Masters Running


Wednesday, Sept. 9 runs and workouts (Read 353 times)

Mr. Chip & Mizz Rizzo

    Ribs - a hoot as usual!! 


    Woods Lady - Just click on the blue link that is at the bottom of Rib's post.  It will take you right to it.


    "My sunshine doesn't come from the skies,
    It comes from the love in my dog's eyes."


    King of PhotoShop

      Nono, listen to SLO.  When you do speed it puts extra stress on the musculo-skeletal system.  You need to either cut back on these speed workouts, and that is why SLO suggests short hill bursts, and at the same time build muscular strength and be able to adapt more slowly to speed, and that is why SLO suggests short hill bursts.  So either way this is a good approach.   Spareribs

        Ran today for the first time in about 10 days, mainly because I thought I'd reinjured myself and was afraid to find out for sure. So I did major mileage on the bikes and such. But today I had a good 4-miler and am pretty much convinced that my pains are not running-related. Just aging I suppose.


        I also had a mini-vacation the last few days with my DW in Traverse City. We used to go there fairly often, but for some reason hadn't been back in about the last 15 years. We had forgotten what a beautiful area that is, which was helped by a weekend of picture-perfect weather. We took our bikes along to ride some of the new trails that they've put through the city and up the peninsulas, and also did some beach-walking and hiking in the woods. We could use a few more of those getaways!


        Have some good runs this week, everyone! The daylight hours are getting shorter all the time.

        Doug, runnin' cycling in Rochester, MI

        "Think blue, count two, and look for a red shoe"

          Ribs - Great report!


          Holly - I had my coach look at the YouTube videos, and he told me that he would OK it for me . . . if I didn't want to do any ultras for awhile.  It's too aggressive, for lack of a better word, to incorporate then go out and try and run 20+ miles on the weekends.  . . . oh, alright.  But before I got his reply, last night I found some YouTube footage of a guy doing the different sessions.  This morning, after my 30 min stationary bike ride, I did the 10 min warm up.   I then did my own cardio pumping exercises, and I tell ya, my legs are toast.  Tomorrow's run should be interesting.


          Anyhoo - Today, 30 min stationary cycling to the end of "The Gladiator," plus 10 min of Insanity (appropriate name), about 10 min of my own wacko workout, then 30 min of upper body and core.


          I've also started keeping a food diary, which will hopefully make me more accountable for what I shove down my piehole.



          Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

          Trail Runner Nation

          Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

          Bare Performance



            hi everybody...


            Doug & Mary.   good to hear from you.   I was fixin' to email both of you.   


            so sorry about all the aches and pains.... physical and otherwise.     


            Holly, that is too bad about the kitty.   I was wondering about that.


            Holly & Slo_hand... thanks for your comments yesterday.   and Sue, thanks for the healing hug.  I think it helped.  I finally feel like I'm on the mend.        agility till 11:30??


            I was a little hesitant this morning, knee was sore but not awful.  I've missed some the last couple of weeks.  I really didn't want to miss today... 6.28 miles.  9:58 av. pace, 7:56 max. ahr 162, max 179.  today was supposed to be a mile w/u, 3K at 1/2 mp, 1 mile at 10K,  ooops.  hmm.  I just looked.  I was wrong w/what I did, I'd forgotten just what the plan was.   well anyway, then I did 800 meters at 5K & 400 at 3000 meter pace. which I'm making up as I go along.   Probably good, as you wise ones keep telling me I shouldn't do it anyway.   Am trying to do just a little-- just short of injury, so I don't go absolutely stark raving mad.       Anway!   My lap button didn't work twice, but 1 mile was at 9:19, and 400 was at 8:20.  sloooow improvement. 


            Can I ask a question too?   I'm on week 19 of my 24 week plan.   Because of how the first few months went, (badly)   I really want to make the most of the time remaining.      Here's the plan for this week:

            Mon. rest

            Tues. 8 miles

            Wed.  intervals

            Thurs. non impact cross training + core work

            Fri:   9 miles

            Sat.  core work

            Sun.  18 miles. 

            here is the thing... because of my ongoing knee problem, I made an appt. w/ the sports med doc Friday am at 8:30... the only chance I have.   Thought it was important before the 18 mile run.      I'm not sure when to get in the 9 miles.  (that's the question...sorry this is so spacey!!)    Don't think Saturday would be good.   Fri. evening I really dont have time.   Thurs. late afernoon is what I'm thinking about... but don't want to miss the morning xtraining either.      Since I'm a little bit injury prone, and still healing a few, does it sound like too much to do that?    Maybe I should somehow try for Friday.           Too much detail, sorry again.    You get your beverage of  choice for even reading this!  


            Nono.... what is hurting?


            Ribs, so glad you posted a report.   Work is nutty today, no time to read yet.   But I'm looking forward to it.  hugs to you. 

            King of PhotoShop

              Roch, I did start with "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" so I am doing the trilogy in sequence.  What great books this guy wrote.  Too bad there will be no more.  Spareribs


              Whoops!  I meant Tramps, not Roch.  But I hate admitting an error, so Roch go out and read Stieg Larsson please.  Spareribs

                Hi all!


                To everyone wondering about taking a breather, I highly recommend it.  Had a lovely easy run at lunchtime, just 5 miles at 9 minute pace, and so enjoyed running without any little twinges or nagging spots.  Not trying to discourage aii of you who are hard at work taining for a big race, you know I follow the plans and wish the best for everyone here, 


                If you're not in the middle of a training plan, and you are thinking about cutting back, then why not?  We're all runners; I don't fear I'll never run again if I take off some time or cut back in terms of speed and/or distance.


                Leslie--for some reason, the word "piehole just always cracks me up.   




