Run: Easy Previous Next


7:35 AM

5 mi


10:04 mi


73 F
  • Map

Kansas City


Beautiful morning here in KC and unseasonably cool. My hotel is not to far from the airport so I didn't think there would be much of a chance to run outside but I was wrong. Behind the hotel a road goes about 7/10 of a mile before hitting a rotary. I stayed on the left hand side of the road and wondered passed some huge beautiful farm houses, an estate with houses on a golf course ("Houses available starting @ 300k - 1 Million) and then through some beautiful farm country. The cows were watching me. Very easy today and the black and blue toe felt better then the day before.


L Train

Maybe 5 hours from my home. KC's nice.


It's amazing to me that there are these back country roads so close to where I am. Awesome place to run. Very Forest Gumpy