Masters Running


Tuesday, January 19 Daily thread ...... (Read 561 times)

Mr. Chip & Mizz Rizzo

    Good morning!


    19 push ups this morning.    That's it.    I didn't feel like dealing with 3/4 miles of ice before getting to any dry pavement.  Tone Zone tonight though.   I put together Byll's beef barley vegetable stew in the crock pot before work.   I didn't realize it was going to be so much and filled it right up to the top!   


    I had an aha moment last night.   I made fish chowder in the crock pot Sunday and sent some to work with DH yesterday.   He was raving about how good it is and that people want the recipe, but commented that the broth never thickened up.    All of a sudden I realized that I used corn syrup instead of corn Starch!!   DUH!


    Happy Tuesday!


    "My sunshine doesn't come from the skies,
    It comes from the love in my dog's eyes."


      I want that Fish Chowder recipe also Mary!  Please post it.


      Sorry about your full crock pot Mary.  I should have mentioned I have a 6 quart one.


      This morning I met up with another local runner - I've nicknamed him my Clone here on several occasions.  He's about my height and age, and runs similar paces.  Anyway, he's going for a BQ attempt in NJ this spring and asked if I'd train with him some.  (I think my Columbus race inspired him!)


      So we met up at 5AM for a planned 8.2 miles,Including 2.5 miles at half-marathon pace (7:59 or so).  We ran 4 miles as a warm up, then the tempo miles (Actual 7:57, 7:52, 7:52), and 1.7 miles cool down.  I think I worked him pretty good on this one.  (I have a couple weeks worth of tempo head start on him.)  I felt terrific this morning.  Another perfecto running morning.



      "Some are the strong, silent type. You can't put your finger on exactly what it is they bring to the table until you run without them and then you realize that their steadiness fills a hole that leaks energy in their absence." - Kristin Armstrong

      Mr. Chip & Mizz Rizzo

        I posted it to the slow cooker thread Byll.


        "My sunshine doesn't come from the skies,
        It comes from the love in my dog's eyes."



          Steve—glad I could do my bit to reunite long-lost families.  (Great pic, BTW.)

          Mari—Neil Diamond, huh?  I was never a fan; good voice but I never cared for most of his material.  Interesting, though, that your record was so popular back home.There’s an early Deep Purple album I have where they do a cover of Kentucky Woman, believe it or not; pretty funny in retrospect.

          Larry—hang in there.  We’re rooting for you.

          Byll—nice run this morning. It’s great that you’re inspiring others.


          I’ll have to check out that crock pot thread.


          Tempo Tuesday: 9.7 miles with middle 6 tempo miles @ 7:14.  IRC 33F; wearing shorts felt good.


          Have a good one.

          Be safe. Be kind.

            Morning, gang! 


            All of this crockpot talk already this morning is making me hungry!  I made Holly's Chinese pork roast yesterday - it was yummy!


            Mary - corn syrup instead of corn starch, huh?  Sounds like something I'd do.


            Byll - congrats on the perfect morning run - can't beat that!


            Sure hated getting up this morning after the vacation and the long weekend.  I could used to sleeping in every day.  The cold still hasn't let go - I still can't taste much of anything, but that hasn't stopped me from eating.  I'm afraid to get on the scale.  After a week off, I started back on the treadmill Sunday.   I upped the mileage to 6.5 miles this morning and felt pretty good. 


            Good runs all!

            Sue Running is a mental sport...and we're all insane! Anonymous


              Good morning good people. Hope everyone's Tuesday is off to a great start.

              Mary - can't wait for the next batch of puppy pictures. I had to laugh. Like Deb, I thought your post said that you were "in heat" too!  Do you have clients already lined up for your next litter?


              Larry - so sorry about your foot. Do you have a good doc who's also a runner nearby? Take care of yourself.


              Geeze, Tramps. Wish I was running in shorts (outside anyway). Nice tempo run this morning.


              Hey Bill. You seem to be on a roll lately with great runs - keep it up.


