Masters Running


Thursday, June 3 Runs and Not-So-Runs (Read 610 times)

Marathon Maniac #957

    Good Morning!


    Erika – if ever there was a run that was not meant to be, it was yours yesterday….seems like all the forces of nature were working against you.


    Tammy – there is absolutely nothing wrong with taking an extra rest day during taper.  Most of us err in the other direction, not tapering enough (like me running 31 miles over Memorial Day weekend – oops), but I have seen some running plans that call for most of the week off running before a marathon.  I think you will do great this weekend!


    Eliz – congratulations on your official start to marathon training.  We’ve all said it before, but I’ll say it again – pace is not important for a first marathon, just getting the training in without injuring yourself.


    Breger - were you planning on writing a race report for Bayshore?  It would be nice to hear the whole story.  I think we all benefit from hearing about the tough days even more than the successes.


    No run for me today, just some upper body and core work.


    Last day of school for my kids today.  I’m taking off this afternoon to go to DD’s award ceremony.  I suspect probably all the kids in the second grade get something, but she has gotten straight A’s this year, and so I thought it would be nice to be there to see her get her certificate.

    Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

      Breger - were you planning on writing a race report for Bayshore?  It would be nice to hear the whole story.  I think we all benefit from hearing about the tough days even more than the successes.


      Holly, maybe.


      I've been thinking about that and I just might write one, but I'd really like Bayshore to be about everyone else, not me.  One thing I kind of dislike about running is that it's such a solitary,selfish sport that it often seems to be "all about me".  I try hard to involve DW as much as possible and do what she wants to do where possible.  For example, DW wanted to go to the Great Bear Sand Dunes the day before the race. I had to tell her that there was no way I'd want to climb up them that day. That really bothered me. (Still does actually.)  And everyone else ran Bayshore so well, I'd like to celebrate their days and not bum anyone out rehashing mine.


      I'll think about it.  The weekend and the race really was special.


      4 easy miles at 9:06 pace in the H&H.  75° and 84%.



      "Some are the strong, silent type. You can't put your finger on exactly what it is they bring to the table until you run without them and then you realize that their steadiness fills a hole that leaks energy in their absence." - Kristin Armstrong

      Renee the dog

        Mopping, doing laundry, cooking breakfast (hence the laptop -- recipe) and washing dishes.  Everyone else is sitting on the couch watching Imagination Movers.  What did I do wrong in my life???

        GOALS 2012: UNDECIDED

        GOALS 2011: LIVE!!!

          ...nono//..........Barricade yourself in the Kitchen

          and take Their Food Hostage til your demands are met......


          just a thought.



          ..............2hr hiking yesterday,

           Motrin chaser,

          xbike pedalling prn

          ,,,,,,,hips actually feel less stiff this morning,,,,I think.


          poolrunning after work today,

          trailrun tomorrow.....



          ......................good running guys.........

          ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....


            Good morning. Erika, you are tough. Sounds like you have a nice neighbor.


            I woke at 4:20 a.m. thinking about work stuff, then the birds started making noise outside and the cats figured out I was up, so I gave up trying to sleep, got up at 5 and started my run about 5:30. Much better time in terms of traffic, and getting to work at a decent hour, but I may be asleep by noon!  I ran about 8 miles, sluggish at first but better as it went along.


            hoping for a better day than yesterday's terrible, horrible, no good very bad day.  After a lot of work frustration I was on my way out to pick up DD, who had caused her own issues yesterday. I was tyring to avoid a UPS truck in our parking  lot and sideswiped another attorney's car.  Way more damage to my car than hers; it was about a 2 mph collision but I have an Audi which does not fix cheap.  She was very nice about it, but I felt pretty stupid and also dread the insurance ding for the repair.


            To further improve the evening,  as DH was driving home from work after picking up my road bike from a tune up, the bike somehow fell off the rack and onto I 93 at 70 mph or so. He did not dare to bring it home.... the good news I guess is there was no resulting car accident.  My guess is the bike is in bad shape, but I have not seen it.


            Trivial in the grand scheme of things, but aggravating still.


            Good running everyone!

            Marathon Maniac #957

              ...nono//..........Barricade yourself in the Kitchen

              and take Their Food Hostage til your demands are met......






              Lamerunner – hope today goes better for you....

              Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

              Marathon Maniac #957


                 One thing I kind of dislike about running is that it's such a solitary,selfish sport that it often seems to be "all about me". 


                Not when you share it with others......

                Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."


                  Lame.....sorry to hear about your bike !  Good that no other vehicles were involved.


                  There are tons of stories where people have forgot that thier bikes where on the car rack and they pulled into the garage. This generally results in a triple dose of damage. The Bike, the garage and the car !


                  6.3 miles for me this morning. Felt kinda sproinky.....not quite a tempo run but a good steady effort....felt very fluid.


                  Moving is going to plan....two rooms painted, some meet and greet of neighbors, Direct TV guy shows up today.....taking half days today and tomorrow before the big move this weekend. Walls to build, storage shelves to build, lighting to install.


                  Lame......On another note: What type of bike was it and what type of components does it have? If it's not salvagable I may be interested in the components (shifters, crank, bottom bracket, brakes etc.)



                    And everyone else ran Bayshore so well, I'd like to celebrate their days and not bum anyone out rehashing mine.



