Masters Running


Bueller? Bueller? Anyone? Saturday April 5 runs and such (Read 603 times)

    Mornin’ all! I prattled on yesterday, so I’ll keep it brief. 3.4 watchless miles at 7 AM, 36F grey and drizzly, but sun and temps. in the 50s on the way. I drove over to the community gardens and ran the trails there. It was muddy, but fun and I had two pals with me. Welcome back wildchild! Good luck to all the racers and Happy Saturday to all CNYrunner P.S. The kiddo’s throw up festival passed quickly and Mr. CNYrunner is coming back to strength as well. I think it was my threat of having to cook that got them back in gear! Thanks for all the vibes yesterday.

    Renee the dog

      Ahhh, in my quest for another successful "active recovery" Renee and I went out at 6:15 for a run up to the boardwalk. Right at our turn-around point, we saw a dog friend and her owner, so we stopped an chatted awhile. We headed back down the boards, onto the sand where I looked for uneven terrain to work my ankle and foot range, and then onto some neighborhood streets to finish up. So, we ended up doing a total of 3 mi, but in two segments with a pretty good 5-10 min visit in the middle. Cool Eliz should be having a good morning, as the weather here at the shore is way better than predicted. Once again, in-accu-weather for the coast. LOL Good runs to all today!!!


      GOALS 2011: LIVE!!!

      Marathon Maniac #957

        Good Morning! Thanks for starting us CNYrunner, and that was a nice run-visit-run, Nonoruns. Btb – is there any way we could share in your run for Amy? Especially if you are unable to run, but even if you are, can we somehow each take a mile and run it for her, somehow put together a message to her with our good wishes and prayers for her? I would love to pick out a mile of the race and spend that mile in prayer for Amy. PDR – that Roxy seems to be within walking range of our hotel, but looks to be pretty elegant. Will I need to bring some fancy duds? DH is over my shoulder saying, “Yeah! Bring that little black cocktail dress you’ve never had a chance to wear..” Shoot, I may not even be able to WALK after Boston, let alone wear heels…..I keep thinking, if I’m not ready for the med tent afterward, I didn’t race hard enough…Big grin 7.2 easy-paced miles in 36 degrees. Off to the Cincinnati Museum Center for a long-overdue family outing. Happy Saturday!

        Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."


          Holly, that's a great idea! Monday I'm starting a new career. Yesterday I met with the company's owne, negotiated a wage and was formally hired. After the paper work was filled out, we walked the property. He showed me how he liked things. A few conversations started "If it's alright with you, this is what I'd like to do....". By the end of the tour, I had a 10% raise. I told the man, "Thank you". And he said he only thinks it's fair. Today, I'm off to work at Mom's and will take a running break.


            Good Morning! Btb – is there any way we could share in your run for Amy? Especially if you are unable to run, but even if you are, can we somehow each take a mile and run it for her, somehow put together a message to her with our good wishes and prayers for her? I would love to pick out a mile of the race and spend that mile in prayer for Amy. PDR – that Roxy seems to be within walking range of our hotel, but looks to be pretty elegant. Will I need to bring some fancy duds? DH is over my shoulder saying, “Yeah! Bring that little black cocktail dress you’ve never had a chance to wear..” Shoot, I may not even be able to WALK after Boston, let alone wear heels…..I keep thinking, if I’m not ready for the med tent afterward, I didn’t race hard enough…Big grin
            Holly - I was thinking the same thing about Amy - maybe she'd enjoy having a group of us run "for" her. This is what is so great about a community like this. You take a really nice guy like BTB and multiply his positive impact through his association with the rest of us. How cool is that? Maybe we can be "TEAM AMY"? I can't imagine that a post-marathon party would be elegant. I expect a lot of folks in their Boston Marathon participant shirts, sporting medals and walking funny. No run for me today. We're getting a few chores and errands run, then down to DC. We're using the Cherry Blossom 10-miler as an excuse for a little getaway. We'll do the Cherry Blossom Expo, check into our hotel, a little shopping/sightseeing, an early show at a comedy club, then early bedtime and the race tomorrow. Now they're calling for rain in the morning, but it's beautiful and sunny right now. I remain hopeful.

            aka Mrs. WillRunForBeer, MD, USA

            Marathoning, the triumph of desire over reason


              Hooray SteveP!!! Good luck PDR & WRFB on the Cherry Blossom. Running Later, jjj
              Iron Mt. Trail Runners blogsite .... JJJessee blogsite ....Spring is here. Go outside and play.

