Masters Running


Tuesday - 8/5 (Read 38 times)


    I meant to also comment on liking the picture of the "3 Toms".  Pretty cool.


    The discussion at dinner last night was about baby names and it sounds like my next granddaughter will be named Riley.  Middle name yet to be decided.  Best suggestion was "Coyote" but I don't think it will win.



    I woke up at 4:15 for my Tuesday run with the hill gang.  It was raining pretty hard so I checked Facebook to see if anyone from the group has posted about the run being off and all I see is, "Looks like it is going to be a wet one today" from one of our fearless leaders.

    So I headed on over to the start area and ran 6.71 miles in the pouring rain.  Little bit of lightening and thunder at one point but it never got too close.  

    Good thing  I checked my watch when I was done to see how far I went because when I got home the time read 11:11 and says "no saved history" when I try to retrieve it.  I never liked this 410 model much anyway and I am glad it broke.



    Rather than a comic, I'll start today with a quote from "Tuesdays with Morrie" that is important for me to remember with all this work I have going on:


    “...if you're trying to show off for people at the top, forget it. They will look down on you anyhow. And if you're trying to show off for people at the bottom, forget it. They will only envy you. Status will get you nowhere. Only an open heart will allow you to float equally between everyone.” 




      Mornin' Dave, and those to follow,


      Nice wet one with the hill gang, Dave! I hope the rain kept you cool, and am glad the t&l never got too close.


      I kind of like Coyote as a name - different but workable. We have friends who's son is named Forest, and that works too. Thanks for the good quote to start the day.


      For those not in northern New England, there is an interesting story playing out here: Market Basket is a family-owned grocery chain, and the beloved CEO was ousted by his cousin (who wants to increase profits and shareholder returns) earlier this summer, and new co-CEOs were brought in from the outside. Employees started a mini-rebellion with a work slowdown. Then more employees signed on. Then a great majority of the employees (all non-union) stopped working. Then customers stopped going to Market Basket because they support the employees, and also want the old CEO back. Now the old CEO has offered to buy the 50.5% of the company he doesn't already own - current management says they are considering that and other offers. The new CEOs gave the employees till yesterday to return or be replaced. No one went back. Now the new CEOs are holding a job fair, but apparently very few people are applying for those jobs. Meanwhile, the company is losing great gobs of money daily. It is going to be very interesting to see where this employee/customer revolt winds up. It's going to be a great business school case history some day.


      I slept very well last night, woke at 3:50, fed the cat, and then decided I was still tired, and so went back to bed for another hour. So no workout for me this morning. So it goes...


      Have a greta Tuesday!



      Without ice cream there would be darkness and chaos.


        Good morning.


        Yeah, the Toms picture was great!

        Mari’s picture was sad, though.  I remember visiting Yellowstone a couple of years after the big 1988 fire and seeing how resilient nature can be. (A nice retrospective here.)

        Nice rainy run, Dave.  BTW, I knew Morrie Schwartz!  I was a sociology major at Brandeis where he taught. It was a small department in Pearlman Hall where everyone’s offices were located.  Some great people there, of whom Morrie was one.

        Jay—interesting Market Basket tale.


        I ran 6 miles with 4xhill reps.  The funny part was that a fog bank was sitting on the top half of the hill so each time I went up I felt like I was ascending Mt. Everest or something.  Heavy fog at the top; clear at the bottom.

        Be safe. Be kind.


        Trails are hard!

          Dave--based on certain secret information, sorry you weren't actually able to kill the 410.    My 310 just keeps chugging along.  I did have to do a hard reset a while ago, but seems happy for now.


          Jay--we shop at Market Basket at home, and it's one of the main places I pick up lunch at work.  Went through the home store a couple of weeks ago and it was pretty sad--left without buying anything.  Amazing how strong intra-family hatred can be--they seem ready to blow up a multi-BILLION dollar company to spite each other.   Hope someone comes to their senses shortly--I've really come to dislike most of the other shopping options nearby.


