Masters Running


Thu Sep 25 Runs and Workouts (Read 791 times)

    Good morning, frens. It's funny. For this cycle I haven't wanted to admit what my workout plan is before I run because I don't want to be disappointed and have my confidence shaken if I don't run to plan. However, 95% of the time I do what I'm trying not to think about failing to do. Today's not so plan was to maybe do an MP run or better for 8 miles. My pace was good and my HR was in the right range, so this does help with the confidence. I remember thinking, "I can run like this all day", which of course by mile 20 or so will seem like a foolish thought. 8.1 miles, 1:03, 7:50/mi, AHR 158

    Lou, (aka Mr. predawnrunner), MD, USA | Lou's Brews |

      I think another batch of beer is done. Big grin That's good running, right there, I tell you what.
      Quit being so damn serious! When we change the way we look at things, the things we look at change. "Ya just gotta let it go." OM
        Nice running there WRFB! I know what you mean about setting out the plans beforehand. You did great though and just let that confidence carry you through on October 5. 12 miles for me this morning with Canada J at 5:00 AM in fog and cool temps. (43F). Today’s run was a relaxed pace run at 8:30ish pace. I could feel yesterday’s tempo workout, but not horribly so. Rain is on the way for the weekend---splishy-splashy run long ahead. Oh well. It was great to have company on a weekday run like this. Canada J called last night to say her motivation is fading and would I join her early. No problem at all I said---got the miles in and had a friend by my side. I don't think we talked about running once and yet had a great run. Enjoy the day all CNYrunner

        Mr. Chip & Mizz Rizzo

          Good Morning! I was up at 4:20 to let a dog out which lead to all wanting to go out. I didn't see any point in going back to bed, so I was out on the streets by 4:40 a.m. Will someone wake me up later on today?? Wink Maybe Tim can brew us some fresh coffee. 5 miles - 9:58 pace - 152 avg. hr. I consider this a recovery run after yesterday's speedy (for me) 8 miles. Then last night I decided to go for a 9 mile bike ride. Just too nice outside not get get out and enjoy it. Cheers!


          "My sunshine doesn't come from the skies,
          It comes from the love in my dog's eyes."


          Marathon Maniac #3309

            Good morning everyone... Wow, nice run and super pace Lou...nice job Smile Someone mention beer at 6:49 in the morning Roll eyes Got the coffee brewing Mary...4:40 am run Shocked - nice run and pace girl Smile Another nice run for you are truly an amazing runner Smile Ribs has me entering into more speed work during this last phase of my Marathon training. This weeks plan was for a 10 mile or so run with a 2 mile TT on the track. Boy, summer is really holding around here, last night it was 86 degrees and sunny with really no wind. My legs felt better, but still felt heavy and a little sore and my resting HR was a little high. Running to the track 4 miles away, my HR was higher than it should have been, so I knew my 2 mile TT would be tough. Ribs tentative plan was for me to run these 2 miles in 12:00 to 12:30 minutes. Once at the track I did a few 50 meter striders and was ready to go...but felt super winded just doing the striders. Overall - 10.3 miles - 1:25 - 8:15 ave pace 2 mile TT - 12:37 Mile 1 - 6:29 Mile 2 - 6:08 - last 2 laps I thought I was going to lose my lunch..if you know what I mean. And ran a negative split which I was happy with...that's not the norm for me, but trying to be smarter. After I got home and did the math, if I would have run another mile .1, and lost 10 or so seconds that would have been around a 19:00 5K which would have been a PR on heavy / log feeling legs so I am super happy about that. Sort of a funny story on the track last night. When I got there, there were about 20 or so mildly retarded people that were brought there to exercise walking around the track from a special needs facility in my's a great organization. A bus showed up and rounded these folk up to get in the bus to go home. After eveyone was on the bus I was the only one left on the track. The bus driver yelled at me that it was time to go.....ok, insert your own punch line here Big grin Have a great day all, Tim

            Running has given me the courage to start, the determination to keep trying, and the childlike spirit to have fun along the way - Run often and run long, but never outrun your Joy of running!


