Masters Running


Friday 4/19/24 Runs and Other Stuff (Read 37 times)

Marathon Maniac #957

    No run for me today because my foot felt like it needed rest. And so, 35 app.minutes of weights and core instead.


    For those who suggested we contact the venue for the Nick show, (you were correct thank you!) but tuckets are still super expensive in my world) $100.00.  DH and I are still debating...

    Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."


      Mornin' Masters.


      Thanks for the start Holly. $100 is better than $400, but it still makes for some expensive laughs. Good for you for giving your foot some rest today.


      My foot didn't need some rest today - all of me did. So, following Holly's lead, I started my day with 75 minutes of core work and weights. I have to continue work on a PowerPoint presentation that I started yesterday, and which is a bit challenging because the topic is somewhat dry. So I'm sure I'll find a way to sneak out for a break and a walk sometime today.


      Have a greta Friday.



      Without ice cream there would be darkness and chaos.

      Marathon Maniac #957

        Jay - if anyone can turn those talks to interestingly, that would be you.


        Karon - how is the hand today? We get text message updates.,.

        Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

          Thanks for the start, Holly.  Good job being smart and resting your foot.


          And you, too, Jay.  Good on you for listening to your body and resting.  Power point presentations - exciting stuff. 


          Bio - Great retirement "squad", as Steve put it.  Had to chuckle re the Social Security lady's pickle ball and happy hour schedule. 


          Steve - I'm happy to hear you're starting to have pain-free time.  It's been awhile, hasn't it?


          I think I overdid it yesterday with the running and PT as my butt irritation level was a bit raised all day.  Then had Bunko last night and with all the associated sitting it was more than a bit raised, so I backed off on the PT a bit this a.m. with the hope things calm down today.


          And once again, I did not come home with any money.  Not even the boob! (Last place gets their money back aka "The Boob").  Three of us thought we were in the running for last place and I thought I had it nailed, and then one lady slipped in with 90 fewer points than me.  She was quiet about it all night!  Devious, very devious. 


          Any big plans for the weekend?  Not us.  Although since we're actually starting to experience decent weather and past the time for any cold snaps, I may hit up my favorite nursery drop some cash on plants for my pots.


          63+ Special Friday Quotes To Set The Tone Right | Medium

          Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

          Trail Runner Nation

          Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

          Bare Performance


            Thanks, Holly.  I'm glad we are all still Masters at overdoing things and then (maybe) correcting the course!


            My hand is doing well.  I ran 5.7 miles this morning and the bandage didn't really bother me.  I took some Advil and Tylenol last night but nothing yet today.  It doesn't hurt.  It was drizzly at the end of my run, but I didn't get the dressing wet.


            I have a Vandy Fan Council (why did I get on that?) meeting up at Vandy this afternoon.  Ugh.

            Out there running since dinosaurs roamed the earth


              Hey friends!! Met my goal of a** in seat by 4:30am for a

              30 minute PZ ride on th Peloton. Friday of school vacation

              week made for a nice ride into work today - was able to add on to my walk to get in a full mile before my shift.


              Plan is to get up early enough tomorrow morning to get in 4 miles before work!’ Happy Friday 



                2 miles - sunny, windy, mid 40’s


                The redbuds, lilacs, and flowering crab trees are putting on quite a show.

                MM#209 / JapanJoyful#803

                  Jay - your needing some rest this morning so only doing "75 minutes of core work and weights" almost tops your post-Boston post when you were so "tired (and) slept poorly" that "woke up early and got out early for 7.2 predawn RW miles."

                  My foot didn't need some rest today - all of me did. So, following Holly's lead, I started my day with 75 minutes of core work and weights


                  KSA - glad the "no-problem-with-running" worked out.

                  I bet you have quite a list of adversities and issues

                  you've streaked through in your many over the years.


