Masters Running


Thursday, April 22 Runs and Recoveries (Read 726 times)


    Have I mentioned that Tramps’ DW is tres kewl...


    Hey, I may not be that bright, but I've got good taste.  

    We both got a real kick out of meeting you.  She's been hearing me relay Holly stories for a long time.


    It occured to me that Lou's posted all these great pictures (Thanks, Lou!) but we haven't gotten a shot of him.  Well, here's one at the mile 20 watering hole taken by my DW. 

    L-R: Barb, Hally, Craig (Pro), Lou, and ???.  It's also a nice shot of Kevin's shoulders (just over Hally's).

    Be safe. Be kind.

      Hi Trent, welcome, hey aren't you one of those really fast guys?


      Holly, I saw the video, yep, your hair was really flying, like a weapon!

      I had a similar video once on a half marathon.  I was barrelling down the infield of a football field passing almost everyone along the way.  And for what?  To move up from 250/500 to 249/500 in my AG?


      Got a hilly 5 on the books today.  I hope the Garmin cooperates.  Weather looks perfect, overcast and 50-55.

      "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."


      Good Bad & The Monkey


        OMG, look who crawled in from the Swamp!


        Oops, did I say that?  I've lurked a bit over there...and laughed a lot.  That isn't our usual welcome to newcomers.  We're a very un-swampy bunch.  Friendly and supportive really.  Well, there's the occasional bitter and cynical bonking RR, but that's just me. Everyone else is really nice.


        New masters runner, eh?  Have you been fitted for your walker yet?


        Hah!  There needs to be balance in the universe.  Friendly and supportive is good too Smile  I will say, the Swamp can be very supportive in its own way.  But you are right, you do need a pretty thick (if reptilian) skin to tolerate it.


        Hi Trent, welcome, hey aren't you one of those really fast guys?


        I have a long way to go, but I have come far.  Been running regularly for about 4-5 years and have had a few good advances, but also a bunch of setbacks due to work, family, illness.

        Thanks all!

          BTW folks.  New master runner here... Smile


          Haha ... Happy Birthday, Trent

          Lou, (aka Mr. predawnrunner), MD, USA | Lou's Brews |


            BTW folks.  New master runner here... Smile


            40? Why, I've got shoes older than you! Just kidding... welcome Trent! And happy birthday.


            Wow, Miss Holly. Are you sure that camera speed wasn't notched up a little? You were flying. What a great finish to a great race. Make sure you sanitize everything you come in contact with today, okay?


            Mr. Chip & Mizz Rizzo

              I had to watch the video about 3 times and then spotted Holly and her hair flying over the finish line!  Big grin


              Welcome Trent and Happy Birthday!


              Greta photo of Lou!


              JLynne - I just got some Brooks shoes too, but the are the Adrenaline 10.   They will be my first venture in the Brooks line too.



              "My sunshine doesn't come from the skies,
              It comes from the love in my dog's eyes."



                Hey, Trent!  Venturing over from the Ultra and Swamp scene??


                Bummer.  I can't get the video of Holly to play.  Will have to try on my laptop this evening.


                I've decided to NOT by lazy on Saturdays and to keep up with my trail running (even though it was only going to be a 3 weekend break), doing 10-12 miles on Saturday before ramping up again.  Thus, my rest days are now Sundays and Thursdays.  Love the sleeping in this a.m., but one look at the scale told me I shoulda worked out.


                Haven't had a chance to read any Boston reports.  Will try and get some in this evening.


                Happy Earth Day ~

                Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                Trail Runner Nation

                Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                Bare Performance


                  Oh-oh, I think I'm in trouble.  Trent has discovered that I sort of, er, um, borrowed the HH Monkey's attitude when creating the Wellspring Stampede's "Head Horse," whom I interview each year just before the race for my column.     [see sample below]   This year's interview appeared in our little local paper the 17th.  I figured I was safe out here in the badlands.........Trent, don't sic the monkey on me!


                  In my defense, on my way out to Hopkinton on the bus Monday, I sat with a lovely gentleman from Birmingham Alabama who runs the Monkey every year and loves it.  I told him I had heard only good things about the race; he told me it's his favorite marathon.


                  <biting her nails>,



                  "Just as the Great Pumpkin heralds the advent of Halloween, spring is confirmed when the Hank, the Head Horse canters over for a visit.  As you may recall, Hank has a bit of an attitude but his very big heart is truly in the right place.  Here’s some of our most recent conversation.


                  A: Once again, I have to remark on your resemblance to one of the lead horses depicted on the Wellspring Stampede poster for this year.  [Each year, the Stampede invites a local artist to design the poster, which then adorns the race t-shirt.]  How did you do that?


