Masters Running


Tue July 21 Runs and Workouts (Read 424 times)

    Steve - I hope your leg gets better soon.

    9.1 miles, 1:13:14, 8:04/mi, AHR 165 (85% MHR)

    including 10x20s striders

    Lou, (aka Mr. predawnrunner), MD, USA | Lou's Brews |

      9.0 miles, 10:11 pace. 65F.



      I'm working on finding lodging for Boston.  We got shut out of the Inn we stayed at last year.  They opened up reservations last Wednesday and the place was full by the end of the day.  It's crazy.


      aka Mrs. WillRunForBeer, MD, USA

      Marathoning, the triumph of desire over reason


        3.4 steamy miles at ~11:20 m/m

        Lots of folks out running the National Mall at 6 a.m.  more than usual...get fit america


        good luck on the finding boston digs beers.....


        off to the salt mines

        Trails Rock!

          Recovery day.  3.5 easy miles at 10:14 min/mile pace.  Average HR 119.


          Where does everyone recommend staying for the Boston Marathon?  Point to point races leave lots of options.  (Maybe I'll pull a Dove and make a reservation before I BQ.)



          "Some are the strong, silent type. You can't put your finger on exactly what it is they bring to the table until you run without them and then you realize that their steadiness fills a hole that leaks energy in their absence." - Kristin Armstrong

            Morning, gang!




            Nice runs by the Beers this morning - good to see both of them at the top of the list again.


            The humidity is ping-ponging here - none yesterday, but back today.  The rain/thunderstorms derailed my track workout this morning.  6.5 mile temp run on the treadmill instead.  1 mile warmup, 5 miles @ 9:22 and half a mile cooldown; AHR 154.   Yoga class is resuming today.  The instructor took a month long hiatus to attend yoga school - will be interesting to see what she throws at us today.


            I went out last night after work to do a brief trim job with the weedeater - only planned to be out for 30 minutes.  An hour and  half later, the whole driveway (very long driveway) was neatly trimmed.  Not to be out done, DH was mowing the yard when I got back to the house, so I had to help finish that.  It was 8:00 before I finally got around to dinner.  


            Good runs all! 

            Sue Running is a mental sport...and we're all insane! Anonymous


              Good Morning folks ! Looks like it'll be a wet one here.


              Off and running !


              Last night I was out for an easy 5'er......Did two laps around the ball park barefoot.....just's the fashionable thing to do these days. You can't pick up a running mag without reading something about barefoot running. FWIW.....I didn't find that it changed my stride or foot fall.....on grass or on the sidewalk.....little twigs can hurt and although the grass may look soft......the ground is hard. I don't see any reason to do it again.


              This mornings workout called for 4 x 1 mile @ 10k pace with 3 min active recoveries.


              2.52 mile w/u


              Mile 1  7:13

              Mile 2  7:00

              Mile 3  6:57

              Mile 4  6:58


              2 mile C/D.......According to Mcmillian and based on my last 4mi race my 10k pace is 6:59.  The 3 min active recovery is perfect. I'm fully recovered and feel like the next repeat will not be a problem. Quite pleased with this workout.

              Renee the dog

                4 miles this morning in a light rain with Renee in 38:41...AHR (nono) was 138.  Since I really don't know my max, I guess what's good about this is that I'm running the same paces with lower HR as I get into this training plan. 


                Have a great day everyone!

                GOALS 2012: UNDECIDED

                GOALS 2011: LIVE!!!


                  Doug—very cool ride!

                  Steve—so sorry to hear about the setback with the knee.  Hope you find a solution soon.

                  Jlynne—I’ve always liked our mail carriers and have had great mail delivery;  no jokes.

                  PDR—good to hear from you regularly again!

                  Bill—Boston?  Oh yeah, I guess it’s never too early to plan for that one.


                  No energy today for some reason.  Managed a 5.2 mile run @ 9:14. 

                  Be safe. Be kind.


                    Good morning good people. It's always great to see "the initialed couple - WRFB and PDR" start the daily. When you checked out of the Inn after Boston this year, couldn't you have told them to hold a reservation for you for next year - or doesn't it work that way?

                    Nice to see an early morning post from Liz! We're planning another trip to DC this fall - can't wait to do all the things we missed on our first trip there.

                    Sue - I don't need a weedeater here lately. The rabbits and deer are using my gardens as breakfast, lunch and dinner. Nothing I put down seems to work.

                    Speaking of deer, I saw a dead doe on my run this morning. Part of my route goes under a highway overpass. Someone must have hit her and sent her flying off the highway. I called the non-emergency phone # for our local police to report it, and they said someone had already called about an "injured deer." Looked like she had gone past the injured stage to me, poor thing.

