Masters Running


Wednesdaily, 6.13.18 (Read 38 times)


    Mornin' everyone.


    Tuesday's workouts.

    RunnerKSA (1.5 day-starter miles + 3.2 post-work miles between pet feeding)

    Henrun (2 morning miles in IRC)

    Sees-the-Ground (6 basic miles)

    Fatozzig (5 muggy morning miles, including 2 at tempo)

    Tomwhite (75 min on hills with weights)

    C-R (6.5 EZ lunchtime miles)

    Quickadder (5.6 early morning miles at 9:48 pace in 76° dewpoint)

    Wildchild (5.6 neighborhood, blue sky miles)

    Pfriese (6.66 miles to the park & back)

    Holly (6.5 miles in 67° temps)

    BTY (circuit training at the gym)

    Falconfixer (5.5 morning miles at 8:40 +/- pace in good weather + 7 after-work bike miles)

    Surly Bill (3 EZ miles)

    Mariposai (8 hilly mid-afternoon smile miles)


    So sorry about the sad and challenging news, Twocat and Holly and Marj.


    I hope your back is better soon, Twocat.


    Congrats on the well-earned compliments, Fatozzig. You should go to that store often.


    Sorry about the ankle roll, BTY, but I'm glad you are staying fit at the gym.


    Congrats to your DD#3, SteveP!


    Today's workout (7.3 RW miles at dawn in 61° with a solid SW breeze) was better than yesterday. My cadence was a little higher (165 spm average), and after my first/warm-up mile I averaged about 11:30 pace. If I can be there on a regular basis, I'll be good with that. Channeling my inner Fatozzig, I stopped to pick up a quarter.


    Gotta go - have a greta Wednesday!



    Without ice cream there would be darkness and chaos.

      Gotta pick up that money!    Thanks for the recap.

      3.3 morning miles.  Humid but I beat the rain.       2 treadmill miles after work before meeting a friend for sushi.  Ran faster than I wanted because of time crunch!     5.3 for the day.

      Check in with y'all later.

      Out there running since dinosaurs roamed the earth



        Jay--nice pace!

        BTY--good to see you drop in. Hope the ankle feels better.

        Holly--that whole situation is sad but at least you're talking.

        Twocat--sorry about your friend.

        Steve--how many grandkids is that now?


        Tribee started her 3 x week summer outdoor swim program this morning, so we were up an hour earlier than usual. A little droopy for my usual 5-miler.


        Caps brought some closure to the season yesterday by celebrating with parade and rally for fans. Not my sort of thing but I did check out the live TV coverage. Everyone seemed to be having a blast and they had beautiful weather.


        Pretty unique backdrop for the festivities.

        And a few folks showed up.

        You don't have to be a hockey fan to appreciate sportsmanship. The Caps organization took out  a full-page ad in the Vegas newspaper.

        With hockey over, Norm can finally enjoy his World Cup in peace. 

        Hey, did you know Ovi's a Messi fan?   When they celebrated his 1000th game, his teammates gave him a jersey and trip to Barcelona.

        Back to your regularly scheduled running forum.

        Be safe. Be kind.





          .....tramps//.........Impressive Sportsmanship by the Caps......

          ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....


            I went to the park this morning for 3.7 very sweaty miles. 

            Had my dentist appointment this morning for a cavity on the right side of my mouth. Zero sweating and anxiety attacks for this one. Major accomplishment.

            Friday morning is supposed to be in the 50's before a string of 90+ degree days. I think I will go ahead and fit in a longish run on Friday morning before work.

            At the park where I run most days, there are roads open to the public. More than half the people I meet out walking and running are on the wrong side of the road with their backs to oncoming cars.  It forces me to go around them since I run on the proper side of the road. But I was wondering, are people not taught anymore about the right & wrong ways to walk along a road?  Maybe I need to write my congressman and ask for a multi-million dollar grant to prepare public service announcements and road signs to educate people.




              5.1 steamy easy miles with DD this morning.

              Started running at age 60.

              AG 60-64 PR - 5K 25:45, 10K 53:28, HM 1:57:39, Marathon 4:32:09

              AG 65-69 PR - 5K 26:11, HM 2:02:39, Marathon 5:04:47


              Upcoming race: Four on the 4th 7/4/24 maybe.

                Maybe I need to write my congressman and ask for a multi-million dollar grant to prepare public service announcements and road signs to educate people.


                  And to teach them to NOT wear dark clothing at predawn and night.


                Jay - Way to go on channeling me!  I found $0.06 the grocery store the other day.


                SteveP is going to be a grandpa again!  Lucky grandkid ~


                Holly - Very sorry to hear about your dad.  It's so nice that you guys have been renewing your relationship.


                Tramps - Cool ad, Class Organization.


                A little over an hour of core/ST this a.m.


                Chiro appt today to try some more cupping.  My butt nerve is really PO'd.  I also ordered some silicone cups yesterday to try and do this at home.  If I'm successful with myself, I'll see if The Hub will let me try on his problem areas.


                Okay - Back to your regularly scheduled program ~~

                Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                Trail Runner Nation

                Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                Bare Performance



                  Up early for an easy 81/4 mile run in the park.




                    I went to the park this morning for 3.7 very sweaty miles. 

