Masters Running


Monday March Madness Runs and Basketball (Read 665 times)

MM#209 / JapanJoyful#803

    MTA2: I feel a bracket wager with CNY.

    This could be similar to the Slo-Timbo thing since there is no way I would race CNY. Too fast for me. Wink


    Since my first half mary of the year is on Sunday too, I'll do one for real.

    I'm closing in on three hours but I'll only take a handicap of one hour fifteen minutes 

    Good luck CNY.

    ps - races don't count unless ilene knows about 'em.

    pps - As I could tell in January from being at their house only about a mile from the harbor,

    there's nothing left of it but two of my epicenter friends have survived

    and have reported in from a survival shelter. 

    No word on three others though.


      - -- --

    Mr. and Mrs. Posie - please let us brag a little too and present two proud parents!

    They are lucky boys and prove it all the time.


    Please allow me to brag. Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you my two Eagle Scouts!



     - - - -

    ps - ylloh xanht

    "Enjoy yourself. Your younger days never come again." 100yo T. Igarashi to me in geta at top of Mt. Fuji (8/2/87)


       That RP is for a up coming 25K not a marathon and also notice I did not hold that pace as planned. Sad



       congrats on the retirement ! I do have to say I have no plans on retirement for at least 15 more years and maybe more. My best friend just retired from iron work this year at 50 and he is bored to death and always looking for work but in this economy its hard for us old guys. Besides I am still paying my kids college loans!


      SRD for me today

      Chumbawamba: I get knocked down But I get up again You're never going to keep me down

      Marathon Maniac #3309

        Since I mentioned I was running a 15K Trail run this past Saturday, I thought I would share a short (and final) RR


        Most know I have improved my speed over the course of the winter and spring, and I was anxious to let my legs go and race.....hard.


        The race was held in Indianapolis at Eagle Creek Park, and it's very hilly around that area for Indiana....I've raced many Triathlons there also in the past. Saturday morning the weather was perfect - sunny and in the mid 40's. Registration went rather smoothly considering they announced that there was a record amount of runners, and they got everyone through just in time for the 9:00 start time. We've had record amounts of rain and flooding recently, so I knew the trial would be sloppy and was.


        I had a goal pace of around 8:15 to 8:30 considering the conditions, and it's obviously totally different than road racing. I was NOT going to go through what I / we did at the Tecumseh Trail Marathon in Bloomington Indiana, so I positioned myself right at the very front. Looking behind me before the start, it looked like there was roughly 250 to 300 runners, which is a good showing here in Indiana for a Trail Race.


        This race was 3 - 3.1 mile loops to make a 15K or 9.3 miles.


        Right before the start of the race a guy asked're not wearing those shoes are you (speaking of my Nike Free Runs, and running on the muddy trail). I told him yes, because that's what I wear all the time, and I didn't want to switch shoes now. (but they were horrible to wear at the Tecumseh Marathon)


        Off we went and and almost immediately we were running in some mud - the kind of mud the sucks your shoes off your feet, and it did that to some people I noticed. The field separated nicely about one mile in, and I found myself in the lead group of around 20 to 25 runners, which were running sub 7 minute pace. After the first lap I got a good feel of the course, and how to better run the next 2 laps. The course was not only muddy, but pretty technical too, with having to duck tree limbs - jump over bigs trees laying across the trail - walk up and down 100's of steps (wasn't expecting that) - and a few steeps hills where you just had to walk up them, and try and get some grip from the tree roots that were protruding out of the ground..........really was a nice trail to run on.


        About half way through the second lap I found myself on a single track, and needing to pass a few runners. I did not want slowed down as I was still running sub 7 minute pace and with the lead group, but the real fast runners were starting to separate from the rest of us. As I went off the trail to the right to pass 4 runners, I ran through some sticker /  thorn bushes, and those damn things shredded my legs like someone took razor blades to them. I guess with the adrenaline of the race I didn't really pay a lot of attention to this....but my legs were burning badly.


        As I came to the start / finish line to start the 3rd loop I looked at my Garmin, and after 2 loops my 10K  time was right at 43:10. As I was starting my 3 lap, a couple of people ran up to me and made me stop. They had some antiseptic spray, and they said they needed to clean my legs off before I could continue. I looked down and I was shocked to see how bloody my legs were....I wondered what people were staring at. OMG, that antiseptic spray burnt worse than anything, and then they took a towel with water and wiped my legs off the best they could. Then off I went.............that probably cost me about 3 minutes there I am sure. Even looking at my legs even right now, I can't believe how cut up they look


        I had a lot on my mind running this race, thinking about something personal I am going through.....something so hurtful that it's hard to find much joy or happiness in anything.  About 1/2 way through the 3rd lap I stopped and sit on one of the steps I talked about earlier, and tears just started streaming down my face...........the race was not important to me at all. Pretty sad that I am having a super speedy race (still was even after having my legs cleaned off) But as I sat there for a while I realized there was no joy or happiness running this race or even just running. I got up the wiped my face off and finished..............still a good time for a fairly challenging and muddy course, and never fell once.