                Good morning Boomers. It's beautiful here this morning, 41F and sun with no wind. Out for the first time in shorts and long sleeve teeshirt. Let's hear it for white, pasty legs! 12.08 in 1:52:10 - my longest of the season so far. And I made it up all the hills without collapsing. I know 12 miles is a warmup for most of you, but for me, I'm feeling pretty good. Steve - congratulations on the new job! It sounds like you and the owner have hit it off if he's giving you a 10% raise before you even start. Good luck - you sure deserve it. CNY Runner - glad your little guy is feeling better. It's amazing how quickly kids get over these flu bugs. PDR - enjoy the Cherry Blossom Festival. My DH wanted to go to Washington for it this year, but he decided to take a golf vacation with the guys instead. Roll eyes This forum is a wonderful community. It's so great the way everyone supports each other. For all of you to suggest taking a mile for Amy because btb is hurting and might not be able to just proves what great human beings you all are. Even though I can't run Boston, I can help by making a contribution. I'm actually looking forward to some yard work today - it's great to be outside again after such a long, painful winter. Good Saturday runs, everyone. Jeanne
                  Easy 6.2 miles around the neighborhood. Congrats on the new job Steve Smile & Good luck with it. Team Amy sounds like a great idea Cool You guys are fanastic Have a good day

                  Courage ! Do one brave thing today...then run like hell.

                  King of PhotoShop

                    Woo hoo! Steve is on board! That company has no idea how lucky they are. Congrats Steve. PDR and Lou, good luck in the Cherry Blossom, perfect tuneup for Boston and you're both in great condition for it. BTW, PDR you mentioned something about dancing after the marathon. I can't recall now where I read an article about dancing being about the best activity you can do after a marathon. Gets the legs working and recovering. Great idea. Well, the Saint and I dug out her college yearbooks after our discussion with Stumpy and learning that they were contemporaries at the College of Environmental Science and Forestry in Syracuse during the 70's. Those pictures were a riot. So many of the students had very long hair and mustaches. And that was just the women! Must make sure not to overdo it today as I don't want my weekly mileage too high. Will close off the week with a 2-miler just to be safe. Yesterday we both bought new shoes and I splurged on a pair of Newton's, yellow to match my yellow shorts. I never paid that much for running shoes but I broke them in yesterday and they are sensational. Off to run. Spareribs
                      Rest day for me, too, given the race tomorrow. Looking forward to the weekend activities but then I'm headed out to Nevada for work for at least a week, depending on how things go. Of course, I'll have to come home before 4/16 to decompress and pack for our road trip to Boston. Hmm, I guess I ought to pack for this weekend now...

                      Lou, (aka Mr. predawnrunner), MD, USA | Lou's Brews |

                        Congrats SteveP (now you'll have to update your profile since you're not "between assignments" anymore Big grin. Welcome back WILDCHILD!!!!! JJJ, I just realized vienna sausages are alot like spam (cousins?). SpareRibs, you crack me up about the long hair and mustaches on the women! You sound like my huz--he makes comments about the weight room at his gym, where everyone can outlift him and they all have tatoos (the women!). No running today, going to Santa Anita race track and watching the fine horseflesh run. Will think about WRFB's avatar Wink.

                        Mr. Chip & Mizz Rizzo

                          YEAH Steve . . . that is GRETA News!!! Holly, I love your idea to help out Amy and BTB too!! WooHoo! Negative splits for 6 miles! 10:26 / 10:04 / 10:00 / 9:55 / 9:43 / 9:40 No jacket, no gloves, no headband . . . . dare I say that Spring may finally have arrived?? Big grin Cheers! ~Mary


                          "My sunshine doesn't come from the skies,
                          It comes from the love in my dog's eyes."




                            You guys.... Cry I wish there was a happy tears emoticon. Let me put my thinking cap on about Team Amy, and send out some emails to Children's Hospital, and see what I can come up with. In the meantime, I'm gonna forward your posts to Amy and her mom, she will definitely find them uplifting. When Amy was born, a doctor told Amy's mom that Amy's condition would make their lives very difficult, but on the other hand, they would meet some incredible people along the way. All of you are proof of that! Just got back from 3 hours on the elliptical, now I'm wolfing down any food that's not nailed down, and gotta scoot out to lacrosse practice. I wanted to pop in and say how amazing you all are, and how much I appreciate each and every one of you. Thank you. Smile

                            Trails are hard!

                              Well, spareribs, the Forestry school didn't tend to attract the elegant folks, men or women. We had SU for that .Wink It sure was a simpler time. You can drink a lot of beer when you're sweating it off at a square dance. Smile if you have the capacity and desire, could you scan my yearbook picture (and the Saint's, too if you trust me) so I might see if I recognize her and have a flashback on my misspent youth? stumpy77husky88 at gmail dot com ( I got my BSEE at Northeastern) Steve--Congratulations on the new job. If you can get a raise before you even start, you should really make out come review time! Continued good luck. Kevin

                              Need a fast half for late fall.  Then I need to actually train for it.



                                Congrats, Steve ...they got a good man! Btb - Team Amy - what a great idea! Jlynne - very nice run! You should feel good. Finally... IRCs today! Got in 13.5 mi ... 2:04:07 ... 9:10 ave pace ... 140 ave hr ... 5 mi @ MP 8:25. Off to help DS#2 look for a used car. He needs a vehicle to get to and from work. He had a standing ride with another employee, but that has evolved to be less than reliable. My DW took off for the cottage this weekend and took my wallet with her! Hope this isn't the weekend I get pulled over. Great running everyone! PJ