Masters Running


Ultimate Sunday...... (Read 336 times)

    I got up early this morning

    drove out to TheTrails

    and found a kid wandering around the fields with a Frisbee


    naturally, I looked for TheDog


    no dog.

    ''what's up?'' I asked:




  the time

     I left there were HUNDREDS of them,


     they all called my ''Sir''


     I was Older than their Frisbees....


    WAY too Organized,


    not a Tie-DyedShirt in the bunch.

    as I drove off,

    their RefreshmentTruck was pulling in..




    how can you PlayFrisbee without Beer????


    and girls,


    I didn't see ANY Females on the PlayingField


    Adoring GirlFriends, or Players


    What Was The Point??




    tried not to Dodder as I walked back to the car.



    ..30min cane run at the Trails


    Minimal Doddering.


    ...................................good running guys.................Beware The FrisbeeTournament.

    ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....



      I woke up to fresh snow on the ground, so I'm going skiing!

      Happy Sunday, friends!

      I hammered down the trail, passing rocks and trees like they were standing still.

        Tom--Geez, kids these days....

        Mary—nice 12-miler yesterday!

        Tom—isn’t it nice when runs go better than they feel at the time?

        Tet—hope you start getting some news on friends and colleagues soon.

        Heme—nice going on that long run!  Hope you find an answer to the foot issues.

        Holly—that sounds smart to see what April 3rd brings and not push it yet.

        Enke—woo hoo on the AG placement!  Nice to do well-organized races.

        Shadowrunner—greetings.  Were you a KR guy?

        CNY—yowsa!  20 @ 7:40!  Very nice!  You’re gonna be smokin’ again this year. 

        Carolyn—we’ve had that problem repeatedly with FedEx.  It got to the point where I’ve asked that packages for work get sent DHL or UPS.  Never a problem with them.

        Mari—very cool that you got company on a long 20.

        Leslie—nice run.  Don’t Garmins have navigation to get you back?  Heat sheet sounds like a good idea.


        15 miles total, including an 8K race @ 34:25 (6:56).  Not quite a PR but good enough for 3rd AG. Good race in which I felt strong throughout and never strained or struggled.  Even passed a few people in the last mile.  DW ran a solid race, too, with a nice PR.  I warmed up with 2.5 miles, did the race, ran the course again afterward, then ran the 2.5 warm-up loop again without the watch.


        Gorgeous IRC with green signs of Spring popping up everywhere. 

        And the Caps on TV this afternoon. Smile

        Be safe. Be kind.

          Day-umm....everybody's running so strong these days. Thanks for the re-cap, Tramps. Like last year, I had another bad February, so I'm playing catch-up, although I doubt I'll be in any shape to run well at Naragansett in April (it's the Saturday before Boston).

          11.5 hilly miles, untimed, but around 9 m/m.

          Mr. Chip & Mizz Rizzo

            Just a 4 mile recovery run this morning.   Winds have died down quite a bit and the sun is trying to peak out, but not very successfully.


            Happy Daylight Savings Day!


            "My sunshine doesn't come from the skies,
            It comes from the love in my dog's eyes."




              Good day for a run, but the day if full of activities for me, besides I already got my 51 miles in for the week. A day of rest may do me good.

              Tonight DS#2 will have his Eagle Scout Award Ceremony. This is a special event for the scout and for their family. Our troop really makes a big deal of this ceremony. we have around 80 friends who will be present. I am preparing food from each continent as a way to celebrate Scouting around the world. Likely, I have three gf coming to help me with the cooking. It should be fun.,


              PBJ, how did your Brazilian chipa (local name for the bread you were making)  turn out?


              Good luck to Holly on her 20 miler. No wine before a LR...we got to talk girlfriend. Big grin and btw, my 20 miler took me 3:50 yesterday...slowing way down for my partners was worth it's price in gold.

              "Champions are everywhereall you need is to train them properly..." ~Arthur Lydiard


              Trails are hard!

                Probably older than their parents, too.  Wink  Not that we would notice here, anyway.


                Very nice race for you, Tramps.  I guess it proves that I don't have the base that I should, 'cause if I warmed up 2.5 miles for a 3.8 mile race, I'd pretty much be done halfway through. Embarrassed


                out for what I hoped would be 9+ miles.  made 8.66,  at some where slightly over 1:20:00 but with a bit of technology problems.  Apparently, I don't delete runs from the Garmin often enough.  At 7 miles, it seems to have sort of run out of memory.  That's when the laps and time end, but when I look at the map here, it's got the whole route.Confused  So, since I didn't remember the actual time I ran, it's just a guesstimate.


                The run itself wasn't too bad, but I'm harboring doubts on my ability to improve on my half time in three weeks.  Let me just say that training has not proceeded smoothly and leave it at that.

                Need a fast half for late fall.  Then I need to actually train for it.


                i'm lovin' it... MM#1949

                  Nice post Tom White!


                  Tramps.. HTFU... a race without struggle?  Coulda had a PR easily... just sayin Big grin

                  Great job by DW!!


