Masters Running


Monday Running Madness 03/09 (Read 415 times)

    No one here yet?? Happy Belated Bday to Holly! Hope it was a good celebration! I wasn't around yesterday due to recovering from Saturday night. Dead Celebrated Arts Alive! by stupidly imbibing a little to much, then ending up on the dance floor. Needless to say, after Saturday's run and dance exhibition, I'm very sore in the belly button muscle area and am waiting on running 'til after work to see how I feel. Geesh! [mental smack upside the head.] Have a good day, folks.

    Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

    Trail Runner Nation

    Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

    Bare Performance


    Marathon Maniac #957

      Good Morning! Thanks, Leslie, and I hope your soreness wears off quickly. Just the usual Monday stuff for me: 2.25 recovery-paced miles on the TM (10:42), followed by 30 minutes of weights and core work. Eliz4015 wrote:
      A question for all of you long-run veterans about refueling during long runs. I'm planning to do . . . . no, I AM GOING TO RUN a 10-mile race on the first Sunday in May (gulp; no turning back now). I'm expecting it to take me over two hours and it could be really warm. My long run is up to 8 miles and I'm hoping to do my first 10-mile training run next weekend. During the summer, I carry a bottle of 3/4 Gatorade and 1/4 water with me, but I know it won't last through the whole race, so I'll be depending on water and other liquid (I think they have Powerade) at rest stops during the race. Should I start trying some sort of gu or whatever in the meantime?
      Eliz – I don’t take anything but water on runs of less than 16-18 miles. No expert here, but from what I have read, you should have plenty of glycogen from the day before to get you through 10 miles/2 hours of running without having to take any gels. My suggestion would be to take your customary bottle of Gatorade/water mix, then switch to water from the aid stations if that runs out. I’ve heard other people reporting stomach problems with Powerade during races, so I’m hesitant to try that, too. Nonoruns – congratulations on your PR HM yesterday! DD was collecting the cardboard tubes from toilet paper rolls last week for some craft project she would not disclose. I found out what on my birthday, when she presented me with my gift: 5 of the tubes, colored and taped together. “It’s a light saber!” she exclaimed. Birthday gifts from kids are the best. Smile

      Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

      Renee the dog

        Thanks Holly! I just came back from a little 2 mi recovery run. Ran it a bit too fast, but was trying to run by feel and when I'd check, I'd have to slow myself back down. I am working on a race report, but it'll not be up before tonight, as a bunch of friends are here in Disney with us, and it's wall-to-wall riding rides, swimming, drinking, eating and laughing. Oh, and everyone keeps peeling off at random times to run some short miles. Good times! OOOOHHhhh, one thing before I split. My 5 yr old ran in the kids races at Disney on Sat. I got a pic of her with both feet off the ground! Big grin Will post it with my RR.

        GOALS 2012: UNDECIDED

        GOALS 2011: LIVE!!!

          I mentioned in yesterday's posting that I had ran my 20 miler yesterday 20 to 25 seconds per minute slower than the previous 20 miler I ran 2 weeks prior (during the A1A marathon/half). Due to it being run as part of a race, I ran 2 weeks ago a bit harder than I probably should have. Two weeks ago I was fairly wore out afterwards, napped a few times, and it took me a couple of days to get back up to training speed. Yesterday I felt great all day. The legs never protested at all, and I'm sure when I run tomorrow that everything will be back to normal. Just another example of why running LR's at the proper (training) pace is important. Rest day today, nonetheless. Bill

          "Some are the strong, silent type. You can't put your finger on exactly what it is they bring to the table until you run without them and then you realize that their steadiness fills a hole that leaks energy in their absence." - Kristin Armstrong


            Good Morning Ladies.......And the rest of the Masters. Leslie.......sounds like you had fun ! Holly, Happy Belated Birthday. We celebrated my Dads 65th yesterday. I managed to eek out 50 miles for the week. Despite having a day off sick and not making my long run of 14 miles. Over the weekend we received nearly 3 inchs of rain so between Sat and Sun I logged 18.7 miles on a treadmill. I attempted my long run on it yesterday. After an hour I had to step off. Did a little core workout and then back on for another 40 mins.......that was as much as I could take. I couldn't even talk myself into another 2 miles.......not even sharing a treadmill next to the hot bodied mommy with the personal trainer was enough motivation. I kept Timbo's story in mind when I checked out the backfield though Big grin Tonight will be a nice recovery run. The 1st 2.5 with my DS's dog Sadie. More rain coming late tonight then back to colder temps for the remainder of the week. No

              Good morning everyone. Early a.m. check in for me . .. . don't usually log on til I get to work. Eliz - if it's anticipated to be warm and you are thinking you might be close to 2 hrs to get that run in, I would recommend taking a gel with you of some sort. While it's true that one can normally run for at least an hour on your own glycogen stores, and many can even go up to 2 hrs, I think since this is a long distance based on what you are accustomed to, I would bring something with you, such as a gel. I was just reading in RW last night, that it's recommended to have a gel, or other energy drink after one hour of running. I know there will be some who disagree but I think especially if this is a distance you are not used to, a gel, will provide you a mental boost as well to help you along. But getting close to 2 hrs of running and especially if you are expecting some heat also, I think you'd do yourself a world of good to take in more than just liquids. But try something out beforehand so you know that your stomach can take it. Rest day for me. DH comes home from his week away. Will be so nice to have him home again! And it's back to work today also. Have a good day.


