Hockey Game: Default Previous Next


3:00 PM



78.4 kg


14 C


8 / 10
8 / 10
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Vs Briars, one all draw Ben scored a great runaway goal working wit ross and ben h, i spent the second half marking sideshow bob which was interesting but we kept them out! megan and sammy watched, after motherday lunch wit ben at haberfield. and I dropped hayely off at her mums around 9 and went to see mum at her church and then took her home. cold day, windy and had the sun in our ours trying to drive back from cintra too. good to get a point in this grade! team as per program minus ross johnson and hugh someone. Points steve 3, dave w 2, annie 1. I got a vote :-) played ok, had a couple of good shots, one saved, only just, and one went about a foot wide, but hit on the turn is my sam lackey along to umpire and he did a good job again, and the appointed umpires did not show up!!!
