Masters Running


Monday October 12, 1492 Columbus Day Sails and Runs (Read 417 times)


    Good morning good people. Who has a holiday today?

    Back to the regular grind after spending the weekend selling glassware in the freezing cold weather. Not much better this morning. It was 36° at 4:30 with a wind that got stronger as I ran. 6.1 miles at a decent 9:10 pace after not running all weekend. My legs felt like they had a little extra sproink after two days off. Then, 5 minutes jumping rope and some ab work.

    I haven't had a chance to catch up on everyone's weekend runs and activities, and this will be a hectic week with baby Leo arriving on Wednesday.  We're planning on getting up early and driving to Children's Hospital to hopefully be there in time for Leo's arrival. We're praying that all goes well for both our DIL and new grandson.

    Have a great day everyone.


      Good Morning Jlynne


      An early start for work I mean.


      Yep, the cold has hit us early this year.


      Nice run this morning.....jumping rope is an excellent strength builder and cardio workout. I'd do it more but my youngest DD is really bad about putting my jump rope back.

        SLO, get your DD her own jump rope ...


        <drummming fingers since NO ONE has posted a Race Report or Result even ...> Grrrrr

        3.5 easy miles. 9:40 pace. A few repeats tomorrow, then downhill to the weekend.


        "Some are the strong, silent type. You can't put your finger on exactly what it is they bring to the table until you run without them and then you realize that their steadiness fills a hole that leaks energy in their absence." - Kristin Armstrong

          jlynne - will keep baby Leo  and family in prayer


           heading out to  run the Tufts 10k, boston - have a great monday!!



            SLO, get your DD her own jump rope ...



            She has about 6 of them ! Mine is usually the most convenient.


            Hows the guitar playing coming along ?

              Good morning, gang!


              Jlynne - glad to see you survived the cold weather.  Sending prayers for little Leo as well.


              No day off for me ;-(


              Divechief - so sorry about your Dad.  Dementia is one of our cruelest diseases. 


              dg - hope your stomach issues have resolved. 


              An easy 6.5 miles on the treadmill this morning @ 10:17 pace and 137 AHR. 


              There were frost warnings for my part of the country this morning, so last night I carried my houseplants kicking and screaming into the house.    Most of my plants have lived in the Midwest, so they are not happy about the shorter outside time they have here in CT. I don't blame them.  The Christmas cacti already have a gazillion buds - it's going to be a colorful holiday season ;-).


              Good runs all!

              Sue Running is a mental sport...and we're all insane! Anonymous

                Denise - good luck with the 10K!!

                Sue Running is a mental sport...and we're all insane! Anonymous

                  Hows the guitar playing coming along ?


                  Pretty good SLO!  I now have a Martin and a Taylor and I really like the Taylor.  I play it in church twice a week and don't embarass myself too much anymore.  I play the Martin on special occasions.


                  It's been amazing to me to see how much I didn't learn when I was younger.  I'm working on my fingerpicking which was always "self-taught and untrained".  Working on "Little Martha" by The Allmann Brothers.  Open E tuning and a bunch of open notes.) 





                  "Some are the strong, silent type. You can't put your finger on exactly what it is they bring to the table until you run without them and then you realize that their steadiness fills a hole that leaks energy in their absence." - Kristin Armstrong

                    Hunh!  I play little martha without changing the tuning -- hmm

                    jlynne - thinking about baby Leo and your family this week.

                    6.2 miles, 56:59, 9:13/mi, AHR 131 (67% MHR)

                    Lou, (aka Mr. predawnrunner), MD, USA | Lou's Brews |

                      4.2 frosty miles at 8:00 am---peppy pace (7:50) because I didn't have a hat and my ears were crying.

                      Good Luck Denise. Great day for the Tufts 10k!

                      Good vibes to JLynne and Baby Leo's parents. C'mon little guy---you can do it!

                      Good Luck to all the taperers.....breathe, exhale, visualize the race you want.

                      Sue, my Christmas Cactus is also getting ready to bust into gorgeous bloom. 

                      Renee the dog


                        <drummming fingers since NO ONE has posted a Race Report or Result even ...> Grrrrr



                        18 miles in 2:44:31.  9:08 pace.  Was shooting for 9:09.  Damn, I missed!


                        Race report will be up at some point....


                        Walking OK today.  Not planning anything like running though.

                        GOALS 2012: UNDECIDED

                        GOALS 2011: LIVE!!!

                        Mr. Chip & Mizz Rizzo

                          Morning Everyone!!!   {{{Baby Leo}}}


                          I made out for an awesome 8.25 mile run Sunday morning.   I also spent the WHOLE weekend working outside.  Trimmed bushes, pulled weeds, blew leaves, planted bulbs and put all the outdoor decorations away.   I had to come to work today just to rest!


                          This morning I was awake at 4 a.m., because DH was leaving at 5 a.m. for a hunting trip in Wyoming.   Try as I might to go back to sleep, I finally got up at 4:45 to be the good wife and wish him a good trip.   SInce I was up I decided to go out for a 4 miler just to stretch the legs out.   Felt pretty good too - I love to run in the cool (35 degrees) fall air.


                          Happy Monday!


                          "My sunshine doesn't come from the skies,
                          It comes from the love in my dog's eyes."



                          Marathon Maniac #957

                            Holiday?  What holiday?  The kids are in school, both DH and I are working, my class goes on tonight as scheduled....the difference is that DH gets holiday pay on top of regular pay today – gotta love that county job....


                            I miss Erika...can't wait to hear the details of what really happened at the Ribcage.... 


                            2 slow and easy miles on the TM today @ 10:42, just enough to ease the sluggishness.


                            Happy Monday!




                            Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."


                              Good morning. Nothing  yet. Orthotics fitting appt this afternoon...maybe a swim if Y is open or a bike.


                              Yesterday I ventured out for a hike, up Mt Lafayette in the Franconia range. I have been up there many times, but this time I chose a different route.  I hiked up the Greenleaf trail starting  from the Cannon tram parking area, which was bustling with leaf peepers and was about 40 degrees.  Got to the hut in good time and enjoyed the trail, all in the woods to the hut but very pretty.


                              The summit was in the clouds and it was cold, with some ice on the ground already at the hut. After double checking my descent  route on the map and  refilling my water, I added some clothes, put hat and gloves near the top of the pack  and started for the summit. Increasing patches of ice, and increasingly cold and windy.  Hordes of hikers descending. All of Quebec was in NH it seemed. 


                              I got to the summit in good time, having to yield to several large groups and working my way around others. Very cold, windy and covered in rime ice, so I did not tarry there.  Exhilirating though. I am kind of a summit girl. ..The next stretch was tough,  nearly a mile of ridge with very persistent wind, though a good trail and plenty of cairns.  I hiked the northern part of the ridge across North Lafayette to the Skoockumchuck Trail. I was glad for the hat and gloves. Only a few others going this way so the crowds were gone too.  Not sure the temp but well below freezing


                              Once at the trail intersection the clouds blew off a bit and I got an interesting view of the foliage down below, with a shadow of Lafayette.  Still cold but I got into the woods quickly and onto a farily easy ( though annoyingly wet and long) trail.  A couple of hours later I was back down, though still with three miles of bike path to walk. Of course by then the summit was clear.... but undoubtedly still cold.  Back at the car at 5:30, still crowds taking the tram up Cannon and still 40 degrees.


                              So there is a hiking report. No extra charge...

                              Hopng to run soon.


                                PS the foliage in the White mountains is amazing this year, the best I have seen in many years.  Tourists were pulling over on I- 93 to take pictures!  Come on up if you get a chance!