Masters Running


...and a wonderful Thursday (Oct 2) it is... (Read 595 times)

    Hello everyone, Tim awesome workouts and PR! Meeting with the speed group I am coaching tonight. 20 people expected. Cool and wet one for tonight so should see who are the crazy dedicated runners. Doing 5X1k intervals descending from half marathon pace to below 5k pace by the end. I will be taking it easy as I am running a half marathon in 3 days in Picton. YEAH, I cannot wait. The plan is to run sub 1:20 Here's Tall's Crazy plan (as always I like to challenge myself). This would be a 1:29.9 second PR. Aggressive yes and especially on the tough PEC course were at 18K you hit a 1k moderate uphill. I tend to pay a bit of attention to my overall body composition numbers leading to a race and they are all looking great..205lbs - 8.3% body fat and 60.1% water composition. The plan: Overall pace: 6:06 per mile 5 miles in 30:24 10 miles in 1:00:57 Half marathon in 1:20 First 10K in 37:48 Looks suicidal for a guy who four years ago ran 48:50 for his first 10K but you know what I know I can do it...all depends on the weather and the day. Will be fun giving it a try. Tall

    Recent Best times: None recently


      I just learned, if you take a measly 9 month break from this running stuff, all of a sudden it is hard again Surprised 5 miles Tuesday, 6 yesterday, slow as a slug. I think I will take a break today and get some new shoes. if my pedals show up today I will take my new cyclocross bike out and play in the dirt a little. It's great to be back. Dave
      Dave, I was just thinking about you the other day, wondering how long it was you'd been out. I'm so glad you're back. You earned those shoes. Smile
        Deb-I have a mid-foot strike unless I get lazy... Roll eyes I like these new Adrenalines better than the last model,but not as well as the Adrenaline 6's I started with...I also buy new ones after 300 or so miles...about every 2 months...
        Looking for a place to Happen, making stops along the way - The Hip

          Scientists have discovered snow on Mars. Icy snow falls from high in the Martian atmosphere probably reaches the planet's surface, scientists working with NASA's Phoenix Mars lander reported last week. Three days after the report was filed, Martian authorities were reporting 45-minute liftlines. Evanflein: I'm insanely jealous that you guys have a little snow already. I'm counting the days until ski season starts. Mary:
          I operate heavy machinery.
          Now THAT was brilliant! Enke:
          I had a co-op job once at a large brewery. All the free beer you wanted for lunch!!
          My friend Nick worked at the Miller brewery in Eden (NC) and they got so many free cases/month. Nick is not a big drinker so he'd always give us all the beer we wanted...Nick retired 2 years ago...we almost lynched him. Dave:
          Never before have so many people with so little to say said so much to so few.
          So true...reminds me of a sign in one of our local hangouts: "When all is said & done, more will be said than done." Timbo:
          Super pumped about my workout last night....
          Well, you should be! That's just amazingly great...congrats! Tramps:
          Gorgeous 49F temp this morning; coolest morning yet this season. 10 miles total with the middle 6 at tempo pace (7:26). Felt pretty easy with this cool weather.
          About the same temps here...that's a great run. Can you & Aamos harmonize on the alma mater? I usually don't run on Thursday but I might sneak out for a couple miles late this afternoon..might not get to run Saturday because we have a double-header scheduled. Kind of odd...we're a bunch of old codgers yet our season lasts longer than the majors. DickyG

          i'm lovin' it... MM#1949

            All I can say about Tim's Time Trial is ... WOW! Shocked Watching runners develop is one of the most rewarding parts of following the RA posts. Nice job all of you! I tried to run a bit faster today but the leg said "not ready for that yet". It seems like 8:30's are ok but 7's are too much right now. So I ended up running 10 min pace for 2 miles with Tory and then 6 miles at 8:35 pace Overall 8 miles in1:11:40 (8:58 pace, AHR 155).... and it was IRC too.. 46F!!

            Perch's Profile "I don't know if running adds years to your life, but it definitely adds life to your years." - Jim Fixx "The secret is to make in your mind possible what was not possible before. The secret is to make easy what was difficult, instead to make difficult what really is easy." - Coach Renato Canova

              BTW, if you're following the felony trial of Alaska Senator Ted Stevens (as I'm sure you are Wink ) you may have noticed this interesting tidbit from Bill Allen, a friend and now witness, who described one of their routines: "Allen spoke wistfully of their former "close, personal friendship" and how they used to go to "boot camp" in the desert Southwest - where they would walk around, eating little and drinking only wine, "trying to get some pounds off." Interesting weight-loss strategy, no?

              Be safe. Be kind.