        Final - 15K Trail Race 9.3 miles - 1:10 - 7:30 ave pace. As of yesterday they had not posted the final results online yet, but the clock read 1:10 when I went through the finish line, and that's what my Garmin read also. I'm imagine I was 2nd or 3rd in my AG, but instead of waiting for the awards (didn't care), I ran 6 more miles through the park to think about things......which made15 miles for the day (which who really even cares)


        Not trying to be a bummer here, but I thought it would only be fair that I express myself (I do that rather well, whether it's something good or bad....this so happens to be bad)


        This will be my very last post here at RA to not create a conflict of interest.......not trying to create drama (I'm really not) so just move on and don't think too much about what I shared.


        I don't feel like running now, and I don't imagine I will anytime soon....


        Yes, it's a shame I realize (I do)....but a good guy can only go through so much




        Running has given me the courage to start, the determination to keep trying, and the childlike spirit to have fun along the way - Run often and run long, but never outrun your Joy of running!


          ((( Tim ))) I don't know what's going on in your life right now, but it must be really painful for you to not want to run. Running is such a big part of your life  that I can't imagine what happened to make you feel the way you do.


          Whatever it is, I hope it gets better soon. Take care of yourself.

          Marathon Maniac #957

            Oh, Tim...why are you always so darn cryptic?  (sigh)    {{{hugs}}}   Whatever it is, I sure hope it gets better soon for you.....Sad


            Heckofa race, btw - great job!

            Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."


            Marathon Iowa 2014

              As an outside observer, I just think Tim needs a new motivator.  Last post?  Better not be...


              As for me - the maplefest was a tremendous success.  Our pancake breakfast served almost 500 people.  Weather wasn't bad, and the treats were very tasty.  And the scouts' s'mores sales went well.


              Yesterday, I finally got a long run in outside.  Of course, it started as a dead legs cutback run.  16 miles along route 66 from Hebron to East Hampton, CT and back.  Some good hills.  When I was in the center of the town of Marlborough, on the way back, a car pulled over beside me, with its rear bumper sticking out into the road.  It was about 4 pm, and traffic was pretty heavy, so I knew I need to give quick directions.  The conversation went like this:


              Lady - "Is the center of Marlborough this way?" (motioning towards the east).


              Me - "This IS the center of Marlborough."


              Lady - "No, I mean Marlborough Center - is it that way? (again frantically pointing towards the east).


              Me - "No, I don't think there is a Marlborough Center, but this IS the center of Marlborough."


              Lady - "THIS is the CENTER of MARLBOROUGH?"


              Me - "Yes, it is."


              Lady - "Oh, okay, thanks."


              I'm not sure what she was expecting, but once I got a few yards down the road, I burst out laughing.  Other cars passing by must have thought I was crazy.


              From that point on, the run just flew by.


              Hope your day is as good.  Enjoy.


                I'm behind . . . again! . . .


                Mariposai - what handsome young men you have. Congrats on their Eagle Scout status - athough admittedly I don't really know what all that means or entails since my son is not in scouts.


                Tim, that was a heck of a race! I'm sorry and saddened that we won't be seeing you here any longer. I still have your number, so can bug the heck out of you though. Take care of yourself.


                crazy past 24 hrs in Oregon. Thunder/rain/lightening and winds like I've never seen here before. I didn't know trees could bend that much and still stay rooted. they have more flexibility than I do. I'm very thankful that one of those 100 foot trees didn't uproot and land on my house though. My son thought for sure that we were going to die yesterday. he was so scared! admittedly, I was a bit nervous too.  We've been w/o power now for about 16 hrs - hoping it's back by the time I get home tonight.


                did get in a long run of 10 miles on Saturday. and I got my long run schedule figured out from now until Grandma's in mid June. Going to try and pretty much copy what I did when preparing for Newport last year. I ran a good race then and felt great afterwards, and would like to duplicate that this - well, maybe just a little bit faster if I can.


                deep tissue leg massage tomorrow. figured I better start those up again like I did last year. I really think that deep tissue work was a big factor in why I recovered from my long runs so well and had almost no soreness.


                Mike E

                MM #5615

                  Hello, Fellow Master Runners--


                  I just joined this group and thought I'd introduce myself.  While I have run all my life, it was usually to stay in shape for some other sport I was in.  I would run for a few months, feel hurt all over, take a few months off, start running again for a few months, and on and on and on.  In 1993, I decide that I was going to run a marathon--just so I could say that "I ran a marathon".  So I made a goal to run the 1994 Twin Cities Marathon and, now, 36 marathons in 22 states later, my goal is to finish a marathon in all 50 states (and DC).  I plan on taking care of Arkansas on April 10th.


                  Oh--I also help one of my daughters coach soccer.  I've coached soccer for over 25 years and it's really fun watching kids that I used to coach out there coaching their own kids...while I'm coaching my grandkids.


                  From what I have read on this forum, this group seems to be a lot like me.  I would like to think that I don't take myself too seriously, but I am pretty competitive.  I look forward to getting to know all of you as I read through these posts.


                  Holly--you seem to be on here quite a bit and I just posted my weekly milage on the 40/40 thread.  I'm glad you're not 50.


