Masters Running


Just Another Manic Monday 5/2 (RIP Prince) (Read 35 times)


    Good morning good people. The rainy cold weather has broken, just in time to go back to work today! IRC this morning. 39°, clear blue skies and no wind. A little over 6 miles at a 10:02 pace followed with 15 minutes of core work.


    No in-depth recap from me this morning, just stopping by to wish everyone a good start to the week


    Have a great day everyone!


      So here's the deal...


      If I don't stop by in the am it is nearly impossible for me to stop by later.


      So it's late morning - my to do list is already growing but I pushed it off to the side to say hey!


      I had to back my mileage way off...I'm going with the possible bursitis explanation, I'm not about to fork over $'s for an MRI for something that will likely go away if I don't keep aggravating it. The sore hip led to some hammy issues on the other side.


      Looks like Green Bay will be a slow half but hey, who can complain about the company right?

      Sayhey! MM#130

        Good still just barely morning!


        Well, I imagine some folks may complain about the company, but you better not, Slo!  Thanks for stopping by.  And thanks Jlynne for starting us off here.


        Starr, you can recreate May Day for us in Green Bay.  Please?


        Very easy 6 for me this am.  Low 70s, a little breeze.  Pretty sunrise.  Which is happening earlier and earlier.  And the traffic is truly thinning out these days .


        Are a lot of us having Mondays?  I kinda am.  Nothing to complain about, just could have enjoyed one more weekend day.....but now I can feel as if I truly earned the great salmon DH will make this evening.


        On this day in 1939 - Lou Gehrig set a new baseball record (since passed by Cal Ripken) when he played in his 2,130th game.  He had to stop as he developed ALS.  And went on to say when honored for his achievements that he was "the luckiest man in the world."


        And writing that certainly did a lot to chase away my light case of Monday blues.


        Listening to a panel discussion on NPR on why eating insects is a good thing.   Termites are supposed to taste nutty.

        There's also a kid's book: Bug-a-licious.  For ages 6 and up.  "From plump, sweet honey ants to dragonflies fried on a stick, the insects served up in this volume are considered delicious treats around the world."



        Image result for bugalicious



        Enjoy your lunch!



        A  (for a piece or two of my mind)


          Today was government visitation day. I had to report to jury duty this morning for training.  I basically learned how to call the jury number each evening to see if I am needed. In Michigan we didn't have to be trained like that. People up north are smarter I guess.


          SInce I was at the county court house, I went and voted early. I wasn't planning to do that, but hard to pass up when I was right there. Our primary is on Tuesday the 10th. The ballot was 30 screens long. I didn't know what 95% of it was for so I skipped it.


          Then I boxed up a couple toys & books for the grand kids and went to the USPS to send it.



          MM#209 / JapanJoyful#803

            Five sunny cyclemuting miles standing by for GS-land later this week.
            Say, say-hey girl, you probably wouldn’t be blue if you’d stayed up until 11:25 p.m. Sunday

            for the finale in your favorite team’s game against many’s most hated team. 

            Fortunately, it happened at 8:25 p.m. out here in the PNW. 
            Random thought - I love “this day in baseball history” as well as regular history

            and even weather highs-and-lows as, by now, I was usually there

            or otherwise remembering when it happened..
            ps - I think I know someone who might be interested in the bug-a-licious book

            Me too but I'd never admit it woud be for me too and not just for GS..

            "Enjoy yourself. Your younger days never come again." 100yo T. Igarashi to me in geta at top of Mt. Fuji (8/2/87)


              Was awake half the night it felt, so I was dog tired this morning.  I think that nap I took yesterday afternoon messed me up.  MBE fixed my water heater, a switch on it had tripped, but then it must have tripped again last night.  Anyway, now he wants to replace the heating elements.  I do really appreciate his help.  Since he had to work most of the weekend, he is taking Friday off and cycling to my cabin - it's about 100 miles away.  I think he will take a short cut, hop on a ferry, but still.   I will meet him there later in the evening.

              On my BBB to work this morning, it was warm already (going into the 80s today) and my legs were tired from the weekend's runs.  Only 3 weeks to my 5K race - I need to drop 5 pounds and get a lot faster in the meantime!

              "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."


              Rose Colored Glasses

                I love hearing about Starr's Lake Wobegon Days. The only thing I remember about May Day is the crowning of Mary with flowers but that might not even be a May Day thing.