              Hill Runner

                Good morning folks, A rest day for me as I put in almost 40 miles of hills in the last 3 consecutive days and almost 50 miles last week. The left AT was a little sore this morning but after an hour or so of walking around, it feels fine now. It was actually hot yesterday....funny because I remember last week running in 20F temps... Good running everyone!

                Upcoming Races:

                Boston Marathon, Boston,MA 04/15/13
                Grandfather Mountain Marathon,Boone NC 07/14/13
                Thunder Road Marathon, Charlotte NC 11/13

                i'm lovin' it... MM#1949

                  Good morning! Too much racing, running and moving furniture over the weekend so I have a sore hip adductor muscle. I'll take my first rest day since Jan 6th today. I had no issues running 17 miles yesterday but then found the sore spot and started massaging it. That really irritated it. Now it's sore to walk. There are about 700 muscles in the body, it just takes 1 to fail Shocked Hopefully this feels better really soon.

                  Perch's Profile "I don't know if running adds years to your life, but it definitely adds life to your years." - Jim Fixx "The secret is to make in your mind possible what was not possible before. The secret is to make easy what was difficult, instead to make difficult what really is easy." - Coach Renato Canova

                    Enke—I’ll be interested to know if you find a solution for that pain in the ball of your foot. My DW has had this off and on and can’t quite seem to shake it. Erika—nice job sticking with it yesterday; that sounded like a tough one. Nono—congratulations! WRFB—welcome back Lou. Though if you had just stayed home you would have been able to ski out your front door. Wink Peter & Perch--smart to take some time to heal up. Thanks for the kind feedback on my race. It was a nice note on which to end the main portion of the training cycle. Now it’s on to taper healing! 4 miles this morning at 8:45…more or less. I accidentally left the Garmin on so the battery was dead this morning. Oops.

                    Be safe. Be kind.


                      byll.. thanks for that. Even though I'm never what could be considered fast, I still have a hard time convincing myself to go slowly enough during my LRs. Perch!!! Heal fast! Nono... great job! Can't wait to see the photo. Congratuts to your DD from me. Enke, how's your foot? Tramps... happy taper. I was thinking that your 8K was a little like Fat Tuesday. Not much for me this morning, I kept waking, & staying awake last night so I overslept again. Just 1/2 hr. of assorted core work. & laundry.
                        Teresa, congrats to your son and his team. Thanks for the picture. srlopez, congratulations on marathon #199. enke, sorry to hear you had to shorten a run due to foot pain. I hope you can find a solution to the problem. nono, congrats on your half with a PR. I look forward to the report. CNY, nice run with all the J's. Nice long runs for mariposai, breger, bike, Peter, Holly Walt, Tramps (including 8K PR race), perch, WRFB, BC, hallar, evryday, and evan. Good job on the speedwork for ribs and The Saint. This morning, the temp was in the high 20's (not bad), a strong wind (not good), and the weather people talking about "black ice" (definitely bad) so I did 8 miles on the TM at a 9:40 pace. A good day and good runs for all. TomS

                        One day at a time

                          Well, my morning run sounds measly, but I'm proud of it! First time I've run outside since February 16. I left my house at 7:30 to meet my RP at her place. No snow at all until about 5 minutes from there, when it started coming down heavily. Her driveway was all ice beneath the snow, and I fell on it. I told her how bad it was, but we agreed to go out in our YakTrax. Then I couldn't FIND mine, although I KNEW I'd brought them! Turns out they'd fallen under her car when I slipped, so I finally located them. She's been running only 8 straight minutes or so since she's still recovering from her injury, but we ran a turtle-like 2.0 mile in 26 minutes. So my log doesn't look too great, but I'm still happy with it! If we get sunshine as predicted for tomorrow, I'll try to get a nice long run in then. Cool birthday present, Holly!! I'm glad DD10 still makes those for me. Won't be much longer, I suppose. Thanks for all your congratulations to my son and his team. He was tired the day after his races, but did the 45 minutes his coach told him to do, on the Y treadmill. He decided to try an experiment - he smiled the entire time! He said it was amazing - it really did make him feel better, and he had a great run. Yesterday, he used my Garmin and ran 9.0 miles in exactly one hour ("easy" run). The data was still on there when I entered my run on RA this morning. Tempting to include his run, LOL!! I restrained myself, though.

                            Breger, thanks for reminding us about the importance of running the LRs in the correct pace. You know at times marathoners forget the monumental task it takes to run 20 miles just for the fun of it....Wink Due to work schedule I had to change my training plan for this week. So speed today, LR on Wednesday. 9 miles total with 6x1000m@8:05 pace with 90sec rest. The quads were tired from yesterday's downhill skiing, but after a slow warm up and stretching I was able to nail the pace. I was on the friendly mill this morning due to the howling wing. 5 weeks to Wenatchee maraton........yikesssssss.Shocked Surprised

                            "Champions are everywhereall you need is to train them properly..." ~Arthur Lydiard

                            I Can Go The Distance

                              Good Morning Masters, 4 mile recovery run for me today (40:28.76 10:08/mi) after 13 mi LR yesterday. My legs felt fine but my back was a little sore when I first started out. I think it was from running on a hilly course yesterday. The second half of my run was mostly downhill. I am running a 5k race on Sunday so no LR this week and the race will be my speed workout. Should get in about 42 miles this week. Have a great day everyone and good running. Bruce

                              "Don't give up, don't ever give up." Jim Valvano

                              Marathon Maniac #957

                                You know at times marathoners forget the monumental task it takes to run 20 miles just for the fun of it....Wink
                                I love this! Thanks for the reminder. Smile

                                Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."