                  Last run on the marathon course before next week's race!  13.5 miles in 1:59:13 (8:50, AHR 143) Last 4 at MP.



                  Now for Duke Carolina ACC battle.. go Heeeels!

                  (UNC barely squeeked by in their tournament wins, Duke dominated theirs.. should be interesting)

                  Perch's Profile "I don't know if running adds years to your life, but it definitely adds life to your years." - Jim Fixx "The secret is to make in your mind possible what was not possible before. The secret is to make easy what was difficult, instead to make difficult what really is easy." - Coach Renato Canova

                    Tom, you kill me as always Big grin


                    Tramps - congrats on the AG award and for doing 15 miles!


                    This morning I decided to skip church and venture over to a 7.5 mile training run for the Oak Barrel 1/2 which is April 2nd.  Now, not very deep in my heart, I know that I cannot do a 1/2 in a mere 3 weeks, especially one that has such steep hills, both up and down, but I wanted to make sure.


                    Anyway, I thought it would be a good way to practice my run/ walk routine that Tsunami posted.  Started along just fine, doing 5/1 (that's minutes, not miles) and then came the dreaded straight up elevation, affectionately known as Whiskey Hill.  This would be in Lynchburg, Tn, home of Jack Daniel's.  I did the half last year, uninjured, and this particular hill, which rises for almost one solid mile, nearly killed me. Today I didn't even attempt to run any of it.  (there were not photographers at the top like in the real race!) Then, even more sadly, I had to WALK the lovely downhill which follows.  I figure a compression fracture might compress further w/ downhill running.  I don't exactly have permission from the doc to do ANY running yet, but I figure slow and easy is ok.  And for any lurking dr's out there (Trent?)  I DID ask him if I could "walk" 11:30-12 min. miles and he said sure.  Now who can walk that fast, I ask you? 


                    Glad I went, although my time was dismal - 1:30.  I am now sure, very deep in my heart, that I cannot do the entire half in just  3 weeks.  There will be plenty of others though, soon as I get this brace off!  


                      I'm down in WV for the week. Typing on my droid so I'll be brief. 4 wonderfully sunny miles. There is no snow down here?!



                        Enke, nice 5K and 3rd female OA.  Tramps, nice 8K and 3rd in AG.  Congrats to your wife on her PR.  mari, congrats to your son on earning his Eagle Scout Rank.  That's a big deal.  It sounds like you've planned quite a feast for the occasion.


                        Nice long runs for heme (longest run ever on the road), holly (a couple), shadow, CNY, mari (part with friend, part with husband and son), nono, fatozzig, Tramps (including previously mentioned race), Walt, and perch.


                        This morning, it looked decent outside but I wanted to get in 5 miles quickly before church so did the TM.  About 59:30 for a 9:54 pace.


                        A good day and good runs for all.




                        MM #6177

                          Oops, I missed my chance at an "honorable mention"... 14.1 miles for me today, running into various running friends during various miles, running together and by myself, the best of all worlds. Smile


                          Go runners go!!

                            Sweet Caps OT win. Smile


                            Hey Walt!  We miss you around here.


                            Tramps.. HTFU... a race without struggle?  Coulda had a PR easily... just sayin Big grin

                            Yeah, I guess I could have.  But I went into it telling myself to find that sweet spot....pushing but staying comfortable, without worrying about time.  That's what I'll need to maintain for 26.2.  This was just a speed workout, not the main event.  Wink


                            Speaking of main events, it's great that you get to run on your race course.  How ya feeling about it?

                            Be safe. Be kind.

                              12 miles @ 9:20 pace. felt pretty strong throughout and I did try to pick up the pace in the last 2 miles but just couldn't hold RP of 7:40 I averaged 8:40 for the last 2 though. 'll give it another try next Sunday.



                               nice 8k ! Congrats.

                              I don't think I have ever incorperated a race in the middle of a long run. My hat is off  to you.


                              Great runs everyone,



                              Chumbawamba: I get knocked down But I get up again You're never going to keep me down

                              MM#209 / JapanJoyful#803

                                tom - at those frisbee tourneys, "be careful, sir."  "Watch out, sir." 

                                pretty soon they'll be doing it when they open a door for you.

                                It used to make me mad.  Now I like it.


                                mari ds - omedetou gozaimasu.


                                me - four mile St. Pat's Dash. overall 6,421/9,544 but about, 3,123 of 'em were walkers.
                                somehow lots of rear end logos this year - "Irish you were here," 

                                "Bottoms Up" with the "bottoms" part upside down.

                                in spite of inclement weather, lots of shirtless guys in green Jockeys, boxers, briefs, etc.

                                I told a couple of 'em to shed their shoes for green paint too but won't say what they said I should.


                                sorry to say but getting to look awful grim for the people in the fishing ports I've been at so much over the years.

                                The cities and everything are on a coastal plain that just let the water pour and pour into.

                                Even at five or six miles the force of rolling water only a foot high can turn cars over, float them away, and break apart houses too.

                                "Enjoy yourself. Your younger days never come again." 100yo T. Igarashi to me in geta at top of Mt. Fuji (8/2/87)