                Say hey for the reminder of how to appreciate each day, Aamos. As for ALS... sadly I know of several people with this. Jay, unfortunately and for reasons unknown, at least 3 of these people are from near and around Poquoson. (pronounced: Puh Ko Sun)


                Enke, happy that MBE is enjoying some bike time and fixing house problems for you. As for your BBB and running and whatnot... I say don't worry about the 5 lbs. How about just focusing on exercising the weigh (heh heh) you are?  And, when it comes to food, just remind yourself that "food is fuel".  With what do I want to fuel my body at this meal or snack?  I don't know. That sometimes helps me make better choices. Although, I am not one to deprive myself of a treat on a regular basis!


                Holly, I like baby ducks, too. And Mama and Papa ducks!  Although I am not fond of geese. Also, I like following everyone's gardens this time of year and at harvest time. We have been lazy about our garden but, Ralph planted some potato starts yesterday. We have plans to put our green beans in the same bed as the potatoes. In another bed, we'll have our tomatoes and banana peppers. And I think we have plans for squash in the other one?  Before DS1 went back to college a few years ago, he created four garden beds for us. Two of them are nicely raised beds right on our brick patio. The other two are flush with the ground and line the brick sidewalk behind our screened porch.  He did all the work himself, from design to construction. He's a good kid. Will be finished with his BS Chem. Eng. next week. Still looking for a job if anyone has any leads...

                "Anytime you see the word "inflation" in the news, replace it with "record-breaking corporate profits" and you'll get what's happening."


                Rose Colored Glasses

                  JLynne!  I just got the reference. I remember that Prince wrote Manic Monday and the Bangles sang it. Right?


                  My Monday:


                  Finally! The day of physical therapy assessment, planning and implementation arrived!  I must share something with you all right now. I have been cognizant of some issues within my frame for over a year now. It seemed to start when we upped our mileage in preparation for the Mo' Cowbell Marathon last October and was perpetuated by continuing high weekly mileage and several all-out races after that, including the Three Bridges marathon in Little Rock. (Where, afterward, we spent the weekend with SpaCity Runner and had a fantastic time)


                  I got it my mind that I would run with this variety of hard and soft tissues issues until I could run no more. And in the last few weeks, I realized that the time had come. I was broken.


                  I had attributed everything to my fascist foot wanting total world domination. This blame was misplaced. My DPT (doctor of physical therapy) told me that she thinks the foot is a side issue. She also is going to treat the (previously separated) right shoulder as a separate problem.


                  She confirmed what my PCP told me last week. My right side has gone whacko. (Feel free to use this as a metaphor to current events).

                  When I saw my PCP, I complained of right upper quadrant pain (abdominal) (RUQ) I thought it might be adhesions from when I had to have a part of my ileum resected back in 2007. BUTT.


                  After further examination, PCP told me he thought the RUQ pain and flank pain were all muscular issues!  He said, "Besides, there are no organs where you hurt. But there are muscles. Core muscles."


                  Hence his overwhelming endorsement for physical therapy.


                  SO. Today? DPT examined me, made a plan, and things are looking up!  After e-stim on my right butt, heat on my right fascist foot, some thera-band exercises for the right shoulder, and foam rolling for IT band, hamstring, and quads. And three minutes on the inclined board for the fascism... my dear DPT went to work on my right butt and then flipped me over and worked on the abdominal muscles.


                  Oh. My. I could not believe it. After some strategic pushing on this point and that point I could feel some RELEASE in the pain in my RUQ.  I have been dealing with this for over a year!  And I finally have hope.


                  The plan includes more foam rolling here at home. Going to PT this Thursday and next Monday and next Thursday. After that, she will assess where things are and decide if we can reintroduce running into my regime.


                  And so. I believe there will be regime change. We will no longer be under Fascist rule. I am pretty sure I will end up with some form of Socialism or hybrid of that system. We're all going to get to eat but, we are all going to have work and contribute.


                  I got greedy. I have been humbled. And I will go on. I will survive. Sing it Gloria!

                  "Anytime you see the word "inflation" in the news, replace it with "record-breaking corporate profits" and you'll get what's happening."


                    Didn't run today, but walked a lot in the rain - is that ok?  Yesterday's run was the best I have in 2 weeks - not only did I feel like adding on extra miles, I was able to!


                    I'm looking into the bug book also!


                    Had lunch with a friend still working where I did - so happy I retired when I did!


                    Enjoy the rest of the day - whatever your activities are,


                    Marathon Maniac #957

                      I had to report to jury duty this morning for training.  I basically learned how to call the jury number each evening to see if I am needed. In Michigan we didn't have to be trained like that. People up north are smarter I guess.



                      Here, they just send us a notice in the mail that tells us how to call the number.

                      Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

                      Marathon Maniac #957


                        And so. I believe there will be regime change. We will no longer be under Fascist rule. I am pretty sure I will end up with some form of Socialism or hybrid of that system. We're all going to get to eat but, we are all going to have work and contribute.



