Masters Running


Alternatives to Gels for Marathons? (Read 675 times)

Marathon Maniac #957

    Leslie – While a race here and there adds some interest, I mostly run to eat.  That’s always been my primary purpose in running.  But I don’t run to eat Clif bars and boiled potatoes.  One of my favorite things about LR day is the ability to eat more, but I want my extra calories to be spent on a nice dinner or lunch or dessert (or beer/wine later), not on fuel, so I have no desire to actually eat the full amount that I am able to ingest during my run.


    I want room at the end for a guilt-free stack of pancakes or a bacon-and-egg sandwich


    That being said, I do understand that you are currently training for a different purpose, different event type.  Like Divechief said, they are different animals.


    If pancakes weren’t so sticky, I’d bring them for fuel.  (Don’t even try the “do without the syrup” argument.) 


    Do the boiled potatoes have margarine?

    Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

      I mostly run to eat.  That’s always been my primary purpose in running.  But I don’t run to eat Clif bars and boiled potatoes.  One of my favorite things about LR day is the ability to eat more ...


      I love Holly!



      "Some are the strong, silent type. You can't put your finger on exactly what it is they bring to the table until you run without them and then you realize that their steadiness fills a hole that leaks energy in their absence." - Kristin Armstrong


        If pancakes weren’t so sticky, I’d bring them for fuel.  (Don’t even try the “do without the syrup” argument.) 



        There's a guy on the trail running thread who has actually taken pancakes with him on his long runs!


        Rosie - I only take 1/2 a Phenergan, even when I first started using it.  A whole one knocks me out.  And yep, I've discussed its usage during running with my doctor.  Luckily, I don't have to take it very often anymore, but my stomach has always been touchy, and so far this is the one thing that puts a damper on that, even in real life (aka not running).  Appreciate the concern, though.  Thanks.

        Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

        Trail Runner Nation

        Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

        Bare Performance



        Rose Colored Glasses

          Oh good, Leslie!  I hope I didn't sound like a worry-wart... but I am... a worry-wart.  Glad you have things to help you along the way and a physician to consult.

          Holly, I agree with the general thought here, "Define the purpose of the run".  If you are running to deplete calories so you can replace the calories with whatever you want after the run, then you have to run accordingly.  Like, run to the edge of depletion and realize if you miscalculate, you're going to crash.  Have you tried Accel gel?

          In the past 16 years, I've tried a lot of different things.  Let's review:

          1. MCM 1995.  Drank no water and ate nothing for 26.2 miles.  Hit the wall somewhere.  Finished in some time. Didn't void for a few hours after the race and when I did it looked like coffee.

          Lesson learned: For me, going with nothing is bad, really bad for my kidneys.

          So I started drinking water or gatorade and progressed to taking Gu or Cliff shots or some such, and always, at some point in the 26.2, I'd feel nauseated. Then, sometimes I'd eat a Twix bar if a kid was handing them out, and have no problems whatsoever. Who knows?

          Finally, I found this Accel gel and have not had any problems with nausea.  Sometimes I will eat some fig newtons along the way, these sort sop up excess moisture in my tummy.  

          Another thing I learned was never to take gatorade if I was using Gels.  It's one or the other for me, never the two shall mix...

          Good luck!

            I am off the gatoraid completely -- in races the concentration of the aid can be all over the map and the taste in my mouth makes it worse -- I figure the water for hydration and the gels for carbs and electros ... I have a nasty gag reflex and have trouble downing gels ... I like the Carb Boom [Apple Cin ... tried the vanilla -- it's nasty] -- my one issue is that they are about 20% larger than GU or some of the other brands.  I don't normally take anything unless the run is +18 or so miles [but I top the tank off before I start].


            I like the comment that we are all a "science of one" ... what works for me may not work for others -- I am certainly not as experienced as many on the post but I have been messing around with various fuel / hydration combos for a while -- I guess that's the point as well -- figure out what works for you -- mentally sucking down a Gel during the race gives me a mental boost [refuel the tanks] -- maybe that's all it does. 


            At 200+ lbs I probably need more fuel for the same distance / pace as someone who is 160.  I do however feel like a French Duck force feeding the gels in the early miles.

            2012= under-goaled


            Puttin' on the foil

              I use CarboPro.  It is a product designed to replenish carbohydrates during long races and long training day.  I use it in Ironman races and marathons.  It has no sugar and it will not create a hypertonic solution in your stomach, like sugary gels and sports drinks.  (A hypertonic solution requires your body to supply water to digest.)  It comes in a powder form which you can mix with water or any other drink product.  It also comes pre-mixed in a bottle, which is called CarboPro 1200.  I use a Fuel Belt and put CarboPro 1200 in the bottles when doing IM races and long training days.  It tastes "ok", but it is kind and gentle on the stomach.

              Don't be obsessed with your desires Danny. The Zen philosopher Basha once wrote, 'A flute with no holes, is not a flute. A donut with no hole, is a Danish.'

                I do however feel like a French Duck force feeding the gels in the early miles.


                Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                Trail Runner Nation

                Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                Bare Performance


                i'm lovin' it... MM#1949

                  I find Gu the most efficient but I only like the Vanilla Bean w/caffine.  What I do is carry a little plastic 8oz "sippy bottle/juice box" that I put a cloth handle on so I can hold it with open palm, like hands free...  I fill it with either sports drink or water at the aid stations so I know how much I'm hydrating.  Sometimes they only have 3 oz in those cups.  Never 8 oz.


                  I do a Gu and 2 Endurolyte capsules at miles 6, 10, 14, 18 and 22, washing it down with water.  By having the 8 oz  wide mouth container I have plenty of time while running to down the capsules and Gu.  I always squeeze the Gu in my mouth, add water, swish around and then swallow.  It's much easier than trying to swallow thick Gu.  Then wash it down with more water.  I have not had a wall hit (slowdown, yes, but not the death march) with this protocol.


                  Perch's Profile "I don't know if running adds years to your life, but it definitely adds life to your years." - Jim Fixx "The secret is to make in your mind possible what was not possible before. The secret is to make easy what was difficult, instead to make difficult what really is easy." - Coach Renato Canova
