Masters Running


Monday, 08 February, 2016. There's got to be a morning after (Read 33 times)


Rose Colored Glasses



    3.31 miles



    Jane, Ralph, and I ran through ESH and then back around to the rec center. Ralph's schedule had called for 5 miles but, just a few minutes into the run he announced that he was only good for 3 miles today. Perhaps it was fatigue from Saturday's 19 miles.  Knowing the rocket scientist, I think it was more due to the fact he didn't want to Jane to run back by herself while he and I would have added on the 2 miles in Skipwith.  No complaints from me! Chivalry is not dead.


    I have gained some insight to my purpose. The homily last evening helped. That, and listening to the background music in the locker room this morning as I showered. Eric Clapton then Elton John then Reelin In The Years by Steely Dan and then... FREEBIRD!


    But seriously, I did text my friend, Rose, who is a teacher at an elementary school to ask her if she needed help. I helped a few kids with math last year at this time. She immediately replied with a resounding YES. And she had said, "I was just thinking about you this weekend."


    Funny. Sometimes we only need a little nudge.


    Trails are hard!

      Sometimes listening to the nudge is the tough part.  Good on you to do so.


      Super Bowl 5K in Denver yesterday. Everyone was dressed in orange. What's up with that?


      Course was a little long (5.18 miles), so 19:13 (18:44 for 5K) and 3rd overall. I'll take it for 57.


      The game was fun. People went nuts setting off fireworks and hooting in the streets after the game. No major riots yet. Last time they won there were 100s of arrests in Denver, Boulder, and Fort Collins.


      I guess it was.  Only 2 miles.


      Happy Monday to all.  Waiting for the snow.

      Need a fast half for late fall.  Then I need to actually train for it.


      Sayhey! MM#130

        Good Morning!


        Well, interesting game and it turned out as it should have, karma wise, I'd say.  Loved having the 50 MVPs  come out pre game.  Enjoyed the half time show a ton; the commercials, not so much.


        JUst 4 easy for me this am.


        Good for you, Rosie.


        Shovel ready, Kev?     ...................TRUCK DAY is almost upon us!  Cheers!!


        It really was windy yesterday: News       --I wasn't exaggerating!



        A  (for a piece or two of my mind)

        MM#209 / JapanJoyful#803

          . . . . to ask her if she needed help. 

          Funny. Sometimes we only need a little nudge.

          It’s everyone’s to find out on their own
          but, at least, as for me too, that’s it.
          Dry 5-mile bicycle commute in the afterglow of yesterday’s

          Chinese Lunar New Year Year of the Monkey 5K.

          Happy Chinese Lunar New Year
          Doesn't say whether or not they are fast but Year of the Monkey people

          are supposed to be smart, clever and intelligent, especially in their career

          and wealth.They are lively, flexible, quick-witted and versatile.  In addition,

          their gentleness and honesty bring them an everlasting love life.


          ps - I think I like expected blowouts that turn out to be in opposite land. <<<(XLVIII / L)

          "Enjoy yourself. Your younger days never come again." 100yo T. Igarashi to me in geta at top of Mt. Fuji (8/2/87)



            Happy Chinese Lunar New Year to you, too, Tet.

            Rose, have fun with the tutoring!

            I am glad the game turned out as it did, too. I hope Peyton retires on this high note...


            Another snow day here. As much as I usually love unexpected days off, this one feels a little bit like too much of a good thing! I got all caught up on grading when I was off on Friday, so now I am left trying to figure out how to make this a productive day. Just finished getting my tax stuff ready to take to the accountant, and am trying to decide between working on a project that I need to finish by March 1 and starting an online boating safety course. I think maybe a little bit of both...


            7.5 miles today on the TM--an indoor distance record for me! For some reason it felt much easier than yesterday's slower 6, who knows why.


              I watched the game in distracted mode yesterday when a software install ran for 14 hours instead of the 2-4 I was expecting. I agreed to add some stuff from another developer and that turned out to be what took 85% of the time. I have to stop being the "nice guy". 


              Even though I was at my computer until 3:15am and I only got 4-5 hours of sleep, I don't feel too bad today (yet). I managed a nice 3-miles at the park at lunch time.


              I've already worked more than I planned to today so I am starting to feel a bit cloudy headed.



                tselbs///.............see if your doc will let you carry 1 or 2-lb handweights, gets a better work-out.............




