Masters Running


Friday 2/18 Dailies ~ Keep it Going (Read 501 times)


    Good Morning.  TGIF.  And all that stuff.


    I guess I was so happy to run in shorts on dry pavement that I ran a little hard yesterday and my legs were very tired today.  I did go to the gym and work out a little along with 3 miles on the TM, but they weren't pretty.  I feel compelled to do something so I can post exercise at MyFitnessPal and keep the progress going.


    Good fortune to the weekend racers.




    Marathon Iowa 2014

      Thanks for starting, Dave.  An ugly workout is better than no workout.


      Went to the gym for some lifting, then put on the headlamp and reflective gear for a bear legged run at 5:30 this morning.  The thermometer said 42 degrees, but there were still some icy patches.  Had to make way for 3 different inattentive drivers.  I think they got used to not seeing runners during the snowfest, so they forgot how to share the road.  That or they're still half asleep on a Friday morning.


      Then back to the gym for 30 minutes of step (warmed back up).  A nice start to the morning.

        Thanks for starting us off, Dave.

        PBJ--watch out for those bear legs Wink


        57F at 6am. Shocked  First real sweaty run of the year. 

        10.1 hilly MP miles @ 7:52.

        Be safe. Be kind.

          ...nice running guys// 'em PBJ, you KNOW they're not watching for us.....







           In Southern



          leg twingy,

           but poolrunning tomorrow




          ............good running guys.............

          ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....


            Good morning. SLow start here but good runs to Dave and Tramps.


            Mild morning here too though not 57, more like 37. Spring tease indeed; cold coming back tomorrow,though fairly gradually. Snowbanks have receded a little and the city has done some snow removal too, so both running in traffic and parking have gotten  slightly easier the last few days.


            I got out a bit late but ran 8 pretty easy miles. Legs felt yesterday's speed work a little but things loosened up eventually.  Nice to run hatless and only one layer. Didn't break out the shorts but I am sure those running this afternoon will.


            Happy Friday!


            Mariposai, what is a Guarani Indian? From what region?

              Definitely sweaty here.  64 degrees at 8:00 AM, sunny and breezy.  Out for six miles with some fartlek thrown in here and there for 7:35 pace all together. 


              PBJ, look out for those drivers! 


              Dave and PBJ have confusingly similar avatars.  I always have to look twice to see who is posting.  Those race pics with all the people in them just look similar until you look closely for the jester.


              Happy Friday all!

              Once a runner . . .


                Hey All


                Nice thread title....Keep It Going...


                That was my mantra this morning. I'm a few miles behind in my training plan and on my 2nd week of 70 miles. I started the week with the legs feeling very good but yesterday and today they're tired and sluggish. Which is a good thing...I'm finding the level of my current conditioning. I haven't been here for awhile so it's nice to get some feedback.


                I'm looking at writing my schedule for next week. I've enterend into a Suck Fest on Saturday Feb 26th. A 100km bike race on hilly sloppy gravel roads. I'll need some good leg strength to pull that off. I'm thinking of piling some heavy miles on early in the week and then take Thursday and Friday as light days. Who knows if a long run will be in the cards for Sunday. More than happy to hear what some of you seasoned marathoners might think. Maybe I just look at it as another down week...which I just had two weeks ago but I really responded well to that.


                Well, Happy Friday all. Here's to a great weekend !

                i'm lovin' it... MM#1949

                  The title should be "Fri 2/18 Daylilies..."

                  Feels like spring with the flowers popping up and the forsythia turning yellow... high 75 today!


                  Slo... I'd take a Mulligan. One week of no long run will do nothing and with a 100 mile hard bike race that will make you stronger all around.


                  Meg...Nice running lately!


                  Same as Tramps, 58° for the run at 9 am.. Very nice.

                  4 short sharpening miles with two tempo  (7:39, 7:34) and two EZ (8:44, 8:50)

                  (2 mile brisk walk with the dogs to warmup)

                  Perch's Profile "I don't know if running adds years to your life, but it definitely adds life to your years." - Jim Fixx "The secret is to make in your mind possible what was not possible before. The secret is to make easy what was difficult, instead to make difficult what really is easy." - Coach Renato Canova


                    Dave and PBJ have confusingly similar avatars.  I always have to look twice to see who is posting.  Those race pics with all the people in them just look similar until you look closely for the jester.