                    7.5 miles, 9:51 pace, no creepy guys. Life is good.

                    Marathon Maniac #957

                      Good Morning!


                      New shoes today, and what should pop up in the shuffle on my mp3 player but this song:






                      Denise – how’s it going with your DS?


                      PDR – already?  Jeesh, I wasn’t planning on working on lodging until after I actually registered in September. 


                      Boston-bound for 2010 – anyone need a roommate?  I’ll be leaving DH home this time.  Possibilities for several going in on a house/apartment rental, like Seattle?


                      Slo_Hand – I’m too much of a tenderfoot for barefoot running – I sort of gingerly step along, not a true running stride at all.


                      Today was interval day on the first plan, which called for 5 x 1000m @ 7:02 pace, with 400m recoveries.  I barely looked at my Garmin, just trying to hold a very-hard-effort-but-remember-you-have-to-do-5-of-these pace.  Here’s how it worked out for me:



                      Goal Time (Pace)

                      Actual Time (Pace)

                       2.22 mile WU



                      1000m (400m RI)

                      4:22    (7:02)

                      4:30   (7:14)


                      4:22    (7:02)

                      4:35   (7:22)


                      4:22    (7:02)

                      4:33   (7:19)


                      4:22    (7:02)

                      4:37   (7:25)


                      4:22    (7:02)

                      4:36   (7:24)

                       3.68 mile CD




                      10 miles total.  As you can see, I was nowhere near the target pace on the intervals.  And I had no excuses – the morning was cool and lovely at 59° - IRC.  I think perhaps this is an example of the FIRST plan meeting up with Holly’s genetics.  I really don’t think I could have gone much faster.  But, as Byll says, it’s more about effort than pace, and this was a very hard effort.


                      Of course, I felt pretty peppy on the way back home, and thought, "must not have worked hard enough if I feel this sproinky now."........

                      Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

                        Hopefully today is the first day of my comeback trail.


                        After running 129 miles in March, 25 miles in April, 22 miles in May, 1 mile in June, today I logged 2.36 miles, I have no cardio endurance, so I did 4 x 0.5 mile segments @ approx. 11:30 pace with 0.15 mile walk breaks.  Then I did 0.16 mile @ 7:51, just to see if my legs remembered how to move.  They do, they just can't sustain it.


                        62F and high humidity @ 6am.


                        Enjoy the gift.

                        "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."


                          Hopefully today is the first day of my comeback trail.


                          After running 129 miles in March, 25 miles in April, 22 miles in May, 1 mile in June, today I logged 2.36 miles.  I have no cardio endurance, so I did 4 x 0.5 mile segments @ approx. 11:30 pace with 0.15 mile walk breaks.  Then I did 0.16 mile @ 7:51, just to see if my legs remembered how to move.  They do, they just can't sustain it.


                          62F and high humidity @ 6am.


                          Enjoy the gift.

                           Hey enkephalin


                          Thats great to hear !.........But your not supposed to be posting until this afternoon.


                            Yeah Enke! Take it easy girl and welcome back!!

                            Divechief, if you see this, meet us at 6 at Icon Grill.

                            No run for me today, I think life has just caught up with me. A little congested and achey this morning. Last day of meetings here in Seattle, head home tonight. (yeah)

                              "I think perhaps this is an example of the FIRST plan meeting up with Holly’s genetics."


                              Nope.  This is an example of the FIRST plan wanting you to run Repeats FASTER than 5K pace.  I know of no other plan that does that.  I rarely hit the target paces either when I ran those either.



                              "Some are the strong, silent type. You can't put your finger on exactly what it is they bring to the table until you run without them and then you realize that their steadiness fills a hole that leaks energy in their absence." - Kristin Armstrong

                                I opted out of hill repeats w/ running buds today and instead chose to run solo.

                                So, instead of 5 miles of straight uphill and then back down 3x, I did 7.1 miles of

                                lots of flat combined w/ many rolling hills.  Better choice for me I think.

                                We are having a break from the usual

                                HH weather and it was about 60 degrees for most of the run - sweet!  

                                Then I swam a 1/2 mile and expect to do Zumba this afternoon.

                                That IS crazy about Boston!

                                Slo Hand - {{{{ouch!!!}}}}  I don't even like to go barefoot in my house. 

                                Holly, if I thought I could quality, I'd be your roomy.  Since I've never run a marathon, not likely.

                                I am seriously contemplating (as opposed to going ahead and signing up) doing my first in Huntsville in Dec. 
