Masters Running


Friday 9/22/23 Last Day of Summer Runs and Workouts (Read 36 times)

Marathon Maniac #957

    Happy First Day of Autumn!  


    Don't rush it - that's not until tomorrow!  Technically, fall will begin at 2:40 am EDT.  I am going to enjoy every last minute of summer before it leaves...

    Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."


      Rest day today but we got our Covid shots this morning.

      Tet- I once had a cabin in Paris Maine. There are other US Parises.

      we were in Barcelona Spain a few days before their marathon and ran a fun 5K, met a number of runners,especially some Japanese who snapped our pix.It was very enjoyable.

      Mike E

      MM #5615

        There is a Paris in Kentucky.  My ex wife has relatives who live there.  When we first met, she would talk about visiting them there but never told me it was in Kentucky… why would I ever assume it was in France?


        Debbie and I were in Paris, France and I don’t think I would want to run a marathon there.  It smelled like cigarettes everywhere we went.  It seemed like everybody smoked over there.


          shadow runner

          The Shirtless Wonder

            Happy Friday all,


            I did a quick shoulder and back free weights workout after coffee  @  9:30 AM today. Then ate breakfast and decided @ 11 AM to go for a run. (Retirement is good.)


            I ran a slow easy hill  5.2+ mile run in Tyler Park today. Tyler Park seems to have mostly uphills vs downhills or so I noticed. 😂 The temps were a breezy 68F. Basically I ran the outer loop. First time since pre-hamstring injury. Decided I had to test the repair. 🤣


            However to be cautious I ran slower than I would during local running club's winter series. I also ran shirtless in since last day of summer. Wink (FYI I usually run shirtless for those of you who don't know me. So no real difference there. 😂)


            Enjoy your Friday all.

            Joe Suder

            Nulla camisia et nulla problematum 


              One day I was cleaning and noticed something shiny in the heat duct in the bathroom. I poked down there and found a tri-colored gold wedding band with the inscription “Love David”. I figured it must have been hers and went over to where she was living to give it to her. To my surprise, she didn’t seem at all happy to get it back. I believe she was divorced but I would think you’d still want it. I even wondered if she had 'lost' it on purpose.


              Shoot - Melt that sucker down and make something else out of it!


              Shadow - Did you tear your hamstring???


              See ya soon, Tammy.  And sorry about the massage gun.

              Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

              Trail Runner Nation

              Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

              Bare Performance




                Don't rush it - that's not until tomorrow!  Technically, fall will begin at 2:40 am EDT.  I am going to enjoy every last minute of summer before it leaves...


                  shoot. I thought today was the first day. certainly feels fall like here and I'm noticing all the leave are starting to turn also. even the trees are ready for fall.

                Okay, loadin' up and headin' out!




                  There is a Paris in Kentucky.  


                  ♫ and Paris, Tennessee....♫

                  Be safe. Be kind.

                  shadow runner

                  The Shirtless Wonder

                    Hi Leslie,


                    No tear but a bad strain. It's a long story...


                    I did it trying to catch a fast runner at end of a 5K in May. It was the last hundred yards or so. Both hamstrings went bong or at least it felt that way. Anyway I rested a few days before DW and I did trip to Nevada, Arizona, and New Mexico to see Grand Canyon etc.


                    I ran on vacation and hamstrings were tight but not bad.  Hell I ran Broad Street after 5K and before vacation.Then after a run on vacation I tried to toe off my right shoe and pulled right hamstring. Stupid right?

                    Rested for a week or so then did walk runs at of those walk runs I got ambitious and a really sharp pain to the point I hobbled home.


                    It took 6-8 weeks of PT before I could run 2 minutes. It has been only the last few weeks that I broke 10 mile barrier. Today was the first real hill run.  And hamstrings are now fine hopefully. (Still testing.)


                    I suspect antibiotics reaction again is the real cause since I had a sinus infection the week before the 5K (which I won my AG. Wink ) Apparently I'm one of those older males (>60) that has tendon swelling reactions to amoxicillin and/or augmentin. It's happened with AT and IT a couple of times. Usually if I wait a week I have no problems.  The 5K was only a few days and I had no intention of running fast. The AG was because of race size... except the end of course. Wink  Basically it was poor timing and stupidity on my part.


                    But that's what happened.



                    Joe Suder

                    Nulla camisia et nulla problematum 


                      There is a Paris in Ontario, a nice little town. And a London, much bigger.

                      "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."

                        First, I want to say that I will not consider summer officially over until there are more hours at night than during the day. Right now, in CT, sunrise is 6:40am and sunset 6:50pm I figure I have a little less than a week of summer left. Alas, the same rule does postpone spring . . . 


                        Holly S. boy I wish more people using the Paris Mass Race Marathon app had your view of going there. Looking at the app a recent challenge had 21,340  entrants and had 80 bibs up for grabs. Just think, I somehow managed to be one of the 21,260 losers! How could I be so unlucky?  I have been to Paris, but only a waypoint to somewhere else. I am a little surprised you have no desire to go there. It seems like it is one of those places most people have on their where to go lists. So, what is on yours right now? Having said that, I am not sure I would just plan a trip to Paris for the sake of going there.


                        fatozzig that is one way to go from bad to good news!


                        enkephalin heck if she was so unhappy to get it back, she should just have said here you keep it. It should have been worth a few bucks anyway.


                        Today was just a gym workout. The storm heading up the coast looks to be perfectly timed to destroy the weekend here. I would say the odds of me running the 5k this weekend are getting pretty low.

                        Live like you are dying not like you are afraid to die.

                        Drunken Irish Soda Bread and Irish Brown Bread this way -->

                        Marathon Maniac #957


                          Shoot - Melt that sucker down and make something else out of it!




                          Or put it on and start calling your husband David...  


                          Shadowrunner - thanks for filling us in re the injury.  Good to know that about antibiotics as well.

                          Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

                            Debbie and I were in Paris, France and I don’t think I would want to run a marathon there.  It smelled like cigarettes everywhere we went.  It seemed like everybody smoked over there.


                            Mike, I have to agree, almost everybody smokes and they think it's cool. But that's not the worst of it. The dog sh*t everywhere in certain arrondissements (urban neighborhoods) is unreal!

                            Marathon Maniac #957

                               So, what is on yours right now?


                              Greece, Italy, Spain, Thailand, St. Lucia, other islands in the Caribbean, among others.  Paris, London - these sorts of big cities are just not interesting to me.  I've never even been to NYC (no desire to at all) or Chicago, although given our deluge of frequent flyer miles, we will likely do a 4-day trip to Chicago next summer.  There are many places here in the US I would like to see.  These are a lot more doable, and DH and I are trying to do lots of 4-day getaways to touch on some of them.




                              Paris'd be one place I'd love to go to if I had a bucket list but, since I've already done more than I ever imagined possible in one lifetime, I don't.



                              LOVE this!!

                              Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."





                                Or put it on and start calling your husband David...  



                                Out there running since dinosaurs roamed the earth

