Masters Running


Friday 2/18 Dailies ~ Keep it Going (Read 501 times)

    Went to the gym for some lifting, then put on the headlamp and reflective gear for a bear legged run at 5:30 this morning. 


    Be safe. Be kind.

      I ran an angry 3.5 miles at MP just because I needed to.  Hip is right back where is was the last month or two.


      So I went back to the Dr. this morning.  He really thinks my hip is soft tissue related - caused by a reaction to the discs in the back.  I guess that would be good news if he's right.  Has to be better than it being SF, which is what I'm thinking.  Anyway, anti-inflammatory prescribed along with a referral to an Ortho Dr - which we likely happen next week.


      Angry Bill

      "Some are the strong, silent type. You can't put your finger on exactly what it is they bring to the table until you run without them and then you realize that their steadiness fills a hole that leaks energy in their absence." - Kristin Armstrong

        Good luck, JLynne.  . . . . I thought you already went and got orthos? Confused


        I was suppose to do 3 EZ this morning, but sleep felt a heck of a lot better since I didn't get to bed until well after 10:30.  Plus I lost at Bonkos. Cry Well, actually, I didn't lose.  I was right smack dab in the middle.  At least if you lose you get your $10 back.

          says 40% chance of rain with a high of 49 tomorrow.  Weather Underground says 20% chance with high of 47. I'm rootin' for Weather Underground.  And stay away wind!  When you come around the front of the headlands, the wind can just about blow you off the trail.  We'll see.  Could just end up being a rainy, windy mudfest.


        MTA: I was postin' at the same time as Tramps and Byll.  Nice bear legs!!  {{{Byll}}}

        Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

        Trail Runner Nation

        Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

        Bare Performance



        Marathon Iowa 2014

          Well, the legs certainly have been hibernating this winter.


          Guess I'll have to grin and bare it!

            Guess I'll have to grin and bare it!

            Big grin


            I hope--despite the bad drivers--it was a greta run.

            Be safe. Be kind.

              Unusual Friday off work for me so I got out early and got my tempo run in. 2 mile warm up then 3 @ 8:00 ish and 1 mile cool down for 6 total.

              Now to figure out what to do with the rest of my day.


              Have great runs everyone,


              Chumbawamba: I get knocked down But I get up again You're never going to keep me down


              MM #6177

                Good morning, all! Rest day here today, and for once I don't feel conflicted about it. No, it's not that I feel all banged up or exhausted and so it's a rest day by default. Somehow I just feel contented to rest. Not a common thing for me, but I'm working to change that. One day at a time...


                So I dropped a good two pounds today... by getting my hair cut this morning. Cool See, that's another way to somehow sneak in a rest day: schedule a hair appointment first thing so I won't be tempted to go run or exercise or whatever and mess up the hair. When all else fails, resort to vanity blackmail!


                Bear-legged runs, ha! Tramps, that was exactly the image I had in my head when I read PBJ's post earlier.


                Just saw this on my FB feed... as a follow-up to the popularity of the "Hood to Coast" movie, the documentary "My Run" will be aired on March 31. It's the story of Terry Hitchcock's 75 marathon-length runs in 75 days. Talk about keeping it going!


                Byll, I hope your issue is indeed soft-tissue related. Then you have a lot more control of your recovery, especially if you're diligent about paying attention to your body's spinal alignment during your daily life. See, it's the bad postural habits that we develop when we're not running that cause us issues when we do run. 24/7 awareness is key. So is a positive attitude. I believe you can find a way to work within your body's limitations so that you can run they way you'd like to run. [heh, I'm not sure if I just wrote that for you, Byll, or for me]


                Yes, good luck with your appointment, Jlynne. I'm especially curious to hear what they tell you, considering we've had similar symptoms.


                One more week until Aruba, can't wait! Smile


                  5 in the final day of 'warmth'-longest in over 2 monthsCool

                    I shaved 'em before I went out in capris yesterday, so I wouldn't be bear-legged.

                    Although maybe the extra hair would have certainly toned down those flourescent day-glo pastey white legs! Roll eyes


                    My coworker turned out to be just fine, after spending 3 hrs in the emerg dept last night to confirm no concussion from the fall on the run the other day.  Another coworker wasn't as lucky ..... walking from the bus stop and slipped on the ice..... broken ankle and wrist.  Ouch!


                    While the temps are still gorgeous today, today's schedule say's "No run", so headed for the gym at lunch for some core/ab/hip strength work.  LR planned for tomorrow in much colder and windier conditions.  Think I'll get DH to drive me 14 miles north, so I can get the tail wind all the way home!


                    Good luck to everyone racing this weekend!

                    .....Nancy The road to hell is paved....... run trails!


                      Good luck, JLynne.  . . . . I thought you already went and got orthos? Confused





                      Leslie - I was fitted for orthodics by a PT.


                      *** Warning*** I'm on the pitty pot here so you may want to skip this post. The appointment I just had was NOT with an orthopedic doctor, but a regular GP. Apparently, I have to be referred to an orthopedic doctor only after a regular doctor sees me first. Angry I had never seen this doc before, and the appointment didn't exactly go as I had envisioned it would. He asked me to tell him a little about what had been going on so I told him the history of my PF which had developed into problems with piriformis/sciatic. He watched me walk, pushed on a few sore spots on my butt and leg, moved my right foot around and said "it could be a stress fracture but I don't think it's bad enough to warrant an x-ray." He then asked me "why do you run?" and said that my problems weren't life threatening. He told me to stay off my foot for at least 2 weeks, then try walking. If things weren't better in a month, call back and he'd refer me to an orthopod. He also told me to toss the orthodics because he didn't think all "that stuff" was necessary. I wonder if their sports medicine department knows he's saying these things. Appointment? 11:15. I was out of there by 11:40 and the tears were welling up in my eyes. I KNOW this isn't life threatening, but it's important to me, damn it. I think - you know what? I really don't know what to think.

