Swim: Free Style Previous Next


5:56 AM

3250 yd


1:46 / 100yd


119 bpm
135 bpm
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Just easy with pool buoy. (super slow flip turns and only push off left foot)

Recently when I stand/walk there is a sharp pain in the front of my hip (started Saturday). PT yesterday said I have partially torn my hip flexor???

Currently, if I: stand, walk, swim, or bike my hip flexor hurts. If I sit my hip impingement flairs up. Essentially, I am only not in pain when sleeping but even then if I roll over I usually cause a sharp pain and end up waking up. Got graston on my quad/hip flexor yesterday and today might be up there with the worst pain days yet despite the complete off day yesterday.

I am 8+ weeks into this injury and I am no better than day 1 if not worse. Idk what my next steps are and I feel defeated.


Ryan Berlin

If you stop now and take two months off you'll still be ready for cow harbor, the only event that matters

Dan Stevens

I think the rule that at least 1 person from the 2019-2020 penthouse must be injured at all times is still present. All I'm saying is I feel like you, John, and I are taking way more turns than Evan, Vince, and Skender

Ryan Berlin

I say we break vince's knee caps