Masters Running


Sunday of Memorial Day Weekend (Read 26 times)

    I'll get us started.  Hope everyone is having a good weekend so far.  Good training yesterday, all.


    3 miles for me on very tired legs-  between rain storms.

    Out there running since dinosaurs roamed the earth



      Good rainy Sunday morning! It was coming down pretty hard at 8:30 and I had planned to run/walk a 4 mile race with my DS#1, DIL and 4 grandsons. They all bailed out and I decided I didn't want to break Twocat's rule so I did too.  Now I'm feeling guilty, lazy and fat   The rain is supposed to let up later this morning and we have plans to golf with a few other couples so I'm keeping my fingers crossed.


      I spent the day yesterday helping DS#1 plant a bunch of new shrubs and perennials. The rain was well-timed for their gardens, but not so much for this nice 4 mile race that is held every Memorial Day weekend. I went to the start/registration booth about half an hour before the race started to pick up everyone's shirts and not one person had shown up to run. I sure hope there are braver souls than my group!


      I hope the weather is better for all of you racing today and those with family get-togethers planned!


      And thank you to all who have served our country. My DH and DS#2 included



        11 miles for me.


        After last nights thunderstorms it was humid as anything (and more storms forecast this afternoon), so I literally had to wring the sweat out of my shirt after taking it off.

        5K  20:23  (Vdot 48.7)   9/9/17

        10K  44:06  (Vdot 46.3)  3/11/17

        HM 1:33:48 (Vdot 48.6) 11/11/17

        FM 4:13:43 (Vdot 35.4) 3/4/18



          should be upper 90's today and at 9:00 a.m. it's already so warm out there. and still, not a leaf moving. lots of garden work to do, which is going to be brutal since my garden is in the hottest part of the yard.


          might run today. might not.


          Marathon Maniac #957

            Love the pictures at the end of yesterday's thread of Avenger Doggie and Marley's adventures with Steve!  But ice cream topped with French fries?  Hmmm....


            6.8 recovery-paced miles today in 70-72 degrees, followed by about 30 minutes of weights and core, then an hour and a half weeding in the garden and flowerbeds.  I could use a nap now.


            The rest of the day will likely be puttering and cooking and then maybe a glass of wine on the deck with DH.


            Happy Sunday When Monday is a Holiday!

            Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."


              Loved the picture story from Avenger Doggie last night. I hope that big stick stayed put... Holly I was thinking the same thing, french fries with ice cream? 


              Jlynne, if it wasn't a goal or series race, I'd bail too. Hope you can get out this afternoon.


              Tammy, I'm always amazed at the temperatures you get there. I had no idea that area of Oregon got so hot (and so early in the year!).


              tomwhite, we have a lot of those nature-inspired workout opportunities here, usually in the winter with snow shoveling. Wind storms mean branches in the yard and power outages from trees falling on lines.


              Cat, you were gone for awhile, right? Where'd you go?


              Not sure what I'll do today for a run. Only need 12.1 to make 48 miles, but then 14.1 would give me my first 50 mile week in a long time. Anyone else doing that 2017 in 2017 thing? Next week is "all star week" and I'm on a team. Goal is just to run as many miles as you can, so not sure I want to run real long today when I have tomorrow off and can run more then. Next weekend's long run will have to be on Saturday because Saturday night we're going to a very extravagant wine event and I'm not counting on much productive happening on Sunday... 


                Loved the picture story from Avenger Doggie last night. I hope that big stick stayed put... Holly I was thinking the same thing, french fries with ice cream? 



                In the dog's defense, they do lick their own butts. Ice cream and french fries are probably better tasting than dog butt.



                  Good rainy Sunday morning! It was coming down pretty hard at 8:30 and I had planned to run/walk a 4 mile race with my DS#1, DIL and 4 grandsons. They all bailed out and I decided I didn't want to break Twocat's rule so I did too.  




                  racing with grandkids is fun - and much better in the sun.  we bagged on last year in the pouring rain - today made up for it.  you'll have many more chances!


                  i love avenger doggie pics and stories


                  isn't monday always a holiday???


                  enjoy the days!


                  Marathon Maniac #957


                    In the dog's defense, they do lick their own butts. Ice cream and french fries are probably better tasting than dog butt.


