Masters Running


Friday, April 9 - wake up everyone! (Read 622 times)

Mr. Chip & Mizz Rizzo

    Aahhh, a rest day today ..... so why don't I feel rested?  Hmmmm.    Anyway, I was happy it was a rest day when I saw snow covering everything this morning.    Last week it was record heat around here.   Go figure!   I'm not complaining though, because  I saw on the news that JLynne probably woke up to a 1/2 foot of the white stuff.  Ugh!


    SteveP - love that Lighthouse!  


    Happy Birthday Henry!!


    Thanks for reposting your muffin recipe TwoKitty.

    TGIF everyone!!!


    "My sunshine doesn't come from the skies,
    It comes from the love in my dog's eyes."



      Thanks for starting us off, Mary.


      My calf was flaring up worse so I took another day off yesterday, part of my “Screeching Halt”™ taper plan.   Tested it today on an easy 3.2 mile run and it was much better.


      Nice cool morning as the mini-heat wave broke with last night's rain.  Washed a lot of pollen out of the air, too.  Should be a beautiful weekend.  Enjoy!

      Be safe. Be kind.

        Happy Friday, gang!


        Mary - snow - definitely Ugh! 


        Tramps -sorry about the calf - sending healing vibes!


        {{{{{{{dg}}}}}}}} - patience, grasshopper!


        Carolyn - congratulations on the painfree run!!


        TomS - very nice run yesterday - you should be happy.


        Twocat - glad your deer spraying is paying off.  My little friends dispatched all of my daylillies before I realized they were out.  I'm more vigilant now - my hostas are just starting to poke their little heads out.


        Jeanne - minor recipe revisions (poor memory, huh?) - only one quarter cup of sour cream and I also added handfuls of chopped pecans and raisins.  DH requested another batch last night, but I'm not going to give in until I lose another 5.


        74 minutes on the elliptical this morning - nice pool of sweat under the machine, but I only averaged 142 for heart rate.  I can definitely feel the increased resistance. 


        Good runs and a good weekend to all!  Happy tapering!

        Sue Running is a mental sport...and we're all insane! Anonymous


          Hey All !


          A very frosty start to our day. But nothing like what our Northern neighbors woke up to yesterday !  Has it melted away yet Jlynne ?


          Out for a interval set today. 8.66 miles total


          8 x 800's......6:40 pace. I need to start wearing my glasses when I run. I thought I was taking a 90 sec rest....after getting home and reading my actual splits from the garmin....with my turns out my rest periods were 2 mins. I don't think I need to fret over the 30's sec difference but you know how anal we can be about our training goals.


          Make it a great day !


            'morning!   my new plan to try to keep up a little better is a quick earlyish post, then an IV drip of overposting throughout the day....


            Mary, eek.   Could you (genlty, you're resting) divert it so it doesn't head this way??


            Tramps that is really good to hear.   smart you did a shortish test. 


            I keep reading that Perch had good news but I haven't found it yet.


            Thanks Sue!  (now you tell me Wink )   I'll go replay the morning.  ;-).  I was thinking about you yesterday & all your ellipticalling.    It is amazing.    I hope you reap some wonderful rewards from this.


            Slo.... no idea.  how can we be?   :-)


            have to hurry, late as always.  


            a 30-40 min. walk, with 1.125 running miles slipped in there.   400 meters, 5x200 meters, 1 more 400.  1 walking lap in between each running clump.  (2 last time).  1 lap was at an 8 min. pace, last 400 at 8:40.  that 's all I know, no Polar still.   then 30 min. on the octane elliptical.  I tried the glute kicker mode for the last 15, it might be a good idea but you have to change directions too often.   One smart thing was that I skipped the weight machines afterward,   Stooopid lite.   : ).   Did stretch a little, which I've been skipping too often.


            happy Friday!


            Marathon Maniac #957

              Dg – what Sue said.


              Tramps – good news!  Don’t go overboard with it, though.  Your training is done at this point, so your “screeching halt’ plan may still be a good one if you want to be completely healed by race day.


              Slo – speedy repeats, there!


              3 easy-paced miles for me on the TM (10:31), watching Ninja Assassin (yes, I’ll admit to it), followed by shoulder presses, butterflies, hammer curls, push-ups, superman lifts, squats, and various crunches.


              Happy Friday!

              Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

                Holly is training to be a Ninja Assassin?  All the cross-training she does now makes sense ...


                DG, stoopid lite?  That's a normal state of being for me.


                I've met SteveP.  Be Afraid.  Be Very Afraid.


                3.5 slow, easy miles.  Feel like I don't know how to run.  Taper must be working.  Sorta apprehensive over tomorrow's last fast finish MLR.



                "Some are the strong, silent type. You can't put your finger on exactly what it is they bring to the table until you run without them and then you realize that their steadiness fills a hole that leaks energy in their absence." - Kristin Armstrong



                  A very frosty start to our day. But nothing like what our Northern neighbors woke up to yesterday !  Has it melted away yet Jlynne ?



                  Nope - official total was 5.76 inches, and while the roads are clear, my tulips and daffodils are burried.