                        This made me laugh out loud....


                        I wish I had raised beds for my garden.  I battle with the grass trying to grow up in the fence I put around it.  This time I plan on laying yard cloth down under the fence first, then will pile rocks on both sides.  (We have lots of spare rocks.)  This is my Wednesday evening project this week.


                        No run for me today, just 30 minutes or so of weights and core.


                        DD's science class is having a bottle-rocket-building competition, and she and I have been talking about different building strategies to make it go higher, farther, etc.  I bet the rocket scientist would have some ideas.  As it is, we are muddling through with Google and class discussion.  Tonight we go shopping for supplies and try out DD's plan.


                        I got the results of my bloodwork today:

                        Total Cholesterol: 229

                        HDL: 131

                        LDL: 86

                        Triglyceride: 62

                        So, it won't be a heart attack that kills me this year.  However, that leaves about a million other things that could go wrong...

                        Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

                        Sayhey! MM#130

                          Say, say-hey girl, you probably wouldn’t be blue if you’d stayed up until 11:25 p.m. Sunday

                          for the finale in your favorite team’s game against many’s most hated team. 


                          Au contraire......I did stay up.  I think I'm just sad they had to leave town.  We had such a good time with them!


                          I would eat bugs if they were cooked.  Not up for raw ones.


                          YAY!  Holly and Rosie have good health news.


                          Have you ever heard the excuses people give for not showing up for jury duty?     Forgive the clerks for walking you through the obvious.  Theirs is an almost thankless job.  And they have to put up with judges and lawyers on top of it all.

                  (for a piece or two of my mind)

                            Have you ever heard the excuses people give for not showing up for jury duty?     Forgive the clerks for walking you through the obvious.  Theirs is an almost thankless job.  And they have to put up with judges and lawyers on top of it all.




                            I have absolutely no idea what's going on in here, but I'm sure glad there's a light at the end of the Rosie Tunnel and the fascist regime will soon be eliminated.


                            Holly - My bad cholesterol is epicaly low.  My good cholesterol is amazingly high.  I asked if that meant I could eat more French fries and I was, without a doubt, No.  "It just means you have good genes."  Dang it!  For a brief moment, I thought I'd be able to pull off sort of a coup . . .


                            Sorry I haven't been around.  I feel like I'm running around like a chicken with its head cut off these days, and in a 2.5 hr meeting about a new client this morning, I need a new metaphor.  I looked the associate attorney I'm working with and said, "Tell me why I volunteered to help you with this??"  He just grinned and walked out of the conference room.  I like him.  He's young and it's taken me awhile to get to know him, but I'm getting a kick out of working with him.  Last Friday as we were going over our client load, he said, "Leslie, every day I am so thankful you agreed to come on board and help with this."  Aaaaah . . . . um . . . can you recommend me for a raise?? 


                            I've been running, just no posting.  I got in 28 miles last week - 6, 16, 6, plus a 45 min stat bike workout.  As always, I need to get my runs downloaded.  At this point, they're all going to read "default" because there are just too many to go back and put in details.


                            While down in San Simeon for my dad's service (which went really well), my nephew ran 2 days with me - back to back 3 milers.  That was fun.  He's just getting into running for fitness purposes, so I tried to be easy on him.  I sure do like that kid (kid - he's 32).  He's a great guy to be around.


                            That's about it for now.  I'll do my best to check in here more often.  But even when I don't, I'm thinkin' aboutcha'll.


                            Have a great week ~

                            Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                            Trail Runner Nation

                            Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                            Bare Performance


                            Mike E

                            MM #5615

                              Hello everybody!


                              Just popping in real quick to say hi and that I ran 6 miles.


                              Okay--that's it--gotta go.  See ya!

                              MM#209 / JapanJoyful#803

                                Hello everybody too.


                                Just poppin' in to say that, though I thought is was too new for me,

                                I thought I knew "Manic Monday" but now, thanks to jeanne,

                                I also know who wrote it.  Thanks.


                                It was only a slight upcline but, with temps into the eighties

                                on the cyclemute back, I got passed for the first time by a runner.

                                Probably in his early 40's and, though appropriately dressed in singlet, etc.,

                                he was wearing gloves so I upped the cadence to catch up and ask, "why?"

                                Maybe sunburn protection? .  . . however, nothing else was covered.

                                He explained it  was a convenient means of wiping his brow

                                from all the sweat generated by running in the heat.


                                ps enkie - I like your dad's kind of "surprise."

                                "Enjoy yourself. Your younger days never come again." 100yo T. Igarashi to me in geta at top of Mt. Fuji (8/2/87)