                  Hank: Don Li-Leger, the featured artist featured this year, “has deep sensitivity to the world of nature,” according the Stampede brochure.  Needless to say, it takes real feeling and talent to capture my handsome profile.  I always cooperate with people who have that special knack.


                  A: I’m humbled; is that why you are taking the time to chat with me?


                  Hank: O please, get over yourself.  I am here to go over the details of the Wellspring Stampede with you so you will round up a lot of your fellow bipeds and head them over to Canyon Lake the morning of April 25th.


                  A: Why this race when there are so many out there?


                  Hank: Easy.  This one benefits the Wellspring Foundation.  That’s a nonprofit treatment center serving the mental, emotional and chemical dependency needs of at risk youth and their families. While I’m independent, I also respect the rule of the herd.  We wild horses believe that the herd has to join together to help the young ones when they need it. 


                  A: Isn’t it a little long for you?


                  Hank, neighing loudly: Don’t pull my leg, sweetheart, there’s a big hoof at the end of it.  It’s a 10K, or 6.2 miles.  A perfect distance, and on a perfectly lovely course, too.  Besides, Wild Bill and Calamity want me to join them at the Mickelson Trail Marathon and Half on June 6.  Anyone doing that should sign up for the Stampede as a tune-up run in their training schedule.


                  A: What about people who have never gone that distance, or who don’t run, but walk?


                  Hank:  Silly human.  In a herd, there are those at the front, like me, but there are many more in the middle, and always horses at the end.  We are a herd, not a line of Rockettes.  As long as we are outside in the sun, feeling the wind in our manes and the joy of movement, we are happy at any speed.  The Stampede welcomes everyone!


                  A: Any freebies included with the registration?


                  Hank: Of course, did you ever hear of a stingy horse?  There’s a free One Mile race for the fillies and colts, a free Spaghetti Dinner the night before for all registered runners and walkers, and for all humans, a shirt with Mr. Li-Leger’s art on it. "

                  etc., etc.



                  Masters 2000 miles

                  Good Bad & The Monkey



                    Imitation is the highest form of flattery, you know.


                    Do you know the name of the fellow on the bus to Hopkington?

                    Marathon Maniac #3309

                      Not trying to be pesty this morning, but I forgot to share something from yesterday. I was on my way home from work at around 3:45, and as I was driving down the street I noticed a small group of kids running together. Looked like an after-school training run of some type, and they all looked to be around 7 or 8 years old. The leader of the pack was a skinny young man wearing long wind pants and NO SHIRT (it was only around 46°). A buzz cut so short and light you could hardly tell he had hair. As I passed him, he was checking the time on his watch.


                      I thought to myself, this is probably Timbo about  30-35 years ago.

                      That's funny Jlynne...and not to far from the truth. Heck, when I was a kiddo around that age, I ran almost everywhere I needed to go, and really never wore a shirt unless it was really cold out and I had a buzz cut too....I still run shirtless now sometimes when it's in the 40's and sunny, and have a "natural" buzz cut now .


                      Speaking of forgetting to mention something, I meant to add this to my post last Saturday................


                      I was on my long run in the country just minding my own business, and listening to my IPod. I have a very small IPod that fits into my little pocket inside the front of my running shorts. If I'm wearing a shirt, I run the wires and the ear buds up the inside of my shirt, and I use clear tape to tape my ear buds to my ears.....which keeps them in place while I bounce while running and sweat.


                      This Gal pulled up next to me and asked me a question, but I really couldn't hear her because I was listening to music. I could somewhat tell she was asking for directions, but really wasn't positive. I don't like taking the "taped" ear buds out of my ears because the tape won't stick anymore. So instead of that, I reached down and tried to find the off button on my IPod to turn it off for a few seconds while I tried and help this Gal out. Well, I wasn't having much success, so I put my hands inside my shorts (yes, bad idea in hindsight) and was trying to pull my IPod out of my little pocket so I could then turn it off and listen to this Gals question. This Gal took it as if I was fondling myself and said to me.....hey dude, I don't roll that way as she was pulling away. I yelled.............wait wait, I was only trying to turn my music off so I could hear late


                      I have to admit how silly I looked with my hands down my shorts...even though for a legitimate reason



                      Running has given me the courage to start, the determination to keep trying, and the childlike spirit to have fun along the way - Run often and run long, but never outrun your Joy of running!


                        Tom, have a great time.   Are you going to hook up with tomwhite?   Good luck to your DD!   Very nice 12 mile progression run the other day!       When is your next race?


                        As long as we're local, Doug, great workouts for you too.    gee you guys.   wait for me!!!  ;-)


                        Mary, nice getting out there in spite of everything.   poor Hailey.   how long will this phase last?   How is your energy lately?