                    At the park where I run most days, there are roads open to the public. More than half the people I meet out walking and running are on the wrong side of the road with their backs to oncoming cars.  It forces me to go around them since I run on the proper side of the road. But I was wondering, are people not taught anymore about the right & wrong ways to walk along a road?  Maybe I need to write my congressman and ask for a multi-million dollar grant to prepare public service announcements and road signs to educate people.


                    That just reminded me that when I was running the trails at my local park on Sunday in what turned into a torrential downpour, I exited the woods at the main trail head - which I rarely do. There is a noticeboard there with various documents protected behind glass and my eye was immediately drawn to one that was headed "Cease & Desist Order". The order required people to cease and desist from OUTDOOR RUNNING and is dated July 2011. Apparently there were drought conditions at the time and a high risk of wildfires as a result ... a 'burn ban' was in effect and the order only applied until the burn ban was lifted ... but almost 7 years later the cease and desist notice is still posted.


                    The park has a 15mph speed limit for motorists so running on the wrong side of the road isn't too much of an issue. Having lived most of my life in Britain, it seems to me that perhaps all the motorists drive on the wrong side of the road here

                    Started running at age 60.

                    AG 60-64 PR - 5K 25:45, 10K 53:28, HM 1:57:39, Marathon 4:32:09

                    AG 65-69 PR - 5K 26:11, HM 2:02:39, Marathon 5:04:47


                    Upcoming race: Four on the 4th 7/4/24 maybe.



                      That just reminded me that when I was running the trails at my local park on Sunday in what turned into a torrential downpour, I exited the woods at the main trail head - which I rarely do. There is a noticeboard there with various documents protected behind glass and my eye was immediately drawn to one that was headed "Cease & Desist Order". The order required people to cease and desist from OUTDOOR RUNNING and is dated July 2011. Apparently there were drought conditions at the time and a high risk of wildfires as a result ... a 'burn ban' was in effect and the order only applied until the burn ban was lifted ... but almost 7 years later the cease and desist notice is still posted.



                      Must have been some fast runners there in 2011 that could run fast enough that they risked starting a fire.




                        Nice touch by the Caps. reminds of some advice a soccer coach once gave me - "Be humble in victory and gracious in defeat. You don't have to like losing but you can have some class and get ready for the next one." He was an old school southern gentleman.


                        Funny about the C&D order.


                        Rand 6.2 on tm again. Ref'd a college age soccer match last night and payed the price today. Calf is telling me that was a mistake. But once you commit you have to follow through.


                        Have a great day all.

                        "He conquers who endures" - Persius
                        "Every workout should have a purpose. Every purpose should link back to achieving a training objective." - Spaniel


                        Marathon Maniac #957


                          Must have been some fast runners there in 2011 that could run fast enough that they risked starting a fire.



                          Tramps - very classy of the Caps.


                          My silly dogs crack me up.  Rosie, our little Westie, always seems to be smiling.  She loves to have her face stroked and her ears scratched, so she will thrust her face in your lap begging for attention.  Dexter, our Cairn/Westie mix, who always seems to have a sheepish expression on his face, loves to have his back scratched, near the tail, so he is always presenting his backside.  When I come home from work, there they are, Rosie face-first and Dexter tail-first, ready for their loving.


                          No run for me today.  I had an early doctor appt. (our insurance is changing to and HSA as of 7/1, so I am getting all of my appointments out of the way), and didn't feel like getting up extra early to run.

                          Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

                            I was also thinking that of all the types of people using a park or woods runners would be about the least likely to start a fire. How many runners do you know that carry around matches or a lighter when they go out? I do not even know any that smoke. My guess is few carry portable propane stoves or other things that would light all on their own either. Very weird!


                            Still on the DL. Did an hour on the elliptical.

                            Live like you are dying not like you are afraid to die.

                            Drunken Irish Soda Bread and Irish Brown Bread this way -->


                              That just reminded me that when I was running the trails at my local park on Sunday in what turned into a torrential downpour, I exited the woods at the main trail head - which I rarely do. There is a noticeboard there with various documents protected behind glass and my eye was immediately drawn to one that was headed "Cease & Desist Order". The order required people to cease and desist from OUTDOOR RUNNING and is dated July 2011. Apparently there were drought conditions at the time and a high risk of wildfires as a result ... a 'burn ban' was in effect and the order only applied until the burn ban was lifted ... but almost 7 years later the cease and desist notice is still posted.



                              It's odd that they singled out running. I wonder if they meant cycling? We have to be diligent about these things, there was a time not long ago when hikers were trying to ban people from running on National Park trails, and nearly succeeded. There is still a contingent of speed-limiters out there who believe the only use for park trails is what THEY use them for; 2mph walking with heavy packs. I've been berated in Canyonlands and Arches by hikers for "destroying the trails" and "ruining the wilderness experience". I think they're just mad that runners cover as much ground in an afternoon as they do in 3-4 days.

                              60-64 age group  -  University of Oregon alumni  -  Irreverent and Annoying


                                3 early morning miles while it was still cool out (50's), while my husband was at the hospital having his kidney blasted to break up large stones. doctor is so quick though that he was already done and prepping for next patient when i got back from my run. all went well and he should be passing about 20 small stones over the next several days. 

                                and I've been taking advantage of the day off to get my menu planned, shopping list made and outdoor cleanup for David's graduation party on Saturday.

                                David received confirmation from OSU of the courses and AP tests he took in HS that qualify for college credit. He has 37 credits now so that probably puts him at being a sophomore already. Hoping that many of these will also qualify as prereq's for major specific courses he'd have to take.

