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6:05 AM

8 mi


10:13 mi


75 F
  • Map

<No name>


I drove to the track this morning so I could bring gatorade, etc and glad I did. At 6am it was already 75 and when I ended it was around 80 but very humid. Glad I got this in. Did the 3 mile warm up on the track and then shooting for 6x600@2:30-2:33, 200 rest. Overall I was pleased because all 6 intervals were within 2 seconds of each other. 1. 2:24, 2. 2:25, 3. 2:24,4. 2:26, 5. 2:25, 6. 2:24. for the most part the 600s were completed at a fairly even pace except the first (trying to establish the right pace), and the fourth (I think I was starting to hallucinate). By the 6th one I was toast and the heat was starting to take its toll on me. The 2 mi warm down was at an easy pace. This was a good test today because even though it was early the humidity would have normally made me wither. Unlike last weekend my legs didn't feel dead so the easy miles are helping recovery along with the day off yesterday.

Training Plan Entry


8 mi

3 up

6x600@2:30-2:33, 200 rest.

2 down


L Train

Solid. Really solid given the weather.

Egad (Eric) and I are running from the Y tomorrow at 6:30. If you want, meet us there. If that's too late for you, arrange your run so that you run by the Y around that time.

Also, you want another shot at a sub 21 5K this weekend? OOB on Saturday if you are interested, we can udjust the plan if needed.


I'll run there as its 2.6 miles to the Y so I will see you guys @ 630. Would love to do the OOB race but it is the last Saturday of baseball. It's the playoffs and we're playing the Gas House Guerillas who are a juggernaut and beat Jay Tremblays dominant squad this year. See u then.


How far are you guys running tomorrow?