                    I have been thinking of getting a picture with tselbs at our next race and changing my avatar to that.  I just need to find out how much he charges for people to take pictures with him. Wink





                      Slo... I'd take a Mulligan. One week of no long run will do nothing and with a 100 mile hard bike race that will make you stronger all around.



                      That's pretty much what I'm's the whole slave to the log mentality I need to let go of. For the record though...It's 100km (60miles) but it'll feel like 100miles by the time were done.



                        Spring flowers already, Perch?  In February?  I'm jealous.  Although it's been warm here, too, we're certainly nowhere near flower season.


                        Last night after work I had an awesome run!  6 miles, 9:50 pace, hip felt great. It's staying light enough to run on the way home again!  Although I like running at lunch, sometimes I get too busy at work, and also there's no shower here so I have to wash up at the sink as best I can.  So after work is easier.  It was IRC at 52°. Bear legs. Smile

                        I hammered down the trail, passing rocks and trees like they were standing still.

                        Marathon Maniac #957

                           for a bear legged run



                          I take it you haven’t been shaving/


                          Lamerunner – nice speed workout for you on the TM yesterday.


                          After yesterday’s intervals and lower body workout, my legs and glutes were pretty tired and stiff today, but I couldn’t resist the 58° at 5am – yippee! 


                          9 slow and gentle miles @10:50 ave.  Chilly temps coming back tonight...


                          We’re going down to Cincinnati tonight with two other couples to see a show at a place called Shadowbox Cabaret.  Something different, a live ensemble of comedy and music, with food and drinks.  Something for me to run off this weekend.   Joking


                          Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."


                            Suck Fest, sound like a fun event.

                            Perchcreek, have a race coming up soon?

                            Tramps, hilly MP, now that is bravery.

                            lamerunner, guarani indians are from Paraguay, my native country. DS was mighty proud of his presentation last night.


                            No running here, but will rock my RAW. It should be a nice weather for a late afternoon run and maybe even a bike ride afterwards. My boys have something going on tonight, so I will be home alone. Run/bike or Run/chick flick movie are the choice..hummm.


                            Make it good guys! 

                            "Champions are everywhereall you need is to train them properly..." ~Arthur Lydiard

                            i'm lovin' it... MM#1949

                              Perchcreek, have a race coming up soon?




                              Tobacco Road Marathon 3/20 (week before Tramps's National Marathon)

                              I'm in the race sharpening phase. Next week is last week before taper. (also 10K race 3/5)



                              Last night I watched streaming live feed of Mary Keitany (Kenya..of coarse) demolish the half marathon world record with a 65:50 (broke the 66 barrier).

                              Along the way she captured the world record for 12K, 10 miles and 20K!

                              That was amazing!  Women are getting alot faster!

                              Perch's Profile "I don't know if running adds years to your life, but it definitely adds life to your years." - Jim Fixx "The secret is to make in your mind possible what was not possible before. The secret is to make easy what was difficult, instead to make difficult what really is easy." - Coach Renato Canova


                                Good morning everyone. Almost afraid to post here for all of the ribbing I'm going to take about our elected officials "running away" from Madison the last few days. Oy - what a mess.


                                Nice running in some pretty specatular temps this morning people. Holly, you continue to amaze me the way you crank out those miles. Have fun in Cincinnatti tonight.


                                Sorry for the twingy leg Tom - take it easy.


                                Hey Slo - I'd like to see some pictures of your bike after that "Suck Fest."


                                PBJ - have you noticed that you have to really watch for people who are turning right? They always look to see what's coming from their side, but never look the other way. I've come close to getting clipped more times than I'd like to talk about. Also, those right turn drivers who kind of "roll" through the stop sign. At least the snow piles are down low enough so they can see you - at least until this weekend. Another storm predicted.


                                A one-day break from Joe Kelly to share my favorite Eleanor Roosevelt quote:


                                 "Do one thing every day that scares you." And I am. Got an appt with the orthopod to find out what's wrong. Wish me luck.