                ......well, helping DD2 in Knoxville for the next few days, supposed to get socked-in with ice tonite and tomorrow, 30's now and dropping


                60-min HH Walk



                ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,good running to the rest of ya,,,,,,,,,,,,,

                ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....

                Marathon Maniac #957

                  The High Point of My Day - realizing that Deez had sent me a shirt from her club race.


                  The Low Point of My Day - realizing that I had inadvertently snipped a hole in it cutting the envelope open.



                  On the plus side, a small iron-on patch will likely fix it.  I shall wear it with pride!


                  Deez also sent a rock from Boston for my friend Carissa, who collects small stones from each place she has run a marathon or ultra, and who  forgot to get one when she ran Boston last year.  Denise - you are the BEST!


                  I decided to try trotting on the TM this morning, but my back was still sore, so I stopped after two slow miles, then did a few lazy exercises that didn't seem to affect the back.


                  I took the day off (I have that PTO to use, right?), and went to the doc, who gave me a prescription for Prednisone and Skelaxin, which is a mild, short-acting alternative to Flexeril, which I will not take.  The side effects are too rough on me.  He offered me some pain meds but I still have some left from dental work so I (gasp!) turned him down on that.  Back to work tomorrow, whatever it takes.

                  Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."


                    Sounds like you are a little better, Holly. That is good to hear.


                    I meant to mention that the past couple of days I have been listening to The New Yorker fiction podcasts and have two good ones to recommend--perfect for an hour on the TM!


                    -Margaret Atwood reads Mavis Gallant's "Voices Lost in Snow"



                    -Aleksandar Hemon reads Vladimir Nabokov's "Pnin"


                      jlynne, nice 15K with 2/5 in AG.  Holly, it sounds like a little improvement.  I hope a lot more comes quickly.  evan, nice long run.


                      This morning, I walked 2 miles on the TM at a 14:18 pace.  Just before  I saw my doctor, I walked another mile outside in 14:00 min..  She's happy with the way things are going but still doesn't want me to run or lift over 10-15 lbs.  My next appointment is in 2 weeks so I will continue walking. I didn't tell her how much or what pace I've been walking but obviously it hasn't hurt my recovery.  I think I will try to increase my distance and speed a little.


                      A good day and good runs for all.


                        It looks like some fantastic racing this weekend.  Good job, everyone!


                        I'm a little late to the game here regarding your back, Holly, but if you rotate ice and heat, it will help a lot.  20 min cold/20 min heat.  Try and do that for an hour at a stretch (if possible), ending with the heat.  If you can get it in 3x a day, that would be really good.  The icing helps the inflammation and the heat helps the blood flow, which helps the healing.  Sounds crazy, but I've been to PT too many times to count for my back, and this has always been one of their instructions.


                        I probably ran too hard at the Clam Beach Run on Saturday given I have  a 50k this coming Saturday, but it was the perfect temps and conditions, and I beat my time last year by 1:02.  Sweet!  The river crossing was mid-thigh high on me (I'm 5' 8"), so the shorter people got it almost all the way up to their waists.


                        Once you hit the beach, it's about 2.25 miles to the end.  I started slowly picking people off and came thisclose to picking off one more lady.  I just barely nosed passed her with about a 100 yards left to go, and she kicked it into another gear and crept back ahead, and I just let her go.  I may have been able to nose passed her again, but decided enough was enough.  This was my last race in the 45-49 AG.  Next year, new AG and new competition!


                        My legs are still tired from Saturday's effort, so I plan to take it very easy the rest of the week so I'm fully rested (fingers crossed) for the Hagg Mud Run 50k.


                        Okay - I gotta get some transcription done.  Enjoy your week, friends ~

                        Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                        Trail Runner Nation

                        Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                        Bare Performance


                          Rode my bike to work using the bus for the long hiway stretch - got to work faster than bus only!

                          Then, I decided I would ride all the way home for some exercise.  It's only 11.7 miles, according to Google Maps, but it took about 1 hour, 20 minutes as there are some big hills.  Mr. Blue Eyes, who cycles in most days, impromptu met me after work to accompany me home, opposite direction to his place.  I think he worries about me, being new to this cycling thing and not knowing the paths all that well.  Which I appreciated as it got dark long before I got home.

                          I may do this again tomorrow, but use the bus on the way home to speed things up.  It's dark and lonely otherwise.


                          Just thinking, Mike and some other speedsters here could probably run 11.7 miles in that amount of time!

                          "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."