              6.5 miles in a cool 50F this morning. The stars were out in full force at 4:45. Mary, if it makes you feel better, you weren't the only one out there! The first mile is always a little creepy running by myself in the dark (I don't have a Brinkley) but I get over it quickly. Nice runs this morning by Lou, Karin, and Mary. Karin - an 8:30 mile is a "relaxed" pace??? I'd kill to run one mile that fast! Tim - nice workout last night. Ribs has turned you into a machine. "The bus driver told me it was time to go and I said no thanks, I'll run back and meet you there!" Where's that coffee??? I see Warren Sap made the cut on "Dancing With the Stars." Has anyone seen Cloris Leachman? She's 82 years old but what a hoot! Good Thursday runs, everyone. Jeanne
                Tim, Perhaps the driver was imploring you to run faster. Ribs influence is far reaching.
                  All these fast early morning types that I can't begin to run like. It used to be just Lou I had to worry about. Now it's Lou, Karin, and Tim with Hopeful and JLynne catching up fast. Today was F.I.R.S.T. HM training Quality Day 2 which means it's Tempo day. The plan was for 9 miles with 3 miles at "short tempo" pace. Depending on whether I use my 5K PR or my recent 5K (current conditioning) gives me between 7:32 and 7:50. The FIRST plan actually has this run at 5 miles. But I'm trying to keep my base and endurance, so I have been adding miles to each quality run - except the weekend LR. It also has 2 days of cross-training, but I haven't decided on that yet. So I've been doing the XT days as really slow recovery runs - making sure to keep them real slow so the recovery happens. So 9 miles with the 3 tempo miles at 7:55, 7:47, and 7:38. As is typical for me, it took me a while to get up to speed (if you can call it that) but that's okay. 75F and 80%, avg HR 149, highest 167. Bill

                  "Some are the strong, silent type. You can't put your finger on exactly what it is they bring to the table until you run without them and then you realize that their steadiness fills a hole that leaks energy in their absence." - Kristin Armstrong

                    Good Morning all. The cooler weather we've been having is wonderful, but summer is reminding us that it's not quite had its say. Mid 70's yesterday and supposed to be 80's today and tomorrow. I don't mind. I'm pleased to say that after a dreadful summer of various aches and pains related to running, and consequently exceptionally slow speeds, Teresa would've passed me during her HM on one of her walk breaks, I'm finally getting more comfortable running at a faster speed and maintaining it. Mind you, my fast speed isn't on the slow-speed radar for most folks! It's a small accomplishment, but it makes me feel better about my progress. I'd love to increase my distances again, but it's difficult to even get in the runs that I do with kids' activities in full swing and job demands at a higher level right now. Jlynne...I missed the start of Dancing with the Stars, but saw that Choris Leachman was part of the show. I have it tivo'd now, so I'll be sure to catch it next week! I love that show! Of course everyone around here is particularly excited in that she was born in Des Moines, so it's their "home town girl". Janet

                    Hill Runner

                      Good morning all, Everyone seems so peppy this morning! We are going through a gasoline shortage here in the Southeast. Every station that I went to yesterday was dried up... I went down to a local gas station at 4:45AM this morning & waited delivery truck which arrived at 5:30 and I scored a full tank Smile The run this morning was so much nicer knowing that I now had a full tank Big grin 10.15 miles of hills @ 9:02 pace with the last mile @ 8:15 pace... Good runs to all today.

                      Upcoming Races:

                      Boston Marathon, Boston,MA 04/15/13
                      Grandfather Mountain Marathon,Boone NC 07/14/13
                      Thunder Road Marathon, Charlotte NC 11/13

                      i'm lovin' it... MM#1949

                        Good morning! You can really see people near marathon time at the peak of their training... Lou.. that sub MP run PBJ Special™ was a nice confidence builer! If you just cruise at 8:00, hydrage and fuel well you can pass 20 and mentally keep the pace til 26.2 (IMHO) RW had an article about the mental aspect of running and how the brain sendds out the message of what is expected so once you "think" tempo, your body gets ready and performs tempo. It's amazing actually. Tim... yowza.. what fast 2 mile TT's. So a 3:30 marathon would be a training run for you at this rate! Your 2 mile TT predicts 3:19 marathon.. you've got cushion! Just make sure you work out a fueling/hydration plan. Breeger.. nice tempo in that heat. Hope it cools down soon. 4 Magical Healing Miles with Tory in 41:31 (10:23 pace, AHR 142 with strides) Leg still bad but not as bad Smile

                        Perch's Profile "I don't know if running adds years to your life, but it definitely adds life to your years." - Jim Fixx "The secret is to make in your mind possible what was not possible before. The secret is to make easy what was difficult, instead to make difficult what really is easy." - Coach Renato Canova

