Masters Running


Thurs Feb 7 Daily Runs (Read 572 times)

    Easy 5 miler this morning at an 8:02 pace,almost wore shorts...the wind was howling so I wore my tights again... I can't see the picture ...It is from my first 5K, 3 weeks after quitting smoking and starting running, finished in 25:59...
    Looking for a place to Happen, making stops along the way - The Hip

    Marathon Maniac #957

      Gordon, you just need to put a {img} and a {/img} on either side of it, but using <> instead of {}. Nice picture. I particularly like the shirt - very kewl. Smile

      Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

        Good morning, everyone. Plan was 5M tempo, but after 1.5M decided to make an easy run out of it. Not sure if I ran too fast yesterday, still tired after Sunday's 20 or just one of those days. (Or maybe I am just a lazy slug Smile ) Workout: 11.1 miles, 8:05, AHR 154 Overall: 12.1 miles, 1:38 Good runs!

        Lou, (aka Mr. predawnrunner), MD, USA | Lou's Brews |




            Ribs - I bet it will feel so good to be home and sleep in your own bed! Smile I got in a good 6 mile TM run last night. I ended up finishing it in 60 min, which makes for an overall pretty average pace for me. But I spent a few minutes warming up, then walked for about 3 min as I was approaching mile 4. I wanted to run faster my last two miles, so wanted to bring my heart rate down a bit. The last two miles were done at a 8:40-9:10 min mile pace. Nice pic Gordon! Cool Watch out - Steve's getting new tights! Shocked Have a good day all!



              Great Ice Bath story, Tim! Thanks for sharing! And I will tell you that I swear by them... but mainly in the summer. And I fill a 33 gall. trash can with cold tap water (comes out of the ground here at, oh, say 33F!) and just step right in. Keeps all the tender bits out of the cold (yes, we ladies deal with that somewhat, too!), and really gives your legs a total soaking. If it's warm out I might add ice... Last night's run was going to be 8 miles, but I set the treadmill for 75 minutes and just went with it so got 8.6, first 4 EZ, next three at 8:34, last 1.6 EZ. Went through all of solarmix 6 and a little bit of 8. I really need to get a TV for down there. I have a window looking south at the neighbor's house and town beyond. But at night, all I really get is my reflection. There's only so long I can make faces and flex muscles and play with "proper form" till I totally bore myself. Cold snap continues... it's been at least -45 every morning this week. I'm starting to be glad my car is at the shop, but our pickup is getting tired of being the only pony in the show. Our neighbor called this morning to say her husband "got stomped by a moose" when he went out with the dogs... she wanted to be sure we gave the kids rides to the bus stop. Hope he's ok.... the moose get pretty cranky at these temps. Gordon, thanks for sharing. Mary... maybe your DH needs a winch? But I guess that wouldn't help if he keeps planting the front of the truck in the snowbank...
                Treadmill run and weights today. 4.1 miles in 40 minutes included 3 minute warm-up walk. Last half mile at 6.8 mph so it was a pretty good run followed by leg presses and squats. Dead hopefully my legs will feel light when this strength phase is finished. Steve is the power in the tights. Surprised Ice baths--- I wear padded bike shorts, the pads help a lot Big grin Jlynne I cut back from 6 days to 5 about 18 months ago and I love the extra rest. Rest day tomorrow. Great weekend Everyone Smile

                Courage ! Do one brave thing today...then run like hell.

                  Jeanne - I don't have a good answer for you on how to cut back on running days. I've just started to schedule my Wednesdays so that I can't possibly fit in any running (puppy to day care before work, weights at lunch, Mom visits/dinner in the late afternoon, puppy obedience class in the evening....). I'm doing 12 weeks of concentrated strength training, and I have to do weights during Wednesday lunch to keep up with the schedule. I'd like to think I'll continue the weight work after the 12 weeks are finished (that was the plan when I started), but I suspect I'll start making excuses to skip the weights and run instead.

