Sub-4 Marathon Group

March 2013 (Read 56 times)


    Awesome job! Congrats on the PR!


    Morning all.  Quick check-in.  Raced the RnR DC Half this morning. Watch time was 1:37:37. PR by 2:20 or so, depending on final chip time. I'll put together a RR later today.

    Ball of Fury

      Happy Saturday Donuts!  Just finished my 12-mile long run for the week.  I decided I would work on my discipline today and I think I did pretty well!  I did a warm-up mile, and then 10 miles @ 8:55/mile (my LR pace per Hanson is 8:50-9:10), and then a cool-down mile.  Here are my splits for the 10:  8:57, 9:01, 8:55, 8:55, 8:52, 8:54, 8:53, 8:52, 8:54, 8:55!  I was pretty pleased considering the first half was fairly hilly and the second half was into the wind.  I really wanted to turn around on the second half so I wouldn't be into the wind as much, but I kept hearing Indy tell me to "suck it up!"  I also got pretty tired around mile 7-8, and I wanted to speed up and just get it over with, but then I thought about CBus log stalking me and kept with my pace.  All in all, it was a great run in nice weather so can't really ask for more than that!  DH and I are going downtown to check out the poker room at the new Horseshoe casino this afternoon, so that should be fun.  Hope you are all having a great day!


      Flinders:  Congrats on the PR...awesome!


      Onemile:  The nice weather won't last but I am enjoying it for now.  Enjoy your 8.


      Roll:  Nice speedy 5!


      CBus:  Glad to see you are still running and back on track!


      To others racing:  Good luck!!


      Josh:  Nice tempo in cold weather!


      Indy:  Nice 11...I hope your calf is feeling better!

      PRs:  5K 22:59, 10K 46:54,HM: 1:51:15


        Hey all,

        Quick drop in. Got in 7 easy @ 9:18ish.


        Flinders, that time is AWESOME!!! Congrats,big time!


        Will be back later for shout outs.

        PRs: 21:35 (5K); 1:46:46 (HM); 4:30:46 (FM)

          Flinders - that's owning it for sure. Congrats! Have a donut Or three

          PR's : HM 1:51:15  -  5K 21:27





            Will be back later for shout outs.


            There is no need to shout. Please use your inside voice.Joking

            PR's : HM 1:51:15  -  5K 21:27





              Congrats Flinders !!! Your time is my dream time.  I


              It's snowing here the day before the half.  I guess I am going to wear long sleeves tomorrow- maybe long sleeves and shorts...or capris...I hate being overly warm.  The temp is going to be 30 in the morning though, and yuck to that.  That's what my last half was and I wore long sleeves.  I want to do really well in this race because I went out too fast, puked, crashed and burned in 2:07 at DC last year.  NYC is my redemption run.

              13.1: 1:45 | 26.2: 3:55

              Rusk Runner

                AAWESOME race Flinders!


                Good luck Sprinkles!

                PRs...5K - 20:36, 4mile - 26:15, 13.1 - 1:32, 26.2 - 3:42

                Just Run!!!

                White Lightning

                  Flinders - Pretty bad ass


                  Amik - Nice solid run


                  Sprinkles - Good luck tomorrow


                  Absolutely miserable weather here today so will "try" to get my recovery miles on the TM later tonight.  Looks even worse tomorrow for my 20.  Maybe its the excuse I need to taper this week so I can race my half next Saturday?  The only time I can get outside tomorrow its supposed to be windy and 12F.  Running 3+ hours in that can't be good for you can it?  I'm thinking of dropping tomorrow to 12 and dropping my 14 on Wednesday to 8 so I can race my race on fresher legs.  Just talking outloud

                  Play the Game Hard!

                    Sprinkles - you know what you have to do, now just execute the plan! Visualize it tonight and own it tomorrow.

                    PR's : HM 1:51:15  -  5K 21:27




                    Three Martini Lunch

                      Thanks, everyone!  RR is up in its own thread if you need a novel to read.


                      Ami:  Nice pacing on your LR!  Now that I have a Garmin, I'm starting to learn how much fun those sorts of games can be.


                      Cbus: Nice run, for you, too!  How are you feeling?  Is the mojo coming back?


                      Josh: If I were in your shoes, I'd do the mini taper and perhaps tack on a mile or two to each of your easy runs during the week to keep up your volume.  I'd also cut any speed this week, too; the race will make up for the missed training stimuli from the speedwork.  I am also glad I don't have to deal with your weather.  When it is suffocatingly hot and humid in the summer, I can just put on a t-shirt and shorts and run before dawn, and I'm fine.


                      Sprinkles:  Good luck tomorrow!  Smash the sparkles!  You have a year more of running and racing under your belt, so redemption will be yours! Smile


                      Roll:  I skipped the donuts because I walked home from the race rather than taking the subway (there is a DD right by my stop...a frequent pit stop after races when I Metro home), but by the end of the day will have demolished at least one pint of ice cream (B&J's Coffee Heath Bar Crunch, for the connoisseurs among us.  And there is a pint of gelato in my freezer, too that might not be long for this world).

                      M: 3:31:56

                      HM: 1:37:33

                      Rusk Runner

                        Never got to ice my leg last night and ended up paying for it today.  Got my 5 done tonight and immediately got my lower left leg  in  ice water up to the knee.  Repeated that painful process 4 times, got a hot shower and dropped an Aleve.

                        I need to push through my 20 miler tomorrow and officially start my taper in active recovery mode.  I will probably skip the shorter intervals on Tuesday and get through the week with all easy recovery runs (keep the distance and throw out the speed).  Week after next I see myself replacing the 3x1600 intervals with 5x600 or something like that.


                        Flinders - Again, that was a great race for you today.  Enjoy the gelato.  It is a pleasure of mine that I have no access to where live.


                        Amik - Glad I could help.  Bummer about the Hoosiers today but what the hell, they already won the conference.

                        PRs...5K - 20:36, 4mile - 26:15, 13.1 - 1:32, 26.2 - 3:42

                        Just Run!!!



                          I'm visualizing an 8:01 pace on my watch.  8:01. 8:01. 1:44:59.

                          Really, anything sub 1:49 is ace.  I have a feeling I can execute this shebang.  Plus, there will be a venti coffee awaiting me at the finish line.

                          13.1: 1:45 | 26.2: 3:55

                          Ball of Fury

                            You can totally do this!!!


                            I'm visualizing an 8:01 pace on my watch.  8:01. 8:01. 1:44:59.

                            Really, anything sub 1:49 is ace.  I have a feeling I can execute this shebang.  Plus, there will be a venti coffee awaiting me at the finish line.

                            PRs:  5K 22:59, 10K 46:54,HM: 1:51:15


                              Good luck Sprinkles!

                              Rusk Runner

                                Its in the bag Sprinkles!  Kick it into overdrive!

                                PRs...5K - 20:36, 4mile - 26:15, 13.1 - 1:32, 26.2 - 3:42

                                Just Run!!!