                  Tim--wow--I really hope everything is not as bad as you made it seem in your post.  I will add you to my prayer list...if that's okay.


                  Okay--gotta go!

                    Trying to catch up with yesterday...


                    Tramps – nice race yesterday!  But I do kind of agree with Perch… 

                    Stumpy – that’s a good reminder that it’s always a good idea to empty the Garmin memory before a race, for sure. 

                    Perch – you are ready! 

                    Fussyrunner – that sounds like a wise decision.  Now, right when the weather is starting to get lovely, is not the time to push your injury. 

                    Halllar – RP of 7:40 – you are fast! 

                    Tet – nice running for you yesterday. 

                    Slo – nice 5K PR, and a tough 19-miler the next day. 

                    Heme – scary, for sure. 

                    Erika – another rockin’ 30-mile weekend!


                    OrangeMat - did you get the results the needle biopsy?

                    Mariposai - congratulations to your DS!

                    CNYrunner - continuing to amaze with your fleet feet!


                    I ran 20.5 slow miles (ave 10:35) yesterday in 34-36 degrees.  Doing those tempo/MP 10 milers on Saturdays just sucks the speed out of my Sunday 20-milers.  I thought it would get better but I really haven't improved on this.  If I want any kind of quality in Sunday's 20, I need to run easier on Saturday, I guess.


                    Today, no run.  50 min. of P90X Chest and Back, followed by some core work.


                     Thanks Holly - I felt woefully behind til I read this --- you are awesome!!  Great weekend mileage no matter what pace you're at!

                    Jlynne - keeping your DIL in my thoughts for a healthy (soon) delivery!

                    Posai - brag away anytime -- that is quite an accomplishment!!

                    Sorry to hear of Tim's troubles.   Makes me think of BtB  - Bob and miss him!


                    My Nicholas is in Jamaica now on his Project Abroad week - he sent me an e-mail sat. evening to say he was there safely and settled in!  Such a good boy(young man)!


                    I am increasing my running segments during my run/walk program on the treadmill and feel it's coming along - slowly but nicely!

                    Today 3.9 miles with 5 min warmup - then 5 min run (10:30pace) 1 min walk (just under 16 pace)  x 6 -- walk to cooldown -- getting there!

                    Plan on taking it outside real soon!


                    Have a wonderful week my friends!


                      Tim - I hope whatever is going on in your life sorts itself out.  Be sure to care of yourself.


                      Welcome, Mike.  The more, the merrier!


                      Tammy - You guys got that storm, too?  Wasn't that rain absolutely incredible?!?  The wind was pretty bad when I was running yesterday a.m., but boy howdy am I glad I got out early!  Getting stuck in that would've been absolute misery, to say the least.


                      PBJ - Sounds like "Laurel and Hardy." Big grin

                      Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                      Trail Runner Nation

                      Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                      Bare Performance


                        [[[ tim ]]]]


                        ...just remember,


                        No Problem is So Big or Complicated                that it can not be Run Away From.....



                        for just a little while..




               day........poolrun tomorrow


                        ..................good running guys........

                        ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....


                          Welcome Mike! This is a great group and a good balance of light hearted fun and serious running. I know you will feel right at home.


                          Leslie, yes that storm was pretty impressive! it came on so quickly and I didn't have the TV on a channel where we got the little ticker warning that a severe storm was headed our way. the weather changed from calm to severe in literally one minute. it had been raining off and on all morning (and I was so glad I got in my run on Saturday!), but then the winds just went crazy and I don't think I've seen so much rain in that short of a time! nor have I ever heard our windows rattle as much as they did. i would have bet there was a tornado in our back yard, 'cept this isn't tornado country.


                          I heard something about the earth's axis shifting 8 ft from the earthquake. that's crazy too. 8 ft is HUGE! We are in for some real crazy weather patterns across the globe from all this.



                            Timbo  Confused.  What ever it is man I hope you can put it behind you...and soon.


                            Welcome to the Masters Mike.


                            I've been holding a cold at bay and really thought I was winning the battle. I think a 3 hard days of running tipped the scales in favor of the cold. I feel miserable. Dad gumit anyway.


                            I'm still going out for a well deserved run tonight. It's been a bear trying to stay on the first page of the 2000 mile club. Tramps and Perch aren't cutting anybody any slcak either. A person can't afford to take a rest day and still hang with these guys.


                            So it's Monday...3pm. Trying to decide if I should eat my lunch or just skip it. It's been one of those days. If I skip it I won't have to pack a lunch for tomorrow...which means I won't have to go grocery shopping tonight. I think I have my answer.


                            The Dovenator

                              Lovely picture of the Eagles and their proud mama. (((Tim))) Welcome Mike! Tammy we had a big storm last night, too. Rest day, packing day, trying to replace my crew day (my crew for this weekend backed out at the last minute, but I think I've got it handled)

                              "it's just like having fun, but different"


                                Congratulations Mariposai! Very handsome boys.


                                Tim, I agree with Holly; very cryptic...conflict of interest??   Congratulations though on a very good race despite the difficulities.  I hope whatever is going on gets better or at lest feels better.


                                Does feel like Monday madness around here...
