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6:30 AM

11.3 mi


9:09 mi


70 F
  • Map

<No name>


This time is probably a little fast because I started my watch a little late and we were using Lance's watch as the timer of record. Started at the Y with Lance and Eric and the beginning of the run the weather was great but got significantly warmer at the end. The loop took us through the short cut to Emery street, then the back side of 109 and up to Hannaford for some water. Up 109 past Blouin's house and a bit of a hilly stretch up Littlefield. Felt much better as the miles progressed and got into a good grove with Lance on the hills talking technique for going up and down hills, and realizing my mechanics and approach are exactly the opposite of what I should be doing. I find that the easy chit chatty runs are actually harder for me because of the lack of focus on the actual run so I never really get into a good grove but it's awesome to have company. Talking about form, foot strike, and all reeled me into focus and that's when I started to feel good (somewhere btwn the 7 or 8 mile mark). The last mile I broke from Eric and Lance and pushed a little back to the Y. Certainly not flying but it was good to open it up a little likely between 7:45 and 8:00 and plenty left. The last mile in the sun sort of sucked but the last 3 miles or so felt good. Rest tomorrow and then hills on Sunday. I can feel the achilles a little bit today but nothing major. I will ice and rest tomorrow, and keep an eye on out. My progress has been to good to let this get away from me and will change my workouts if need.



Yes, you had a really good run today, Steve. It was great to meet and run with you. I have to be honest, there was very little if anything left in me but it was good to get in the difficult run at my current fitness level. Thanks for pushing me. Best of luck with your training.


Great to meet you today too and it was awesome to have people to run with and talk. Awesome job today. Running these double digit days will definitely help with the overall fitness and help your 5ks like we were talking about. The hills at the end were tough. My training log and plan for Maine gives you a sense of the progressions of strides, tempo, and intervals if it helps at all. But mostly its miles. Lets stay connected and run together again. Have a great weekend.


Sounds like a plan Steve.