              Leslie - thanks for the pictures of how to tape. We got some samples of kinesio tape in our Disney goody bag. I was anxious to try it but wasn't sure how to do it correctly.


              5 miles on the treadmill at the Y this morning followed with some free weights and ab work. I don't work on Tuesdays and I get to hang out with Will this afternoon because the kid's regular sitter has an appointment. I'll have to take some new pictures - he's grown a ton in the last few weeks.


              I found out that a woman I met at the Y while training for Disney (she did the full) qualified for Boston. She is so excited! We talked about the running conditions for the race and she said the marathon was much better - no rain but still very cold. She did a lot of her long runs outdoors so she was ready for it. I'm happy for her.


              Any "24" junkies out there? Loved the last two nights and I'm anxious to see how this season will play out.

                Yes,  24 junkie here


                I think I could turn into a fish chowder junkie too!


                Off to read yesterday's thread

                Courage ! Do one brave thing today...then run like hell.


                  ohhh yeah Tramps, I was and I am big on Neil Diamond, I not only enjoy his songs, but also his well pronounced words and clear voice. Red, Red Wine, Song Sung Blue, Beautiful Noise, etc. are songs that always lift my mood.



                  hallar, sorry about that foot. Yeah a doctors' visit may be in order for you.

                  Hey Carolyn how was your doctors visit, was it yesterday?

                  SteP, cool to read about the family night fun you had last night. Thanks for the great picture the other day.

                  Mary, I love chowder. I have never made it in the crockpot. Funny about your mishap

                   Sue, great 6.5 today. It is always hard to get back to routine after vacationing, isn't it.

                   Walt, how was the kids' day yesterday? How old are they?

                   Woods Lady, you so rock my world.

                  twocat, was the funeral of auntie twocat yesterday or today? {{{twocat family}}}}


                  7 miles in 33F and at lou: thirty...(hi ribs). I found out today that in my 7 mile loop there are six blocks that is not well lit, so as of today I baptized them as my "fartlek blocks (FB)" . So...6x FB @ 5k pace.

                  "Champions are everywhereall you need is to train them properly..." ~Arthur Lydiard

                  Marathon Maniac #957

                    Good Morning! 


                    Wildchild – keep us posted on the MRI results.  Hopefully not a SF.  I don’t have another holiday until Memorial Day either.  That’s a long stretch, isn’t it?  I always end up using a vacation day or two to break it up.  This year it will be in April. 


                    Leslie – thank you so much for that explanation and pics yesterday.  I understand much better now.  I think you are right in that for my purposes wrapping the ends of my middle toes with kinesio tape might be enough.  I don’t usually get blisters anywhere else.  Can you generally buy kinesio tape at the pharmacy?  Or is that strictly an on-line purchase?


                    SteveP – family game nights rock!


                    Breger – I wish we lived closer so I could train with you some, too.  But my HM pace is closer to 8:20, so I probably couldn’t keep up.  


                    Tramps – I don’t mention it much, but I do notice, that you are FAST!


                    Thanks CNYrunner, for the reminder that shorter, quality runs can be better than longer and slower.  My run today certainly felt like it had a lot of bang for the buck.


                    1.47 mile WU including 3 x 100m striders

                    6 x ½ mile intervals (90-second recoveries):

                    3:56 (7:52)

                    4:01 (8:02)

                    3:56 (7:52)

                    3:51 (7:42)

                    3:49 (7:38)

                    3:40 (7:20)

                    3-mile CD including 3 x 100m striders

                    8.25 miles total


                    Even with a shorter recovery today (90 sec instead of 2 min) these intervals were (to my mind) quite a bit faster than when I tried this workout last Thursday:

                    4:05 (8:10)

                    4:02 (8:04)

                    4:02 (8:04)

                    4:01 (8:02)

                    4:00 (8:00)

                    3:59 (7:59)


                    Maybe because it was warmer? (29° instead of 21°)  Maybe last week’s run woke up my slumbering fast-twitch fibers?  Who knows?  But it felt good to get in the 7:XX range again.


