Masters Running


Wacky Wednesday, March 23 daily (Read 493 times)


    Wow. I missed much being out of it for a few days. Good grief. DW goes on vacation with some girlfriends for a week and I mix in a travel soccer tournament (yeah that's pretty smart) = no running or reading on RA.


    Well, I will do my best to quietly try to catch up.


    Holly - I don't know the details but long runs were always the place to do my best soul searching about challenging decisions. The answer will present itself in time/miles. Good luck.

    "He conquers who endures" - Persius
    "Every workout should have a purpose. Every purpose should link back to achieving a training objective." - Spaniel

    Renee the dog

       Tramps wow I had not heard that will not post negative reviews!  That is a really pernicious practice.  I have seen some reviews on it that were not glowing but I had no idea how high a hurdle they set before saying no to a review.



      I don't know this, but based upon something one RD said to me once, and subsequently having a review of mine on marathonguide edited before its posting, it might be that the RDs have the ability to "trim" or refuse certain content around their listings.  NOT SURE, just speculating based upon very flimsy evidence.


      GOALS 2011: LIVE!!!

      Marathon Maniac #957

        Don't move to Wisconsin, Holly. Things ain't so hot for public employees here lately.




        Oh, they're chipping away at the Ohio public employees, too.  They just recently got rid of unions, upped the full retirement to 32 years of employment (so DH will have to work until he's 67), reduced the pay for retirement, raised our healthcare premiums, and took away the protection of seniority during downsizing decisions.  Still, the benefits are better than working for a sole practitioner.


        Don't worry about the tulips.  They're stronger than you know....


        C-R - hiyah!  I was wondering where you'd gotten to.

        Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

          My friends' podcast, 3 Nonjoggers, is really taking off.  They were recently featured on another running podcast, Geeks in Running Shoes, as well as an online "beer magazine", Draft Magazine.  I'm very excited for them.  To think I will soon be able to say, "I knew them when . . . "  Wink

          Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

          Trail Runner Nation

          Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

          Bare Performance


            ...I love Tennessee......


            70s this morning,

            120min hiking,,,,,,,,,,,followed by 30min poolrun




            boiling black clouds,

             30mph wind gust,


            and  temps dropped 10-degrees






             ask me if I'm getting in my 6th streetrun tomorrow?????





            ..........................good running guys.......Brave the Elements..............except, you know,   A Plague of Frogs......

            ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....

              Spareribs - I will be sure to read it - I love the psychology behind all this stuff.

              Leslie, when you said "a freaking little visitor" my first image was of a little green gremlin barging in on you in the bathroom.

              Holly, I'd go for security, that old lawyer could croak at any moment! Wink


              Well, no snow here.

              53F Cool, no clouds.  One long sleeve and shorts.  I can see my shorts tan line forming already!!

              4.14 miles by myself, then 2.16 miles with Muttface = 6.3 miles, a bit slower than it felt like.

              "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."


                 Ok since you changed your avatar I have always seen a hand puppet kind of weasel looking thing. My wife just pointed out the ostrich. I thought those big round yellow things were ears not eyes. Joking I am LMAO over this. How could I not see the ostrich for so long and now not see the weasel? You guys were even joking about it last week and I guess I didn't get it because I still didn't see it. Too Funny!


                5 GA kinda miles 9:30ish pace indoors on the treadmill. Schools all closed roads iced up and worring about my pine trees and power lines. I hope thing thaw out before the weekend. I can run on the treadmill all week but no way the 13 on Sunday. Right now that would be close to  impossible outside.


                slip slidin away,


                Chumbawamba: I get knocked down But I get up again You're never going to keep me down


                Trails are hard!

                  Erika--one of my PE joblisting e-mails has an opening for a senior electrical engineer at Uof A at Fairbanks.  Anyone you know that works there?  Wink


                  it sure would be tempting if I didn''t have quite so many complications down here.  i don't suppose they'd let me work only in the summer?


                  Ability to work in a wide variety of locations and environments, including confined spaces and rooftops. Ability to travel in or on airplanes, snow machines, and tracked and wheeled vehicles


                  I do like the "in or on" that goes with the airplanes.

                  Need a fast half for late fall.  Then I need to actually train for it.



                     Ok since you changed your avatar I have always seen a hand puppet kind of weasel looking thing....



                    good///.....I thought it was a Weasel too


                    so it's not just me.

