Masters Running


TGIF... March 18th Runs and Chatter ...... (Read 506 times)

Mr. Chip & Mizz Rizzo

    Thanks TwoKitty - I have also printed the recipe and will be stopping for some Bailey's on my way home.    I don't like raisins though - can I do without them, or subsitute something?


    "My sunshine doesn't come from the skies,
    It comes from the love in my dog's eyes."


      Leslie - I don't envy you another rainy ultra.  Has the forecast changed at all?


      Nope. Cry   Oh well - tuffens ya up, right?


      Quick flyby - Rest day, which is good since I only got about 4 hrs of sleep last night.  Too much fun at Bonkos, I guess.  Rain, rain, rain today.  Should make my 4-hr drive in a little while relaxing. Roll eyes


      Good luck, Perch!!!!!!


      Will see you all on the flip side ~

      Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

      Trail Runner Nation

      Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

      Bare Performance


        OM—good news; a relief, I’m sure.

        Perch—so I deduce that the goal is a sub 3:40? You’ll do great!


        Lots of warm runs out there today. Same here; well into the 70s by the time I got out. Thankfully it was just a slow-and-easy 5.2 mile run without watch.  That early heat just sucks the life out of me.


        Have a great weekend and good luck to all the racers!

        Be safe. Be kind.

          jlynne, I'm glad the new grandson arrived and everyone is healthy.  I hope Will adapts quickly.  mari, neat that you got to run at the gym with your husband.  OM, great news!  hallar, congrats on 2nd in AG in a big AG.


          Nice long runs for evan, Slo, and Mike.  Good job on the speedwork for hopeful and mari.


          This morning, it was in the low to mid 40s and there was just a light wind.  I got in 5 miles in about 53:30 for a 10:42 pace.


          A good day and good runs for all.



          Marathon Maniac #957


            Will see you all on the flip side ~



            Good luck and safe travels!!

            Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

            Renee the dog

              Got 7 more miles in in 60 °F with everyone and their brother from a 100 mi radius coming out of the woodwork!   Only 6 of those were running -- I'm trying to work in a few walking miles per week, and since I was overheated as he!! and a mile over plan for the week, I decided to seize the moment and walk home.  Smile


              Twocat, will go vote for your recipe now!

              GOALS 2012: UNDECIDED

              GOALS 2011: LIVE!!!

              Mike E

              MM #5615

                I just have a light weight workout, tonight--then having my taxes done--then drinking as many beers as it takes depending on how bad my tax appointment goes! 


                Long Run...oops sorry...LR tomorrow.


                Good luck to eveybody racing, this weekend!  Especially, Leslie at Pirates Cove 50K and Steve at Tobacco Road Marathon!  I wish I could be in Hilo HI!

                  Thanks for the recipe Twocat, I printed it.  I also hate raisins so I wonder if taking them out will be the same?


                  Divechief, I have a benign heart murmur.  The values all checked out ok.  So basically it is just the sound of blood sloshing around in there, which I think can be more pronounced the better shape you are in.


                  Man o man, got another speeding ticket today.  School zone, 20mph, yup, didn't see the flashing lights.  They were pulling cars off the road two at a time, over and over again.  Seemed like a pretty good trap to me.  And expensive too.


                  Had an interesting time with my ride today - the man with the stroke.  Apparently he had it about 20 years ago and still hasn't regained much speech.  He only had about 4 words - "yup", "no", "wait" and "sucks".  I thought that last one was funny.  Even with that limited vocabulary, his intentions and personality came bursting through.


                  My kids think I swear to much, which I guess is true, if you think crap is a swear word.  So I owe my DD a dollar for everytime I say crap.  I am up to $11 already - I had no idea how much I say it - so I think I will switch to saying "carp".


                  Not sure about a run, but I better decide soon.  Calves a bit tight, the usual story.

                  "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."

                  Mr. Chip & Mizz Rizzo

                    Enke - I was thinking you should just say Carp too and save some money to pay for your ticket!!  Wink      I'm going to make the bread sans raisins and I'll let you know how it goes.   


