Masters Running


May 26 Daily - Party Weekend in Wyoming! (Read 447 times)



    Good morning!  Time for everyone to head to Laramie for the big marathon party weekend!


    (Is it too late for Mike E to back out of this?)

    I hammered down the trail, passing rocks and trees like they were standing still.


      Party on WildChild & MikeE



      Rose Colored Glasses

        Party on, Wayne.
        Party on, Garth.


        Party on Steve and MikEy and Carolyn et al.







        13 really good miles.

        Two weeks to Idaho.


        Saved a turtle on the way home.  


          Big grin

          . I had planned to just read the daily and then go to sleep. But I cannot let that gauntlet thrown down by Spareribs lie there untouched! Better ribs! Oh yeah! Just because you have spareribs as your name does not mean you get a free pass here buddy! I hereby challenge you to the great smoked rib cookoff if we ever actually meet in person! 


          A ribs cook-out challenge is on, folks. I wanna be there when that happens!


          No running for me yet, I plan to run longish later this afternoon. Meanwhile, my plan is to do some serious yard work this weekend. I need to get the yard ready for summer. 


          May your Memorial Day Weekend be memorable, what is your plan?


          Ohh, I am still looking for volunteers for cyber companions for Wildchild's marathon tomorrow...see separate thread.

          "Champions are everywhereall you need is to train them properly..." ~Arthur Lydiard

          King of PhotoShop

            I knew that would light him up!  Maybe one day we'll have one of those Bobby Flay "Throwdown" cookoffs, IF, as Twocat says, we ever meet in person.


            Truth is, Twocat's ribs will end up being better than mine because he follows the exact process.  I cheat a bit.  Let me share with you what I did last weekend with a whole beef brisket:


            I gave it a good trim, leaving a lot of the surface fat on it of course but taking off the big pieces.  Then I gave it a thorough rub with my own concoction and let it come to room temperature.  Meanwhile I had soaked a whole mess of big oak chunks in water all morning.


            I have a kettle grill, a Weber, and I burn only charcoal in it. I don't have a gas grill and would never use one.  I made a small fire on one side of the grill and put a drip pan on the other side, and put the brisket over the drip pan and put 3 wood chunks on the charcoal. I opened the top and bottom vents and put the lid on, which generated a lot of smoke.  I put the brisket on at 3 p.m. and took it off the grill at 9:15 p.m., and while I never used a thermometer, it was a very low heat and all I did was ensure I had a few pieces of charcoal and wet wood on the fire.


            I wrapped the brisket and put it in the fridge overnight.  I took it out the next day at 1 p.m., unwrapped it and let it come to room temperature, then I mixed 1/2 cup of water and 1/2 cup of bbq sauce and poured it in the bottom of a large pyrex baking dish. I put the brisket in and turned it over to coat, then covered the dish with foil and sealed it.  I put it in the oven at 225 for 3 more hours.  I got a good bbq ring in the meat, great smoke flavor and meat was tender without falling completely apart, as it's supposed to be.  We had a great family dinner and I gave the rest of the meat to the starving artist.


            So you see, if I had a real smoker and could have better control of the heat, the right way to do the brisket would be about 13 hours and not the oven trick, but I doubt anyone can tell the difference between my method and the "true" method.  I do a variation of this method with ribs, grill first, then finish in oven, but it takes considerably less time.


            Today was 3.4 miles easy with my RP, day off tomorrow and racing a 20K on Monday.  Have a great weekend everyone.  Spareribs


              No losers in a good bbq throw down. Kind of like a good chili cook off.


              Got a double in between DS1 and DS2'a soccer games. Fun to watch the boys play.


              My it's hot out there. Isn't it time for winter yet?


              Have a great weekend.

              "He conquers who endures" - Persius
              "Every workout should have a purpose. Every purpose should link back to achieving a training objective." - Spaniel


                I assume the lack of action on today's thread is not because nothing is going on but rather that a lot is happening and people are too busy to post.


                Nice long run RCG.