                    We learn lots from each other, Bill. And as friends with running addictions, who else could you talk to about this stuff that would understand like we do? I hope you decide to share your experience with all of us.


                    Woohoo Eliz! Looking forward to reading about your training progress. Good luck!


                    Erika - that was quite an experience you had yesterday! Glad you made it home safe.


                    Holly - I think a special "girlie" outing is called for with mother/daughter this afternoon. Straight A's? That's quite an accomplishment for your DD. You must be proud. How goes the taper?


                    (((lamerunner))) Hope today brings better things. (and good estimates on getting your car repaired


                    Good luck with the move this weekend, Slo. When are you having your housewarming party, and what can we bring?


                    6 miles, 9:34 pace this morning on a very, very painful left foot. Tried to finish the run with jumping rope for a few minutes, but that wasn't happening today. I'm icing it right now - and will join the rest of you dealing with sports docs/orthopods as I have an appointment on Monday to try and find out exactly what's wrong.

                      8.2 hilly miles for me at 7:00 am----overcast with rain all around us but not falling on my town---we need it actually. Oh well.

                      Lamerunner! I think you've filled your quota of bad incidents for the month or more. At least I'll declare that. Yikes and sorry. Hope today is uneventful.

                      I think of running as a way of keeping myself in good shape for all the other aspects of life----I am clearer headed for my family and work....I have a healthier and stronger heart and body and that helps too and now my kiddo is joining me and sees that mom runs and races and that's cool. Selfish maybe, but like they say on the airplane before take-off---use the oxygen mask on yourself first before you can assist others. 

                      Way to go Eliz!

                      ((((JLynne's foot)))))

                        ...RA NEWBIE QUESTION...


                        how does

                        the ''send message  thing'' work??...

                        ....have sent dg and tet one, but don't know if they got them......

                        ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....



                          Up at the top of this page (look up!) there is a "Messages" tab.  When you send someone a message it adds a 1 next to "Message" notifying the recipient that they have a message.


                          But it is very subtle and not everyone looks there or notices it.  I usually also note something in the Dialy (as you have!) and they then know to go look.



                          "Some are the strong, silent type. You can't put your finger on exactly what it is they bring to the table until you run without them and then you realize that their steadiness fills a hole that leaks energy in their absence." - Kristin Armstrong

                            Erika, I'll never complain about running in any inclement weather around here again! And what was it that your DH and DS were cleaning out of the gutters in pouring rain?

                            Lamerunner, I feel bad about your bike, and Slo, I've been there, done that (pull into the garage with bikes loaded) -- TWICE! The first time, it was DW's bike and my car that took the brunt. The second time, it was my road bike, but the bike almost cleared and it just scuffed the tops of the shifters (still cost $30 to replace). At least the garage door header is easy to fix with a little paint.

                            Ran 4.1 recovery-pace miles this morning with a friend who's just getting back into regular running. That's why I like running with him these days: an excuse to really take it easy. 

                            On tap for Sunday is a simulated duathlon at the actual event location with a group who are mostly doing the triathlon. So I'll probably do my 5K run while they're swimming and then join them for the bike ride. I'll be glad when this event is over, and I don't have anything else competitive scheduled until maybe the end of August (Crim 10-miler). (Be there, dg!).

                            Doug, runnin' cycling in Rochester, MI

                            "Think blue, count two, and look for a red shoe"


                              Nonono, can't be doing all the need to teach those in your life to they live in a democratic democracy everyone has the right and duty to participate....

                              Erika, you are one dedicated runner. I would have given up at mile 2 yesterday. Have fun in Anchorage.

                              Eliz, at one time I too was a 14Tight lippedx mile pace runner...way to go sistahh. It is going to be so much fun to see you train for your first marathon.

                              Karin, how are you feeling today after the "episode" you had last week? 

                              Miles walked yesterday: 3 miles plus upper body weights.

                              Up at 5 for my usual 6 mile route. I am really enjoying doing my runs without my bossy garmina. I normally start out slow and then let the legs or the brain pick up the pace. Today I decided to play speed every other block. I ended up with seven faster blocks. The huge sun came up over the mountains to say hi. Lovely day, indeed.


                              Go tammy gooooooooooooo!!!!! That girl is going to own that marathon course!!!!! Please give a hug to Tetsujin for me and say hi to all the other runners there. I wish I could be there, specially since they will not return my registration money. 

                              "Champions are everywhereall you need is to train them properly..." ~Arthur Lydiard

                              MM#209 / JapanJoyful#803

                                tom -

                                 it's been very lonely here in the 15 minute club without you. Eliz's makin' a valiant effort to qualify, and maybe she will by her marathon time, but her first outing was 20seconds too fast at 14:40. 

                                please e-mail me at jon @ runningbarefoot dot org.  Unfortunately, it gets all my runningbarefoot postings too so I'll need something to catch my attention in the title to avoid inadvertent deletions, e.g.  "mariposai's coming to town," "tammy's in the hot tub,"  "ilene loves you"  ,etc. 

                                ps - contact dg on the goddess forum:

                                "Enjoy yourself. Your younger days never come again." 100yo T. Igarashi to me in geta at top of Mt. Fuji (8/2/87)