                  Heading up from this morning's forties to a possible 70F  this afternoon, another BTY day but out here in Seattle before back to normal rain that's predicted for tomorrow.  Wish I could be up on the trails on a day like this but don't want to take the risk of  twisting or popping Mr. Knee back to where it was, if not worse, last year's pre-op arthritic pain, so I'll bide my time until, at least, June and a summer hike with my retired doctor HS classmate friend I had lunch with at the beginning of the month,  His colleagues out at his different hospital opined that the "Joint Journey" stuff that was given to guide me through my December TKR and the months that followed was "about 20 years out-of-date."  That's okay, I am too.

                  "Enjoy yourself. Your younger days never come again." 100yo T. Igarashi to me in geta at top of Mt. Fuji (8/2/87)


                    Hi again, Masters.


                    Sorry about the increased level of butt irritation, Leslie, and that someone snuck in to take the Boob away from you. I hope your plan-free weekend (maybe...) goes well.


                    Nice 5.7 bandaged miles, KSa. I'm glad youo were able to keep it dry, and that your need for meds is minimal.


                    Nice work on meeting your "in the seat by 4:30" goal, Deeze.


                    Good 2 miles with a flower shoe, dnaff.


                    Good move to err on the side of caution regarding taking your knee out for a hike, Tet. I'm a little out of date too, but that hasn't stopped me (or you) yet.


                    The PowerPoint is coming along, although I did lose some time because I decided to change to a different layout theme because I was bored with the one I started with.


                    I did sneak out after lunch for a 4.6 mile walk. It was a bit chilly when I had a head wind (that was coming off the ocean), but a bit warm when it was at my tail. It was mostly sunny, but is now clouding over ahead of tonight's expected rain which may get in the way of my planned long workout tomorrow morning. We'll see how that goes.


                    Carry on with your greta Friday.



                    Without ice cream there would be darkness and chaos.

                      100 bucks still seems stiff for a comedian - you'd think the cost of drinks at the venue would cover their expenses.

                      KSA - glad the surgery went well.

                      Re colonoscopies: there is no way I could have driven myself home. I fell asleep in the car when MBE stopped in at a grocery store. Then shortly after I got home, I fell asleep again sitting mostly upright in a chair holding a cup of coffee (which spilled on me). Normally, I find it impossible to nap during the day.


                      Did that steep trail again - the one a 10 minute drive from my house. I really like this workout. I stopped my watch when I reached the top so I can compare my time on that section in the future. I filled up my daypack with more stuff than I needed to make it a bit heavy and tried to go as fast as I could without overexertion/heavy breathing. 2.36 miles up, 1355 feet of total ascent, 27:29 minutes per mile pace. I'd like to get that pace down.

                      At the top I was contemplating doing another 2 miles around the trails before descending, but I didn't feel 100%, so just headed back. 2.96 miles down for 5.32 miles total.

                      "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."

                        I am always fine after colonoscopies- the sedation is very light.  We went out to breakfast right after my last one.  I was starving.  I hate heavy sedation and drugs....  I react pretty strongly to stuff.

                        Out there running since dinosaurs roamed the earth



                          Ok, I did not say I would drive after a colonoscopy (even though I could). I said I would be capable of getting myself home in Uber/cab - although it’s irrelevant because northwestern doesn’t allow that anyway (liability).


                          Pretty, sunny day but cool and windy! A bunch of dog walks plus 45 minute live endurance ride. TGIF!



                            No exercise today 😩 . Got to school early since I missed yesterday to attend the retirement seminar and after school Mrs Bio and I rode to Chincoteague. I need to mow there this weekend and do a bunch of graduate class work.

                            I'm torn about telling students (and colleagues) that I’m going to retire. I don’t want to be the center of gossip. Sadly, our chemistry teacher has already put in for retirement; he’s older than I am and having lots of health issues. We only have a 4 person science department and a young teacher is resigning to move to another school so 3 out of 4 of us need to be replaced.

                            Mike E

                            MM #5615

                              There is no way I could have driven home after my colonoscopy, this year.  I slept all the way home, puked when I got home, then slept the rest of the day.  I must be a wimp.

                                I think it depends on the anesthesia.  If you have a general, you definitely can’t drive and there is a good chance of puking.  The light sedation as soon as they turn it off, you come back almost to normal.

                                Out there running since dinosaurs roamed the earth