                Masters 2000 miles

                      Thanks, hopeful!  Whodathunkit?  It was worth asking for help to get to it!!!!   Funniest report I have read.  You made my day, Ribs!    I was LOL!!!And after after the heart surgery last year - Great!   

                      I changed my place of workout today, and ended up going to the woods and had a long, hard, rewarding run/walk.   I'm teaching myself how to sprint.  Just little short sprints.  I am getting the feeling for going a faster pace than my usual jog type "running" pace for short periods of time. 


                    Leslie--for some reason, the word "piehole just always cracks me up.   





                    When The Hub or I want the either to shut up, we say, "Piehole!"   It's true love, I tell ya, true love.

                    Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                    Trail Runner Nation

                    Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                    Bare Performance


                    i'm lovin' it... MM#1949

                      dg... tough call. It all depends. If it's a tendoniitis, running easy and avoiding hills is recommended. Sports Med Dr 5 weeks out... that sounds all too familiar to me. Ths is exactly the time frame that injuries happen in the training cycle. I would avoid speed work and hills and play it by ear running easy long. Sometimes running easy long can help if it;s on soft and not very hilly.  Good luck.

                      Perch's Profile "I don't know if running adds years to your life, but it definitely adds life to your years." - Jim Fixx "The secret is to make in your mind possible what was not possible before. The secret is to make easy what was difficult, instead to make difficult what really is easy." - Coach Renato Canova


                        Deb, could you run the 9 tomorrow (or cut back to 6 or something?) and do your XT on Friday? I realize that would be 3 days in a row of running for you, maybe not a good idea if things are already hurting. Or just run 3 or so as a warm up and then do your XT on Thursday, skip the workout on Friday and see the doc? Remember that most plans assume you'll miss a few runs. You may have already missed more than you'd like, but the most important ones are the long runs and I think you've been getting those in on schedule, right?


                        Aamos, wise words and timely for a few of us. I'm seriously thinking of taking a few weeks off (or at least seriously reduced) in late October/early November. I've got a lot going on at work in that time frame, and family stuff with DS2 on a new traveling soccer team. Just might be the time to take the breather I've been talking about, ya know?


                        In the meantime... I'm still out there beating myself up on the trails. I did run the first 3 miles of the course today and geez I felt whipped. I think I tried to run them (the miles and the hills) too fast, which won't be a problem at the race itself because of crowding. Still, I almost turned my ankle on some roots so need to remember to take it easy! I went all the way to the point where I fell on my rainy big long run a week and a half ago, turned around and came back the same way.


                          Perch, if anybody would know about this, you would.     .. this helps, and maybe I'll take it a little more seriously.   I do think hills caused this, or at least turned a little problem into a potentially bigger one.  I'll have to see if I can find someplace that's flat and softer.   Maybe some dirt roads or something.   thanks so much.


                          Erika, you too!  So sweet of you to wade through the details with me.  I think you've given me an idea that could work!    At least by flipping one of them.  If the doc is willing to see me in my post run state, I can get in at least a cut back version of the run before I go. It's about a 40 min. drive, I should even be dry by then. ;-).   Yes, I have been getting in the LR's.  that makes me feel better.  thanks! 

                            Was at school from just after 7 this morning until almost 6 this evening.  I decided that getting some planning done and organizing the classroom a little bit more when it was pouring outside was a good trade off for not coming in a single day early for the first time in my career.

                            Horrible evening traffic + rain + exhaustion = rest day with a little yoga at home for good measure.

                            I'm stopping at the running store on the way home tomorrow for new shoes!  Smile  It's supposed to rain again, though, so I'll wear old ones for a RAW tomorrow.



                            Renee the dog

                              Nono, listen to SLO.  When you do speed it puts extra stress on the musculo-skeletal system.  You need to either cut back on these speed workouts, and that is why SLO suggests short hill bursts, and at the same time build muscular strength and be able to adapt more slowly to speed, and that is why SLO suggests short hill bursts.  So either way this is a good approach.   Spareribs



                              Well my instinct was to do what I can do well and fairly zippily, and not sweat it.  I think in Brad Hudson's book he talks about how short hill sprints really help build the achilles, and I was doing them earlier in my program (that's the easiest thing for me to incorporate into my running -- just go off the boardwalk and then back on -- it's a 10 sec sprint up the ramp, and 2 ramps per 1/10 of a mile...for 2 miles!)   Maybe I'll just throw them back in so that I feel like I'm doing some "real" sprint work.   


                              SLO, yeah, it's really my tendons/ligaments/fascia.  dg asked, so I'll try to enumerate:  peroneus brevis, plantar fascia, iliotibial band, and patellar tendon.  My major muscles are always ready to go next day...which is why I'm looking for an answer.  I feel like I'm perfectly ready/undertrained at the same time.  Maybe it's a simple lag -- my muscles trained up easily and it's taking longer for the rest to catch up. 


                              Thanks for your thoughts folks!  I'll keep puzzling over it, and about 2 weeks after I stop thinking about it, it'll probably disappear.

                              GOALS 2012: UNDECIDED

                              GOALS 2011: LIVE!!!

                                Ribs - that report was sooo funny!!!   now i think i am especially glad i didnt sign up for the Reach the Beach relay!! 

                                 thanks Holly and everyone else for keeping Justin in your thoughts..........will  be glad to bring him home tomorrow and hopefully with a better discharge plan in place!

                                track tonight -- my group (the mid-distance group) did 10 sets of 300 with a 100 walk recovery - then we were supposed to rest for 2 minutes but that seemed too long so we went when we felt recovered enough????


                                my times were ok except the last one when i had nothing left for speed











                                1:12  -  could definitely tell the ones i wasnt quite recovered enough for......wish i could have been even more consistent but this is good for me.


                                then i did a couple miles on my own to total 4 miles for the night

