Health: Update Previous Next


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Putting this in here because I want to be able to look back and see how my routine has impact my health. Mileage wise I have leveled off after a steady climb in Sept 77.5, Oct 139.9, Nov 153.5, Dec 198.1, and 213 in January. Overall feeling good and still some minor pain both hamstrings but manageable. Very consistent with the Morning Strength 2x per week since the end of July and continue to sprinkle in the home PT 1,2, or 3x per week depending on the schedule. Writing this after 8 days and 71 miles, and now finally a day off. Feeling much healthier and generally strong but the biggest story is my weight. I have steadily made progress over the last 2 months but the real progress was in January and as of this morning I am 156.4 which is the lightest I’ve been in a very long time. I’d love to continue to slowly get down to 150. With MWC looming on Sunday I’m not sure how I am coming along fitness wise but hoping that I run the race somewhere under 1:13 but anything under 1:15 would be ok. If I get out of this race ok I will look to run the Eastern States and Sugarloaf. Depending on the outcome of MWC I will likely shoot for a “training” run at ES20 the goal will be a 7:40 pace. If all goes well there I will go for the BQ at Sugarloaf. Otherwise, I would likely pull back to hit sub 3:30. The goal after MWC will be start focusing on MP 1x per week and every other week I will include MP miles in my long run but need to sprinkle in other workouts. I’ll keep the same mileage but ramp up the work progressively, continue with the PT and Core, and continue to bike 1x per week.



Don't think just run.