                    Plus 3 sets of 40 lunges and bench step-ups, and 19 push-ups, all done after I got to work.....


                    Happy Tuesday!



                    Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."



                      Holly, I'm guessing your boss is out today?  Or else you just fit in those lunges and push ups when she wasn't looking?    I usually take some vacation time in March or April, too, during school spring break.


                      Look at all those speedy paces in the 7's for Bill, Tramps, and Holly!


                      Mariposai, you do fartleks on the dark blocks?  I think I'd run slower in the dark, not faster!  I guess you missed my summary of my doctor's visit yesterday.  As Holly  mentioned I'm scheduled for an MRI this afternoon to see if my leg has a SF.  I'll keep you guys posted.


                      Larry,  I hope you figure out your foot issue and get back to running soon.  Not running is hard!


                      SteveP, I loved the pic of you and Tag, and I liked Kevin's comment that 5 of your 6 feet were off the ground!


                      Hope that you left-coasters don't get flooded out in these storms. 




                      I hammered down the trail, passing rocks and trees like they were standing still.

                      325th place or bust!

                        Managed to get in 4 miles this morning in between the storms.  Southern California is expected to get it's annual equivalent in rain this week...


                        Knee felt good after last Saturday's problem.  It's a bit tender now after the run and cooling off but looks like nothing major anymore.  Only 19 more days until the hometown HM so I have to be careful.

                        PR: 5K 22:41, 10K 51:05, HM 1:59, Sprint Tri: done!

                          Let's play word association!


                          1.)  fish chowder--> New England --> Boston --> Boston drivers/ Boston winters ->> escape from =Truck Day (when the equiptment van leaves Fenway for Florida) is less than a month away!


                          2.) Neil Diamond -->> "Sweet Caroline" --> "Oh Oh OH --> "Good times never seemed so good!" --> 8th inning --> Red Sox, YAY!


                          .................ok, you can stop tossing the nerf balls at me.  I'll go off to the gym   , even tho it's a greyt running day here.  Maybe after work.




                          Masters 2000 miles

                            Nice repeats there, Holly. It is fun to see the 7's isn't it! Another one wondering what you've done with your cranky boss.


                            Larry, just what is it in your foot that's hurting? I seem to recall it's something like mine, the metatarsalgia issue and not P.F., right? If so, it can be a bear to get over and sometimes becomes a chronic management ordeal. I hope you get it figured out and get back out there soon!


                            You too, Carolyn.


                            Mariposai, do you wear a headlight? I don't think I'd do fartleks in the dark... I'd end up flat on my face more often than not!


                            I hope Southern California doesn't get washed away this week. Watch out for mudslides and sinkholes, you guys!


                            I'm going to run at lunch! Yay! I can't tell you how fun that is to post that. But I'm also in a bit of a quandry. For the last few weeks I've been doing a lot of cross training and weights. I can't say I'll miss the elliptical, but I don't want to just drop the weight work. I can't do it at home anymore because DS1 has taken apart my entire dumbbell set and re-assembled them to his liking (i.e., took the 25 lb weights and duct-taped the 20 lb. plates to them to make 45 lb. dumbbells... too heavy for me to use!) so I pretty much need to do it at the gym, and now time will be an issue again. I guess I could do more of the "functional training" I've been working on (using body weight and stability balls/bands) and less of the free weights... Don't know, we'll see how it works out.

                            Marathon Maniac #957

                              Another one wondering what you've done with your cranky boss.



                              Oh she's here, grumping up a storm.  She's really got that tone of voice down to an art form today.  (sigh)  She just went out for a half-hour this morning and I used the conference room for lunges and push-ups and did step-ups in the stairwell. 

                              Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

                                Neil Diamond, huh?  I was never a fan;



                                Neil wrote many of the songs for the Monkeys.    If THAT doesn't make you a fan........


                                One of my favorite Neil tunes......Brother Love's Traveling Salvation Show   



                                Halle, Halle


                                Quit being so damn serious! When we change the way we look at things, the things we look at change. "Ya just gotta let it go." OM