                    Good luck Leslie and Perch!!!  


                    MikeE - deduct all those kids and grandkids and you'll do just fine.  Wink


                    "My sunshine doesn't come from the skies,
                    It comes from the love in my dog's eyes."




                      Hello again.   I swam 1500 yds at lunch; felt good.  I have not had time to swim all week until today. Oddly warm out. Makes me start worrying abuot Boston weather, which  is stupid.  It is a month away and I cannot do anything about the weather anyway!


                      Leslie, good luck with the 50k.


                      Perch have a great marathon.


                      Happy weekend all!


                      MM #6177

                         Sometimes less is more. I can't seem to post today without complaining, so I'll defer....


                        Leslie, good luck with the 50k.


                        Perch have a great marathon.


                        Happy weekend all!


                        Rest day for me, so only yoga. Maybe I'd be in better spirits if I had run, but my body is thanking me for the break. I ran over 19 miles in the past two days. So at best I'm looking forward to tomorrow's running. Smile


                        The Dovenator

                          Good luck Leslie. Think how tough you'll feel after completing the course in the rain! Good luck and fleet feet to you too, Perch. I'm going to enjoy my own form of March Madness this weekend at the Pac Rim 24-hour. Forecast is rain with temps dipping into the 30's at night. Hmmm...

                          "it's just like having fun, but different"

                            Marathon Derick,

                             Glad to see you back! Hopefully I will see you at a few  races this year.



                             Great news!



                             Good Luck this weekend. Like everyone here has said you will do great we gurantee it. Big grin


                            4 easy/recovery type miles for me today.

                            Shins a little sore but they have been lately anyway. Maybe its time for a new type of shoe? I am in oasics 2160s now but this is only my second pair and the first ones on a lot less weekly miles. I was thinking of trying a New Balance (Made in USA) brand if I can find one that works for me. I used to wear NB years ago and ran in the same style for many years and then they changed the shoe and I moved on. Oh well I like shoe shopping .


                            Good luck to everyone racing this weekend


                            Chumbawamba: I get knocked down But I get up again You're never going to keep me down


                              Divechief, I have a benign heart murmur.  The values all checked out ok.  So basically it is just the sound of blood sloshing around in there, which I think can be more pronounced the better shape you are in.



                              Same thing with me.... was told that as I've gotten in better shape, that my heart's pumping a bigger volume each beat and it's pretty normal to hear a bit of a murmur under those conditions.


                              OM.... great news on the tests!  I'm happy that this'll be easily dealt with and on your schedule even!


                              Have fun tomorrow, Dove, fatozzig, and Perch!


                              Planned on giving the foot another day off today and spin instead, but it was so warm when I got to the gym this morning, I just had to get a couple of pre-sunrise miles in. 2.4 miles in shorts and Tshirt....yay!  The robins and the cardinals were singing their little hearts out, and a raccoon crossed my path.  Oh yea, and yesterday I had a woodcock on my front lawn!  Must have been taking advantage of the bumper crop of mole tunnels that sprouted when the snow melted to look for the first bunch of worms.   Must be spring!!!


                              Have a  great weekend everyone!

                              .....Nancy The road to hell is paved....... run trails!

                                hopeful4ever and enkephalin hmm, hate raisins want Irish sods bread what to do, what to do . . . How about currants?!  Taste just like raisins but are not raisins!  [editor::  Not helpful!  Angry]  Ok, ok, how about trying to leave the raisins out and see what you think.  Personally, I love raisins so this is not an easy trade for me to figure out.  Are there any other dried fruits you like?  Maybe chopped up dates, figs or even apricots would work.  Now that I think of it . . . that is worth experimenting with!  Chopped up dried fruits of various sorts.   I am not sure I would try cranberries as they are just "wrong" for this but dates and figs and maybe even apricots there is an idea!

                                Live like you are dying not like you are afraid to die.

                                Drunken Irish Soda Bread and Irish Brown Bread this way -->