                Tim, WOW! That is so neat, and I agree with perch, it is wonderful to follow progress like that! Tramps, I would be flattered to be your alum, so long as we don't have to eat gefilte fish! Dicky, I agree, the "I operate heavy machinery" had me LOL yesterday--Mary, you're a hoot! Gym day for me. grins, A ok, baseball haters, scroll on...... The Red Sox won! What a game! Varitek bunted, Lester was brilliant, Ellsbury flew, Pedey was being Pedey Big grin[I love that kid], Jason Bay, yay, Paps was on, wow o wow, I'm so happy Cool Wink Smile Big grin Blush
                Masters 2000 miles
                  The Red Sox won! What a game! Varitek bunted, Lester was brilliant, Ellsbury flew, Pedey was being Pedey Big grin[I love that kid], Jason Bay, yay, Paps was on, wow o wow, I'm so happy Cool Wink Smile Big grin Blush
                  Yeah Man! A win on the west coast is awesome, one more would sure be sweet wouldn't it! Big grin Hey Amos did I miss something earlier? I saw a few posts about Clams...not sure what that was all about. Confused I don't particulary care for clams anymore (ever since getting very ill many years ago after eating some bad ones) but I still love Clam Chowdah! Bob's Clam Hut just over the Kittery - Portsmouth line is right on US RT 1 in the heart of the outlet malls as is The Weathervane Restaurant...they are both outstanding! Once again I'm not sure what you were looking for and I guess I missed sorry.


                    Over at good old they have some new stuff. One is on blogging which had me laughing out loud. Here's the caption: Never before have so many people with so little to say said so much to so few. Big grin
                    Dave, when I read that, I just had to check their website - I love! I like this one: Government. It's for sale. Just like the t-shirt. If you want to save $5 on this tee- just use the following coupon code when placing your order: mygovernmentjustboughtfannieandfreddieandalligotwasthislousytshirt Or you can use the coupon code: hankpaulsoncankissmyfannie Or if you’re too lazy to cut and paste you could just use the coupon code: fanniehurts Sorry, I hope that wasn't too political for this forum...

                    I hammered down the trail, passing rocks and trees like they were standing still.

                      Tim - amazing!! I ditto what Perch said. Mary - congrats on the promotion for your daughter. Dave - that line was so funny...I think I'll send it to my DH. Tall- you always state your goal ahead of time...gutsy. I have decided to keep mute about my goals from now on. I just always jinx myself. Divechief - glad you are back. dickyg - the regular staff got a free case of beer a month, in addition to as much as they wanted during the day. Hic! It was sad though as some of the retirees (now alcoholics) would come back and hang out in the lunch room drinking beer all day long. A small part of my job involved setting up the weekly taste test. The senior QC guys would sample the beer from the competitor breweries and rate it on a long list of qualities and characteristics. I got to do that one day too. Burnt, skunky, caramel overtones??? Fun job. It was breezy and overcast this morning, but oddly warm 63F. The kind of warm but not hot weather that beckons you to go for a run. You can picture how good it will be, the sweat slowly running down your face, your pace slowly increasing, the music lifting you to new heights. But I was good. It is a rest day. Sigh.

                      "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."

                      Marathon Maniac #3309

                        Tall you always state your goal ahead of time...gutsy. I have decided to keep mute about my goals from now on. I just always jinx myself. Exactly, and why I have not said or posted anything about any goal time for my first M...although I do have a reasonable number stuck in my head....between 2 and 6 hours Big grin Hum, quote thingy didn't work right Confused Tim

                        Running has given me the courage to start, the determination to keep trying, and the childlike spirit to have fun along the way - Run often and run long, but never outrun your Joy of running!



                          Tim, you can safely predict you'll get a PR! Big grin

                          I hammered down the trail, passing rocks and trees like they were standing still.

                            After hearing raves for a long time about the "cult classic" Once a Runner, I happened to spot its fairly recent sequel, Again to Carthage, on our library bookshelf and checked it out right away. What I'd like is for someone to assure me that Once a Runner is worth reading after I've read this newer book. To put it succintly, this was the worst book that I've read in a long time. Not only was it poorly written in general -- one-dimensional characters, wooden dialog -- but there were several pointless chapters apparently thrown in just to increase the page count, not much plot, and not even much running. A plot "twist" that he threw in toward the end was so ludicrous that I actually laughed out loud. Granted, translating sport to fiction -- book or movie -- is rarely successful, and there were a few running-related gems along the way (e.g., all sports boil down to "ball" or "chase"). But a half-dozen good passages in 300+ pages makes for a fairly tedious read. Maybe the author needed the money and wanted to capitalize on the legend of his first effort. Anyway, before I go chasing after a rare copy of Once a Runner, is it really worth the effort?

                            Doug, runnin' cycling in Rochester, MI

                            "Think blue, count two, and look for a red shoe"

                              Roch, FYI "Once a Runner" is scheduled to get another printing beginning in April of 2009. Amazon was (and probably still is) taking pre-orders on it. Bill

                              "Some are the strong, silent type. You can't put your finger on exactly what it is they bring to the table until you run without them and then you realize that their steadiness fills a hole that leaks energy in their absence." - Kristin Armstrong

                                What I'd like is for someone to assure me that Once a Runner is worth reading after I've read this newer book.
                                Roch, at least Once a Runner is about running. I enjoyed it; haven't seen the newer book. If you want a good read, at least in my opinion, try Running with the Buffaloes, a true story about one season of the University of Colorado cross-country team. However, it has terrible editing. I can't remember exactly what all the problems were, but I do remember thinking, "This is minor-league editing. The publisher gave this book to some junior person." Once in a while I really wish I could have been a book's editor, and this was one such time. Dark Horse
                                I'm a dark horse, running on a dark race course.