Sub-4 Marathon Group

May 2013 (Read 58 times)


    Rollcast - be careful, you need to fit into those Lulu shorts :P  Nice 7.  In 105, I would choose the treadmill too.


    I ran 12.  I'm playing a game this week where I am having all my runs start with 8.


      Good morning!  SRD for me today.  Headed to an early meeting in a few minutes.  Who does that on a Friday??  Hope I can sneak out a little early this afternoon.


      Roll:  Ah...but were they EASY miles on the TM???  Good call on skipping the cinnamon buns...aka..."fat pills".


      onemile:  Oh the imagery of guys in Lulu shorts!


      cbus:  2 down 2 to go for the Kings.  I saw none of it.  Will have to check out the highlights.

      PRs:  1:38:10 (HM)  3:32:46 (FM)

      Rusk Runner

        Hey all!  No comment on the camelback as I have never used one.  I have had good luck with the belt.


        I probably could do some easy running but I am taking  the full week as I had planned.  I should be starting on Sunday or Monday, and I will know where I stand.


        I believe my slant board will be arriving in the mail today.  If so I will start doing foot/leg strengthening tonight.  PT today also and I have to say, my ITB is feeling great.


        Amik - I am not registered for IMM yet.  I will register if I feel good in training for at least two months.  I turn 49 in September, so a registration would be kind of a birthday present for me.  I dont imagine the race will sell out.  It did when NYC shut down for obvious reasons.  I really want to run it. as it is a good race and I want a new PR if I am healthy (BQ can wait till I make up for time lost in the Sprng race).  The key to everything concerning my decision will be my health.  You too right?  Do you know your approximate goal for IMM?

        PRs...5K - 20:36, 4mile - 26:15, 13.1 - 1:32, 26.2 - 3:42

        Just Run!!!

        Ball of Fury

          One, Docket, MDawg, Jedi, Roll, Bago:  Nice running!


          Sprinkles:  Good luck this weekend!!


          Indy:  My goal had been a sub 4, maybe somewhere around 3:50ish but at this point, just being able to complete the training program and get in the miles would be a win for me.  I figure I can drop down to the half if needed though.  And I agree, it probably won't sell out again, or if it does, it will be last minute.

          PRs:  5K 22:59, 10K 46:54,HM: 1:51:15

          Rusk Runner

            Amik - Obviously for both of us the IMM has some big question marks on it.  I was thinking if I am not to the point that I can seriously run a PR but I can get through a program at what would be for me, lighter pacing, I might be able to run the IMM and help you on your sub 4 goal.  Of course that is provided your goal is not to agressive for me to complete.  What about DH?  Is he running with you, ahead of you, behind you?

            PRs...5K - 20:36, 4mile - 26:15, 13.1 - 1:32, 26.2 - 3:42

            Just Run!!!

            Ball of Fury

              Amik - Obviously for both of us the IMM has some big question marks on it.  I was thinking if I am not to the point that I can seriously run a PR but I can get through a program at what would be for me, lighter pacing, I might be able to run the IMM and help you on your sub 4 goal.  Of course that is provided your goal is not to agressive for me to complete.  What about DH?  Is he running with you, ahead of you, behind you?


              Aww...thanks Indy!  That would be awesome.  Of course, I am hoping we will both be healthy and able to complete our programs and goals, but yes, definitely a question mark.  DH is typically running behind me.

              PRs:  5K 22:59, 10K 46:54,HM: 1:51:15

              Rusk Runner

                Amik - First week of July would be the start of training, right?  We will be looking at using the same programs at the same time so we can keep tabs on each other.  Either way, if I dont "race" the IMM I will be training for an Ultra and may decide to run it nonetheless. I had a great time on the course for my first HM.  It is well supported and well run.

                PRs...5K - 20:36, 4mile - 26:15, 13.1 - 1:32, 26.2 - 3:42

                Just Run!!!


                  Is IMM a flat course?  I've been kind of keeping it in mind as a backup if Lakefront doesn't work out. There aren't many Nov marathons to choose from.

                  Rusk Runner

                    onemile - there is a bump at about mile 14 but other than that is is mostly flat and almost always cool to cold.  Indy is a nice city also.  If I can race it, you can pace me!

                    PRs...5K - 20:36, 4mile - 26:15, 13.1 - 1:32, 26.2 - 3:42

                    Just Run!!!

                    Rusk Runner

                      Sorry, the bumps are miles16-18

                      PRs...5K - 20:36, 4mile - 26:15, 13.1 - 1:32, 26.2 - 3:42

                      Just Run!!!


                        Sounds good.  Lakefront is my first choice since it's so convenient and I've been wanting to run it for years.  But if the weather is bad or training doesn't go well I'm keeping IMM in mind.


                        onemile - there is a bump at about mile 14 but other than that is is mostly flat and almost always cool to cold.  Indy is a nice city also.  If I can race it, you can pace me!


                        But I think it would be the other way around with you pacing me!  How does < 3:35 sound?


                          Also, I was sort of considering running a 5k on Sunday at the zoo.  My legs are feeling all recovered but I haven't done any fast running for so long. I'd like to think I could PR since I've gotten a little faster since my last 5k (last Sept) but I don't want to waste the effort if I can't.

                          Rusk Runner

                            Go for it if you feel good onemile!  I am probably going to end up skipping my 5K this summer as I wont be able to train for it with my current issues.  3:30 to 3:35 is what I would shoot for if I can race.  At the moment, that seems like a big IF.  But who knows?  Maybe by the first week of July I will be back to running 6:30 pace intervals and feeling the race bug again.

                            PRs...5K - 20:36, 4mile - 26:15, 13.1 - 1:32, 26.2 - 3:42

                            Just Run!!!

                              my great 8 this evening may, hopefully, get stretched longer.


                              Mdawg - your right about the fat pills. I must admit that I settled for a single oatmeal raisin cookie though.


                              Sprinkles - breathe and then breathe again


                              Lulu shorts - uhhhhhh not gonna do it Dead Cool


                              nachos - did he leave us?


                              RVD - how are this legs?


                              I had to take a minute this morning and get oriented, couldn't remember what city I was in. Strange feeling. A different city every week is taking its toll. #vacation


                              QOTD: what tips do you all have for finding routes in cities that aren't your native city?

                              PR's : HM 1:51:15  -  5K 21:27



                                RVD - how are this legs?


                                I'm fine.  Just took it easy last night because I'd gone a bit hard the preceding two evenings.  May try a bit more at MP this evening.  Just filling time & trying to keep my mileage up until the formal schedule starts on Memorial Day.