                        King of PhotoShop

                          Karin, that run is even more notable after yesterday's tough workout. Please tell me you have something lighter planned for tomorrow. Good job Bill. In general you want to work from current fiveK pace, and it doesn't all have to be to the second. It sounds like you nailed this one. For 2 months I have had to listen to Tim telling me how easy his workouts have been, how good his legs feel and how he wanted to run more miles, or how he could have gone faster. Now it's sharpening time and from now until the weekend of October 18-19 I will make him run until he pukes. The reason he did a hard two-mile TT last night is because he needs some VO2 max work right now. He hasn't raced at all during this build-up and we need to see what VO2 max actually is. A two-mile time trial all-out is your present VO2 max speed. Now we know that for Tim it's 6:18. He will be seeing this number a lot and it's going to improve dramatically over the next 3-4 weeks. I would debate this with anyone, but I'm afraid of losing a debate, so if you want to debate it with me, I'll set a date for us to do that, but I'm likely to postpone it. I still didn't understand that Potium thing. Spareribs

                          Mr. Chip & Mizz Rizzo

                            I still didn't understand that Potium thing. Spareribs
                            Me either ..... Confused


                            "My sunshine doesn't come from the skies,
                            It comes from the love in my dog's eyes."




                              95% of the time I do what I'm trying not to think about failing to do.
                              Coincidentally, that sentence is on a motivational poster on my wall. Nice run. Econo—it’s been great seeing you pop in lately! I wish I had more time to drop by that other site. Tim--before I read Ribs' post I had no idea what a "2 mile TT" was. I was thinking... tempo tantrum? terrible time? Confused (Also, funny story, but FYI the appropriate term is "developmentally delayed"; I hate it when people call me retarded. You'd be surprised how often that happens.) Byll--nice one...75F still? Ribs--Potium...Podium? I don't know, that's all I could come up with. ETA,oops, just saw Wildchild's response last night. I still don't get it.
                              I would debate this with anyone, but I'm afraid of losing a debate, so if you want to debate it with me, I'll set a date for us to do that, but I'm likely to postpone it.
                              Troublemaker. 7 miles today with a 5 tempo miles (7:33) in the middle. Legs felt a little wobbly (Tuesday’s intervals?) but okay. Here’s an interesting footnote to the Wall St. bail-out proposal. As you probably know by now, the original version Treasury Secretary Paulson submitted gave him unreviewable authority to spend $700 billion—an audacious power-grab that will certainly be removed from the revised bill. As I read the provision, it sounded vaguely familiar to me. Then I remembered our own by-laws, which I looked up, and there it was: “Decisions by Ribs pursuant to the authority of this Act are non-reviewable and committed to Ribs’ discretion, and may not be reviewed by any court of law or any administrative agency.”

                              Be safe. Be kind.

                              Marathon Maniac #957

                                Good Morning! WRFB - smokin'! Wildchild – I still don’t get it though. What is a Podium Finisher? Mary – you run before your coffee? (((shudder))) Jeanne – I looked at CNYrunner’s 8:30 relaxed pace and had the same thought you did. Tim – really, you should get out in the mornings at this time of year. 55 degrees here this morning – lovely. Perch – I’m so glad your diagnosis was better than you had thought. Today I did 6 x 800m with 2 minutes recovery pace in between. Actually I set my Garmin for half-mile intervals, not 800m, but it looks so much better written that way, doesn’t it? I have been hesitant to do this workout, because it was on the 6th interval of this very workout on June 25 that I suffered the tendon strain that has plagued me all summer. And I’ll be honest and say that the dull ache in my pelvis/hip/groin is still with me on all my runs, just in a milder form. At any rate, knowing that my paces have slowed down, I set as my interval goal somewhere between 4:15 and 4:25 (8:30-8:50). 1.35 mile WU 4:23 4:22 4:18 4:18 4:18 4:17 2.14 mile CD 7.4 miles total Pretty much where I wanted to hit, with seemingly no after effects, although I’m icing just to make sure. During the last half mile home I began experiencing the optical snowstorm that is the precursor to my occasional ophthalmic migraines. Fortunately a large immediate dose of iboprophen limited it to normal headache status. Anyone else get these at the end of a run? Mostly I seem to get them after a hard effort, like today, not usually after a long easy run. Happy Thursday!

                                Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."
