bad sprains in the last six months. The last time I stepped in a vole hole sprinting with dog in the grass. Its a high ankle sprain so foot hurts and 6" up my leg. Feels weird but I can run.

      Jay   Hendersonville NC running club is the four seasons running club but our winter is nothing like yours.

      enke   Have you heard the song 6'2". Funny song about dating.

      wildchild   try lock laces.

        Great recap, Jay!  Thanks ~


        NHLA - Good luck with the foot/ankle.  When I sprained my ankle a number of years, it took a very long time to heal, especially to the point where I never had issues with it again . . . . like 9 years.  Seriously.


        Awake at 2:30 (thank you, Wilson ), up at 4:00 (thank you, Wilson ), at work by 5:30, leaving at 10:00 for the 5-hr drive south.  Everyone thinks I'm crazy to be driving so far for this race (including me), but I'm actually looking forward to running somewhere else and with other people.  The plan is just to have fun tomorrow!


        Have a great weekend, friends.

        Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

        Trail Runner Nation

        Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

        Bare Performance


        Marathon Maniac #957

          Jay - I think that was a wise choice.


          NHLA - 3 sprains in 6 months - ouch!  Same ankle, too?


          Leslie - Hope your drive and race go well!


          My heel felt a lot better today, but I took another day off running just to be safe and did some more icing.  20 minutes or so of upper body weights and core.

          Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

            My heel felt a lot better today, but I took another day off running just to be safe and did some more icing.



            Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

            Trail Runner Nation

            Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

            Bare Performance



              Enke how could you!! Leave us hanging like that?! Come on, girl - "inquiring minds" want to know!


              You're such a good girl, Holly.


              Sorry you're still hurting, NHLA. Take care of yourself.


              Hiya Amos! Hiya Starr!  Good luck Leslie!


              As usual, great recap Jay. Nothin' terse about your recaps, JTWILI


              Served breakfast at one of the local homeless shelters this morning. Sustained winds of 30-35 mph since yesterday and the temps are dropping fast. The winter of 2013-2014 will be first in the most number of days with below zero temps since they've been keeping track. Next week is not looking conducive to running outside (unless you're Erika that is. Then -10 would probably be seem warm)


              Anyway, 4 miles on the elliptical this AM, and 30 minutes of accumulators. Need a nap now.


              I'm looking to buy a good treadmill. I don't need all of the bells and whistles - just a good, dependable model. Can anyone offer some advice?


                It was nice seeing AAmos and Star yesterday.

                Holly, good girl, you are!!!!

                Jay, I am with you about having to enjoy 4 distinct seasons.

                Enkie, was Door #12 the very paper smart one? Do tell us more, you know we want to know.


                Since we got a lot more snow in the mountains this week, which means good skiing conditions and after talking it over with twocat, I decided that I should do my 18 miler today and go skiing tomorrow. So, out for a run I went in the dark. My goal was to run 10 miles at MP, but I was able to hold the pace only for 7 .  Funny how the miles flies by when one has company.


                Last night was the planning meeting for the upcoming orchards in bloom race. Planning is going well. Ohh, and my Co-Race Director Rocks!!! BTW, our little race has it's own website now. Not a big deal for most folks, but for this rural race director  getting this website done was a huge deal since we had no money to build it with.


                Now it is time to take a nap, then off to work. It is a good thing I have only 2 workshops to present today because my butterfly wings are very, very tired. Wish me luck, folks.

                "Champions are everywhereall you need is to train them properly..." ~Arthur Lydiard


                  No running today.  Bought rush tix to symphony, went to MFA to see an exhibit, and watching hockey game at pub before concert - great hamburgers and alcoholic refreshments


                  enjoy the day!!!

                    Hey mariposai, wonderful job you are doing there putting together the race.  Glad you are feeling better too.

                    Yes door#12 was the paper smart one.  Probably one of the brainiest men in the country.  When a physics professor says "door#12 is the smartest person I know", it makes one a little nervous to meet said person.   I had a really great time conversing with this guy.  And never felt too dumb.  But...sometimes that kind of intelligence comes with its own issues. 