                      Renee the dog

                        {{{JLynne}}}  It can be beyond frustrating to not have docs who have your vision of the world.  There are plenty of great ones out one you find, hang onto him/her and don't let 'em retire!


                        4 miles with naked knees and naked elbows today....slow and easy.  Over 60ºF out there right now, with 50 mph winds on tap for this evening. I may take Renee out for a 1 way run with a pick up...hope the wind's not coming from the West or it'll be a very short run (beach is just a couple blocks east of here). 


                        Hope everyone has great plans for the weekend like Holly does! Cool  Enjoy!

                        GOALS 2012: UNDECIDED

                        GOALS 2011: LIVE!!!

                          ...jylnne//.........the guy is a jerk,,,,

                          ,,,,,he just has some letters after his name,,,,


                          and remember, a LOT of docs were on the ChessTeam in HS, they really DON'T get it......


                          I WOULD call and tell the office,

                          the worst thing that could happen is you get a Different Doc..

                          ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....




                            I hate the whole referral process. Not sure I understand the logic behind it.


                            I can imagine that it can be very difficult to pin point a "true" diagnosis for many of the running injuries we face. Things like stress fractures though should be relatively easy...thats according to my own very limited medical expertice...


                            The whole orthodics thing, man, there's a can of worms. I usually tend to believe the person who has nothing to gain from the sale. A side note: I went to a POD to have some planter warts removed. As a first time patient I was "required" to stand on this machine and also walk across it. During my first appt: I was told I needed ortho's as a result of these scans. They showed me all kinds of fancy pictures with pressure points and how my gait was off etc. Bottom foot hurt from deep plantar warts...of course my friggin gait was screwed up!


                            Anyway...With much certainty, most all running injuries will get better with time off. There is one exception I can think of, you don't have to worry about it cause it's in the calf.


                            There was a very convincing article I once read explaining why we runners should'nt see the doctor for what ails us. I'll see if i can find it.


                            I have to run...I just do. Having that stress fracture really ate at my inner being. Thankfully I had other activities to take the edge off a little.


                            All this and a nickle still won't buy you a cup of coffee though...I guess what I'm saying is; Hang in there ! Your a runner and there's no injury that is going to take that away from you. Stay focused on your long term goals and read up on stress fractures of the foot. Let us hear what you think.

                              Jlynne I suspect what I am about to write will not make you feel any better and may just get you mad at me, but the doctor you just saw may at least be partially right.  The evidence that orthopedic inserts help more than they hurt for most people is very, very weak.  There is evidence both ways and from what I can tell the preponderance seems to be against using them.  The other thing is the diagnosis of piriformis is very dicey.  During my many readings of the medical literature on problems with symptoms that matched mine I came across this possibility.  I convinced myself that it was not unlikely that I had it.  I wanted it to be my problem because there are studies indicating it is very curable.  There is just one problem.  If you read the overall literature it is more than clear that piriformis syndrome may not exist as a real ailment.  There are a number of articles in the medical literature that clearly state this.  I knew that but wanted to believe otherwise.  My orthopedist sent me back to the articles (homework I guess) and told me to pay closer attention to the evidence after which we would discuss it.  He was right, there is essentially no evidence to indicate this is more than a made up ailment.  It is basically diagnosed via, "Gee, I have no idea what is wrong with you.  Hey, that is one of the symptoms of piriformis the doctor is stumped.  I bet you have piriformis!"  Really this is no way to figure out if a syndrome exists or how to treat it.  Not getting treated for piriformis may be the best thing to happen to you in all this.  Now about that x-ray.  There it seems like the right question is why the heck not?  At worst (best?) it turns up nothing and you have had one more very small dose or radiation in your life.  On the other hand, if it does turn up a stress fracture you get closure for the next month while you sit it out.


                              I do want to mention nothing I have read indicates sciatica is a nonexistent condition.  It is real.  But you can also test for it.  If you have sciatica it should be possible to produce real hard evidence, beyond your symptoms, indicating you have it.  Symptoms alone are not enough.  As I unfortunately discovered upper leg problems are consistent with a host of possible afflictions.  So if you have been tested for sciatica and the doctor has said something like "See this.  It is sciatica"  then you know you have it.  If the sciatica diagnosis is entirely symptom based you may or may not have it.  If you do not have it then treating you for it is a waste of your time and money and it would be nice if the doctor actually figured out your real problem.

                              Live like you are dying not like you are afraid to die.

                              Drunken Irish Soda Bread and Irish Brown Bread this way -->



                                This discussion describes exactly why I haven't been to see any type of doc about my sore hip.  They wouldn't know what was wrong, and would tell me not to run. Or they would order a bunch of expensive tests (MRI comes to mind) and they still wouldn't know exactly what was wrong.  I would take some time off, and eventually it will get better on it's own. So that's what I'm doing.

                                I hammered down the trail, passing rocks and trees like they were standing still.