          4 drippy shorts miles this morning.  looking at the temp before going out, it was only 66 so I thought it wouldn't be too bad.  Apparently all the rain that was supposed to fall yesterday was in the air.  Very humid.  Felt hard, but better pace than I thought I'd see at the end.  I have my first 5K race in a long time next week and I don't think it's going to be pretty--especially since it will be after work.

          Need a fast half for late fall.  Then I need to actually train for it.



            Some good starts for the day.


            Mine not so good. I gave up about 4 hours of sleep last night. My DS, his girlfriend, my DD and 2 of her freinds spent the day at a theme park and didn't roll in until 11:45 last night. DS decided to drive home from our house, a little over an hours drive.


            There was a quick storm burst that had moved thru up the raod ahead of them and downed a tree. They were driving on a curvy river road with a light fog...came around a curve and found the tree. Everyone was alright but it rendered the car undriveable.


            The Sherriff showed up within minutes of them striking the tree. They had already been notified of the tree across the road and were in route. The Sherriff gave them a ride into the next town were DW and I picked them up and delivered them to his college digs.


            So I slept in today.


              There was a quick storm burst that had moved thru up the raod ahead of them and downed a tree. They were driving on a curvy river road with a light fog...came around a curve and found the tree. Everyone was alright but it rendered the car undriveable.



              Glad everyone is ok.  Sounds like a crazy night.



              MM#209 / JapanJoyful#803

                Glad everyone is ok.  Sounds like a crazy night.

                you have one super DS driver to be proud of, that’s for sure.
                After growing up where rain was always cold,

                I used to love getting out in the warm rain like a shower

                in drizzles to downpours during my sojourns in dave59-land and HHHJapan.
                ps erika - did this summer’s rains ever stop or are you still setting records?

                With midnight suns all day long, are the rains ever warm up there? 
                Rest day after two four mile running days in a row.
                Might as well start tapering for the First Call Summer Marathon/50K this weekend.

                Isn’t that mari’s first 50K, the one with the fabulous negative splits?

                You should do it again, or come over for my favorite Carkeek 12-hour Fun Run

                on the hilly shores of Puget Sound I know you’ll love too (November 1, 2014).


                ETA - thanks for alpine photo contrast posie.


                ps - maybe dave's DGD can be a co-anchor with Wolf Blitzer

                "Enjoy yourself. Your younger days never come again." 100yo T. Igarashi to me in geta at top of Mt. Fuji (8/2/87)


                  A picture to contrast the sadness of the picture I posted the other day of the burn area.


                  10 miles this morning. Six chasing the Easy Pacer at a Steady pace and 4 alone at my new slow tempo pace. I am seeing improvement on my pace, slowly does it, right?.


                  Tramps, thanks for the reminder.

                  "Champions are everywhereall you need is to train them properly..." ~Arthur Lydiard

                  King of PhotoShop

                    Sad story Slo.  Glad all are okay.


                    Interesting story on Market Basket.  All decisions are emotional I guess.


                    Seem to be back in business on the running today.  Saint and I did 4.5 miles at an easy pace.  Maybe I'll do 7 or so tomorrow.  Spareribs

                      Jay - I read about the Market Basket issue a couple of weeks ago and meant to ask if any of you on the East Coast knew what was going on.  It sounds like the current CEO's could learn a thing or two about loyalty from this whole issue.  It's not often anymore you see people standing up so strongly like the employees and customers are.  I applaud their dedication.


                      Holly - Good luck to your friend.  Hydration and nutrition have always been  my biggest issues.  Something I heard the other day on a podcast is when it's humid, your sweat does not cool you down.  You HAVE to find external sources to help keep you cool, which would help in the nutrition/hydration department.  Ice bandanas, ice hats, water bottles with ice water to squirt yourself with - all those go a long way to keeping the core cool in humid conditions (or any hot condition).


                      Thanks for the quote, Dave59.  That's a good one.


                      Slo - Very happy nobody was hurt.


                      6 miles this predawn a.m. with 15 min of "green hill repeats" in the middle, meaning find a hill that takes about a  minute to run at a moderate pace.  Should be feeling by the time I get to the top, but not be totally tuckered out.  Run back down easy, repeat for 15 min, then finish the run.  It's fair to say my legs were a tad tired by the end.