                    Anyway, getting back to what really matters....RUNNING!

                    I plan on doing the club run tomorrow, it is near my house this weekend, bonus.

                    Then a concert tomorrow night with my blind boss.

                    Then lots of yard work to tackle on Sunday.

                    "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."

                      um, just had to pop in to read enke's reply....


                      My version of "door #12" is dazzlingly smart. all.  Rats.  We get together pretty often to watch another episode of Breaking Bad (he & I both missed it when it was on), and we're on Season 2, episode 7 so far.  We curl up on opposite ends of the couch.  There now, I've said too much!


                      Oh yeah, running.  Hi everyone!  I jogged 2 miles this morning.  Happy to be headed toward double digit mileage by the end of the week.  I know, I know, it's so lame, but it's something.  I've also taken up swing dancing, which I just adore.

                        um, just had to pop in to read enke's reply....


                        My version of "door #12" is dazzlingly smart. all.  Rats.  We get together pretty often to watch another episode of Breaking Bad (he & I both missed it when it was on), and we're on Season 2, episode 7 so far.  We curl up on opposite ends of the couch.  There now, I've said too much!


                        Oh yeah, running.  Hi everyone!  I jogged 2 miles this morning.  Happy to be headed toward double digit mileage by the end of the week.  I know, I know, it's so lame, but it's something.  I've also taken up swing dancing, which I just adore.


                        .....very Cool econo//.............Wishing you Good Things and Good Running........



                        just don't schedule

                        TTU for another football game

                        ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....

                        Sayhey! MM#130

                          Gee whiz, miss you all so much , wish we could have a reunion run asap.  See Jay, "terse is ok," and then you just respond to EVERYONE and so thoughtfully.


                          Mari, what enke said.  Keep those wings powderly and strong.

                          Holly, one of my running buddies uses those heel cups; he has a very protruding sort of Achilles.

                          Leslie, don't think you're crazy.  I often get sort of emotional before races.  I think about how all the jiggling, stretching runners have logged so many hours alone on long runs, all the effort and charting and comparing and finding bushes/bathrooms strategically placed along their routes, etc., and then bam!  we're  all there together, all ages and abilities, about to run together in this massive sea of humanity.  Love it!


                          Hi again, y'all!  Say, DC and VA friends (Tramps?), I am going to visit my college roomie the last weekend in March (also my departed big brother's birthday weekend) and will be running the Reston VA marathon if any of you all are around.


                          Oh, and just before that, am going to Ashville, NC with a bunch of running friends from here to run around the Biltmore Estate for 26 miles or so.  You would really like these folks.    THey are almost as unique and cool as you.  One is even the same age and has the same kind of sense of humor and fashion running sense as Ribs.  I kid you not!!

                          One is running her first marathon; she is in her early 50s and an oncology pediactric nurse.  She is really a super person, so happy I get to be part of her first one.


                          Any Florida peeps doing anything at Gasparilla in Tampa this weekend?   Next weekend we have the Hooters (yup, those Hooters ) Half Marathon.  There's no racing here after May so we are packing in what we can while we can. 


                          So I ran the bridge (remember, no hills here) twice yesterday, before dawn and then at sunset.  Figured that made it ok to run about 7 easy this am in the neighborhood with friends.  One of them is a nurse for an eye doctor.  All the Snowbirds are down here having their cataracts done so her running time is severely limited. 


                          grins and have greta weekends!


                  (for a piece or two of my mind)

                            Sorry I missed you at the A1A Marathon Aamos.  If you woulda said something I would have come over and cheered you on for your Age Group Win!  Well done!



                            "Some are the strong, silent type. You can't put your finger on exactly what it is they bring to the table until you run without them and then you realize that their steadiness fills a hole that leaks energy in their absence." - Kristin Armstrong


                              aamosy  You are going to be in my neck of the woods.  I run at Biltmore often. You can get a year pass.

                              First 10 miles on paved estate roads. Two long hills in the first few miles. Easy to run too fast. Then it goes to gravel by the horse barns.

                              Gravel is rough in minimal shoes.  Good luck.


                                4 miles waling-running with Sandy
