Masters Running


Oklahoma City Memorial Marathon 2010 (Read 376 times)


    Goal pace....  9:44


    While I don't live in OKC, I do feel it's my home away from home.   For some reason it holds a special place in my heart. I think it's because I live in a wonderful small town and OKC is like "my big brother."


    .....OKC Memorial Marathon is celebrating it's 10th anniversary this year.  I've run in a couple of the Memorial 5k runs, 1 half marathon, and now 3 full marathons here at the Memorial.  A few years back when I decided to try a marathon, I wanted my first to be the OKC Memorial.  I began by training for the half, and when that was a successful venture, I set my sights on the full M in 2007.  Some of you may remember my training that year and then come race day, an emergency came up and I had to work.  I could have ran a different marathon a few weeks later but wanted the Memorial to be my first because, you see, this race is special.  I immediately set my sights on the 2008 race and the feeling I had during (and after) this race was incredible.  I think we probably all remember our first.  Ran the 2nd one in 2009 and now here is the 3rd.


    The Lovely Mrs Day and I set out for OKC on Saturday joined by LMD's mother.  We went straight to the expo for packet pick up.  Lot's of things happening in downtown OKC that weekend.  The Festival of the Arts was going on, the OKC Thunder was hosting the Lakers that evening and the Marathon.  Downtown was packed.  We parked several blocks away and had a nice walk down to the expo.  The LMIL (mother in law) commented on the how exciting it all was.  And she was right.  It was as if you could feel the excitement in the air. 


    The expo was set up a bit different this year to allow more room in the vendor area.  A good decision.  Last year, the 5k, half and marathon relay were all sold out.  The race organizers added 1000 more spots in the half and maybe other distances as well.  Anyway, at 2:00 p.m. the expo was packed.  I wanted to look around, there were several things I wanted to check out, but the crowd was just too much.  Literally shoulder to shoulder.  I did buy a new hat (my old Big Peach Running Company hat has been through 3 marathon training cycles and now 3 marathon races and it was time to retire it.)


    Left the expo, ate the requisite pasta, and over to relatives for a visit and then spend the night. 


    Made it to the start about 5:30 a.m. for the 6:30 start.  The headquarters to my workplace is right on the start corral.  So I went in and took care of some unfinished business and then out to the corral.  I met up with a couple running buddies from my hometown and then settled in just in front of the 4:15 pace group.  Last year I had wanted to run a 4:15.  I had a good plan, but executed it very poorly and around mile 20 the pace group caught me and left me in the dust (literally, the dust!).  I vowed this year would be different.


    While I didn't run with the pace group again this year (uh it goes again) I did manage to keep the pace in check during the earlier part of the race.  I knew a 9:44 pace was the goal.  It was the goal last year too, but do you think I paid any attention to that.....NOOOO!  This year I hoped to do better at executing.  While I did do some faster than goal pace miles, I was able to reign myself in for the most part.  The early miles went by effortlessly like they always do.  I tried not to waste any energy.   I didn't see Paris Hilton this year.  Even if I had, she wasn't going to get a kiss from me like last year....I was staying focused!   


    Saw LMD, her mother and her brother at the half.  Her brother handed me a some gu and I high fived LMD and continued on.  My half split, which was supposed to be 2:07, came in at 2:05.  I'm a bit ahead of pace so be careful.  The plan was to stay the course until 18 or 20, then bump up the pace if I could. 


    At about mile 14 the course turned back to the south and runs along side Lake Hefner, a beautiful recreational lake in NW OKC.  We picked up a pretty good tailwind which mentally, at least, felt great!  Along about here you can see some of the runners that are behind you.  I saw the 4:15 pace group and vowed they would not catch me.  The previous marathons I've struggled around miles 15 and 16 but this year continued to feel strong during these miles. 


    I'm still feeling good at 19 and decide to start to pick up the pace a bit.  I was wanting to get the pace down to around 9:25 which I thought I might be able to sustain to the finish.  But I guess I just can't pick it up 10-15 seconds per mile and mile 20 comes in at 9:11.  And I can feel the effort, so again back off for awhile.  I know it's  slightly uphill for a few miles and I'll again see some family around 23.  At 22 I again try and pick up the pace.  9:12 and I'm feeling fairly good.  I see LMD her mother, brother, aunt and uncle just past 23.  I stop and get a shot of Powerade.  My brother in law tells me I'm looking a lot better than last year (and I'm feeling it too).  LMD asks me how I'm feeling.  I reply with a grin and a thumbs up and I'm off. 


    About a half a mile later I cannot pick up my feet. legs.  It feels like in my dreams where I'm running but can barely move.  I began to pump my arms hoping that will help carry me.  Mile 24 is slow.....mile 25 even slower.  So now I begin to channel the energy from this RA masters group....all the race reports I've read.....all the training you all have done and shared.....all the gutsy stuff.....all the funny stuff.  My goal is still within reach but only if I pick up the pace.  There's just 1.2 miles to go.  How can that seem like a million miles?  I start focusing in on the runner ahead and begin to pick up the pace.  The course turns toward the home stretch.  Spectators along the way cheering.  I'm pumped, I'm emotional, I'm still on two feet!  I see LMD with her arm outstretched.  I run over and we slap hands and I pick up steam heading toward the finish.  Within feet of the finish line I hear the announcer call my name and I've finished. 