                        Slo you do have a fun family.   Enjoy your Schmitty weekend. Wink


                        Jeanne, good luck Saturday!   How'd it go with the bananas?   brings back fond memories.


                        Holly, "Today my DH rather courageously took both children to “Take Your Child To Work” day at his job.  He works as an inspector for the county water and sanitation department (overseeing pipeline projects), and there are apparently projects and activities set up for the kids to do today."   For some reason this makes me smile.  Big grin.   How was it?


                        Nice to see recovery runs & workouts!  


                        Perch, funny.   good multi-tasking!    Good luck on both of them!    & then let me know how you do it.     butt hugs. 

                        And.... thanks for asking!    the short version is meh.   I kept cutting back last week but still was in a lot of pain & so I've rearranged my head & am more or less doing what Rosie warned me about... starting the healing over.  Thing is, it doesn't do any good to fret  (something you've gone through a million times, I know!!) & so, determination is in place, sort of figuring this out as I go.     I'm reading a lot of running magazines!  Smile


                        mta.... where's Sue?

                          biketm only you!    This one does not quite rival the TM debacle but close . . . just keep working on it.


                          Holly S.  if I did a take your kid to work day they would just see me sitting at a computer typing.  I am sure they would have a ball!  


                          Trent only one thing worse than turning 40 . . . not turning 40 or is it turning 50 . . . or is it losing my memory regarding what is it exactly I was . . .

                          Live like you are dying not like you are afraid to die.

                          Drunken Irish Soda Bread and Irish Brown Bread this way -->



                            Tom, I wish your DD fleet feet in Nashville! Have a good trip.
                            Slo, I agree with Holly that your family sounds like a lot of fun. I especially liked the exploding pumpkins story.
                            Jeanne, how's your sore heel doing?  Good luck at the race this weekend!
                            Glad to see most of the Boston contingent are running easy and feeling OK.  Perch, hope you're running again soon too.
                            Hi Craneium!  Good to see you posting. Kewl that you're training another group of kids for a 5K.
                            Holly, I can't see your finish line video at work - hoping I can see it when I get home.
                            Hi Trent, welcome to the Masters! I love flying monkeys...    Fleet feet to you, too, in the Nashville race. Maybe you can meet Tom.

                            Lou, thanks for the photos you posted yesterday.  Ryan Hall's feet were waaaay off the ground! Like he was levitating or something.


                            I ran a great 4 mile trail run at lunchtime, in between thunderstorms.  My leg's feeling better so I didn't take any walk breaks, and hearing thunder when I was half a mile from the car put some extra spring in my step!  I got back to the car just as the rain was starting.  I don't mind running in the rain except when there's lightning and except when I have to go back to work afterward.

                            I hammered down the trail, passing rocks and trees like they were standing still.


                              I had a whole post composed, almost done, and we lost power here at work. Rats. Oh well.


                              Carolyn, glad to hear the leg cooperated on your run. As for that link Holly posted, you need to use Explorer I think. I tried with Firefox and it didn't work, but Explorer does. Guess that means it won't work on my Mac either.


                              If you use Wave 2 and enter a time of 3:34:00 you'll see me cross about 10-12 seconds into it.


                              Hi Trent and welcome to the old fogies forum. We're all pretty harmless and easy going, except Tramps tends to whine a bit.


                              Had a nice little run last night, down the road from home and back. About a mile into it I started thinking it wasn't so smart to run that route, I think my legs had enough of hills and asphalt on Monday. But the sudden and increasing urge/need for the bathroom sure took my mind off my feet. I was really glad to see DH come by on his motorcycle and I hopped on for a quicker ride home. Whew! 3.8 miles @ 9:11... a little quicker on the way back because, well, I needed to get back.


                                 Here's hoping the TomS clan has a good time in Nashville

                                Not trying to be pesty this morning, but I forgot to share something from yesterday. I was on my way home from work at around 3:45, and as I was driving down the street I noticed a small group of kids running together. Looked like an after-school training run of some type, and they all looked to be around 7 or 8 years old. The leader of the pack was a skinny young man wearing long wind pants and NO SHIRT (it was only around 46°). A buzz cut so short and light you could hardly tell he had hair. As I passed him, he was checking the time on his watch.


                                I thought to myself, this is probably Timbo about  30-35 years ago.



                                Good to meet you Trent


                                Thanks for the picture Tramps.


                                BikeTM...You cracked me up!!!!!She didn't leave her number???


                                Nice run Wildchild.


                                I took the dog to a maintained trail so we could walk on a solid even surface and he wouldn't pull me while on a leash. The mission was a success. I may make up a few miles tomorrow.


                                Our GS, Noah, was over. That little guy is just way kewl.