                  Sue Running is a mental sport...and we're all insane! Anonymous


                    Holy smokes Erika!!! I thought having a seagull mad at ya was bad....A moose!!!! Yikes. There's evidence of a mouse about the place. We have a cat. Needless to say there's some splainin' to do. I showed the cat some "Tom and Jerry" clips. Then we sat down and watched some marathon "Sylvester". None with the kangaroo in them. I mean, let's keep it real here. We watched "Scaredy Cat" and now she won't come out from behind the cape. Is it just me?? Or are our pets getting as soft and lazy as kids today??? 3.6 miles with the dog. DD#2 was driving by and was had a quick chat and we saw DD#3 was working at the bank so we had to go mooch a few treats...Not for me...they were for the dog.....seriously.


                      Gordon, nice pic. Good thing SteveP didn't notice you ran through a red light or he might have to don those new tights.

                      Marathon Maniac #3309

                        Great Ice Bath story, Tim! Thanks for sharing! And I will tell you that I swear by them... but mainly in the summer. And I fill a 33 gall. trash can with cold tap water (comes out of the ground here at, oh, say 33F!) and just step right in. Keeps all the tender bits out of the cold (yes, we ladies deal with that somewhat, too!), and really gives your legs a total soaking. If it's warm out I might add ice... Last night's run was going to be 8 miles, but I set the treadmill for 75 minutes and just went with it so got 8.6, first 4 EZ, next three at 8:34, last 1.6 EZ. Went through all of solarmix 6 and a little bit of 8. I really need to get a TV for down there. I have a window looking south at the neighbor's house and town beyond. But at night, all I really get is my reflection. There's only so long I can make faces and flex muscles and play with "proper form" till I totally bore myself. Cold snap continues... it's been at least -45 every morning this week. I'm starting to be glad my car is at the shop, but our pickup is getting tired of being the only pony in the show. Our neighbor called this morning to say her husband "got stomped by a moose" when he went out with the dogs... she wanted to be sure we gave the kids rides to the bus stop. Hope he's ok.... the moose get pretty cranky at these temps. Gordon, thanks for sharing. Mary... maybe your DH needs a winch? But I guess that wouldn't help if he keeps planting the front of the truck in the snowbank...
                        "the moose get pretty cranky at these temps"....LOL. I can't even imagine -45 degrees and having to get out and do stuff...I suppose you say "but it's a dry cold" Smile You seem to tolerate the treadmill more than a lot of people, but you really have no choice at times, huh? I think the trash can idea would be great..and less painful. My problem would be I live in an upstairs apartment??? Tim

                        Running has given me the courage to start, the determination to keep trying, and the childlike spirit to have fun along the way - Run often and run long, but never outrun your Joy of running!

                          Hey - did someone mention a moose? - I did one of my Big Workouts today... 13.1 miles @6:12/mile (A 1:21:05 half marathon). Feeling pretty good. - I'm just realized I'm about 3 and a half weeks out from Napa marathon and won't be doing too many more of these... Ray

                          Mr. Chip & Mizz Rizzo

                            Erika - that Moose story is down right scarey - especially to us "city folk". I hope he is okay!! I could suggest a winch to my husband, but he'd just say "that's why I've got you honey!" Wink Actually he has a winch on his quad so if I was not around to rescue him, he'd have that for a "back up" hahhahaha Steve - you cannot go back to work - you are our entertainment!! That was a great youtube. My 4-legged kids the other night:


                            "My sunshine doesn't come from the skies,
                            It comes from the love in my dog's eyes."



                              Who isn't cranky at those temps? Brrrrr. Spring-like 53F mid-day run for me under bright blue skies. 8.1 miles @ 9:03 pace.

                              Be safe. Be kind.


                                Erika - just got off the phone with my "wimpy" sister who lives near Orlando. She was complaining about the temps down there, apparently colder than normal and if I remember her words correctly, "bone-chilling." When I told her about your -45 temps for days on end, she stopped complaining in a big hurry. Gordon - loved the picture. Not sure that's a unisex shirt, though. The hands look like they'd be in the perfect position for a little "support" if a woman was wearing it! Those are the kinds of treasures you pack away to show your kids when they're married and have their own. Steve, your cat sounds like Garfield. Maybe you need a different kind of "motivation?" Maybe show him the picture of Mary's dogs.