                    Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."




                      Tammy, I'm always amazed at the temperatures you get there. I had no idea that area of Oregon got so hot (and so early in the year!).



                      Las t year we already had a few 100 degree days in april. This is later in the year than the norm for us to get this hot. but then just a couple weeks ago, we still had rain and 60s, so we are all over the range this time. Should be back to mid 70's by end of the week, which is where I like it. but yes, our climate in So. Oregon is way different than what most people think of for the Pacific NW. We are a much drier and hotter region than even Eugene, which is only 2 hr north of us. 

                      turned on A/C for the first time. it's just too hot for me today. so not used to this yet. Even the dogs are just lying around and not bugging me to go do something with them.


                        ''tomwhite, we have a lot of those nature-inspired workout opportunities here,,,,,,,''



                        ........well put erika//.......I'm gonna have to Steal That Line......




                        if I can move, I plan on a work-out tomorrow


                        if not

                        I will write a 2nd chours

                        to my New Country Western Hit>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  '' When We Git Done, Call Nine-One-One''

                        ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....


                          2.5 hot (81) humid (68%) and breezy (10-15 mph) miles in 30 min. Mega storms rolled through last night and it was nice and cool this morning.  Not so this afternoon   I spent the nice cool morning volunteering for a Du that is tiny (41 participants) but fun.  5 hours checking volunteers in and out.  No sleep between stressing about getting up so early and wild this run was good for waking me up.

                          Trails Rock!


                          Trails are hard!


                            racing with grandkids is fun - and much better in the sun.  we bagged on last year in the pouring rain - today made up for it.  you'll have many more chances!


                            i love avenger doggie pics and stories


                            isn't monday always a holiday???


                            enjoy the days!


                            Go ahead, rub it in   But you do have a good looking racing team today.


                            Nothing in the way of running so far this weekend, just our version of "nature inspired" XT.  Yesterday we put in the dock, raft, and boat.  Plus I got to reclaim the motor from the boatyard, where it acquired a new carborator over the winter.  For somewhat less than a brand new motor.   today we opened the island camp and put in both docks and opened shutters.  That dock is the only one that I have to go in above the waist and I can vouch for the fact that the water temp is NOT up to summer levels yet.  The a bunch of picking up and chopping up all the branches and stuff from the winter.


                            A variation on salted caramel?


                            Maybe a run tomorrow if the rain holds off.


                            Enjoy your holiday and remember those who made it possible.

                            Need a fast half for late fall.  Then I need to actually train for it.


                            MM#209 / JapanJoyful#803

                               I went to the start/registration booth about half an hour before the race started to pick up everyone's shirts and not one person had shown up to run. I sure hope there are braver souls than my group!

                              I was still a few years from moving down to Seattle and I'd already run the one-marathon-a-year I was doing in those days (1990) but a major Thanksgiving Weekend storm was thrashing Seattle when I was stuck visiting relatives so I did a day-before registration at the Seattle Marathon Expo figuring few would brave elements so severe one of the floating bridges sank. It was my first lesson about running in the PNW as everyone showed up anyway. Drenching wet finish photo is still one of my favorites.   I wonder if Tamalina was here then?


                              STARR - please edit you post so you fell while trail running and we can see if your bloody souvenir shin is as good as the one enke posted  a couple of years ago. Does RA have search function?


                              Steve - no wonder your dogs put up with you.

                              I would too.


                              Another 84o day's drying out the mud clumps

                              from the garden enough to get ready for planting

                              some seeds for the first time in years. We'll see.


                              ps marj and all - thanks for RR's.

                              That's what I originally liked about

                              forum.  Still do.

                              "Enjoy yourself. Your younger days never come again." 100yo T. Igarashi to me in geta at top of Mt. Fuji (8/2/87)


                                14.3 miles today, capping off a 50.2 mile week. Then my DIL2B and I worked in the garden to get all the potatoes in (well, not all... 4 rows of 9 each so far), got the soaker hoses all straightened out and cleaned (rinsed with soft water), and installed in the lower half of the garden with rows prepped for the broccoli, cauliflower and carrots, to go in tomorrow. Whew! Feels like a long day!
