Trail Runners

Trail Runners Extreme Team - September 2009 (Read 566 times)


    Despite my having seen "2001" a thousand times, I had to google the lines. It's the taper madness playing with my head.

    Yeah, I hope I get the job too Leslie. I think they'l call for an interview - at least that's what my insiders tell me they think will happen. 

    +1 in having a dog named Daisy. 

    San Francisco - 7/29/12

    Warrior Dash Ohio II - 8/26/12

    Chicago - 10/7/12

      Okay, I'll admit - I had to google the lines.  Then I saw the one I posted - I love it!


      Did 20 miles on the Elk River Trail in the Headwaters Forest today.  Man, am I beat!  After the first 3 miles, you climb for two miles on switchbacks, do a half mile loop at the top through the Old Growth, then back out for an 11 mile round trip.  Plan A was to run the switchbacks 3 times, so we stashed extra fluid at the bottom.  Once we got to the top, we decided to do the loop 3 times.  Karen was in "The Zone," was just cruising, and I eventually lost sight of her.  I forgot how many loops I'd done, so I went ahead and did another.  I was about halfway through when I realized Karen had gone back down the hill.  Oh well.  I knew she'd figure out I wasn't behind, and sure enough, about 1/4 mile back down, here she comes back up, worried.  Sorry!


      And the top of our second climb, I told her there was no way I was doing that again.  No frigging way!  So we decided to do 6 loops at the top, but only got through 3 when we both said enough's enough and headed back down.  It's so steep much of the time going down, that you actually smile at the few inclines - for a second.


      It also rained, which felt wonderful when it was hitting you, but once it stopped, the humidity - Ugh!  I ran almost the entire 20 miles sans shirt because it was just too humid and warm.  Poor Charlie Dog, he practically ran us over when we got near the creek each time.  And when we got to the pond area, I wanted to jump in the water with him!


      So now here I sit with my feet up 'cause their killing me, thinking about all the cold watermelon I have cut up in  the fridge.  Yum!  Here's a graph that shows what the climbing is like.  I don't know if the elevation is right, but it gives a really good picture of the climbing.


      My feet are killing me.  I think my shoes may be near the end of their life.  Now I'm off to eat my way through a large bowl of cut up watermelon.



      Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

      Trail Runner Nation

      Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

      Bare Performance



        Now I'm off to eat my way through a large bowl of cut up watermelon.




        I ate a bowl of blueberries and cottage cheese today.


          Hi everyone - okay. It's done. First 50K in the books. Dude, it was HOT. I made a few mistakes out there (I'd call them rookie mistakes) which I'll learn from regarding fueling and eating (too much too soon) and I farted around one of the aid stations way too long but other than that, there really isn't any bad news - no blisters (thank you Drymax), falls, no injuries. Overall, I had a great experience and met some really cool people.

           I'll put up a race report once I've processed this incredible thing I've just done. 

          Thank you, everyone, for your support, encouragement, and advice. You all helped me do this, and for that I'm grateful. 


          San Francisco - 7/29/12

          Warrior Dash Ohio II - 8/26/12

          Chicago - 10/7/12

            Congratulations, Trey!!!!!!!

            Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

            Trail Runner Nation

            Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

            Bare Performance


              Nice job Trey!!!
                Yesterday I was planning to do part of "Nolan's 14", which is a 106 mile, 45,000' traverse over the summits of 14 14,000' mountains in central Colorado. I was hoping to do the first 4-5 of them... but on the first mountain it was pretty obvious I was coming down sick with something, so I turned around and went back to the car and crewed my friends the rest of the day.

                Eric Lee was the big elevation getter of the day... he did 5 14,000' peaks, 20,000' of gain, and about 40 miles of mostly-off-trail hiking. It took him 22 hours and 35 minutes. I was the big loser at 3.9 miles

                Still feel like crap today so I'll likely just do my 30 minute minimum to keep my running streak going. We'll see how it goes tomorrow. My mileage goal for the week (125 miles) went totally out the window. Oh well...sometimes you eat the bear and sometimes the bear eats you.


                  Hi everyone - okay. It's done. First 50K in the books. Dude, it was HOT. I made a few mistakes out there (I'd call them rookie mistakes) which I'll learn from regarding fueling and eating (too much too soon) and I farted around one of the aid stations way too long but other than that, there really isn't any bad news - no blisters (thank you Drymax), falls, no injuries. Overall, I had a great experience and met some really cool people.

                   I'll put up a race report once I've processed this incredible thing I've just done. 

