Masters Running


Tuesday 7/11/23 Sunny Runs and Workouts (Read 36 times)



    Howdy friends,


    Deez, enjoy the vitamin sea!  Sounds lovely!  I do miss being so far from an ocean, although I'm really a mountain girl at heart anyway.


    Moebo, that med reaction sounds awful!  Hope you didn't scare anyone too much. When I cut my knee on a run and had to hike back to the car, I was worried I'd scare people with the blood running down my leg into my shoe, so I faced away when anyone came up the trail, and pretended to take a picture or something.


    Tramps, that trip up north sounds wonderful! Post pictures, please!


    My little adventure over the divide and back was wonderful!  There was some snow on both sides of the pass, but the pass itself was snow-free, which is the part we were worried about since it's steep and could be dangerous with snow. It took 7 1/2 hours to hike the 17 miles over to Winter Park.  We got an early dinner and beer, went to bed early at our hotel, which was very near the trailhead, and got up early for the return trip.  Returning, we found a trail that provided a good shortcut on a big dirt road switchback, so the return was only 15 miles and took 6 1/4 hours. Wonderful weather and great company! Our packs weren't too heavy, since we just carried an extra tee shirt and shorts, which we wore to go to dinner, sleep in and to run the second day.  Here are a couple of pictures.


    east side of the pass


    Climbing up to the pass, Heart Lake in the background. This is the part where we worried about snow. This is about 12,000 ft. elevation.



    looking west from the pass, you can see Winter Park ski area below. Our destination was the town of Winter Park, which is to the right of the ski area.

    I hammered down the trail, passing rocks and trees like they were standing still.

      Glad you are doing so well Henry!

      Wildchild- that is beautiful and impressive.  I'm glad it went well.

      Doug- congratulations on the Strava accolades.  That's what it's all about, right?  Smile   I keep getting Local Legend stuff that then gets nabbed away within a week or two!

      Out there running since dinosaurs roamed the earth


        stumpy77 where is a thumbs up emoji when you need it?


        Holly S. any chance your DH is just trying to eat less and nothing is wrong? Maybe not a "real" diet just trying to control calories a bit.


        moebo wow those blisters do not sound like fun. How far along with the medication are you?


        SteveP I do not suppose Dunkin just wants to be friends with the baby rabbits?


        I did another rehab run today, 1/2 mile walk, 3 mile run, and a 1/2 mile walk. My PT is letting me graduate to 1/4 mile walk, 4 mile run, and a 1/4 mile run. Plus permission to do up to a three mile hike with modest hills this weekend. Man, do bodies heal up ever so slowly. 


        I made my first ever crunchwrap! They are really, really good. I can see why Taco Bell sold millions of these things.

        Live like you are dying not like you are afraid to die.

        Drunken Irish Soda Bread and Irish Brown Bread this way -->

          I love good Mexican food-  and I also love Taco Bell!

          Out there running since dinosaurs roamed the earth



            (((((KSA, Ken & Robert Earl)))))


            Holly - I hope the finial diagnosis is that the weight loss fairy visited while DH was sleeping.


            Jay - I'm glad you're feeling better.


            (((((Moebo))))) If it's any consolation, I scare people with my charming personality.


            Tetsujin209 - I'm sorry you are having knee issues.


            Vitamin Sea!!!!!


            Roch has a new PR!!!


            JLynne - Happy Anniversary!


            I'm glad Henrun is feeling well.


            Wildchild - What a perfect couple of days.



            SteveP I do not suppose Dunkin just wants to be friends with the baby rabbits?



            The look in his eyes said, "Tiny Bunny Yummy.".


            I got three miles in at under 20 min each.  It caught up with me at various points in the day.  It's all good.


            There was a 225 acre wildfire caused by a tree falling onto a power line.


            DD#2 and DD#3 packed.  Some people in DD#2's area were evacuated.  She and the tribe did not. Thankfully there was no loss of life, though a few homes were lost.




            MM#209 / JapanJoyful#803

              Roch - nice. At this stage a PR is one of the consummation devoutly to be be wished but rarely gained. Good job.


              Wildchild - fantastic snowfield crossing pics like I loved about the White River 50 out here with Mt. Rainier in the background. Probably enke with her knee too but, unfortunately, we all know too well the feeling of trying to hide the bloody shins from other trail users after occasional spills on errant rocks and roots, . . . except in races when it's a badge of honor to come proudly into the finish covered with blood such as was almost always splattered here and there on arms, elbows, shins and knees, etc. on almost everyone in the Mount Marathon ones, even ending some in the local hospital as happened to me one year.  I got a picture feed of the fifth place woman's finisher in this year's Badwater covered with it too and, I think, the Mount Blanc one too.  Be careful. Yeah sure. ha ha.


              Rats! As expected, though PCP nixed another cortisone shot at yesterday's follow-up I had wanted but knew that the last one was going to be the last one on the fluctuating, on-and-off knee pain that comes on enough to wake me up at night and then, after repeated applications of roll-on, spray on pain killers and ointments I have in spades from the $85 Medicare Advantage quarterly OTC allotments plus Salonpases, etc. they offer too and then goes away almost completely but still enough to off-kilter my gait enough probably to qualify for a Chester understudy on Gunsmoke, the specialist referral couldn't be set until September 1 so, once we get 100% moved into the sr. housing I vowed never to do but now am loving it, August should be beach time again, . . . if the current stretch of good weather lasts.

              In the meantime, don't tell anyone but, though I also vowed never, ever to be reduced to using one of the shower chairs parents and grandparents needed as they aged, the $52 one on the OTC July-September allotment is on the way.


              I'm back at work today, . . ..

              ps Jay - I trust you mean your real business that you still can get paid some for as, after you retire and are not getting paid for all the volunteering you do, I don't think you are supposed to use the “w” word with regard to all the things we do after retirement sometimes ever more than our work lives were.  Can you sell or get somebody to take over your work business?

              pps - thanks for all the interesting info on RW rules and local compliances. 

              "Enjoy yourself. Your younger days never come again." 100yo T. Igarashi to me in geta at top of Mt. Fuji (8/2/87)
