Masters Running


Sunday May 2nd Runs, etc. (Read 634 times)


    Rest day for me.  After further thought, I guess I'm not bored on long runs.  I have a couple mp3 players that I use on occasion for music and podcasts.   I think I just have lost interest in longer runs for the time.  I am planning on doing some more specific 5k training in the future.  There shouldn't be too many 20 milers required.


    Pittsburgh marathon runners had a delay today:



      Not only did Walt miss my delightfully charming company running with me, he missed an amazing feed after the race. I got back about 30 minutes ago even though the race ---Walter Childs Race of Champions Marathon in Holyoke, MA----is just 5 miles down the road (at least from the mile 18 mark).  I was first woman with a 3:26:51.  I won $250 and got to break the tape too! The heat was nasty in the last 8 miles or so, but I just kept on plugging and Dr. B biked alongside for awhile and gave me water. Dr. J was first masters woman (since I won and we are both in the 40-49 category).

      This is a smal race but very well done and the 10th oldest marathon in the US. It was 59º at the start under heavy cloud cover and the first 9 miles (3-3 mile loops) are around a reservoir up at Mt. Tom. The start is at the old Mt. Tom ski area. It's hilly as heck in parts and the last 1.2 miles is all uphill to the finish----by then 84º and the sun came back out in full force. I was thinking a 3:30 would be reasonable and I ran pretty evenly ---first half in 1:42---so no worries folks, all was well. The first place runner, Rob Landry won it last year (he also ran Boston) in a 2:42 and this year won again in a 2:50.  He's a masters runner as well. A masters woman hasn't won this for a few years and the winning women's times have been 3:32-3:27 for the past several years (not that I looked or anything)! Score one for the older folks! Sorry for the RR in the daily thread, but that's all I plan to do.

      It was great to support a local race and get my local running club's name in the paper.

      I am on the road tomorrow, so I need to get packed and ready for a week of work travel. The kiddo ran a 5k while I was at the marathon and lopped more time off his PR. Mr. CNYrunner is putting the clips up on YouTube, so I better scoot and get to that.

      Nice running and happy Sunday folks.

      So, who wants to run with me next time? 

      MTA: Eek, glad I wasn't in Pittsburgh! Scary

        Some awesome runs out there!

        Happy B-day Lou!

        Holly, if you come to Flying Monkeys, let me know and I will come cheer you on!  Would love to meet you. words to describe you.... No, I don't wanna run w/ you, but I like reading about what you do!

        I went out early this morning for a 5 miler, which was tough after yesterday's 9.1.  Yesterday I was followed by a border collie for about 4 of the 9 miles.  He wouldn't get out of the road on the highway and I was so scared he'd get run over. But he just kept loping along and finding me after I tried my best to lose him.  Long story short, the police came and when they couldn't find anyone who'd claim him, off to the shelter he went.  So sad.  

        Today brought heat and humidity back to Tennessee after a lovely short spring.  But there is extreme flooding in Nashville and DD and SIL are dealing w/ no power and creeping water nearing house level.  Pretty scary. 

          evan, nice 5K with (probable) PR.  econo, thanks for letting us know that Woods Lady was 1st in AG in her 5K.  pfriese, congrats on your AG award in your 5K.  PDR and WRFB, great job in your half.  Also, happy birthday, WRFB.  ribs, way to go in your half, beating your goal and being 2nd in AG.  CNY, congrats on first woman in your marathon in hot weather.  $250 and breaking the tape is cool.  Also, congrats to your son on his 5K PR.


          Nice long runs for kimmie, fatozzig, Walt, Slo, mariposai (and asparagus, too), holly, and breger.


          This morning, it was about 60°, there was a little wind, and a light rain.  I got in 6 miles in about 1:02 for a 10:20 pace.


          A good day and good runs for all.



            Dr. J was first masters woman (since I won and we are both in the 40-49 category).


            Did anyone notice how she just snuck this one in?


            WTG, Karin!!!

            Lou, (aka Mr. predawnrunner), MD, USA | Lou's Brews |


              Careful of those people from Wisconsin, Mary. 


              Hey, wait just a minute there grandma! I happen to think we're kind of nice here. Come back and visit, okay Harriet?


              Wow - lots of racing in lots of heat today. Y'all are brave soldiers. I can't stand it once it gets above 60°. Congratulations today Karin. Great win in less than perfect weather. It sounds like DS is going to literally "follow in his mother's footsteps." You must be proud.


              Enjoy your well-earned taper, Slo. Like everyone said - remember, it's TAPER time.


              Congrats to you too, Spareribs. Your comeback has been truly remarkable.


              Happy birthday, Lou! Hope you're having a great day.


