Masters Running


February 2018 Masters Miles (Read 32 times)



    148.6 February miles. Thus Hanson's plan has me running more consistently than I ever have as an adult. 308.7 since January 1.



      A big fat zero for me, first time that's happened since I started running! But, I spent several hours pool running, so that'll have to do.

      Mike E

      MM #5615

        Thanks milktruck!


        I ran 1 race in February--the Hilton Head Marathon and placed 3rd overall...I think there were only 195 runners, so it's not like I took 3rd at Boston, or anything...


        FEB: 86 Miles

        YTD: 243 Miles 


        That's it.  See ya!


          Thanks, Milktruck.  That snowshoe race looks like a blast!


          55.2 miles in February.

          Be safe. Be kind.


          Old , Ugly and slow

            50 for February.

            first race sept 1977 last race sept 2007


            2019  goals   1000  miles  , 190 pounds , deadlift 400 touch my toes


              So why not wait until March is more than half over to post February's number?  Sorry, I thought I already had done this.  247 miles.  A couple of long runs...but no racing.  Still seems odd to me.

              MM#209 / JapanJoyful#803

                5K in the Chinese Lunar Year-of-the-Dog 5K

                Best February in two years.

                "Enjoy yourself. Your younger days never come again." 100yo T. Igarashi to me in geta at top of Mt. Fuji (8/2/87)



                  81.7 miles for me - I screwed up the math and didn't end on a prime.  

                  I hammered down the trail, passing rocks and trees like they were standing still.



                    Never thought I'd run a prime and beat Erika (also for the first time since I started running) in the same month, but this isn't the way I wanted to do it!

                    Doug, runnin' cycling in Rochester, MI

                    "Think blue, count two, and look for a red shoe"

                    an amazing likeness

                      February 2018 summary from all who reported in...


                      + 6 Monthly Prime runners with special compliments to tetsujin209 who did it in 1 shot

                      + monthly average dropped from 140 in January 2018, driven by short month, lots of folks rehabbing or fighting crud.

                      + special shout out to rmcj001 for nailing 2 AG wins in 2 races, and running a prime


                      Runner February Prime! Notable Notes
                      Falconfixer 247 . .
                      SubDood 237 . lots of miles while fighting a cold
                      pfriese 191 ! .
                      rmcj001 163 ! 2 AG wins in 2 HM
                      bioguy 149 ! tailwinds it is
                      Anzlo 144 . .
                      Quickadder 137 ! HM in the books
                      RunnerKSA 129 . short month and being sick takes a toll
                      Opie 124 . .
                      Jlynne 116 . .
                      TammyinGP 102 . .
                      deez4boyz 100 . taunting us with warm Florida miles
                      catwhoorg 88 . .
                      Mike E 86 . 3OA Hilton Head marathon
                      wildchild 82 . .
                      spacityrunner 80 . .
                      coastwalker 74 . 10mi race
                      milktruck 56 . knee, chest cold, work travel all took a toll
                      Tramps 55 . .
                      stumpy77 54 . most monthly miles in a while
                      tom1961 50 . .
                      rochrunner 19 ! .
                      tetsujin209 3 ! Year of the Dog 5K to start the year
                      evanflein 0 . pool running back to the roads
                      average 104 . .
                      median 94 . .

                      Acceptable at a dance, invaluable in a shipwreck.