    For the fashion freaks, I'm sorry to disappoint.  All my race photos look the same.  Navy blue starter shorts over black underarmour compression shorts, white starter tshirt, white long sleeve Eskimo Joes throw away t-shirt, new balance socks, white Big Peach Running Company hat, red ASICS Kayano 15s,  great value vaseline.

    I need a makeover


    For the data freaks, check out the mile splits in my training log.


    So sorry,,,, no photos.  And I love photos.


    A really big thank you to all the Master members on this forum.  Your support and online comeraderie camerrady friendship is a huge blessing. 


    If you've never ran this race, I'm inviting you to do so.  Race organization is great.  The volunteers, spectacular.  The crowd support gets better every year.  This is a Run To Remember.

    Quit being so damn serious! When we change the way we look at things, the things we look at change. "Ya just gotta let it go." OM

      Nice run everday .  Met your goal time that's always great   


      Race report sounds all too familar


      Better to avoid Paris since there weren't going to be any pictures to share


      Thanks for the great report and sharing your experience


      ps. I think your fashion was fine.  

      Courage ! Do one brave thing today...then run like hell.


        I'm going to have to remember that.......When the going gets tough you can channel the energy from the Master Group.


        Nice race....way to nail your goal !



          I think your avatar picture would work for your fashion report - it looks like what you described!  Consistency is a good thing!



          Congrats on meeting your goal. Sounds like a good race, and cool that you had so much family support there.  Thanks for sharing your RR, and for thinking of us when the going got tough!

          I hammered down the trail, passing rocks and trees like they were standing still.

            Yeah! you met your goal with 10 seconds to spare!  Way to push thru that dead leg itis.

            Now that you have done this marathon 3? times, any plans to branch out?


            Congrats on a well executed race.

            But I can't forgive you for stealing our basketball team.

            "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."


              Nicely done evryday. You did a great job not exhausting yourself with the headwind at the start of the race. I taped the race and they were talking during the race about how many runners had exhausted themselves fighting the wind at the start and not being able to take advantage of it at the turnaround.


              I don't know how many races we've done and have never met, not to mention training runs at Overholser, one of these days though. My race went fairly well and I was able to stay with my pace group until mile 22 when a blister slowed me up. After a stop at the mile 23 aid station for a bandaid, I was never really able to get going again.


              BTW, I saw Paris near the top or Gorilla Hill. You were probably staring at the gorilla and missed seeing her.


              Congrats once again on a great race.




                Well done marathoner. I really enjoyed reading your race report. You did well in achieving your goal and running strong the whole way.



                "Champions are everywhereall you need is to train them properly..." ~Arthur Lydiard

                  You beat your goal by 10 seconds.  Ya Hoo!!  Nicely done, Ev.  Very nicely done.  Even with the limited variation in the wardrobe.

                  Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                  Trail Runner Nation

                  Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                  Bare Performance



                    Hi Evryday,


                    Good planning + good execution = terrific race! You did a great job of coming up with an attainable, but challenging goal; creating a race day plan that would enable you to reach that goal; executing that plan quite well; and cruising across the finish with a bit of time to spare.


                    Congrats on a great job!



                    Without ice cream there would be darkness and chaos.

                    Top 'O the World!

                      That.Is.So.Cool!!!!     as are you!  CONGRATULATIONS!
                      Remember that doing anything well is going to take longer than you think!! ~ Masters Group

                        Great job, evryday.  You were right on your goal and did a good job of fighting through when things got tough.  Congratulations.




                          Ok Ev, you're something else. Catching up on some work in the office before the race, and kissing Paris Hilton while racing? Now that's funny!


                          Good job with your pacing and plan. Those later miles tell us what we're really made of and you did very well young man. There's sooo much more motivation when family and friends are there with you. That tail wind was a treat as well , just mentally if nothing else. Great going on your training and it really paid off handsomely!







                            Hurray Eryday! Spot on with the race time and pacing! Congratulations (glad you could hear me cheering across the miles  )

                            Nice running and thanks for the great description of what sounds like a well done, if not bittersweet race.

                              Thank you all for reading and for the kind words.


                              Enke....I'm so sorry we stole your BB team.  I know the people of Seattle and all of Washington were disappointed (to say the least) when the team went to OK.  I was glad to see them come to OK, but hated that you all had to lose the team.  I do indeed need to branch out but I'm not ready just yet for more than one M per year.  I do plan to do a few halfs in addition, however.


                              Paul.....I never really noticed the headwind until right before the turn around at Lake Hefner.  Yes, I must have been looking at the Gorilla cause I nevr saw Miss Hilton.  Probably a good thing.  How about Andy Payne?  I'm looking at the half.


                     wasn't exactly work that I was doing.....although it did involve some paperwork.  


                              CNY......heard you, I did.  In fact I reread your latest RR just before I left for the race.....I found it quite inspiring. 


                              Quit being so damn serious! When we change the way we look at things, the things we look at change. "Ya just gotta let it go." OM

                              Mr. Chip & Mizz Rizzo

                                You nailed it evryday!   It got tough at the end because you were giving it your all.    Great job!!


                                I thinking kissing Paris last year is probably what did you in!    Smile


                                Congratulations on a marathon run so well!!


                                "My sunshine doesn't come from the skies,
                                It comes from the love in my dog's eyes."