              Late report of a 3.5 miler this morning, just trying to get everything moving after my carpy run yesterday. A comfortable 9:41 pace and if I had known how close I was to 40 miles this week, I would have ran the extra 1.3 I needed to get there. I did walk 18 holes on the golf course, does that count for anything?


              Wow - what a story in NYC and Pittsburgh. There are too many sick, demented people in this world. It's a miracle no one was killed or seriously injured.

              Mr. Chip & Mizz Rizzo

                Nice running CNY!     You are definitely a force to be reconned with!  Big grin


                Happy Birthday Lou!!   We need to see you in that camping hammock!


                JLynne - he was a very nice guy.   He can't decide though and is going to think about it on his 6 hour drive home.   Long day trip just to pick out a puppy! 


                Holly - they go in 2 weeks, and I'll have one for 3 more weeks.   Time flies.


                Keep up the good running everyone!



                "My sunshine doesn't come from the skies,
                It comes from the love in my dog's eyes."



                  WRFB and PDR, nice halves, and sounds like you ran them smartly in the heat.  Happy Birthday WRFB, I guess no ageing up?

                  Speedyribs - nice half, you must be happy about that.  Now about those 6 minutes, you have lots of work to do!  MIght be easier to hire a guy with a baseball bat.

                  CNYrunner - Congrats winner!  Yes I'd run with you, for about 10 seconds, then I'd get on my bike and try hard to stay up to you!


                  DH came home early from his trail bike adventures.  Seems he ate a lot of dirt doing "endos" (flying over the front end) and was so exhausted he passed on the actual race today.  I kept saying, "well you know you are not 21 anymore" to the point that he said "you've said that to me 3 times already!!"


                  Anyway that means I got a run in afterall.


                  No heat here, 50F, few raindrops.  6.5 miles I was chugging along pretty slowly trying to talk myself out of doing one speedy tempo mile but I did it anyway, 9:30 pace and that included forgetting to push the lap button so my mile included some of my previous chug chug chug.  Hills too, up and down but I think they even out.  Happy that I can do at least one mile at that pace without redlining.  Lean and spin, lean and spin, lean and spin, my mantra for speedwork.

                  "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."

                    CNYRunner- Nice going in the heat! The only tape I have ever broken has been unwrapping Christmas presents. Congrats on a tough race.

                    Brick day for me today. 10 miles (easy) on the bike followed by a 10 mile run. Nine straight days and counting!


                      Came by to see how the racers did in this heat.


                      Walt—I don’t blame you one bit.

                      Slo—good luck with the taper

                      Mari—you seem to always be in the midst of good times!

                      PDR—nice job in this tough weather.

                      Lou—happy birthday, buddy!  1:52 is your PW?  Heck, I’ve done worse than that!

                      Ribs—nice job in the heat!  Great to see you running so well.

                      Karin—Wow! (again) Congrats on the win and just an amazing time, given the course and temps. 


                      DW went for a 20-mile bike ride.

                      I turned the AC on and watched the hockey game.

                      Be safe. Be kind.

                        We have a winner in our midst!!!


                        Congratulations CNYRunner! 

                        aka Mrs. WillRunForBeer, MD, USA

                        Marathoning, the triumph of desire over reason

                          Super-low mileage week with only one run, but also a bit of a breakthrough as I finally think I get the fascination with trail running.

                          I've been in Phoenix all weekend on my first trip to the southwest.  I hiked a trail near the hotel yesterday - a STEEP trail - and all I could think was that those trail runner types are absolutely nuts.

                          Took a trail with a more gentle slope today and couldn't restrain myself - I ran part of the way!!!  And I'm even more excited to tell everyone that when I stopped, it wasn't because I was winded, but because I saw a can't-miss photo op!  

                          At the airport now, ready to head home, and thinking how much I could kick butt on the hills at home if the humidity were this low there!



                          Marathon Maniac #957

                              I was first woman with a 3:26:51.  I won $250 and got to break the tape too!



                            Most of us only dream of this - YOU ROCK!!!!


                            Spareribs - Congratulations on your 2nd AG win, and PDR adn WRFB - you also get great kudos for toughing it out in those temps!


                            Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

                              Happy Birthday Lou by the way  and nice racing to the Beers!

                              Nice racing for Ribs and the Saint as well!

                              Tramps! What are you saying? telling Walt you don't blame him! Yeesh! Just wait until I visit your area again!

                              Thanks for the props folks and see you later this week Holly---she'll run with me (and even in thunder, wind, and snow...what's a little heat?!)

                                Great running, Ribs! Sounds like you ran a smart race.


                                Karin, I would have folded like a cheap suitcase once the temperature hit the 80's. Congratulations on an excellent run.