                This morning, it was about 60° and there was a little wind.  I ran slowly to the high school, then did 3 laps around the track pushing a bit on the 1st and 3rd.  The return home gave me a total of 3 miles in about 30:30 for a 10:09 pace.


                A good day and good runs for all.


                  Few reporting in today, indeed!


                  I ran 6 miles this morning with a small group of tri-athletes. We took it easy because one guy is competing this year as a 70-year-old and last weekend he was in Florida and qualified for the Half Ironman World Championships! I gotta tell you, I just can't picture myself running a half-marathon after riding 50-some miles at a 19mph average on a bike, which comes after a 1.2-mile swim.


                  As a side note, he got down there a couple days early, but was unable to practice swimming in the lake that the event used. Seems they had "Danger! No swimming! Alligators!" signs up. So what did they do the day of the event? Ask the alligators to kindly go over to the other side of the lake??


                  Anyway, he only felt up to a 10-minute pace so we had plenty of wind to chat and gossip. One topic among them was discussing how many tri-athletes they knew whose times improved noticeably after they got divorced. Knowing a lot of these folks and the time they have to put into their workouts, I'm not surprised. So I went home and told my DW that I'd heard a good tip on how I could improve my AG placings; she was not amused. Big grin


                  Have a good rest-of-the-holiday weekend, everyone!

                  Doug, runnin' cycling in Rochester, MI

                  "Think blue, count two, and look for a red shoe"

                  MM#209 / JapanJoyful#803

                    (Is it too late for Mike E to back out of this?)

                     Have fun Carolyn.  If you get to chat to anyone, be sure to ask ‘em

                    how many marathons they have run before they took on Wyoming.

                    I bet you’re the only marathon virgin there.


                    ps - It's always too late to ask a veteran like MikeE if he wants to bail.

                    I bet he likes it so much he’ll wanna be back next year. You too. me too.


                    Well someone’s gotta report a run but I didn’t think it would be me.  However, all the Wyoming Marathon chat, to say nothing of warm/sunny day, spurred a rare non-event run, second one this year and second one since February 2009.  Like no. 1 in February, ran across the Lake Washington floating bridge for a meet-up, even getting a couple of call-out “thank-you’s” from cyclists for the cardboard debris I was picking-up and carrying out along the way.


                    ps roch – tell your IM buddy to get married to a supportive spouse if he really wants to improve. Smile My 81yo IM mentor will be back in Kona in October for the 27th time.


                    SECRET ps to MikeE – not that I would do anything like this if I could be there with you guys but Carolyn’ll be so nervous at the start that she won’t notice so maybe pin a big black magic marker paper on her back with something that’ll make her start wondering why everyone knows her name and is congratulating/encouraging her, e.g.


                    It’s Carolyn’s

                    1st Mary!!!


                    or pretend DW did it ‘

                    GO CAROLYN

                    It’s my wife’s

                    1st marathon!

                    "Enjoy yourself. Your younger days never come again." 100yo T. Igarashi to me in geta at top of Mt. Fuji (8/2/87)

                      Hi friends!!  Sorry I havent been posting much -- trying to keep up but not doing a very good job at that either!!  You are still on my mind always tho!!


                      Carolyn - that is one heck of a first marathon - cant wait to hear all about it!!  YOU ROCK!!


                      My 22 yr old Nicholas graduated U Mass Lowell with honors today - plastics engineering!!  So proud of him!!  My mom and all 4 of the boys and the graduates gf were with us today as we had a beautiful celebratory lunch .... parties to follow later after the youngest son graduates high school!


                      Another crazy week coming up - Friday Nicholas moves to Kittery, Maine - has a job in Kennebunk.   Sunday he does his 1st Triathlon - Mooseman 1/2 Ironman!!    In the midst of that youngest son has his senior prom Friday night and graduates h.s. next Thursday 6/7.


                      I'm running the Baldi 5 miler tomorrow - will be honoring all those who served and are currently serving our country!!  This will be my 4th weekend in a row with some type of race - getting in some biking and my first lake swim as well!!


                      Have a wonderful weekend my friends!!


                        That brisket sounds good, Ribs.