                  Thank you, everyone, for your support, encouragement, and advice. You all helped me do this, and for that I'm grateful. 



                  Congrats Trey!  I had to reread your post to figure out "I farted around one of the aid stations way too long" to mean  you spent too much time there and not that your fueling mistakes led to some gastro problems and maybe you were asked to leave....  lol!  Good job!  Don't take too long to process-start writing before you forget!


                  Bummer cgerber about not feeling well and having to bag your run-is your little dude not feeling well either? 


                  I ran/speed hiked up and ran down the Mt Mansfield Toll Rd twice yesterday with a friend.  2500' of elevation gain over 4.5m.  My quads are toast today.  As long as I keep moving I'm fine but after I sit for a while-watch out because I might tip over trying to stand and walk!  If I get over this quickly then I'll feel comfortable going into the 100-if it takes more than 3 days I'm going to worry....Iroquois Trails 100 has 18000' elevation gain/loss.  I don't want to be slowed down by shot quads!

                  If you never go fast, you'll never go fast.

                  Imminent Catastrophe

                    Very nice Trey! Congrats. You're spoiled, having done a Terri Hayes race.

                    "Able to function despite imminent catastrophe"

                     "To obtain the air that angels breathe you must come to Tahoe"--Mark Twain

                    "The most common question from potential entrants is 'I do not know if I can do this' to which I usually answer, 'that's the whole point'.--Paul Charteris, Tarawera Ultramarathon RD.


                    √ Javelina Jundred Jalloween 2015

                    Cruel Jewel 50 mile May 2016

                    Western States 100 June 2016



                       I had to reread your post to figure out "I farted around one of the aid stations way too long" to mean  you spent too much time there and not that your fueling mistakes led to some gastro problems and maybe you were asked to leave....  lol!  


                      LMAO - yes, I spent too much time thee. LOL. 

                      Russ - A Terri race will be hard to beat. She's such an awesome person and the race was so very well organized. The main aid station had everything you could possibly want (food and drink wise). 

                      The ultra crowd (people) are very very cool people. I think I'm hooked on trails and maybe even ultras. 

                      San Francisco - 7/29/12

                      Warrior Dash Ohio II - 8/26/12

                      Chicago - 10/7/12

                      Imminent Catastrophe


                        The ultra crowd (people) are very very cool people. I think I'm hooked on trails and maybe even ultras. 

                         Shhhhh, don't tell anyone 

                        "Able to function despite imminent catastrophe"

                         "To obtain the air that angels breathe you must come to Tahoe"--Mark Twain

                        "The most common question from potential entrants is 'I do not know if I can do this' to which I usually answer, 'that's the whole point'.--Paul Charteris, Tarawera Ultramarathon RD.


                        √ Javelina Jundred Jalloween 2015

                        Cruel Jewel 50 mile May 2016

                        Western States 100 June 2016


                        Me, the Barbie version

                          Great job, Trey!  Take Kelly's advice (she always knows what she is talking about) and give us a race report to enjoy!


                          Leslie, I love hearing about your exercise regime.  Sometimes, in my head, I tell myself that these long distances can't be so bad until I read posts about what others are doing to prepare for them.  Then I go out and water my flowers.  They are so pretty . . .


                          My husband recently took a position (very part-time) at our church and I am finding more and more of my time invested in visiting people, attending "women's events" which are not really my thing, and cooking for others.  We also had another toilet disaster and want to renovate the offending bathroom.  Maybe, if the mowing/weeding season will slow down, I can find more time to run.  OR I could buy road shoes and learn to run on pavement (ugh).  We'll see.  I miss my long runs.


                          Did anyone do anything special for the long weekend other than come down sick (poor Chris)?


                            Chris - WOW!  And I'm not talkin' you gettin' sick either.   Hope you're feeling better.  Please note cough or wipe a booger on the monitor.  You never know, this stuff could spread to the rest of us that way.  I'm just sayin' - there are weirder things out there.


                            Kitrin - My exercise routine ain't nothin' compared to others.  And I tell you what, we all do what we can, including you.  So long as we're getting exercise, it's all good.

                            Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                            Trail Runner Nation

                            Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                            Bare Performance



                            Me, the Barbie version

                              Kitrin - My exercise routine ain't nothin' compared to others.  And I tell you what . . .



                              LOL!  Leslie, are you SURE you don't live in Texas too?

                                My mom was a Texan, and my dad's from Oklahoma.  I was doomed from the beginning.

                                Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                                Trail Runner Nation

                                Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                                Bare Performance