                  Finally got a run in before dinner last night - 6 miles, 9:27 pace. A good stress reliever after watching Mr. Will all day yesterday who is REALLY teething....


                  How much snow did you end up getting Mary? Or is it still coming down? By the way, I love the name Carl for a dog. When (if) we get one, that's my choice!


                  Tramps - please use caution with that sore calf. That caution word applies to you too, Deb.


                  Thanks for the recipe edit, Sue. Making another batch of muffins is on my "to do" list today. Can't seem to keep 'em around very long.  You are the queen of the eliptical, that's for sure. An hour is about all I can handle, and some days that's a push.


                  Hey Holly - your video library must be outstanding! How do you decide which one you'll watch? Ninja Assassin - you must have had that "killer instinct" this morning. How have things been going with your bitc#%@ boss lately?


                  Like Mary, a scheduled rest day for me. We've got some people coming in from out of town tomorrow to look at our house, so I think my day will be spent cross-training with vacuums, mops and other assorted equipment. Gosh, I hope we sell this place soon 'cause I'm getting tired of keeping it clean! 


                  Have a great day everyone.


                  Mr. Chip & Mizz Rizzo

                    JLynne - don't be mad, but we only got a light dusting and it is gone already and the sun is shining brightly.  My youngest DD named Carl.  I asked where it came from as I thought their might be a meaning to the name for her, but she said "it just popped into my head."     Nice run last night after taking care of teething Will.


                    Gee, I think I have to put muffin making on my weekend to-do list.  I just have to decide on a flavor!



                    "My sunshine doesn't come from the skies,
                    It comes from the love in my dog's eyes."



                    Marathon Maniac #957



                      Hey Holly - your video library must be outstanding! How do you decide which one you'll watch? Ninja Assassin - you must have had that "killer instinct" this morning. How have things been going with your bitc#%@ boss lately?




                      Jeanie - we get them from the library.  Every time something new comes out on DVD that sounds interesting, I get on the computer and put it on reserve at the library.  We stop there once a week and always have a selection waiting.  Ninja Assassin is what DS and DH will be watching tonight while I'm getting my hair done, but I thought it might keep my attention on the TM better than DD's pick - Alvin and the Chipmonks


                      Oh, and grumpy boss has actually been pretty nice to me latey.  I'm in one of those "I like my job" phases right at the moment....

                      Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."


                        Ninja Assasins sounds fun!

                        These allergies are killing me!  I'm heading to the Dr. later today to see if I can get a prescription.   After a week with no sleeping, I'm just beat.   Ran 5 easy miles with friends, but the wind killed us a little on the way back.

                        It is weird when you get used to the warm and then it's cool again.  I sent my girls to school in shorts today-  It's 50 degrees here.   Still not winning that Mom of the Year Award.

                        Glad to hear the calf is better Tramps.  It sounds like you're being smart.

                        Holly- do you have a home gym or do a workout video?  Just curious.  I need to get back to my weight lifting routine.

                        Have a good one all!

                        i'm lovin' it... MM#1949

                          Tramps... it's good to know I'm not the only one on the “Screeching Halt”™ Taper plan Smile


                          Good progress today. After alot of foam rolling yesterday the butt was feeling good.

                          8 miles in 1:16:31 (9:33 pace, AHR 146) with last mile at 8:52 and no butt soreness during the run. Some varied soreness after the run so iced.  Good news. looks like Boston is still on!




                          Perch's Profile "I don't know if running adds years to your life, but it definitely adds life to your years." - Jim Fixx "The secret is to make in your mind possible what was not possible before. The secret is to make easy what was difficult, instead to make difficult what really is easy." - Coach Renato Canova


                            ... watching Ninja Assassin (yes, I’ll admit to it),

                            Hey, I'll admit it, DW and I watched "Where the Wild Things Are" this week...and we don't even have kids. 

                            Actually, it more of an adult movie anyway.  Thumbs up, but don't expect a cute Disney-type flick.  This isn't a sugar-coated fairy tale; it's a very well done psychological portrait of being a kid...with all it's ups and downs.


                            I agree with Byll, though; all that core work you do makes sense now. 

                            Be safe. Be kind.



                              Happy Birthday Henry!


                              Gooooo Leslie!  This is your big weekend, right?


                              Mariposai, hope the cold is better today and it's not raining.


                              Tramps and Perch, glad to hear your  "screeching halt" plans appear to be working!


                              Sue, your ellipticalling is amazing.  I tried to do elliptical and/or stationary bike while my leg was recovering but I discovered I really dislike both. I guess it's getting nice enough out now that cross training could include real bike riding outside! 


                              Deb, sounds like you're recovering pretty well!  Take it easy, though.


                              Mary, what are the other puppies names?


                              Our snow from Monday is melted in town, but not at home yet.  But it's supposed to be in the 60's again today in town!   I'll do another easy RAL. Well, run/walk.  Is that acronym R/WAL?

                              I hammered down the trail, passing rocks and trees like they were standing still.

                              Marathon Maniac #957

                                Kimmie - I just work out with dumbbells at home.  I have created a chart that lists 27-28 upper and lower-body exercises in one column and days of the week in another, and I try to work my way through all of them every couple weeks.

                                Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."