                        Quite a day of running for me and my two. I did 7 easy this morning, one of them with my oldest. Then later today, we went to the Patriot's Invitational track meet, where my two were to run. Ellie, my youngest, has been pegged as a sprinter, so she did the 100 and 200 meter dashes. Her older sister did the 800, which she apparently did not like one bit. Smile Now, funny thing: I did a last-minute registration to run the 800, since only competing athletes were allowed in the infield of the track, and my girls needed a little help with the logistics of a track meet (getting heat and lane assignments, setting up starting blocks) if I ran, I could help them out.


                        So I ran the 800 in 2:27, in what was easily the most painful two-and-a-half minutes of my life. All this marathon training has left me ill-prepared for these lung-busting shorter races. I still got 1st OA, beating every other age group in my heat. Yay! I'm not really tempted to do another one of these, though. I've always regarded the 800 as the fistfight of track events, and I'm not too keen on beating myself up again....unless dry-heaving in front of your daughter brings you closer together......Awkward!


                        I was especially proud of Ellie, who, poor thing, took a tumble in the 200, but got right back up and gained ground again in her heat to finish third. And her sister, Lula, did an admirable job of pushing through quite a bit of discomfort to finish strong in her race.


                        Fun stuff, these track meets.

                          Hi All - First - GOOD LUCK, WILDCHILD and MIKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's late-30 here in Auburn, but wanted to come in and tell you that I survived the day. Holy cripes but it was a a lot of climbing and descending! I did MUCH but than I anticipated, though, and am very happy with how the day went. Made it to Michigan Bluff, the last aid station at Mile 25-plus with 30 min to spare, but it was pouring down rain and hail and I was freezing my butt off, so I called it a day. Hitched a ride with Andy Jones-Wilkins, one of the best trail runners in the country. Very cool! A part of me wishes I'd gone on to finish the final 7-plus miles, but we still have two days and 40 miles ahead of us. I have no doubt I could've finished, but it would have been miserable and cold. I ended up getting so cold anyway at the end waiting for Karen and Kate, that I started shivering and couldn't stop. I tried getting a massage to my IT band, but the massage people got all worried about me and wrapped me in blankets and put me in some guy's truck with the heater blasting until Karen showed up with a key. She got pulled at Michigan Bluff for not making the cutoff, and Kate was way ahead of us. Anyway, despite the fact that the climbing and descending was like nothing I have ever experienced before, I had a good time and would like to come back again. I really surprised myself and have come to realize that I am a stronger runner than I thought I was. It's a good feeling. Well, this is long enough and I'm really tired, so I'll stop. Thanks for reading my babble! Nite -

                          Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                          Trail Runner Nation

                          Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                          Bare Performance


                          MM#209 / JapanJoyful#803

                            nothing seven more miles is goingi to add to what you did/survived today, to say nothing of more tomorrow.  Depending on what happens tomorrow,in Wyoming,  maybe we'll recommend MikeE come and be your pacer (and maybe other goddesses joining you) on some 50-100 miler somewhere next year. Sounds like some photos would be worthwhile though.

                            "Enjoy yourself. Your younger days never come again." 100yo T. Igarashi to me in geta at top of Mt. Fuji (8/2/87)

                            Bushrat Runner

                              Tet...these are for you...maybe I'll start getting a little more timely...


                              The lovely tempting water...

                              Naknek Lake from Brooks Beach


                              The ugly abused toe...

                              Broken Toe

                              Marathon Maniac #957

                                Rhoon - ouch!


                                I think we need to have the BBQ cookoff, and I am volunteering to be one of the judges.....


                                So busy yesterday with yard work, a trip to the pool with the kids, and church in the evening.  I tried to hook up with Norm for a run, but our schedules are not working together well this weekend.  However, we did vow to meet up at the Flying Monkey in November....


                                5.3 recovery miles on Saturday.  Friday's 10 miles of fartleks and 9 holes of golf walking a hilly course really did my legs in, and they were tuckered out.  Hoping they are recovered enough for a LR today.


                                Good luck Mike and Carolyn!

                                Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."