                      Okay - Off to get some work done.  Later ~

                      Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                      Trail Runner Nation

                      Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                      Bare Performance



                        Another trombone story in the news.  It is a conspiracy.




                          Trackrat, nice 10K race.  mari, what a sad picture of the fire devastated area near you.  It's great of you (but I'm not surprised) to have some who have lost their homes over.  deez, good job on the 10K PR.  Jay, it sounds like a fantastic vacation.  Holly, neat you and your daughter got to go to a concert.  Dave, glad your family got to get together.  fatozzig, your bosses did a nice thing with the bonuses and baseball game.  Slo, sorry to hear about your son and the tree.  However, I'm glad the people are ok.


                          Nice long runs for wild, Mike, deez, evan, fatozzig, and mari.  Good job on the speedwork for BTY, fatozzig, and Tramps.


                          This morning, there was a light rain, a light breeze, and temperature in the mid 60s.  My sore legs and tired body got in 5 miles at an 11:54 pace.


                          A good day and good runs for all.


                          Sayhey! MM#130

                            Good afternoon, all....


                            Thank God, Slo.  That about sums it up.


                            really happy about Leslie's good fortune, and if there was a course in Procrastination, I swear I didn't take it!    Also agree with your comment on the Market Basket affair Jay and Kevin  posted about.  Remarkable, really, isn't it?


                            love the song "76 Trombones" Dave.  And really impressed at your run in the rain.   While I am usually ok running in rain when it develops as I'm running, heading out into a downpour takes guts, or something!


                            Mr. Ribs, please to pack lots of snacks and otherwise keep up your calories when you are bopping about Ohio and NY and elsewhere on those business trips.   And thanks for the tip the other day; made curried eggplant with tofu and peppers last night and remembered that container of tamarind paste I had in the back of the 'fridge.


                            Good luck on the 5K if I forget later in the week, Kevin. 


                            What are you planning in terms of tapering, Erika??  


                            I like the Yellowstone post, Tramps.  Good to have something positive to think about.


                            And TOm2 reminded me I neglected to wave a high 5 to Trackrat for his race. 


                            please tell our engineer I said hi if and when you see him, tet.  I miss dive.


                            Wish I could hang out with y'all for longer.   I reprised yesterday's run at Lakes Park, looking for a brighter sunrise.  We had record rain yesterday just 30 miles to our south, in Naples.  A little bit of color this am, but still effects of Bertha, I think?  And I continue to milk the SF marathon for taking it easy, altho I did just barely come out on the other side of 9 minutes this am.  Ten at 8:57 pace.




                    (for a piece or two of my mind)


                              Slo - You just never know when those things happen - glad the gang is okay.


                              Jay - I did not know that about Market Basket. Usually shop there when down in Louisiana to gather the local fare.


                              TomS - Welcome back - love the hats


                              Tramps -  Nice ambiance during your run into the fog


                              Nancy - nice photo of early successional species - nice scene. Congrats on the 10 mile run


                              First run yesterday with my daughter since early June - she is at the age (11th grade) where lean is important an wants to start running again. Been adding some power walking  in preparation for the fire qualification pack test, i.e., 3 miles under 45 minutes wearing a 45 lb. vest. Walked 2.5 miles in 30:11 or just over 12 min/mile. Today, 7 miles on tready at work - check!


                              Have a great day!

                              God, my Lord, is my strength;
                              he makes my feet swift as those of hinds
                              and enables me to go upon the heights.
                              Hb 3:19


                                Good afternoon all - 4.75 miles of warm up / active recovery cool down for me in the sunshine and 80 degree humidity along the Hudson River.   I think it's a good sign that, during the recovery jog portion, after 2.5 miles at an even 9:00 recovery pace, I unintentionally picked up the pace over the next 1/2 mile to 8:36/mi pace, which is the slow end of my easy running zone.  Didn't feel like I picked up the pace but there it is.  Still felt very easy. It doesn't hurt that I've lost about 10 pounds over the past 6 months.