                    ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....


                      Stumpy, I did go check out that job opening... it's a term funded job just funded (so far) thru June 30. Seems sort of silly to have something like that "term funded," but that's the way things seem to be going. Easier to let them go if the funding is gone... anyhow, yeah, that traveling "on" airplanes is pretty interesting. You wonder if it's just that crazy of a job, or lack of a proof reader!\


                      Holly, it may start out with less pay, but the benefits do more than make up for that AND you could get merit and/or longevity increases as time goes on. While there are no guarantees for anything anymore (were there ever?), I think the writing's on the wall about how much longer your current position will be around. (nice miles for you today, too!)


                      Sorry for the ice, snow and related carpy weather some of you are having... perfect late winter/early spring day here! That damn ice is finally melting, although it refreezes every night so the driving is kind of exciting at times. I found enough packed snow in good condition for a 6 mile run last night, and planning on running home from work tonight. First time for that this year, and I hope it's not too icy on most of the road shoulders I'll be on... with after work traffic. Hmmm, the more I think about it I'm wondering how good of an idea this is...

                        As someone who has to get health benefits and such independently as a consultant, I think having decent benefits can make up and then some for a pay cut. Good advice here too and the right response will  be in your heart Holly.


                        Mary! Puppies, puppies! I told Mr. CNYrunner and he said his tummy is bulging too! Oy.....I am pretty sure HE's not having puppies. We were just talking about Hudson and when we'd plan our trek to meet him and you! Also, don't stay near the airport in Boston... stay in the city or in Lexington or just north---Marblehead maybe. Are you planning to go to the Cape on this trip? There are a veriety of options that allow access to Boston proper, but I wouldn't choose the airport hotels for vacation. 


                        Went for an easy 4.4 mile run at 5:00 am and then headed off to CT for a client day (Waterbury). The weathergasms in this area have proven wrong---dare I say they were faked weathergasms? So sorry about the snow elsewhere---including my hometown of Central NY----closing in on 190" of snow there.  This morning's run felt fine---a bit stiff at first and all that, but so far surviving these last weeks of monster workouts---just a few more hill repeats, tempos and one last very long run before Boston.

                          Larry and TomW - You guys are cracking me up!  Elvis never knew he'd create such ruckus. Big grin


                          Came home early with every intention of running.  Barely got out of my driveway and turned around.  My ankle just isn't happy.  I think I may have strained something Saturday a little bit.  So I decided I could be really stupid and ruin my run in April, or I could pull my head out, stay off my foot, ice it, and see how it feels over the next couple of days.  Tomorrow's a stationary cycling and strength training day and Friday's a rest day.  We'll see how it feels come Saturday. Undecided

                          Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                          Trail Runner Nation

                          Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                          Bare Performance


                          Mike E

                          MM #5615

                            Yeah--Leslie--I think you were smart to turn around at the end of your driveway. 


                            I really struggled on the treadmill, tonight.  Man, I hate the treadmill.  I wanted to get off after 6 miles but stuck it out for 10...barely.  I don't care how much snow is out there on Friday--I'm running outside!

                            Maniac 505

                              Hope you get fit soon Bill.


                              I'm in Burlington, WA this week and trying to run every morning, but it is really cold here and I didn't bring enough stuff.  It's about 37 degrees below zero I'm sure.


                              On my business blog I posted a story about the Boston Marathon so I thought I would share it with you here:


                              Hope all is well with everyone.  I see most of you on FB, so don't post a lot to any of the forums.  Spareribs



                              And that's the way I like it!


                              Ribs, great to read the Boston story, but I am sorry to see that You are trying to teach telemarkerers how to do a better job of bothering me Roll eyes


                              Holly,   I don't think you can any longer count on state worker benefits improving, but what a wise person once told me is if you have two seemingly equal choices,  simply flip a coin.  if you don't like the way it lands pick the other option.


                              Fato,  Wednesday's are the middle of the week for only some people.  For me,  Wednesday is Monday.Sad


                              and an easy 6 for me tonight.


                                Made it home... wow that was an icy run! In another week or two the roads should be in good shape but just marginal now. Rolling hills, temps in the high 30's and bright sunshine. Love it. 10.1 miles, 8:20 avg pace. I cheated at the end... DH picked me up and drove me to the top of the hill by our house, so I had a nice downhill run to finish. That was very nice. Smile
